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It is called reverse phone lookup. The phone company knew the specific street address where any particular phone number is assigned. Law enforcement, provided that they had the phone number, only needed to ask the phone company for the address.
As Hosty said - and I'm sure he did it before - he would have simply gone to the phone company and asked them for the address for that phone number.

If I have a confirmation bias/motivated reasoning failing in this "Who Killed JFK?" question it comes from my cynical view about the competence, the bureaucratic failings of the government, of the security agencies around this matter. These institutions are made of human beings after all and not "things" or "cogs" manipulated by Allan Dulles or LBJ or whoever. They're prone to stupidity and laziness and incompetence like we all are. The idea by conspiracists that all of these agencies and all of the people involved directly and indirectly could pull off what they think happened - then cover it up, then have coverups of that coverups BY OTHER PEOPLE - is simply a pipe dream. Yes, JFK had enemies in the government and outside of it too. But he also had allies and friends and others who simply wouldn't have gone along with these supposed treasonous acts. If you think otherwise then, as the saying goes, you need to touch grass.
The phone no. would not have helped find Oswald's rooming house address.  Apparently, no one knew about Oswald's room at 1026 North Beckley until he told Captain Fritz in his first interview that started at 11:15 pm on 22Nov63. (4 H 214 ).

It is called reverse phone lookup. The phone company knew the specific street address where any particular phone number is assigned. Law enforcement, provided that they had the phone number, only needed to ask the phone company for the address.
News - Off Topic - Weird & Wacky / Re: So long Joe!
« Last post by Richard Smith on July 25, 2024, 08:13:04 PM »
Some long-forgotten promotional event. As least, she didn't separate thousands of innocent children from their mothers and guardians. Trump portrayed migrants as "animals" and leprosy drug mules.

The young ones started making new Kamala memes after the debate. Some can make them in a few hours; are you that out of touch with the 40-million Gen-Zs eligible to vote this year? If you and your GOP youth-under-estimaters are, good.

You think some meme program (with a limited reach) was orchestrated by a group of media people to sway votes from people who don't look at them? That Trump supporters are so smart they "decoded" the operation because similar language was used? Wow. Right out of the JFKA critic playbook. You should see what Tucker Carlson is going on with CT-wise.

You been following the news on CNN and MSNBC since the debate? Of course not. For two years now, there was concern in reports about Biden running.

You been living under a rock for the last two years?

Why is the media not focusing on Trump's cognitive decline? Trump made Biden's age a core issue. Trump challenged Joe to a cognitive test; will he take one with Harris? Will Trump get a cold or claim exhaustion a few days before the debate and take a pass.

I like the way George Conway explained it. In 2016, Hillary became the issue. In 2020, Trump the incumbent was the issue. In 2024, Biden's age was the issue. Now, Trump is again the issue, helped along by Trump's narcissism. The 2022 "Red Tide" elections showed what happened when Trump was trying to be influential; the GOP narrowly won the House, but had a net lost of one Senate seat and failed to flip a single state legislature. The Democrats flipped the state legislatures in the swing states of Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Michigan.

That's music to my ears.  Exactly the mindset for a Trump landslide.  Doubling down on the same lies and misinformation that ended Old Joe's administration that didn't fool anyone.  Hopefully all Dems think that way.  Biden's age was never the issue.  It was his impaired cognitive functioning which Cacklin' Kamala was complicit in covering up for years with lies.  What I heard endlessly from MSNBC, CNN, Cacklin' Kamala was that behind closed doors Old Joe was the sharpest guy in the room.  Just a few weeks ago, they were telling us not to believe our own eyes when Biden was roaming aimlessly in a fugue-like state.  It was all a DEEP FAKE.  LOL. Remember that?  It was only a month or so ago they were explaining that it was just another right-wing conspiracy theory.  Old Joe was hunky dory!  Even today, no one will explain WHY he is dropping out of the race.  Just a couple weeks ago, he said that he would drop out only if God told him.  I guess he learned that the political establishment and big money donors are his deity.   In America, we are not like the serfs in Canada subservient to ruling autocrats who coronate kings and queens to govern us.   We usually have elections.  The establishment didn't like the outcome this year, so they staged an insurrection and disenfranchised millions of voters. 

Charles, thanks, yes that's my understanding. Hosty said that if Paine/Marina had given him that phone number he could have looked it up and found the address.

Here is Hosty (WC testimony) on the first interview with Ruth (pre-assassination):
Mr. HOSTY. Yes; that is my recollection that we looked it [where Oswald was working] up in her telephone book to show it at 411 Elm Street, Dallas, Tex.
She told me at this time that she did not know where he was living, but she thought she could find out and she would let me know."

In his book, he said he interviewed Ruth after the assassination and she said:

"You know, Mr. Hosty, when you first visited on the first of November you were asking us where Lee lived. We didn't know exactly but we have his phone number. Would that have helped you?"
"It would have been useful", I said. "I could have gotten his address from the phone company."
"Oh, I am so sorry, I should have realized that."

The claim that the CIA was following Oswald's every move seems to me to be refuted by this apparent fact. If they were following his every move, as some claim, why didn't they know where he lived? And, from what I've read, the CIA wasn't following Oswald; they were receiving *reports* from the FBI about him. I.e., Hosty. Who did a frankly pathetic job of it.
The phone no. would not have helped find Oswald's rooming house address.  Apparently, no one knew about Oswald's room at 1026 North Beckley until he told Captain Fritz in his first interview that started at 11:15 pm [Edit: should be 2:15 pm (Fritz) or 3:15 pm (Hosty) on 22Nov63. (4 H 214 ).

I believe that Hosty’s interview with Ruth Payne and Marina Oswald shortly before the assassination revealed to Hosty that LHO was living in the Oak Cliff area. But I don’t think that even Ruth or Marina had the address at that point in time (only a phone number). And if I remember correctly they didn’t give Hosty the phone number at that time. I think you are probably correct that no one in the government knew where he lived during the week. In fact, perhaps LHO may have been the only person who knew. Because even the landlord knew him under a different name. Apparently they didn’t check his identification.
Charles, thanks, yes that's my understanding. Hosty said that if Paine/Marina had given him that phone number he could have looked it up and found the address.

Here is Hosty (WC testimony) on the first interview with Ruth (pre-assassination):
Mr. HOSTY. Yes; that is my recollection that we looked it [where Oswald was working] up in her telephone book to show it at 411 Elm Street, Dallas, Tex.
She told me at this time that she did not know where he was living, but she thought she could find out and she would let me know."

In his book, he said he interviewed Ruth after the assassination and she said:

"You know, Mr. Hosty, when you first visited on the first of November you were asking us where Lee lived. We didn't know exactly but we have his phone number. Would that have helped you?"
"It would have been useful", I said. "I could have gotten his address from the phone company."
"Oh, I am so sorry, I should have realized that."

The claim that the CIA was following Oswald's every move seems to me to be refuted by this apparent fact. If they were following his every move, as some claim, why didn't they know where he lived? And, from what I've read, the CIA wasn't following Oswald; they were receiving *reports* from the FBI about him. I.e., Hosty. Who frankly did a pathetic job of it, e.g., he never interviewed Oswald and didn't even know what he, Oswald, looked like.

By lived I mean the North Beckley Street rooming house location where he stayed during the week? Not the Paine house on weekends. I've gone over Hosty's testimony and others and cannot find any evidence that anyone in the government - FBI, CIA, SS, DPD - knew he lived there during the week.

Is there any evidence indicating otherwise?

I believe that Hosty’s interview with Ruth Payne and Marina Oswald shortly before the assassination revealed to Hosty that LHO was living in the Oak Cliff area. But I don’t think that even Ruth or Marina had the address at that point in time (only a phone number). And if I remember correctly they didn’t give Hosty the phone number at that time. I think you are probably correct that no one in the government knew where he lived during the week. In fact, perhaps LHO may have been the only person who knew. Because even the landlord knew him under a different name. Apparently they didn’t check his identification.
By lived I mean the North Beckley Street rooming house location where he stayed during the week? Not the Paine house on weekends. I've gone over Hosty's testimony and others and cannot find any evidence that anyone in the government - FBI, CIA, SS, DPD - knew he lived there during the week.

Is there any evidence indicating otherwise?
News - Off Topic - Weird & Wacky / Re: So long Joe!
« Last post by Jerry Organ on July 25, 2024, 04:04:37 PM »
Yee, I'm sure Cacklin' Kamala and her team had nothing to do with the "memes."  The young people just love her.  Perhaps they are looking forward to going to the moon as she creepily told a bunch of child actors.

Some long-forgotten promotional event. As least, she didn't separate thousands of innocent children from their mothers and guardians. Trump portrayed migrants as "animals" and leprosy drug mules.

The memes just miraculously started showing up on the front page of the NY Times, Wash. Post, MSNBC and every leftist media outlet on the same day.  Similar to how all these same outlets use the same phrases and buzz words.  Just a coincidence.  LOL.

The young ones started making new Kamala memes after the debate. Some can make them in a few hours; are you that out of touch with the 40-million Gen-Zs eligible to vote this year? If you and your GOP youth-under-estimaters are, good.

You think some meme program (with a limited reach) was orchestrated by a group of media people to sway votes from people who don't look at them? That Trump supporters are so smart they "decoded" the operation because similar language was used? Wow. Right out of the JFKA critic playbook. You should see what Tucker Carlson is going on with CT-wise.

Our media works hand in hand with the Dems.   They are given talking points and buzz words to disseminate.  It is straight out of the USSR.  The hilarious thing about this is that it is the same gameplan they used to claim that there was nothing wrong with Old Joe.  Don't believe your own eyes.  Behing closed doors he is the sharpest guy in the world.

You been following the news on CNN and MSNBC since the debate? Of course not. For two years now, there was concern in reports about Biden running.

Then suddenly he is gone without explanation.

You been living under a rock for the last two years?

Nothing to see there.  On to the next big lie.

Why is the media not focusing on Trump's cognitive decline? Trump made Biden's age a core issue. Trump challenged Joe to a cognitive test; will he take one with Harris? Will Trump get a cold or claim exhaustion a few days before the debate and take a pass.

I like the way George Conway explained it. In 2016, Hillary became the issue. In 2020, Trump the incumbent was the issue. In 2024, Biden's age was the issue. Now, Trump is again the issue, helped along by Trump's narcissism. The 2022 "Red Tide" elections showed what happened when Trump was trying to be influential; the GOP narrowly won the House, but had a net lost of one Senate seat and failed to flip a single state legislature. The Democrats flipped the state legislatures in the swing states of Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Michigan.
News - Off Topic - Weird & Wacky / Re: So long Joe!
« Last post by Richard Smith on July 25, 2024, 12:44:34 PM »
That all the Reps got? "Laser focusing" foghorns stereotypes like "DEI-hire", complaining about her laugh, and memes Harris had nothing to do with? You think a focus group and state sponsored press are orchestrating the memes created by young people energized to keep Trump and "15-Minute" Vance out of the WH?

Fine if the GOP doesn't want Millennials and Gen Zs; they don't want to go back to 1954 Nixonesque Puritanism. The Democrats welcome younger voters and any others you figure you don't need. The young ones have the stamina to make great volunteers. Trump needs suburban women, blacks and Latinos in swing states. Attacking Harris for her gender, mannerisms and race has cost the GOP support among those groups. The trade-off is that it encourages the Trump base without expanding it; a "winning" formula like 2022.

Folks are excited to see a youthful experienced candidate for President who naturally projects genuine compassion and empathy. As opposed to Trump, the convicted felon, pervert, insurrectionist and bigot, who's only talent is whining over phony self-pitying grievances.

Yee, I'm sure Cacklin' Kamala and her team had nothing to do with the "memes."  The young people just love her.  Perhaps they are looking forward to going to the moon as she creepily told a bunch of child actors. The memes just miraculously started showing up on the front page of the NY Times, Wash. Post, MSNBC and every leftist media outlet on the same day.  Similar to how all these same outlets use the same phrases and buzz words.  Just a coincidence.  LOL.  Our media works hand in hand with the Dems.   They are given talking points and buzz words to disseminate.  It is straight out of the USSR.  The hilarious thing about this is that it is the same gameplan they used to claim that there was nothing wrong with Old Joe.  Don't believe your own eyes.  Behing closed doors he is the sharpest guy in the world.  Then suddenly he is gone without explanation.  Nothing to see there.  On to the next big lie. 
On the Trail of Delusion, Episode 7, with Dave Perry

Dave Perry has been debunking JFK conspiracy stories for decades.

Fred Litwin

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