The electoral college decides the presidential race. Trump currently wins that and is pulling away. In baseball, you judge a pitcher based on the reaction of the hitter. The Dem's ever growing hysteria tells the tale.
There currently is No Darnell Footage showing Haygood, "walking toward a parked motorcycle which is parked in the train yard", in the public domain. And as everyone knows, Haygood initially parked/dumped his motorcycle at the (N) Elm St curb just (W) of The Steps. Even if you do have some sort of footage showing Haygood, "walking toward a parked motorcycle which is parked in the train yard", this would be happening well after Haygood's 5 minute window which began immediately after the Kill Shot. Per his WC Testimony, Haygood had not completed his turn onto Houston St when the kill shot was fired.
Yeah, John Martin. There are now better copies of his film. I get the feeling you are still eyeballing the old Groden Garbage.
The Cancellare Photo of Haygood standing atop the Triple Underpass shows him Wearing BOTH Gloves. When specifically did Haygood remove 1 of his gloves as you claim?