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It's difficult to see without blowing up that "hand?" movement segment, but that movement could be Mrs Connally making a quick wave to her (R) across the JFK Limo. Jackie's lack of any movement what-so-ever, would not match being startled by either a possible gunshot, backfire, or fire cracker sound.

It is the back of Jackie's left hand. The fingers are not visible, so it appears to me to be a fist. The shape of it indicates the thumb closest to Jackie. The size of it indicates it is close to the left side of the limo. If it was further away, it would appear smaller. Again, this is most unusual (the fist, the quickness, and the timing).

JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate / Re: Nix Film
« Last post by Royell Storing on October 09, 2024, 01:42:09 PM »

  Bump. The BACK of the man moving Up-The-Steps is Entirely White.
JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate / Re: Nix Film
« Last post by Royell Storing on October 09, 2024, 01:37:41 PM »
 We are clearly seeing the BACK of the man moving Up-The Steps on the Nix Film. This man's BACK is entirely covered by a White Shirt. It might be a tee shirt or a button-up shirt, but the Back of that shirt is entirely White. The Backs of ALL 3 Men shown standing on The Steps would Not expose a White Shirt as filmed by Nix. Personally, I believe this White Shirt Man is probably wearing a Short Sleeve Shirt. I see flesh tone from about his elbow toward his wrist area.

 It's difficult to see without blowing up that "hand?" movement segment, but that movement could be Mrs Connally making a quick wave to her (R) across the JFK Limo. Jackie's lack of any movement what-so-ever, would not match being startled by either a possible gunshot, backfire, or fire cracker sound.

In the top clip (the one nearest the end of Tina Towner’s segment showing the limo in front of the TSBD) we can see Jackie’s left hand suddenly jerk up and quickly and immediately back down. That seems very unusual. At about the same time, JFK suddenly jerks his head to his right. These two reactions appear to me to be evidence of an early missed first shot. Combine this evidence with the reactions in the crowd of spectators (shown in the Zapruder film) that was documented in another thread and it becomes stronger evidence. I think that we should try to compare the timing of these reactions to the ones in the Zapruder film. First guess is that these reactions by Jackie and JFK came first.
JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate / Re: Nix Film
« Last post by Robin Unger on October 08, 2024, 10:12:56 PM »
   Absolutely NO JFK Assassination images show any of the 3 Men standing on The Steps to be wearing a White Shirt.

The Muchmore film shows the running man is wearing a white shirt and a light brown cardigan.
and Emmet Hudson next to him is wearing a white shirt and red jacket.

JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate / Re: Nix Film
« Last post by Royell Storing on October 08, 2024, 08:58:34 PM »
  As is generally the case with respect to the JFK Assassination, the focus here is on something which is disputable. There is absolutely No Confusion with respect to the Nix Film showing a White Shirt Man moving Up-The-Steps. White is White and is very easy for the eye to distinguish and the Nix Camera to capture. Absolutely NO JFK Assassination images show any of the 3 Men standing on The Steps to be wearing a White Shirt. I believe this is the primary reason the ORIGINAL Nix Film has inexplicably been "lost" for decades. 
JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate / Re: U.S. Politics
« Last post by Richard Smith on October 08, 2024, 02:17:48 AM »
Harris is touting another $150+ million to Lebanon on the Oct. 7 anniversary while Americans are suffering in NC and other places with another hurricane on the way.  It's hard to say if she is just tone deaf or completely incompetent.  Mayorkas, who is the head of FEMA, the secret service and border patrol, was photographed shopping in Georgetown this weekend.  I guess he doesn't have anything important to do.  Just a couple of recent assassination attempts, 20 million people crossing the border, and two major hurricanes.  Plenty of time to go shoe shopping.
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