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News - Off Topic - Weird & Wacky / Re: So long Joe!
« Last post by Jerry Organ on July 25, 2024, 07:30:23 AM »
The leftist press is gushing praise for Cacklin' Kamala.  They are almost speaking in tongues in rapture.   Long forgotten is the anger over the WH cover up of Old Joe's cognitive decline for which she is complicit.  Long forgotten is Cacklin' Kamala's role as the border Czar.  Long forgotten is the creepy commercial where she tells child actors that they are going to the moon.  Our state sponsored press is laser focused on covering the serious news like memeing.  Apparently, some focus group thinks it would make her look "hep" to create a meme to convince people that she is "cool" or even "grooooovy."  Then sponsor fake media stories claiming it is working.  A kind of 1984 mentality but staged by individuals with lobotomies.  These are the same folks who tried to sell us "Dark Brandon."  Complete idiots.  Do they think that working class people in places Michigan, Wisconsin, and PA want to see Kamala dancing around and acting like a fool?  That's who they want to vote for? These are not teenage girls who are deciding elections.

That all the Reps got? "Laser focusing" foghorns stereotypes like "DEI-hire", complaining about her laugh, and memes Harris had nothing to do with? You think a focus group and state sponsored press are orchestrating the memes created by young people energized to keep Trump and "15-Minute" Vance out of the WH?

Fine if the GOP doesn't want Millennials and Gen Zs; they don't want to go back to 1954 Nixonesque Puritanism. The Democrats welcome younger voters and any others you figure you don't need. The young ones have the stamina to make great volunteers. Trump needs suburban women, blacks and Latinos in swing states. Attacking Harris for her gender, mannerisms and race has cost the GOP support among those groups. The trade-off is that it encourages the Trump base without expanding it; a "winning" formula like 2022.

Folks are excited to see a youthful experienced candidate for President who naturally projects genuine compassion and empathy. As opposed to Trump, the convicted felon, pervert, insurrectionist and bigot, who's only talent is whining over phony self-pitying grievances.
News - Off Topic - Weird & Wacky / Re: So long Joe!
« Last post by Richard Smith on July 25, 2024, 12:25:05 AM »
The leftist press is gushing praise for Cacklin' Kamala.  They are almost speaking in tongues in rapture.   Long forgotten is the anger over the WH cover up of Old Joe's cognitive decline for which she is complicit.  Long forgotten is Cacklin' Kamala's role as the border Czar.  Long forgotten is the creepy commercial where she tells child actors that they are going to the moon.  Our state sponsored press is laser focused on covering the serious news like memeing.  Apparently, some focus group thinks it would make her look "hep" to create a meme to convince people that she is "cool" or even "grooooovy."  Then sponsor fake media stories claiming it is working.  A kind of 1984 mentality but staged by individuals with lobotomies.  These are the same folks who tried to sell us "Dark Brandon."  Complete idiots.  Do they think that working class people in places Michigan, Wisconsin, and PA want to see Kamala dancing around and acting like a fool?  That's who they want to vote for? These are not teenage girls who are deciding elections.
JFK Assassination Discussion & Debate / Re: A Closer Look…
« Last post by Jack Nessan on July 25, 2024, 12:20:55 AM »
Where do you see JFK continuing to smile at spectators after z193?  He appears to turn forward and start to bring his waving hand down:

If nothing else you are consistent. You never seem to tire of playing the role of the fool.
JFK Assassination Discussion & Debate / New Audio On My Way
« Last post by Denis Morissette on July 24, 2024, 08:11:08 PM »
Waiting for this material to arrive soon!
HSCA-Interview with Jesse Edward Curry

Gen. Edwin A. Walker: Message of the Week - November 22, 1976

Arlen Specter / Tomorrow Show Interview / Nixon Speeches / Harold Weisberg / Good Night America – 1974

Statements by Antonio Veciana on WCHT-TV 1977

HSCA-Interview with Ruben Duran
HSCA- Interview with Lydia Duran
HSCA-Interview with Horacio Duran

Gen. Edwin Walker Shooting - 1977. Possibly an HSCA interview

William C. Sullivan Tapes

Interview with Oswald by Bob Buras and Lt. Francis Martello - 1978

Oral History of Earl Warren – 1977

Alexis Davison and Larry Cooper (Sam Pate Interview) - 1979

HSCA Interview with Clifton M. Shasteen who thinks he saw Lee with a 14-year-old boy at his hair salon/ Interview with Bart Glover

JFK Files (Cuban Interviews): Sylvia Duran - 1978
JFK Assassination Discussion & Debate / Re: A Closer Look…
« Last post by Andrew Mason on July 24, 2024, 05:54:02 PM »

Here it is again, the usual cute and clever third grade attempts at logic. This must be the same clever logic you used when Thomas Canning decided the only way he was going to get rid of you was to fake the early stages of Alzheimer or dementia.

A lot is missing from your post. 

No answer to the fact that after your Z195 shot JFK continues to wave and smile at the spectators, even though according to your claim the bullet struck him at this time, and your paper stating JFK quits interacting with the crowd once he is shot. JFK was a real trooper to continue smiling and waving even though he was shot in the throat.

Where do you see JFK continuing to smile at spectators after z193?  He appears to turn forward and start to bring his waving hand down:

JFK Assassination Discussion & Debate / Re: A Closer Look…
« Last post by Jack Nessan on July 24, 2024, 02:13:31 PM »
But the witnesses did not say that there was no discernible shot pattern.  They just didn't mention it.  And three evenly spaced shots is a discernible pattern.
That might explain why some reported 4 or more shots.  It does not explain why witnesses heard three loud shots distinctly spaced shots, which is what the vast majority reported.  An echo that would have occurred 1.5 seconds after the shot would be from a surface 560 feet away from the observer.  Such an echo would be much less loud and easily distinguished from the muzzle blast
  They appear not to have been familiar with the studies that had been done on the effect of publicity on witness accounts. These are all referred to in Loftus, Eyewitness Testimony, 1979 Chapter 4.  Receiving information within a day of the event that is consistent with what occurred, does not affect the accuracy of the witnesses in recalling details. In other words, the accuracy rate of witnesses is the same as those who received no information - about 80%.  However, those who received false information about the events within a day of the event were noticeably affected: 


Here it is again, the usual cute and clever third grade attempts at logic. This must be the same clever logic you used when Thomas Canning decided the only way he was going to get rid of you was to fake the early stages of Alzheimer or dementia.

A lot is missing from your post. 

No answer to the fact that after your Z195 shot JFK continues to wave and smile at the spectators, even though according to your claim the bullet struck him at this time, and your paper stating JFK quits interacting with the crowd once he is shot. JFK was a real trooper to continue smiling and waving even though he was shot in the throat.

Proof of a shot at Z270. Proof there even was three shots. Nothing at all, just a lot of tripe about your strange witness claims and apparently oblivious to the fact that the HSCA, who produced the report, dismissed it and stated it was wrong. I guess you have to keep using it, if not what else is there.

A shot Clint Hill did not hear while Clint Hill was running. No answer at all. This was presented supposedly as proof of a shot at Z270. Clint Hill did not start running until Z310. He not only did not hear the shot, there never was one.

Continuing reliance of witness statements drawn from the HSCA report. Unfortunately, the HSCA ultimately declared the report was wrong, but don’t let that deter you from continuing to make erroneous assumptions in support of a completely failed theory. Ignored the WC making the same statement, but you know better because you are back to pretending you are a math major. 
JFK Assassination Discussion & Debate / Re: A Closer Look…
« Last post by Andrew Mason on July 23, 2024, 07:10:47 PM »
Oh but I did read it. Same made up unsupported nonsense. What you seem unable to understand, is that no discernable shot pattern is a pattern or could be interpreted to be evenly spaced. 85 non-descript shot pattern statements, all evenly spaced.
But the witnesses did not say that there was no discernible shot pattern.  They just didn't mention it.  And three evenly spaced shots is a discernible pattern.

WC Conclusion: "The eyewitness testimony may be subconsciously colored by the extensive publicity given the conclusion that three shots were fired"
HSCA Conclusion:  The buildings around the Plaza caused strong reverberations, or echoes, that followed the initial sound by from 0 .5 to 1 .5 sec . While these reflections caused no confusion to our listeners, who were prepared and expected to hear them, they may well have inflated the number of shots reported by the suprised witnesses during the assassination .  HSCA Earwitness Analysis Report, pgs 135-137
That might explain why some reported 4 or more shots.  It does not explain why witnesses heard three loud shots distinctly spaced shots, which is what the vast majority reported.  An echo that would have occurred 1.5 seconds after the shot would be from a surface 560 feet away from the observer.  Such an echo would be much less loud and easily distinguished from the muzzle blast
HSCA Conclusion: "The committee believed that the witnesses memories and testimony on the number, direction, and timing of the shots may have
been substantially influenced by the intervening publicity concerning the events of November 22 1963"
   HSCA Final Report- pg 87
They appear not to have been familiar with the studies that had been done on the effect of publicity on witness accounts. These are all referred to in Loftus, Eyewitness Testimony, 1979 Chapter 4.  Receiving information within a day of the event that is consistent with what occurred, does not affect the accuracy of the witnesses in recalling details. In other words, the accuracy rate of witnesses is the same as those who received no information - about 80%.  However, those who received false information about the events within a day of the event were noticeably affected: 

JFK Assassination Discussion & Debate / Re: The Palmprint
« Last post by Charles Collins on July 23, 2024, 04:59:49 PM »
Anyone can underline a few words and say just look at these words and no others.
Let's have another look at the relevant passage from the report, this time let's look at the whole thing rather than the section you would like to emphasise:

“… Two fingerprints were found on the side of the rifle near the trigger and magazine housing and a palm print was found on the underside of the gun barrel near the end of the stock. It appeared probable that these prints were from the right palm and fingers of Lee Harvey Oswald, but the rifle was released to the Federal Bureau of Investigation to be sent to Washington, D.C. before the examination was completed and positive identification of the prints could be made. …”

The report states that the print was probably Oswald's but a positive identification couldn't be made because the rifle had to be released to the FBI.
This is not twisting any words or jumping to any conclusions.

"It appeared probable that these prints were from...Oswald, but the rifle was released to the [FBI]...before...positive identification of the prints could be made."

As usual, you are in denial. You always are.

In his report Day makes no mention of the lifted palmprint, he makes no mention that he keeps the lifted palmprint instead of handing it over to Drain along with "all other evidence collected by the Crime Scene Search."
He makes no mention of using the lifted palmprint to make a positive identification of the assassin of the President of the United States. Supposedly, exactly the same print that Latona DID make a positive ID of Oswald from.

Why couldn't Day make the identification from the lifted palmprint? He had days to make it, he had Oswald's prints and he had the lifted palmprint. Why couldn't he make the identification?

The excuse you always come up with is exactly the same excuse Day uses in his report - the reason Day couldn't make a positive identification of the palmprint is because he was asked to stop processing the rifle.
It's a crazy excuse that makes zero sense.
Day did not need the rifle to make the identification so the excuse that he couldn't make a positive identification because he had to give the rifle to the FBI is insane.

Day reports that he only mentioned the palmprint to Curry and Fritz. He makes no mention of Rusty and the boys "concurring" with him.
Day states that he alone worked on the print. He gives the distinct impression it was some kind of big secret and not the most important piece of evidence linking Oswald to the crime.
Day is also clear that he specifically showed Drain where the print and the powder was and "warned" him about how this most important piece of evidence should be transported. Once again, Day's description of events seems at odds with Rusty's.

Of course, Fritz never confirms that Day told him about the palmprint.
The very next day Curry is bemoaning the lack of print evidence, clearly unaware that Day has told him anything.
And Drain flatly denies Day ever mentioned it to him.
It's almost as if Day never told Curry, Fritz or Drain about the palmprint.

It appears to me that Day’s words simply did not stick in Drain’s memory.

When the rifle reached Latona, a few hours after Day had handed it over, there was no palmprint on the rifle. There was no black powder on the rifle. Where did it go Charles?
Why did Day use black powder on a dark surface, and not grey powder as everyone in fingerprinting is taught?
Why didn't Day photograph the print before trying to lift it? This is fingerprinting 101.
Why didn't Day protect the exposed palmprint like he did with the smears on the magazine housing?
Why doesn't anyone remember Day telling them about the palmprint?
Why didn't he use the lifted palmprint to identify the assassin of the President?
Why did he just put the lifted palmprint in his drawer and leave it there?
Why wasn't the palmprint mentioned by anyone until the evening of the 24th, after Oswald was dead?

There are so many more things to get into regarding how suspicious this issue is. It shouldn't be possible to ask a single one of the above questions if basic procedure had been followed. Day is clearly not telling the truth on some issues, he makes contradictory statements on others that should be straight-forward.
And make no mistake, not a single one of the issues raised above was dealt with at any point.
Not a single one of these questions were ever satisfactorily answered.

The report states that the print was probably Oswald's but a positive identification couldn't be made because the rifle had to be released to the FBI.
This is not twisting any words or jumping to any conclusions.

It most certainly is twisting words and jumping to conclusions. First, your false premise: Day’s report does not say that positive ID couldn’t be made. That is apparently your unsupported (jumped to) conclusion.  Therefore any assumption/jumping to conclusions/twisting of words regarding reasons why (or because) it couldn’t be made simply do not apply or make any sense whatsoever.
Day was ordered to stop his processing and turn the rifle over to the FBI. Day followed his orders. Going from memory, Day did not work on Saturday 11/23/63. On Sunday 11/24/63 I believe that Day was busy annd involved in further processing of the sixth floor of the TSBD. When news came to Day of the death of LHO on Sunday he knew that there could be no trial for a dead man. The rifle had been returned to the DPD on Sunday 11/24/63. However the box containing the rifle was never opened by Day and the DPD. It soon went back to the FBI along with the palm print.

Why couldn't Day make the identification from the lifted palmprint? He had days to make it, he had Oswald's prints and he had the lifted palmprint. Why couldn't he make the identification?

Again, no one said that Day couldn’t. That is your false premise as I indicated above.

Day did not need the rifle to make the identification so the excuse that he couldn't make a positive identification because he had to give the rifle to the FBI is insane.

I agree. However, you keep making that insane allegation. Again, your false premise is that Day couldn’t make the ID as I explained above.
JFK Assassination Discussion & Debate / Re: A Closer Look…
« Last post by Jack Nessan on July 23, 2024, 02:45:38 PM »
Jack, if you are going to respond to posts you should read them first. There were only 62 witnesses, by my count who recalled ANY shot pattern. Not everyone who recalled three shots recalled a pattern to those shots..

Oh but I did read it. Same made up unsupported nonsense. What you seem unable to understand, is that no discernable shot pattern is a pattern or could be interpreted to be evenly spaced. 85 non-descript shot pattern statements, all evenly spaced. The witnesses did not place any importance on it or the person taking the statement did not care about your half-baked theory. Especially one lacking support by your own opinion and witness analysis paper. A shot at Z195 even you do not believe it.

But what does it matter, the HSCA completely dismissed their whole witness analysis as to the number of shots as having been inflated due to medias influence, as did the WC. In the HSCA’s estimation there should have been 178 two shot witnesses.

WC Conclusion: "The eyewitness testimony may be subconsciously colored by the extensive publicity given the conclusion that three shots were fired"
HSCA Conclusion:  The buildings around the Plaza caused strong reverberations, or echoes, that followed the initial sound by from 0 .5 to 1 .5 sec . While these reflections caused no confusion to our listeners, who were prepared and expected to hear them, they may well have inflated the number of shots reported by the suprised witnesses during the assassination .  HSCA Earwitness Analysis Report, pgs 135-137
HSCA Conclusion: "The committee believed that the witnesses memories and testimony on the number, direction, and timing of the shots may have
been substantially influenced by the intervening publicity concerning the events of November 22 1963"
   HSCA Final Report- pg 87

A theory based on a report that the people who wrote the report do not believe in its analysis or conclusion. That is probably why you have shots comprising your theory that in reality did not happen.
News - Off Topic - Weird & Wacky / Re: So long Joe!
« Last post by Richard Smith on July 23, 2024, 02:17:26 AM »
No one has seen Old Joe for a week.  He resigned by text message like a worker at McDonald's.  Nothing odd about all this according to the press.  The president has simply disappeared to the beach.
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