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Yessir.  Iacoletti does everything he can (and suspends all common sense) to try to get Saint Lee of the Oswalds off the hook.
He may be the most obvious doing this but, as you know, it's not just him. A dominant JFK conspiracy hobbyist view (there are exceptions but they are just that: exceptions) expressed at the conspiracy sites is that there is more evidence that Ruth Paine was involved in the assassination of JFK then there is evidence that Oswald was involved. My guess is that 90+% believe she was a conspirator; and 90+% believe Oswald was totally innocent. Remarkable.

That sounds tongue-in-cheek, like a strawman argument: but it's absolutely true.
Well done Brian. Your “anchored first shot” presentation is excellent. Thanks!

Thanks!  It actually surprised me a bit when I plotted out all the lines of sight and even though they were from very different view angles from both sides of the street, they all converged very closely (except Willis #5)

  Based on All of the mayhem You and Max Holland are describing, like it or not, this mayhem would be the result of: (1) More than 3 shots, and (2) More than 1 shooter.
  So let me get this straight. People for 60+ years have gone on-and-on about there being some kinda "echo" effect there in Dealey Plaza with sound bouncing every which way, yet in the face of this, some of you wanna rely on 11/22/63 Ear Witness Accounts/Testimony to go ahead and justify an extremely early 1st shot. And that extremely early 1st shot would require the shooter to: (1) fire his rifle from a Standing Position, (2) Fire his rifle downward through a 1/2 Open Window, (3) the fired bullet then striking a traffic light support beam, (4) the fired bullet then caroming off, (5) the fired bullet then striking a street curb, and (6) resulting in an injury to some guy standing about a football field away? Do you hear yourselves? Do you have any idea as to how ridiculous all of this sounds?   

Royell, I understand your frustration, but part of it may be related to an incorrect interpretation of the scenario on your part (basically all the items 3 through 6). For example the shot scenario described at z124 would most likely not strike a traffic mast (the traffic mast was significantly behind the President at this point) but rather the bullet would most likely have struck the pavement near, and right below Connally just ahead of JFK. This is what a miss of the President while minimally missing the limo would look like.

Thus the bullet would not carom off anything and go down the street to hit the curb by Tague. It would break up on impact almost underneath the limo. (I personally believe that may be part of what we see Kellerman reacting to in addition to a muzzle blast, by briefly leaning over and looking behind/down to the right at Z148). Without bullet remnants we can't prove that scenario, but that's a simple way a bullet could miss the President and limo and not be found.

This implies that if the curb mark by Tague was related to the shooting, it would likely have been caused from the missing segment of the third/head shot bullet that apparently escaped the limo, on a trajectory in Tague's direction, but was never found. That was a good distance of flight, about 250 ft, but was less than a football field distance.


  So let me get this straight. People for 60+ years have gone on-and-on about there being some kinda "echo" effect there in Dealey Plaza with sound bouncing every which way, yet in the face of this, some of you wanna rely on 11/22/63 Ear Witness Accounts/Testimony to go ahead and justify an extremely early 1st shot. And that extremely early 1st shot would require the shooter to: (1) fire his rifle from a Standing Position, (2) Fire his rifle downward through a 1/2 Open Window, (3) the fired bullet then striking a traffic light support beam, (4) the fired bullet then caroming off, (5) the fired bullet then striking a street curb, and (6) resulting in an injury to some guy standing about a football field away? Do you hear yourselves? Do you have any idea as to how ridiculous all of this sounds?     
You and I interpret Tague’s testimony differently wrt the first shot’s z-frame. This is a good example where not only can witness testimonies differ, but researchers can exacerbate the situation by interpreting any given testimony in a different way.

My effort to mitigate this: I understand that witness testimony can be quite variable. Witness variability was a problem I ran into early on when looking into the shooting timeline using ear witness testimony regarding how they all recalled hearing the first shot. To avoid this issue the PRT analysis was done without using any testimony, but rather based on human reactions, and the results came back saying a shot was triggered about z124. Someone I know challenged me by saying that even if witnesses have large variability in what was recalled, there still should be a subset of witness testimony that agreed with a first shot around z124.

The only way around this conundrum that I could think of was to put a tighter constraint on the witness testimony used, but not in a way that would bias any particular answer. This was done by using three shot witness testimonies that included both audible (hearing the first shot) and visual (positioned the presidential limo at the time of hearing that first shot with a fixed background landmark or photo view/camera reaction). This significantly reduces the sampling population but the thought was that testimonies “anchored” using 2 separate senses (sight and sound) would be more reliable with reduced variability.

So for that challenge, the technique tried consisted of (1) Using the “anchored” visual testimonies to estimate the limo’s position at the time of the first shot, and then augment that by (2) Using the power of averaging on those testimonies to help converge on a final estimate for the limo’s position on Elm at the time of a the first shot.

The results of this approach was very interesting. At the time of the first shot, the average limo location appeared to be around a z133 timing position (if using Phil Willis and his slide #5) or alternately slightly before a z133 timing position, right around z124, (if using Phil Willis and his #4 slide).
The approach was summarized at this link. I would recommend skipping over the background and just click on the link that appears at the bottom of that page to see how the results converged. This approach used only a stricter testimony pool without any reaction time science.

Well done Brian. Your “anchored first shot” presentation is excellent. Thanks!
JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate / Re: Oak Cliff Time Trials
« Last post by Bill Brown on January 14, 2025, 10:54:30 AM »
Bullsh!t.  If she had actually seen him "duck in", why didn't she stop him and make him buy a ticket?  Why did she tell both Brewer and the FBI that she wasn't sure whether she sold Oswald a ticket or not?

Who said Postal saw the guy duck in?  You're confused.
JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate / Re: Tippit Debate
« Last post by Bill Brown on January 14, 2025, 10:53:07 AM »
But they got to 10th street from Crawford and you can't do that anymore.

That makes no difference.  Whether one goes down Crawford or over to Patton and then down Patton, it's the same distance.  Look at a map, John.

I've never seen you criticize Gary Mack's guy for "hauling ass" and he got there faster than we did.  Just stop it.
Interesting in a couple of respects:
1. He says “almost five seconds” “maybe four seconds” elapsed between the first and second shots.

2. He describes his reaction to the first shot as thinking someone had set off a firecracker and was scanning the crowd looking for such a person.  He does not say he felt anything strike him.  (He testified to the WC that he felt something strike his cheek on the second shot.)

4 - 5 seconds fits with a first shot at z180 to z198 and second at z271 leaving 2.3 seconds to aim and fire the last shot at z312-313.

You and I interpret Tague’s testimony differently wrt the first shot’s z-frame. This is a good example where not only can witness testimonies differ, but researchers can exacerbate the situation by interpreting any given testimony in a different way.

My effort to mitigate this: I understand that witness testimony can be quite variable. Witness variability was a problem I ran into early on when looking into the shooting timeline using ear witness testimony regarding how they all recalled hearing the first shot. To avoid this issue the PRT analysis was done without using any testimony, but rather based on human reactions, and the results came back saying a shot was triggered about z124. Someone I know challenged me by saying that even if witnesses have large variability in what was recalled, there still should be a subset of witness testimony that agreed with a first shot around z124.

The only way around this conundrum that I could think of was to put a tighter constraint on the witness testimony used, but not in a way that would bias any particular answer. This was done by using three shot witness testimonies that included both audible (hearing the first shot) and visual (positioned the presidential limo at the time of hearing that first shot with a fixed background landmark or photo view/camera reaction). This significantly reduces the sampling population but the thought was that testimonies “anchored” using 2 separate senses (sight and sound) would be more reliable with reduced variability.

So for that challenge, the technique tried consisted of (1) Using the “anchored” visual testimonies to estimate the limo’s position at the time of the first shot, and then augment that by (2) Using the power of averaging on those testimonies to help converge on a final estimate for the limo’s position on Elm at the time of a the first shot.

The results of this approach was very interesting. At the time of the first shot, the average limo location appeared to be around a z133 timing position (if using Phil Willis and his slide #5) or alternately slightly before a z133 timing position, right around z124, (if using Phil Willis and his #4 slide).
The approach was summarized at this link. I would recommend skipping over the background and just click on the link that appears at the bottom of that page to see how the results converged. This approach used only a stricter testimony pool without any reaction time science.

There are 18 different sequences in the short film, 8 prior to the assassination and 4 during the sequences showing the motorcade on Houston.  So it seems that Hughes had a habit of arbitrarily stopping and starting the film.  Pretty difficult to arbitrarily assign one of them to hearing the first shot (which Hughes also said was not the case).

There is nothing arbitrary about pointing out that particular stoppage. It is unique, and stands out like a sore thumb due to the following: It was for only 1/3 of one-second. It stops then starts back up so quickly that he probably wasn’t even aware that it happened. The camera shows the exact same scene before and after the stoppage, therefore it appears to be unintentional. With all these attributes, I believe that it is almost certainly the finger on the start/stop button lifting ever so slightly and extremely quickly as a startle reaction to the unexpected sound of the first shot. He was most likely unaware that it even happened. I believe that this anomaly can be considered similar to the camera jiggles caused by the shots that have been documented for the Zapruder film. The main difference being that only the button finger twitched instead of the entire camera being jiggled. And it apparently took someone like Dale Myers looking at the timeline with a fine tooth comb to figure out exactly what happened.
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