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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 321617 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3312 on: January 13, 2021, 12:31:49 AM »
It's all over for seditious anti American traitor Benedict Donal.d who will be impeached again tomorrow and now top Republicans are on board supporting impeachment. He will be in financial ruins along with his crime family as no company or bank will do business with them. He can look forward to criminal trials, creditors financially squeezing him dry, and all his remaining properties will be taken away from him to pay off his massive debt. He will end up in prison where he belongs and all his henchmen and co-conspirators will be joining him. For the first time in his life this scumbag will finally be held accountable for his crimes.

Liz Cheney becomes highest-ranking Republican to announce she'll vote to impeach Trump

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3312 on: January 13, 2021, 12:31:49 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3313 on: January 13, 2021, 12:42:13 AM »
The thing that has baffled me for the last 9 weeks, is how could so many people be so stupid? How can they not see simple logic and see that his claims of a stolen election are all lies?

Today, I think I have figured out. I have been the one who has been so stupid.

What if, the ones who are saying the election was stolen, don’t really think it was stolen. What if, they are the ones who want to steal the election.

Trump, in essence, means a way, of somehow, going back to a White America. His followers don’t know how he will do this. There is actually only three ways of doing this. But they think that he has a plan of getting us on that path. They will accept anything, abandoning basic American ideals, embracing fascism, embracing obvious lies, anything, to accomplish this goal. This has always been under the surface for a long time, but I think getting a black President, unhinged them. Made them look for a certain someone. And that man had met his hour. I am beginning to accept the possibility that we don’t have tens of millions of deluded traitors, but tens of millions of real traitors. And some on this forum. If this is true it would explain a lot. I will sleep on it tonight.

There are two groups in this maga cult.

1. The ones that want to keep this criminal in power through any means necessary and know the election was never "stolen" but used it for their failed coup attempt. They represent white power and white supremacy and want to shape the United States into an authoritarian dictatorship. These include his GOP henchmen, his "yes men" stooges, his hate group supporters, and powerful people in the top 1% who want to stay in power.     

2. The other group is the gullible suckers who were brainwashed by the right wing media believing every single piece of disinformation and propaganda they put out.   

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3314 on: January 13, 2021, 01:03:56 AM »
There are two groups in this maga cult.

1. The ones that want to keep this criminal in power through any means necessary and know the election was never "stolen" but used it for their failed coup attempt. They represent white power and white supremacy and want to shape the United States into an authoritarian dictatorship. These include his GOP henchmen, his "yes men" stooges, his hate group supporters, and powerful people in the top 1% who want to stay in power.     

2. The other group is the gullible suckers who were brainwashed by the right wing media believing every single piece of disinformation and propaganda they put out.

You are probably right. It just baffles me that so many people could be that stupid. The numbers are staggering. The current polls are incredible. A third of the country.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3314 on: January 13, 2021, 01:03:56 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3315 on: January 13, 2021, 04:10:10 AM »
White House fears Republicans are finally ready to 'tear the band-aid off' and remove Trump

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3316 on: January 13, 2021, 08:53:42 AM »
So where was the normal resistance put up by Soros' funded BLM and ANTIFA that we have so often seen in this past year?  They were ever present at every Trump supported demonstration.  Well....they did put a "journalist" on the scene named John Sullivan so they could get someone there to "document the riots".   Its shameful to buy into all of this when he is standing nearby while an unarmed lady was shot to death without fair warning and with no weapon on her.  That was George Floyd justice served!  She wants even resisting arrest. 

He was only there to document and report back to Soros.  He wasn't even lynched - I guess nobody recognized him as an ANTIFA member. Maybe even wore a MAGA hat to help promote violence!
Flag burning patriots - what a farce!

.."There’s this narrative going around right now that Antifa was the people there causing the riots, causing the tension, they were the only people breaking into the Capitol, and I wanted to be able to tell a part of history and show that that was anything but the case,"  John Sullivan, the founder of Utah-based Insurgence USA, told Fox News Thursday.
The media group are just spinmeisters.  ANTIFA must get money from somewhere - Billionaire Soros,maybe Facebook?   Someone is helping to create unrest all over the country!  Who pays them to prance around the countryside to "document the riots" ,burn flags, buildings, steal and loot the middle class located along city streets?    Soon wonderful times, no middle class left!   No money left either- but we will enforce climate change with Paris Accord  and give China a break. They really need it because we are taking advantage of those poor people!  Our people don't need to drive - they can afford to walk and lose a liittle weight!

What did the Rockefeller Foundation say about China - remember this was posted 24 years ago in 1997?  Remember this is the billionaire's organization that has been pushing a global NWO with a peasants/elite class.   China can pollute all they want for the next 9 years, but American is not allowed to play on same field.

4] The Foundation should rethink entirely its approach to China. The Rockefeller Foundation's international programs are organized by theme and subject area, not by geography. But the question of China would challenge either organizing principle. It is hard to see how China can be categorized as a developing country. In terms of wealth, growth and human talent it ranks among the most handsomely endowed of nations. China is a significant exporter of everything from advanced manufacturing goods and trained scientists to sophisticated weapons. On most of the major questions that will challenge humanity in the next half century, China will play a pivotal role. How will the world feed itself? Can we limit destructive pressure on the environment' Can we forestall proliferation of weapons of mass destruction? There is almost no equation in the formulas for sustainable development and peace in which China will not be an important factor. The world has entered a period in which China's and the planet's fates are linked, and this period promises to be long and dangerous. This is precisely the sort of area in which thoughtful, far-seeing action by foundations can be most valuable. The Foundation's long-standing engagement with China needs to be refashioned to take these realities into account.

I liked the quote about politicians in 1997 from the same Rockefeller document!   Use the politicians as you can!!   They are just a bunch of idiots - not businessman that come and go!

...Foundations lack the three chastising disciplines of American life: the market test, which punishes or rewards financial performance; the ballot box, through which the numbskulls can be voted out of office; and the ministrations of an irreverent press biting at your heels every day ....By the accounts of both the American public and many of its most thoughtful observers, American democracy is in deep trouble.... But the deterioration in our public life is now too advanced and the penalty for continued failure too steep for anything less than a full-scale, serious engagement with the challenge of renewing American democracy. This will necessarily include the issues of campaign finance and how television is used in both public affairs and electoral campaigns.

We might also want to add to this address that free speech should be censored by the Big Tech giants (by the elites themselves) at their will.  We will also allow biased reporting - single party  democracy shouldn't be hard to establish!   Don't agree with someone's post - censor them.  There is no longer a need for elections under this regime!   In the name of humanity - censor them all and you will never have violence nor need a real election again!!!   

Is that what is meant by an authoritarian government ruled by the plutocrats where they control free speech whilst creating an elite/peasant feudal system utopia where the poor pay for the rich man's fun and end up taxed and enslaved to death?   Maybe it is just nice socialism where there are no rich people and no poor people and we all live in harmony.   Oops, I think that is Marxist Leninist theory perhaps CCP or CCCP theory!    No country, No God,  No border and the world lives in peace, harmony and prosperity and don't forget, equality for all.   Everyone gets the same bowl of rice - or don't they?  We have survived the pandemic and welcome aboard men!

We have a great system going on right now for the rich.   "Opportunity Zones" have been created by governments in order to encourage private investment in certain area of many impoverished cities.  Prime theoretical scenario.   Mr. Bezos can cash in 10 billion in stock, take all that capital gain money and invest without tax in these certain stressed regions.      Its called  "Disaster capitalism" when you can exploit these areas through disaster and buy what you want for pennies on the dollar.   You may want to call it a Real Estate Acquiisition Plan (REAP) in fact!     Bankrupt a region with the COVID, force non-essential businesses like restaurants and small businesses into receivership and bankrupt them.   Then, if you like, burn/riot the place down until there is nothing left and no insurance to rebuild.   Isn't that a wonderful opportunity and a real dream come true to have fall into your lap? 

Apparently someone has done a study that said that  34 of the 37 FR Bank institutions are located in the opportunity zones of cities where the riots, burning and looting took place.  These 34 places are located in democratic ran cities.  Those with big  money will take advantage of these opportunity zones and build new structures after gutting the place - virtually tax free investment!

If the common people in a country are so in debt, how do you think you can ever expect to have any sort of economic recovery?    Increase taxes to the point that socialism can only survive?   This is what is occurring with governments. Keep the printing presses rolling.   The reason the stock market actually is going up is because of inflation hedge - where do you find value?  Real Estate and Corporations.   Holding them is an inflation hedge against paper money.   Maybe I have said too much.  Cryptocurrency is around the corner and inflating as well in a system where government expense outruns income - system can't survive.   It costs money to even print bills, hence we need a great economic reset!   Like 1st amendment going out the window, we can also force subservience by locking down currency use - We don't like you - you are troublemaker  - censor your bank account and just leave our utopia!   Orwellian or reality?

I won't post the Youtube for this as it has been banned several times - peasants are not allowed to see the plan. 


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3316 on: January 13, 2021, 08:53:42 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3317 on: January 13, 2021, 10:01:43 AM »
So where was the normal resistance put up by Soros' funded BLM and ANTIFA that we have so often seen in this past year?  They were ever present at every Trump supported demonstration.  Well....they did put a "journalist" on the scene named John Sullivan so they could get someone there to "document the riots".   Its shameful to buy into all of this when he is standing nearby while an unarmed lady was shot to death without fair warning and with no weapon on her.  That was George Floyd justice served!  She wants even resisting arrest. 

He was only there to document and report back to Soros.  He wasn't even lynched - I guess nobody recognized him as an ANTIFA member. Maybe even wore a MAGA hat to help promote violence!
Flag burning patriots - what a farce!
The media group are just spinmeisters.  ANTIFA must get money from somewhere - Billionaire Soros,maybe Facebook?   Someone is helping to create unrest all over the country!  Who pays them to prance around the countryside to "document the riots" ,burn flags, buildings, steal and loot the middle class located along city streets?    Soon wonderful times, no middle class left!   No money left either- but we will enforce climate change with Paris Accord  and give China a break. They really need it because we are taking advantage of those poor people!  Our people don't need to drive - they can afford to walk and lose a liittle weight!

What did the Rockefeller Foundation say about China - remember this was posted 24 years ago in 1997?  Remember this is the billionaire's organization that has been pushing a global NWO with a peasants/elite class.   China can pollute all they want for the next 9 years, but American is not allowed to play on same field.

I liked the quote about politicians in 1997 from the same Rockefeller document!   Use the politicians as you can!!   They are just a bunch of idiots - not businessman that come and go!

We might also want to add to this address that free speech should be censored by the Big Tech giants (by the elites themselves) at their will.  We will also allow biased reporting - single party  democracy shouldn't be hard to establish!   Don't agree with someone's post - censor them.  There is no longer a need for elections under this regime!   In the name of humanity - censor them all and you will never have violence nor need a real election again!!!   

Is that what is meant by an authoritarian government ruled by the plutocrats where they control free speech whilst creating an elite/peasant feudal system utopia where the poor pay for the rich man's fun and end up taxed and enslaved to death?   Maybe it is just nice socialism where there are no rich people and no poor people and we all live in harmony.   Oops, I think that is Marxist Leninist theory perhaps CCP or CCCP theory!    No country, No God,  No border and the world lives in peace, harmony and prosperity and don't forget, equality for all.   Everyone gets the same bowl of rice - or don't they?  We have survived the pandemic and welcome aboard men!

We have a great system going on right now for the rich.   "Opportunity Zones" have been created by governments in order to encourage private investment in certain area of many impoverished cities.  Prime theoretical scenario.   Mr. Bezos can cash in 10 billion in stock, take all that capital gain money and invest without tax in these certain stressed regions.      Its called  "Disaster capitalism" when you can exploit these areas through disaster and buy what you want for pennies on the dollar.   You may want to call it a Real Estate Acquiisition Plan (REAP) in fact!     Bankrupt a region with the COVID, force non-essential businesses like restaurants and small businesses into receivership and bankrupt them.   Then, if you like, burn/riot the place down until there is nothing left and no insurance to rebuild.   Isn't that a wonderful opportunity and a real dream come true to have fall into your lap? 

Apparently someone has done a study that said that  34 of the 37 FR Bank institutions are located in the opportunity zones of cities where the riots, burning and looting took place.  These 34 places are located in democratic ran cities.  Those with big  money will take advantage of these opportunity zones and build new structures after gutting the place - virtually tax free investment!

If the common people in a country are so in debt, how do you think you can ever expect to have any sort of economic recovery?    Increase taxes to the point that socialism can only survive?   This is what is occurring with governments. Keep the printing presses rolling.   The reason the stock market actually is going up is because of inflation hedge - where do you find value?  Real Estate and Corporations.   Holding them is an inflation hedge against paper money.   Maybe I have said too much.  Cryptocurrency is around the corner and inflating as well in a system where government expense outruns income - system can't survive.   It costs money to even print bills, hence we need a great economic reset!   Like 1st amendment going out the window, we can also force subservience by locking down currency use - We don't like you - you are troublemaker  - censor your bank account and just leave our utopia!   Orwellian or reality?

I won't post the Youtube for this as it has been banned several times - peasants are not allowed to see the plan.

Allan is posting Qanon crap that should be removed like it is all over the internet.

p.s. there is no "plan".

Benedict Donal.d is going to prison.   

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3318 on: January 13, 2021, 10:02:30 AM »
Congresswoman witnessed insurrectionists doing a 'reconnaissance tour' before the attack on the Capitol

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3318 on: January 13, 2021, 10:02:30 AM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3319 on: January 13, 2021, 05:03:39 PM »
There are two groups in this maga cult.

1. The ones that want to keep this criminal in power through any means necessary and know the election was never "stolen" but used it for their failed coup attempt. They represent white power and white supremacy and want to shape the United States into an authoritarian dictatorship. These include his GOP henchmen, his "yes men" stooges, his hate group supporters, and powerful people in the top 1% who want to stay in power.     

2. The other group is the gullible suckers who were brainwashed by the right wing media believing every single piece of disinformation and propaganda they put out.

Trump overplayed his hand.   There was never any chance of overturning the election results because the election was stolen legally when many states used the pandemic as an excuse to change their election laws in a way that was advantageous to China Joe.  So it wasn't "fraud" per se as Trump has stated and there was no legal way to overturn the results.  Rather it was unfair with questionable and unverifiable results.  So there is a third group.  Those that accept that China Joe will become President but want the election laws that were changed to be reviewed and revised for future elections to ensure a verifiable and legal outcome.  Everyone should support that to avoid the cloud that now hangs over China Joe's presidency.