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JFK Assassination Discussion & Debate / Re: When Was JBC Hit?
« Last post by Jerry Organ on Today at 04:43:51 PM »
Your source would be helpful.

Re: 40' width is the roadway for traffic. Really, Andrew. This is 101 stuff. "The width of each concrete roadway through the Plaza is 40 feet." (CE 877) Houston Street, and Elm and Main and Commerce (where they begin eastward of Houston) are wider, at 60' per Google Apps.

I was using the actual measurements found in the 6 HSCA 50:

which shows the width to be 76.8 inches:

Sounds like a typo. The Hum-3D model has a width of 78.6". Without a 1961 Continental in front of me, I can't tell you what that 76.8" (if accurate) measurement refers to (the width of the rear bumper only?). If someone could, please let me know.

Ok. So tell us how far the right edge of the car is left or right of the centre of the centre lane and how far JFK is to the left of that.

I can't travel back in time and set up laser scanners to give you a figure in inches. Would you agree that JFK's line-of-travel was not in the center of the middle lane, as you tried to con people into believing?

I would be happy to, if you can find one.Your aerial view does not show Dealey Plaza as it was in 1963. For one thing, in 1963 the lamp posts were on the curb edge of the sidewalk.  They are moved back to the grass side in your photo.

I wasn't referring to the lampposts. What do you make of how far removed the rounded curb and north end of the reflecting pool are relative to the Itek Map? Are you going to continue to use that map?

Trump convicted on 34 felony counts. Not a good day for defense attorneys and their porkies. :'(

The more that I consider that Semichastny specified, in his memo dated 11/23/63, that LHO cited his “position” as secretary of a pro-Cuban organization…. , the more it becomes obvious that this should be considered strong evidence that LHO himself was indeed there in Mexico City petitioning the Cubans and Soviets as reported. How else could Semichastny have known on 11/23/63 about LHO’s claimed “position” as secretary? I know it was in the news media very early on that LHO was associated with the fair play for Cuba Committee. I could be mistaken, but I really don’t believe that the information regarding his claimed position as secretary became publicly known until much later in the investigation. If this is correct, it appears to me that the only way Semichastny could have know this would have been from the earlier reports from their embassy in Mexico City. Evidence indicates that LHO created this “position” and the related membership card while he was in New Orleans a short while before the trip to Mexico City. I know his association with the FPCC was news while he was in New Orleans. But was his “position as secretary” a part of the news in New Orleans? I do not remember that it was, but I could be wrong.
Oswald said this in his August '63 radio debate:

SLATTER: How many people do you have in your committee here in New Orleans?
OSWALD: I cannot reveal that as Secretary of the Fair Play for Cuba committee.

So that fact was known before the assassination. But it's still hard for me to see how an Oswald double would have known the other details that only the real Oswald would have known and then told both the Cubans and Soviets. He showed his marriage license to the Soviets, talked about what he did there. Was that well known? The "Oswald was impersonated" story falls apart when you drill down further. And I think the alleged impersonation on the phone calls don't add up either. I know conspiracists see the all powerful CIA behind everything, that they had/have near absolute power, but they must recognize some limits to what they could do?

As to the material: Boris Yeltsin gave some KGB/Soviet files about Oswald to Clinton back in 1995 or so but the Russians are still withholding many more. Like the surveillance of Oswald in Minsk, et cetera. This report by Semichastny and the reports by Nechiporenko to Moscow about the visits would be interesting to see what they said.

Yuri Nosenko was the KGB officer who defected shortly after the assassination and said he was the case officer for Oswald. He told the HSCA this:

He said that he ordered that Oswald not be given a visa. He also said that after the assassination he asked for and was given Oswald's file. It was quite large. It seems to me that if the KGB had told Moscow that Oswald had been impersonated, that a double was sent, that Nosenko would have read that and told the HSCA. In other words, the Nechiporenko claims that it was Oswald were not made up, that he originally said it was a impostor.

At this point this is sort of like bombing the rubble; the rubble being the "it was a double" claim. How much more evidence do we need? The supporters have Azcue saying it wasn't Oswald and Duran saying the man had blonde hair and was only a few inches taller than she was. Okay. That's on one side and this other evidence is on the other side. Weighing all of that simply doesn't indicate it was an impersonation.
You have time to type another rant but can't answer a very simple question?  Why would anyone plant evidence to place Oswald on the bus?  How can you suggest the bus transfer was planted but then claim you are not suggesting a conspiracy?  If Oswald left in a car, wouldn't that confirm a conspiracy?  It wasn't his car.  Why would anyone be picking him up in the middle of the day except to aid in his escape?  It's an interesting psychological insight to watch you struggle so mightily against accepting the consequences of your own claims having validity.

I am not struggling with anything.
Have a good day, Richard.  :)
I'm sorry, I don't have time for your nonsense - I stated my case with documentation to back it up.
U can spend the rest of the day making what you think a fantasy conspirator would do, of course could never be proven.
Up to you, that means nothing to me.  These facts remain:

Lee was "completely searched" at the time of his arrest.
There were no bullets or bus transfer found on his person.

4 people saw a man leave DP in a car.  2 of them said it looked like Lee Oswald.
When the suspect was asked about this, he did not deny it.

I'll go one step further

The WC was already aware what was expected of them as early as January 1964:

You have time to type another rant but can't answer a very simple question?  Why would anyone plant evidence to place Oswald on the bus?  How can you suggest the bus transfer was planted but then claim you are not suggesting a conspiracy?  If Oswald left in a car, wouldn't that confirm a conspiracy?  It wasn't his car.  Why would anyone be picking him up in the middle of the day except to aid in his escape?  It's an interesting psychological insight to watch you struggle so mightily against accepting the consequences of your own claims having validity.
Andrew: He does. Right before the limo goes under the overpass. When I first saw it I was amazed since I never really looked at that last part of the film.

Cox "looks to the rear and then sits in the back seat where JFK was sitting."

I think Andrew's point is he does not sit in JFK's seat.
Try watching it again.  And put away the mushrooms this time.
Andrew: He does. Right before the limo goes under the overpass. When I first saw it I was amazed since I never really looked at that last part of the film.
Try watching it again.  And put away the mushrooms this time.

   I was the first to point out the actions of JBC after the release of the MPI version of the Zapruder film.  John McAdams published my paper, which I wrote in 1999 after viewing the film: 

 Here, you can see it in motion, very, very clearly in this video by Gerda Dunckel who did some outstanding work with the Zapruder film.  However, JBC is NOT seated in JFK's seat:
"Completely" searched.  LOL.   Once again you have failed to address a single substantive point or even tell us what you are suggesting.  This is real simple.  If Oswald wasn't on that bus, then someone MUST have planted the transfer.  The police said it was found in Oswald's possession.  There are only two possible explanations for this:  1) Oswald was given the transfer by the bus driver; or 2) it was planted on him by DPD.  If you are suggesting that the transfer was planted - and why else would you harp on this - then that means you are the proponent of the "dopey conspirator stories."   If so, that begs an explanation for which I've repeatedly try to get from you.  WHY would the police want to place Oswald on that bus?  How does this advance the cause of framing him?  If there is no point to this from the perspective of framing Oswald, then that lends itself to the conclusion the transfer was not planted and Oswald was on the bus.  So spin us a yarn and explain why anyone trying to frame Oswald would need to place him on that bus.  The bus that takes him nowhere.

I'm sorry, I don't have time for your nonsense - I stated my case with documentation to back it up.
U can spend the rest of the day making what you think a fantasy conspirator would do, of course could never be proven.
Up to you, that means nothing to me.  These facts remain:

Lee was "completely searched" at the time of his arrest.
There were no bullets or bus transfer found on his person.

4 people saw a man leave DP in a car.  2 of them said it looked like Lee Oswald.
When the suspect was asked about this, he did not deny it.

I'll go one step further

The WC was already aware what was expected of them as early as January 1964:

cornered? - I don't think so. All I said was that he was completely searched when he was arrested.
I showed a document to prove it.

Here is a link to 4 witnesses saw a man leave the plaza in a car. 2 of them said it looked like Oswald.

Does that mean I choose the car and you choose the bus? -  NO !
It means the case against Oswald is completely inconsistent and broken.
So ramble all day Richard with your dopey conspirator stories you try to pin on legitimate criticisms of this case.

"Completely" searched.  LOL.   Once again you have failed to address a single substantive point or even tell us what you are suggesting.  This is real simple.  If Oswald wasn't on that bus, then someone MUST have planted the transfer.  The police said it was found in Oswald's possession.  There are only two possible explanations for this:  1) Oswald was given the transfer by the bus driver; or 2) it was planted on him by DPD.  If you are suggesting that the transfer was planted - and why else would you harp on this - then that means you are the proponent of the "dopey conspirator stories."   If so, that begs an explanation for which I've repeatedly try to get from you.  WHY would the police want to place Oswald on that bus?  How does this advance the cause of framing him?  If there is no point to this from the perspective of framing Oswald, then that lends itself to the conclusion the transfer was not planted and Oswald was on the bus.  So spin us a yarn and explain why anyone trying to frame Oswald would need to place him on that bus.  The bus that takes him nowhere.
In Zapruder as the limo speeds away, he gets up after a few seconds, looks to the rear and then sits in the back seat where JFK was sitting.

Try watching it again.  And put away the mushrooms this time.
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