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JFK Assassination Discussion & Debate / Re: When Was JBC Hit?
« Last post by Andrew Mason on Today at 02:46:59 PM »
A further note on John Connally's various statements and testimonies regarding the shooting, in the light of someone recalling a really traumatic, life-threatening event. Someone like Andrew will take a quote that he finds useful, ignore everything else then argue that Connally wouldn't make it up. I totally agree, I don't believe Connally is making anything up, I believe he is doing his very best to genuinely recall the shooting but his recollection of it is distorted in various ways. Because of this, his testimony cannot be taken at face value but must be 'interpreted' as it is not wholly reliable. It must be measured against evidence such as the Z-film, which should be considered primary evidence.
I dont ignore anything Connally said.  I am just not able to attribute much weight to some of the details, like his estimate of the number of seconds between hearing the first shot and feeling the impact of the bullet that struck his back.  Some of his recollections of those details are inconsistent with the recollections of many others. I find other witnesses as to the spacing of the shots to be more reliable. But I do accept his evidence that he heard the first shot and, after a perceptible period of time, felt the impact in his back. I accept that because it fits with the evidence of Nellie, Greer, Hickey, Altgens, Powers, Gayle Newman.

You, on the other hand are not just cherry picking one comment he made about it being a split second-a comment he later withdrew and said emphatically that it was not less than a second but more like 2.   You then proceed to editorialize and argue something contrary to what he always said. You want us to believe that the shot sound arrived at his ears after he was hit in the back, contrary to every statement that he ever made.  You are ignoring the substance of every statement he made on the subject, as well as ignoring all the other evidence that there were 3 distinct shots.
"Where is your comparison of Meyers SBT and Knotts Lab SBT, but I guess we already saw it in the original post. Knotts Lab animation side mouth post was the exact opposite of the Meyers critique? They were both animations of the exact same event. Exactly what was the difference in your mind? "

oh dear still not grasping a very simple thing . do i really have to say it again ? , i do believe my dog would have grasped this by now . so here we are one more time

" i made zero comment about knotts lab either in favor or against it . neither pushing it as accurate nor questioning its accuracy . that is the beginning ,middle and end "

there are 27 words thee and over half of them are only 4 letters long or less . i dont know how i can make it much more simplified so that you can understand it .

Denying it doesn’t change anything. You answered a post about the Knotts Lab animation with the Meyers animation rant and rave. Both are the exact same depiction about a bullet to JBC’s back.  Says it all. Run it by the dog, it might be the only thinker there.

You know though, you might be onto something with the dog. Is the dog who taught you how to type? Maybe put the keyboard in front of the dog and we will see what happens, there is absolutely nothing to lose trying it. The dog sure could not be any less clever and apparently more likely to man up a little.
JFK Assassination Discussion & Debate / Re: When Was JBC Hit?
« Last post by Dan O'meara on Today at 01:02:00 PM »
A further note on John Connally's various statements and testimonies regarding the shooting, in the light of someone recalling a really traumatic, life-threatening event. Someone like Andrew will take a quote that he finds useful, ignore everything else then argue that Connally wouldn't make it up. I totally agree, I don't believe Connally is making anything up, I believe he is doing his very best to genuinely recall the shooting but his recollection of it is distorted in various ways. Because of this, his testimony cannot be taken at face value but must be 'interpreted' as it is not wholly reliable. It must be measured against evidence such as the Z-film, which should be considered primary evidence.
Steve Barber touched on this issue earlier in the thread.
On another thread Robin Unger posted this very clear gif (excellent work again Robin).
It shows JBC rising and looking back towards the president after ducking down in front of the jump seats.
Nowhere in the dozens of statements he gave in interviews, reports, testimonies etc., does JBC mention this specific and notable action. It is as if he has edited it from his mind. When looking at the clip below it is noticeable how freely he moves considering he has just been shot through the torso.
Like Jackie forgetting she climbed on the trunk, JBC seems to have forgotten this quite significant action, highlighting the dubious nature of putting eye-witness testimony before the Z-film:

In Connally's first interview in hospital he mentions seeing JFK slumped to one side but in all other statements he is adamant he didn't see the president at any time during or immediately after the shooting.

I have never stated as a fact that Oswald was walking with the Marsalis bus stop in mind.

Why do you continually misrepresent my position?

I have never stated as a fact that Oswald was walking with the Marsalis bus stop in mind.

Which makes your initial post a moot point.

Why do you continually misrepresent my position?

What did I misrepresent? Be percise....

That isn't what I said, though.

Isn't it?

Well, let's see what you actually replied to my comment that you were speculating about Oswald walking to a Marsalis line bus stop on Jefferson;

But there isn't a shred of evidence that Oswald was walking to a Marsalis line bus stop on Jefferson. It's pure speculation on your part and Richard Smith never mentioned the Marsalis line bus stop at all.

Goofy.  I didn't speculate.  I stated a fact.

A massive poll of 26,408 likely voters in all 50 states conducted by John Zogby Strategies last week shows that RFK Jr. can win. The poll found that Biden cannot defeat Trump, with or without Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in the race, and that Kennedy beats Trump or Biden head-to-head in a two-way race. With a sample size of over 26,000, the poll has an extraordinarily low margin of error of just 0.6%.

The Zogby poll was done to determine the electoral vote count. It shows Kennedy defeating both Biden and Trump by significant margins if the race were a two-way race. So it's fair to say that if anyone is playing the role of "spoiler," it is Biden.

Significantly, the poll shows that Kennedy beats Biden head-to-head if President Trump were to drop out. Indeed, the poll found that if Trump drops out, Kennedy beats Biden in an electoral college landslide, by 196 electoral college votes.

The polls shows that Biden cannot beat President Trump. When you actually poll every state, and tally the electoral votes, Biden loses in a head-to-head against Trump and he loses in a three-way as well. So with or without RFK Jr. in the race, the poll says Biden cannot beat Trump.

The poll suggests that Biden, not Kennedy, is the real "spoiler" in the race, since his presence gives Trump the victory. This 50-state poll provides the most accurate picture of the race so far because of its size and because it measures the electoral vote count.

For a breakdown of this revealing poll, complete with graphics, see this link:

[URL unfurl="true"][/URL]
I have news for you, Jackass... IF Oswald wanted to get to Jefferson and Marsalis, he was walking pretty much the most direct line to that point from the rooming house and that most direct line included taking Tenth Street from Crawford to the area of Marsalis and Jefferson.  That was my point and it is not speculation, it is a fact.  Look at a damn map.

pretty much the most direct line? It's pretty amazing what you consider to be a fact.

First you claim to have stated as fact that Oswald was walking to the Marsalis bus stop on Jefferson only to follow it up with "If Oswald wanted to get to Jefferson and Marsalis"

Could you please make up your mind?

Is it really a fact that Oswald was walking to the Marsalis bus stop (and if so, what is your evidence for that?) or are you just speculating that he may have walked that way?

I have never stated as a fact that Oswald was walking with the Marsalis bus stop in mind.

Why do you continually misrepresent my position?
Goofy.  I didn't speculate.  I stated a fact.

Really? So, now it's suddenly a fact that Oswald was walking to the Marsalis line bus stop on Jefferson?

That isn't what I said, though.
The Belin report on the bus routes is informative:
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