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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 322418 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3776 on: February 20, 2021, 10:50:58 PM »
In which we learn that it takes four or more days to provide help to folks in Texas for a storm that was predicted in advance!  LOL.  Most of the equipment and resources are already in or near Texas.  This isn't a mission to Mars.  Old Joe is clueless.  He is focused on illegal immigrants this week.  Future voters.  Not the American citizens freezing to death in Texas.  And we also learn his "approval rating" is higher than Trump.  Wow.  I wonder why?  The leftist media has fawned over him for months.  They vilified Trump every minute of his administration.  If Trump had been President during this crisis in Texas, he would have been vilified for incompetence and a slow response.  But Old Joe is rambling in a dementia haze about traveling 17K miles with the leader of China and not knowing where he is when he wakes up and there is not a peep from the press. Think that has any affect on approval ratings?

Pitiful:  Biden homeland security adviser Liz Sherwood-Randall told reporters Thursday that FEMA has so far supplied Texas with 60 generators for critical infrastructure.

 :D :D :D

It's hilarious and pathetic how far Richard goes to make up nonsense against President Biden to cover for his criminal orange messiah.

President Biden has done more for Texans than Criminal Donald or any Republican did by giving them massive relief in aid in record time. He was already on it 5 days ago when elected Texas state Republicans failed to do their jobs.

President Biden approves Texas emergency declaration amid winter storm
KTRK  5 days ago

Let's not forget that up until the "Texas Freeze" right wing Texas Republicans were attempting to secede from the Union because President Joe Biden won the election in a blowout. If they had their way with secession, they wouldn't receive any federal aid and would suffer in the dark with their faulty power grid that Republicans implemented and knew was bad for over 10 years. Blue states don't have this problem.

Yes, Criminal Donald was vilified for refusing to release federal aid to wildfire victims in California all because they didn't vote for him. He is a pos.

Trump Administration Refuses To Give California Federal Aid For Wildfires

p.s. there is no such thing as a "leftist media"

All media is dominated by the far right.

AM radio is dominated by the far right.

Cable is dominated by the far right with Faux, NewsMax, and OAN.

Local NBC, CBS, ABC affiliates are mostly owned by Sinclair Broadcasting that is more far right than Faux.

This is a bogus right wing talking point in order for them to play the victim and to justify buying up more media markets all across America.     
« Last Edit: February 21, 2021, 12:45:21 AM by Rick Plant »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3776 on: February 20, 2021, 10:50:58 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3777 on: February 20, 2021, 11:31:56 PM »
He is focused on illegal immigrants this week.


President Biden is focused on saving American lives and destroying the Trump Virus that Criminal Donald let ravage the United States. Biden is also focused on bringing the jobs back to America that Criminal Donald let go overseas and the millions of jobs that were lost under the last 4 years of faliure.

Joe Biden has one job: Fix the mess that Trump left us


Biden unveils economic plan; emphasis on job creation and new technology

Joe Biden's first year could see record employment growth

It can't be fixed because the process is controlled by corrupt and incompetent establishment politicians with the aid of the media.  That applies to both repubs and dems.  They do the bidding of their paymasters and then cash in.  That includes the likes of Cuomo, Newsom, Abbott, McConnell, Pelosi, the Clintons etc.  They have all somehow made millions while spending the majority of their careers on the public payroll. There was something like $800 billion spent on the recent Georgia senate races.  That's "billion."  Where does that kind of money come from?  What kind of independent judgment can be exercised when it takes that kind of money to win an election?  Trump was duped into believing that the establishment repubs were going to assist him.  He was fooled by Ryan and McConnell until it was too late.  The establishment republicans like Romney, McCain, and McConnell did more to undermine Trump than any dem.  They despised him because he was not part of their establishment club and couldn't be counted on to tow the line and only do those things that were approved by their paymasters.  So they effectively worked to destroy him.  Nothing in this process can change  until the existing two party stranglehold on power is altered.  That will take an outsider running as an independent candidate.

Richard is still covering for his criminal orange messiah when he made billions off his fraudulent presidency with his fundraising scams and all the grifting his corrupt kids did for the past 4 years. Criminal Donald destroyed himself.

Richard wants to talk about "Billions"? Criminal Donald scammed "Billions" off his fraudulent presidency. Criminal Donald wants to pretend he isn't part of "the establishment". Donald Trump is "the establishment" he pretends to fight against. He is the one raking in billions as he gave himself millions of dollars in tax breaks. He is a con man and Richard being a rube bought into the entire con.       

Trump’s Businesses Raked In $1.9 Billion Of Revenue During His First Three Years In Office
All The President's Profiting


The Family That Grifts Together: The Trumps are being fined for skimming off their own foundation

Ivanka Trump’s business wins approval for 16 new Chinese trademarks despite shutting down

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Online Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3778 on: February 21, 2021, 12:27:21 AM »

 :D :D :D

It's hilarious how far Richard goes to make up nonsense against President Biden to cover for his criminal orange messiah. President Biden has done more for Texans than Criminal Donald or any Republican did by giving them massive relief in aid. Yes, Criminal Donald was vilified for refusing to release federal aid to wildfire victims in California all because they didn't vote for him. He is a pos.

Trump Administration Refuses To Give California Federal Aid For Wildfires

p.s. there is no such thing as a "leftist media"

All media is dominated by the far right.

AM radio is dominated by the far right.

Cable is dominated by the far right with Faux, NewsMax, and OAN.

Local NBC, CBS, ABC affiliates are mostly owned by Sinclair Broadcasting that is more far right than Faux.

This is a bogus right wing talking point in order for them to play the victim and to justify buying up more media markets all across America.   

Good grief.  "All media is dominated by the far right"?  You are completely delusional.  CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Wash Post are dominated by the far right?  Don't you have any shame?   Bottom line:  if Trump were still President, we would have been eviscerated in the media for the anemic federal response to the Texas disaster.  They would have accused him of incompetence, lack of empathy etc.   China Joe's administration spent the entire week focusing on how to legalize millions of illegal aliens because they will vote for dems while thousands of American citizens suffered and froze.  Why not own it since that is what he ran on?  At least he was honest about it.  An America last platform.  That's what we have.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3778 on: February 21, 2021, 12:27:21 AM »

Offline Colin Crow

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3779 on: February 21, 2021, 12:46:10 AM »
Mr. Crow:
Could you please comment on:
Variant strains vs. Vaccines.
Current American response vs. ..well, the last guy? :)
Possibility of control/contain by 12/31/2021?
We like facts and science. ( Well, some of us, at least.)

Hey John,

Hope all you guys (and gals) in the US are safe and well.

Variants vs vaccines is a sort of battle but the various amino acid substitutions and deletions that enhance binding are being closely tracked since the first major one, the UK variant first appeared. I think the South African and Brazilian variants are now thought to be the most contagious. Simply put they increase the chance of spread to more people with less particles. You lower the effective infective dose. That said the current vaccines in use, Pfizer, Moderna and Oxford are still effective although somewhat diminished in their ability to prevent infection. The key is if you do get infected the symptoms are mild. No need for hospitalisation. I believe the vaccine technology developed will allow for "tweaks" to take care of variants down the track before they get out of hand.

For the US the vaccine rollout looks to be reasonably good. Almost 2 million doses per day now I believe. Remember it takes almost three weeks for the vaccine to promote a protective response so there will be a lag. Also the second dose provides best protection. As the most at risk are first in line along with health workers et al I believe you will see a dramatic downturn in deaths and hospitalisations by summer. The only spanner would be the variants taking off. The case numbers have fallen lately which suggests they haven’t taken hold "yet". You might see a bounce in numbers again if they do.

As for comparison of administrations, as an observer I think the obvious difference is consistency of approach. It seems steady with less bluster and just getting on with the job rather than holding daily press conferences that were thinly disguised election promotions. Perhaps the best description is the depoliticising of a public health crisis, as much as we could expect to happen in a political environment.

I think there is great optimism for a much better 2021.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3780 on: February 21, 2021, 12:53:23 AM »

Bottom line: if Trump were still President, we would have been eviscerated in the media for the anemic federal response to the Texas disaster.  They would have accused him of incompetence, lack of empathy etc. China Joe's administration spent the entire week focusing on how to legalize millions of illegal aliens because they will vote for dems while thousands of American citizens suffered and froze.

Again, this is total b.s. and Richard says nothing about the corrupt right wing Republicans that run Texas who are responsible for the blackouts and failing Texans during a crisis. 

President Biden did more than he could to help the people in Texas. He started the federal disaster relief 5 days ago and they now have the aid coming today. That is a quick and fast response.

Criminal Donald refused to give any federal relief to the people in California who lost their homes and small businesses to the devastating wildfires that decimated their towns. That's a total lack of empathy and a criminal act to refuse aid to Americans because a state didn't vote for him. And Richard is whining that Biden "didn't act fast enough" when all the federal aid to Texas is already appropriated. Like I said, it's total b.s.       

Trump Administration Refuses To Give California Federal Aid For Wildfires

President Biden approves Texas emergency declaration amid winter storm
KTRK  5 days ago

Good grief.  "All media is dominated by the far right"?  You are completely delusional.  CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Wash Post are dominated by the far right?  Don't you have any shame?   Bottom line:  if Trump were still President, we would have been eviscerated in the media for the anemic federal response to the Texas disaster.  They would have accused him of incompetence, lack of empathy etc.   China Joe's administration spent the entire week focusing on how to legalize millions of illegal aliens because they will vote for dems while thousands of American citizens suffered and froze.  Why not own it since that is what he ran on?  At least he was honest about it.  An America last platform.  That's what we have.


AM radio is dominated by the far right.

Local NBC, CBS, ABC, affiliates are dominated by Sinclair Broadcasting that is far right.

Cable is dominated by Faux, NewsMax, and OAN.

New York Times and Washington Post have conservative writers. CNN has conservative pundits to spread the propaganda. All the right wing outlets is 24/7 right wing state run media.     

President Biden sent massive federal aid in record time and spent the week focusing on Criminal Donald's covid disaster and bringing back jobs.

America was dead last in everything the last 4 years. The only thing America was first in was covid deaths, infections, and job loss.   

Sinclair Broadcasting’s Naked Propaganda Has Direct Ties to the White House
The president came to the company’s defense Monday, since they’re a big cheerleader for him

Sinclair, the pro-Trump, conservative company taking over local news, explained
Sinclair reaches 40 percent of households — and soon will reach 72 percent
« Last Edit: February 21, 2021, 03:35:06 AM by Rick Plant »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3780 on: February 21, 2021, 12:53:23 AM »

Offline Colin Crow

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3781 on: February 21, 2021, 12:55:10 AM »
It can't be fixed because the process is controlled by corrupt and incompetent establishment politicians with the aid of the media.  That applies to both repubs and dems.  They do the bidding of their paymasters and then cash in.  That includes the likes of Cuomo, Newsom, Abbott, McConnell, Pelosi, the Clintons etc.  They have all somehow made millions while spending the majority of their careers on the public payroll.  There was something like $800 billion spent on the recent Georgia senate races.  That's "billion."  Where does that kind of money come from?  What kind of independent judgment can be exercised when it takes that kind of money to win an election?  Trump was duped into believing that the establishment repubs were going to assist him.  He was fooled by Ryan and McConnell until it was too late.  The establishment republicans like Romney, McCain, and McConnell did more to undermine Trump than any dem.  They despised him because he was not part of their establishment club and couldn't be counted on to tow the line and only do those things that were approved by their paymasters.  So they effectively worked to destroy him.  Nothing in this process can change  until the existing two party stranglehold on power is altered.  That will take an outsider running as an independent candidate.

Sounds like you might support monarchy......King Donald I?

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3782 on: February 21, 2021, 01:10:07 AM »
Sounds like you might support monarchy......King Donald I?

Right wingers like him bow down to Criminal Donald and want him as their authoritarian dictator because they are unable to think for themselves and these people hate everything about America. They want an all white society which is why they spout the slogans "Make America Great Again" and "America First" which were both used by the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920's. Their slogans hearken back to the pre civil war days when they claim "America was great". It's all based on racism and white power. That's why Trump is loved by white supremacists and neo nazi hate groups. Interestingly enough, Criminal Donald's father Fred was arrested at a Klan rally in the 1920's.         

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3782 on: February 21, 2021, 01:10:07 AM »

Offline John Tonkovich

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3783 on: February 21, 2021, 07:53:22 AM »
Hey John,

Hope all you guys (and gals) in the US are safe and well.

Variants vs vaccines is a sort of battle but the various amino acid substitutions and deletions that enhance binding are being closely tracked since the first major one, the UK variant first appeared. I think the South African and Brazilian variants are now thought to be the most contagious. Simply put they increase the chance of spread to more people with less particles. You lower the effective infective dose. That said the current vaccines in use, Pfizer, Moderna and Oxford are still effective although somewhat diminished in their ability to prevent infection. The key is if you do get infected the symptoms are mild. No need for hospitalisation. I believe the vaccine technology developed will allow for "tweaks" to take care of variants down the track before they get out of hand.

For the US the vaccine rollout looks to be reasonably good. Almost 2 million doses per day now I believe. Remember it takes almost three weeks for the vaccine to promote a protective response so there will be a lag. Also the second dose provides best protection. As the most at risk are first in line along with health workers et al I believe you will see a dramatic downturn in deaths and hospitalisations by summer. The only spanner would be the variants taking off. The case numbers have fallen lately which suggests they haven’t taken hold "yet". You might see a bounce in numbers again if they do.

As for comparison of administrations, as an observer I think the obvious difference is consistency of approach. It seems steady with less bluster and just getting on with the job rather than holding daily press conferences that were thinly disguised election promotions. Perhaps the best description is the depoliticising of a public health crisis, as much as we could expect to happen in a political environment.

I think there is great optimism for a much better 2021.