We are now around $60 billion spent and counting with no end in sight in Ukraine. The US supposedly undermined a proposed settlement between Ukraine and Russia a few months ago that would have brought an end to the war. Ukraine would have agreed not to enter NATO and Russia would have withdrawn its forces. But the folks in DC - both republicans and dems - never want this to end. Like Afghanistan, they want to milk it for as long as possible. They sold some gullible types a bill of goods that Ukraine was a "democracy" and was Russia "bad." Imagine liberals who once protested wars being the largest advocates for American involvement in this conflict. Unreal. Russia is certainly in the wrong but there is no American interest at stake. The radical libs transferred their obsessive hatred of Trump to Putin and have edged the world as close to WWIII as any time in history. If it turns out that the US or its allies destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines, that is an act of war against Russia. Not assistance to Ukraine. The Russians will certainly retaliate in some dangerous manner and who knows what happens then. This is exactly what happens when the corrupt political establishment makes decisions.
Worried about the expenditure of 60 billion? You didn't seem too worried over the last few months, with Ukraine just able to hold on. It is only with the recent Ukraine successes that you start to worry and revisit this issue. 60 billion dollars? What's my share of this. About $ 200. I am more than willing to spend $ 400 of my money per year to hold off Russia from overrunning Europe. Unlike the $ 145 billion we spent in Afghanistan, our money spent in Ukraine is clearly being put to good use. It is not money wasted.
This isn't about Ukraine. This is about mainland Europe. If threatening to use nuclear bombs works against Ukraine, Russia will now have its formula to keep advancing west. Should we risk nuclear war just over parts of Ukraine? Should we risk nuclear war just for all of Ukraine? Should we risk nuclear war just for the Baltic states? Should we risk nuclear war just for Poland? There is no end of this short of the Rhine River.
Make no mistake, this isn't just over parts of Ukraine, or all of Ukraine. It is, at a minimum, for most of Europe, right up to the Rhine River. Presumably, France and Britain, with their nuclear weapons would be safe. But maybe not. Russia could say they have a lot more weapons, with a lot more territory to spread out in. Move millions of people into Russia cities and say "Do you want to kill them as well? Better to give into us now as you have done before".
I think the nuclear threat is an empty threat. If Putin gives the order, it will likely be his last order. He would be killed on the spot.
On the other hand, giving in now will only prolong our problems and make them worst. If we do toughen our policies in the future and resolve to make a real stand in the Baltics, the Russians won't believe it. They will think that we crumpled before, just from the threat of nuclear weapons. With a real demonstration with real nuclear weapons within the Baltic States, surely now we will back down once again.
In 1938, reasonable men backed down from unreasonable men. We saw how well that worked. It would be the height of stupidity to think it would work any different now.
Democrats do want it to end. With Russia withdrawing from Ukraine and the war ending. And I think it will likely happen. Putin appears determined but Russia on the whole does not appear to be determined. Determination does matter. Many a larger state has lost to a more determined smaller state. This looks like a classic example. How will ill-equipped Russian soldiers hold up in the coming winter? Equipped Russian soldiers have handled winter warfare well. With poor equipment, with their government skimming on all sorts of equipment, including, I presume, winter clothing, we will see. They can't just huddle inside all the time during the winter like they can during peace. Not if they expect to hold off the Ukrainians. Which seems hard enough with warmer weather.
We spent 145 billion for Afghanistan. Surely Europe is worth a lot more than that.
I think that MAGA Republicans wouldn't mind spending 60 billion, if we can spend it helping the Russians. They want dictatorships to spread, over America and around the world.