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Author Topic: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.  (Read 22625 times)

Online Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
« Reply #40 on: January 12, 2023, 08:44:33 PM »
The Hickey shot is a myth. All Secret Service ammo was accounted for after the assassination. Nobody in Hickey's car heard him fire a shot. Two of the people in the car with Hickey were close Kennedy aides and friends Powers and O'Donnell. We now know that Powers and O'Donnell told federal agents that shots came from the grassy knoll but that the agents pressured them into changing their stories. Yes, a number of people in Dealey Plaza smelled the scent of gun powder, but that smell was from the grassy knoll shots. One shot from an AR-15 rifle would not have produced a strong, lingering smell of gun powder that could be smelled from several spots near Elm Street--that just would not happen from a single shot from an AR-15. The cowlick entry site has been debunked, and the trajectory from Hickey's rifle to the EOP entry site does not work.
I said that…………. 2. I haven’t seen any reference that said ammo was accounted for (ie & none missing) – certainly not signed or sworn or under oath?
Ok, lets have a closer look. Here is a bit of Floyd Boring's interview/testimony in 1996 ………..

MEETING REPORT Document’s Author: Douglas Home/ARRB Date Created: 09/l 9/96 Meeting Logistics Date: 09/l 8196 Agency Name: Witnesses/Consultants Attendees: Dr. Joan Zimmerman, Doug Home, and Floyd Boring Topic: interview of Floyd Boring. Summary of the Meeting.  Joan Zimmerman and I interviewed………….

…………………. Floyd Boring, after consenting to being taped, verified that he had never been interviewed by the Warren Commission, the House Select Committee on Assassinations, or any other government body in connection with the Kennedy assassination. In response to our question, he stated that he was perfectly free to talk about the assassination, and was not under any oral or written prohibition which would prevent him from speaking freely about the events of November, 1963……………

……………..Mr. Boring on his own initiative brought up the subject of SA Hickey being accused by a conspiracy theorist of accidentally shooting the President with the AR-15 rifle from the follow-up car. He firmly stated his opinion that this theory was ridiculous and incorrect. He said he knows it was incorrect because he personally inspected “the weapons” (plural) during the automobile inspection to see whether they had been fired--by the weapons, he explained he meant both a shotgun, and the AR-15 in the Queen Mary. He said the inspection consisted of both opening each weapon and inspecting its barrel (for powder debris), as well as checking the shells in the magazine to see whether any were missing. Based on his examination of the AR-15 rifle, he stated that he concluded that it was not fired that day, since its barrel was clean, and the clip was not missing any shells………………

Floyd of course lied re the AR15.
Re the shotgun – i am pretty sure that there was no shotgun in or near Queen Mary [edit 28feb2024][there was indeed a shotgun, in a compartment at floor level, in front of the i think left hand jumpseat]– hence we may be permitted to start thinking that rather than being a liar, Floyd Boring was clearly soft in the head.
Floyd Boring being soft in the head is pretty much confirmed later in that interview when he says that his SSA team found a large bit of JFK's skull in Queen Mary. Days after this interview Floyd Boring sheepishly admitted his error, & admitted that the bit of skull had in fact been found in the JFK limo, not Queen Mary. And Floyd Boring added that he had had a stroke, hence his memory was affected. But, he did not admit his error re the shotgun -- & no mention of his BS that he checked the AR15 & ammo for the AR15.  And this is the BS that Michael T Griffith pedals.

Actually, Floyd was at home on that day -- Floyd was not in Dallas -- so, how could he do a proper check of AR15 & ammo -- he couldnt -- mightbe he did do a check on another day in another part of theUSofA -- SHEESHHHHH.
And, i suspekt that the leather case (for the AR15) that Hickey was sitting on had a cleaning kit including rod & brushes & solvent & oil -- SHEEEESHHHH.

Like i said -- Michael & anyone else can ask any question re the Hickey saga -- & i will hit it out of the ballpark -- &, as i said, one strike & i am out (ie Hickey is out) -- but it wont happen, koz Hickey did the dirty deed -- &, more than that, it wont happen koz i know more about this than everyone else here put together -- SHEEEEESHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2024, 01:08:19 AM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
« Reply #40 on: January 12, 2023, 08:44:33 PM »

Offline Mark A. Oblazney

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Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
« Reply #41 on: January 13, 2023, 03:25:33 PM »
I said that…………. 2. I haven’t seen any reference that said ammo was accounted for (ie & none missing) – certainly not signed or sworn or under oath?
Ok, lets have a closer look. Here is a bit of Floyd Boring's interview/testimony in 1996 ………..

MEETING REPORT Document’s Author: Douglas Home/ARRB Date Created: 09/l 9/96 Meeting Logistics Date: 09/l 8196 Agency Name: Witnesses/Consultants Attendees: Dr. Joan Zimmerman, Doug Home, and Floyd Boring Topic: interview of Floyd Boring. Summary of the Meeting.  Joan Zimmerman and I interviewed………….

…………………. Floyd Boring, after consenting to being taped, verified that he had never been interviewed by the Warren Commission, the House Select Committee on Assassinations, or any other government body in connection with the Kennedy assassination. In response to our question, he stated that he was perfectly free to talk about the assassination, and was not under any oral or written prohibition which would prevent him from speaking freely about the events of November, 1963……………

……………..Mr. Boring on his own initiative brought up the subject of SA Hickey being accused by a conspiracy theorist of accidentally shooting the President with the AR-15 rifle from the follow-up car. He firmly stated his opinion that this theory was ridiculous and incorrect. He said he knows it was incorrect because he personally inspected “the weapons” (plural) during the automobile inspection to see whether they had been fired--by the weapons, he explained he meant both a shotgun, and the AR-15 in the Queen Mary. He said the inspection consisted of both opening each weapon and inspecting its barrel (for powder debris), as well as checking the shells in the magazine to see whether any were missing. Based on his examination of the AR-15 rifle, he stated that he concluded that it was not fired that day, since its barrel was clean, and the clip was not missing any shells………………

Floyd of course lied re the AR15.
Re the shotgun – i am pretty sure that there was no shotgun in or near Queen Mary – hence we may be permitted to start thinking that rather than being a liar, Floyd Boring was clearly soft in the head.
Floyd Boring being soft in the head is pretty much confirmed later in that interview when he says that his SSA team found a large bit of JFK's skull in Queen Mary. Days after this interview Floyd Boring sheepishly admitted his error, & admitted that the bit of skull had in fact been found in the JFK limo, not Queen Mary. And Floyd Boring added that he had had a stroke, hence his memory was affected. But, he did not admit his error re the shotgun -- & no mention of his BS that he checked the AR15 & ammo for the AR15.  And this is the BS that Michael T Griffith pedals.

Actually, Floyd was at home on that day -- Floyd was not in Dallas -- so, how could he do a proper check of AR15 & ammo -- he couldnt -- mightbe he did do a check on another day in another part of theUSofA -- SHEESHHHHH.

Like i said -- Michael & anyone else can ask any question re the Hickey saga -- & i will hit it out of the ballpark -- &, as i said, one strike & i am out (ie Hickey is out) -- but it wont happen, koz Hickey did the dirty deed -- &, more than that, it wont happen koz i know more about this than everyone else here put together -- SHEEEEESHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
You and Ralph Stinky oughta get a room, uh.......

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
« Reply #42 on: January 13, 2023, 04:53:05 PM »
Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.

I downloaded the 15 frames of Bronson's footage from the link below.

I cropped & enlarged the frames to show just Queen Mary (with Hickey sitting-standing in the left rear seat).  I loaded the frames into their own folder in my computer, & i opened the pix using Microsoft Office.  Then when i pressed my left or right arrow button the 15 frames would cycle as if they were a film, backwards or forwards, albeit much faster than the original speed (how can i slow it down?). [Ok i slowed my key settings & now the "footage" runs at a perfect slowish fps, nothing can stop me now].

The frames are named  4 to 18 (does the Bronson footage have an official numbering?).  But to get them to play in proper sequence in Microsoft Office i found that i had to name them starting with  18-12 & ending with  4-13, where the leading number say 18 is artificial & the second number say 12 is the true number of the frame.  Hence the name sequence started with 18-12 followed by 17-11 then 16-10 …….. then 10-4 then 9-18 …….  & finishing with  4-13.

U might not need that silly naming sequence if u open the pix in some other program, but then u might find that the frames cycle ok but they dont stop at 18, they just keep going & going, which aint good neither.

So what i had was a close-up pseudo-version of Bronson's footage, showing just Queen Mary.  This wasn’t very useful because it was so blurry etc.
So nextly i cropped the frames so that Queen Mary appeared perfectly stationary, & the spectators whizzed past.  This worked much better, now u could actually see something happening in an intelligible way. I said "perfectly stationary", but its rough, & i am too lazy to improve it (praps later).
When i say stationary, Queen Mary is stationary in the horizontal sense, but u will notice that Queen Mary sinks slowly in the vertical sense as it goes along, because Elm Street falls, or more correctly because Bronson didn’t pan proper.  I could have cropped to negate this gradual sinkage, but i didn’t, because i knew that later i would need to measure vertical elevations (are there any other kind?) off each frame, & the easiest way of doing that was to have a fixed vertical reference (more about that later).

So, this pseudo-film of Queen Mary was an interesting exercise, but up to now it hasn’t yielded any useful info, too blurry, Hickey hidden by spectators, etc. 

So, i had to examine & measure each frame individually to make any sense of it all, ie to see what Hickey did or didn’t do when JFK was shot at Z313.  And it worked.  More later.
It was just rotten luck, he was just doing his job.

You know this is not true. You posted this same argument on the Education Forum's JFK Assassination Debate section, and several veteran researchers explained to you why this is not true. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
« Reply #42 on: January 13, 2023, 04:53:05 PM »

Offline Chris Davidson

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Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
« Reply #43 on: January 13, 2023, 07:20:09 PM »
Hickey the "Armpit Assassin" doesn't work.
Powers would, if he possessed a rifle instead of a camera.

Online Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
« Reply #44 on: January 13, 2023, 08:19:44 PM »
Hickey the "Armpit Assassin" doesn't work.
Powers would, if he possessed a rifle instead of a camera.

In the Donahue drawing Donahue shows SSA McIntyre 6'1" (73") high standing on a 9" running board, which adds to 82".
This is based on the windshield of Queen Mary being 60" high.
Hickey was a tall dude say 6'2" standing on the 10" floor, which makes the top of his head 84" if standing erect (as shown by the oval that i drew).
The Bronson footage shows that the top of Hickey's head at B07 was a half head lower than if fully erect (say 74")(head is 10")(see earlier in this thread).
Notice that the oval head is drawn further forward than the Hickey drawn by Donahue -- his Hickey is standing on the seat -- my oval head is based on Hickey standing on the floor.
The black line that i drew to show the AR15 trajectory is based on the inshoot on JFK's head being 6" below the 60" windshield -- & i said that the line was 63" high at about the butt of the AR15 -- the line is drawn ok, but the 63" is wrong, it should say 62".
As can be seen if Hickey were standing fully erect he would have to have the AR15 say 4" below chest height -- but if not fully erect then say 1" above chest height.
Your overlay of the guy holding a rifle is pretty much correct for what Hickey needed, height wize, but aint necessarily correct in the horizontal -- in the horizontal Hickey might have had his AR15 tucked back under his (right) arm (not left), but more likely Hickey held his AR15 out in front a bit.
In fact i estimate that the muzzle of the AR15 was 28" back from the windshield (& the AR15 was say 39" long).
And your guy needs to be shrunk to 5/8th to properly model Hickey (& then shrunk to 4/8th horizontally)(koz i have shrunk my horizontal dimensions).
I drew the inshoot 6" below the level of the windshield of Queen Mary (60") -- which makes the inshoot 54" above the street.
Actually in this (very early) drawing of mine i drew the inshoot 6" below the blue line joining the 60" Queen Mary windshield to the 59" JFKlimo windshield -- but in later drawings i drew the inshoot 6" below a horizontal line from the 60" QM windshield -- so, in the above drawing the inshoot is more like 53" above the street, ie 7" below the 60".
Also, for simplicity, all of this is based on Elm St being level, rather than its true 3.3 deg or something (karnt remember).
But, that 6"/54"aint critical -- the inshoot is say 211" in front of the windshield -- & the muzzle is say 28" behind the windshield -- which is a ratio of 7.5 to 1.
Hence the muzzle had to be 1" above the windshield if the inshoot was 7.5" below -- not a problem.
When i say 1" above i mean 1" plus a half of 0.223" (ie 1.112").
But u say that that duznt work -- please explain.

I should add that the only problem that i really had was the dent in the chrome trim -- clearly from Hickey's 2nd last shot of his auto burst --
but recently i realized that that shot went over the windshield of Queen Mary & then under the divider/rollbar of the JFKlimo --
the divider is higher than the chrome trim -- so, everything fell into place -- & the problem was not what the so-called experts said was the problem, ie that the AR15 had to be very high, no,
the problem was that the AR15 had to be higher than the windshield but lower than the divider, a small small window.
The other earlier shots of the burst had to go over or between the upturned sun vizors on the JFKlimo.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2024, 11:16:43 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
« Reply #44 on: January 13, 2023, 08:19:44 PM »

Online Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
« Reply #45 on: January 13, 2023, 08:52:13 PM »
You know this is not true. You posted this same argument on the Education Forum's JFK Assassination Debate section, and several veteran researchers explained to you why this is not true.
Tell me exactly what is not true -- just one little thing -- & one strike & my Hickey theory (actually Donahue's Hickey theory) is out.
Experts said that the AR15 had to be too high to do the dirty deed -- but in my reply to Chris i explain (again)(for the umpteenth time) that 1" or 2" above the windshield works ok.
In fact Queen Mary braked -- hence the windshield would have dipped at the time of the shot(s) -- hence the 1" or 2" bekums praps 0" or 1".

Nextly the experts sayd that Z313 was at UYB09, & that UYB09 shows Hickey sitting.
I have shown that Hickey was never sitting -- not before not during & not after Z313 -- he was half sitting half standing high up on 2 leather cases -- in fact his head was one head lower than the heads of the SSAs standing on the running boards.

And, i have shown that the headshot (which was at Z312) was at UYB07 not UYB09.
And, i have shown that at UYB07 Hickey is seen to have rizen a half head -- so he was then a half head below the agents standing on the running boards.

And the experts say that Powers denied that Hickey fired --  NO -- Powers is the only occupant of Queen Mary that did not ever deny that Hickey fired -- Powers said that if Hickey had fired then Powers would have heard it -- that is not a denial, it is a statement of fact.
Actually there have been threads & postings pointing out that in stress situations guys sometimes do not hear shots -- more than than, that guys sometimes dont even know that they have been shot.
But i am happy to go with the simple answer -- everyone in Queen Mary (9 guys) lied -- oops, no, 8 lied, Powers didn't lie.

There are only 1.5 people in the world it seems that agree with my Hickey fired an auto burst theory -- there is me -- & there is SSA Floyd Boring -- Boring said that a sqeez of the trigger would result in at least 2 or 3 shots if on AUTO.
Its a mystery to me why Donahue (Mortal Error) & McLaren (JFK The Smoking Gun) didnt realize
that there was more than one shot, an auto burst, of at least 4 shots.

And, why didn't they focus more on the dent in the chrome trim -- tests would have shown that a hollow point AR15 would do the trick.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2024, 11:20:02 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

Online Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
« Reply #46 on: January 15, 2023, 11:51:55 AM »
Here is a side view of Queen Mary showing heights of Hickey's head & possible pozzy of AR15. Head is say 10" high.
The AR15 was 39" long -- thats huge.
Kinney the driver & Roberts in passenger seat would have got a fright. Powers & O'Donnell in jump seats not so much -- even if the muzzle was much further back than my estimate of 28".

« Last Edit: January 15, 2023, 06:40:05 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

Offline Chris Davidson

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Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
« Reply #47 on: January 15, 2023, 07:54:44 PM »
Hickey the "Armpit Assassin" doesn't work.
Powers would, if he possessed a rifle instead of a camera.

I'll ask again as I did previously.
How does a rifle (more than likely pointed downward at a 45° into the floorboard initially) end up shooting an object that is approx 2.5° lower in elevation than the rifle barrel, firing from someone's armpit?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
« Reply #47 on: January 15, 2023, 07:54:44 PM »