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Author Topic: Now What Mr. Trump?  (Read 15715 times)

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Now What Mr. Trump?
« Reply #32 on: June 27, 2023, 11:47:55 PM »
LOL. You of all people as a propagandist should know that.  There will be history books written just on the abuses.   A few highlights: shutting down the entire country to destroy the booming economy, using COVID as an excuse to change the voting laws in almost every state in a way that changed the outcome of the 2020 election, suppressing free speech to take the blame for COVID off China and place it all on Trump (e.g. lab leak was deemed a conspiracy theory on social media and discussion was banned), spreading massive disinformation.

You of all people as a propagandist should know that.

Says the biggest propagandist of them all.....

(e.g. lab leak was deemed a conspiracy theory on social media and discussion was banned)

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Now What Mr. Trump?
« Reply #32 on: June 27, 2023, 11:47:55 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Now What Mr. Trump?
« Reply #33 on: June 28, 2023, 03:31:57 AM »
LOL. You of all people as a propagandist should know that.  There will be history books written just on the abuses.   A few highlights: shutting down the entire country to destroy the booming economy, using COVID as an excuse to change the voting laws in almost every state in a way that changed the outcome of the 2020 election, suppressing free speech to take the blame for COVID off China and place it all on Trump (e.g. lab leak was deemed a conspiracy theory on social media and discussion was banned), spreading massive disinformation.

shutting down the entire country to destroy the booming economy

How can Democrats "shut down the entire country" when Trump was supposed to be "president"? :D

using COVID as an excuse to change the voting laws in almost every state in a way that changed the outcome of the 2020 election,

What voting laws were changed?

Are you claiming red states changed their voting laws?

suppressing free speech to take the blame for COVID off China and place it all on Trump

Who's "free speech" was suppressed?

Why did Mr. Trump praise China 15 times about their handling of the pandemic?     

spreading massive disinformation

What "massive disinformation"?   

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Now What Mr. Trump?
« Reply #34 on: June 29, 2023, 10:18:33 PM »
Wash Post article acknowledging what Trump and many republicans suggested should be the response to COVID all along once it was better understood.  Instead the Dems politicized COVID and destroyed and divided the entire country for absolutely no good reason.  Remember when you were deemed a murderer if you didn't follow their "science"?  Now there is suddenly nothing to see.   Everyone should just move on as Trump said over and over again while advocating that schools be reopened etc to the outrage of leftists who used the pandemic for political purposes and control.

"Covid isn’t over, but even the most cautious Americans are moving on"

More falsehoods and propaganda here.

President Biden got the pandemic under control just like he promised during the 2020 campaign.

So, once it was deemed safe enough to carry on as normal iike it currently is today, we don't need to have strict guideline in place as we did when the pandemic was deadly.

When a deadly pandemic is happening, officials are supposed to follow the safety guidelines of the CDC and WHO to prevent the virus from spreading and from more deaths occurring. Every responsible leader and country followed those guidelines.

Trump and Republicans politicized COVID and those guidelines by refusing to follow them and instead pushed disinformation to their base.     

Then we had Trump working to undermine the COVID response to push his political agenda instead. That's why the United States had the worst COVID crisis in the world in 2020 and going into 2021.

Could you imagine "doing nothing and carrying on as normal" during a deadly pandemic? Millions of people would have died at the outset.   

Trump White House made 'deliberate efforts' to undermine Covid response, report says

The White House repeatedly overruled public health and testing guidance from the nation’s top infectious disease experts and silenced officials, the report found.

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration engaged in “deliberate efforts” to undermine the U.S. response to the coronavirus pandemic for political purposes, a congressional report released Friday concludes.

The report, prepared by the House select subcommittee investigating the nation’s Covid response, says the White House repeatedly overruled public health and testing guidance by the nation’s top infectious disease experts and silenced officials in order to promote then-President Donald Trump's political agenda.

In August of last year, for example, Trump hosted a White House meeting with people who promoted a herd immunity strategy pushed by White House special adviser Dr. Scott Atlas. The subcommittee obtained an email sent ahead of that meeting in which Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House Covid response coordinator, told the vice president’s chief of staff, Marc Short, that it was “a fringe group without grounding in epidemics, public health or on the ground common sense experience.” Birx also said in the email that she could “go out of town or whatever gives the WH cover” on the day of the meeting.

A few months later in October, National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins called for “a quick and devastating published take down” of the herd immunity strategy, according to emails obtained and released by the subcommittee.

In an interview with the subcommittee, Birx said when she arrived to the White House in March 2020 — more than a month after the U.S. declared a public health emergency — she learned that federal officials had not yet contacted some of the largest U.S. companies that could supply Covid testing.

Birx also told the panel that Atlas and other Trump officials “purposely weakened CDC’s coronavirus testing guidance in August 2020 to obscure how rapidly the virus was spreading across the country,” the report said. The altered guidance recommended that asymptomatic people didn’t need to get tested, advice that was "contrary to consensus science-based recommendations," it said, adding, "Dr. Birx stated that these changes were made specifically to reduce the amount of testing being conducted.

Altas did not immediately respond to NBC News' request for comment.

The subcommittee also found in its investigation that the Trump White House blocked requests from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to conduct public briefings for more than three months. That move followed a late-February 2020 briefing in which a top CDC official "accurately warned the public about the risks posed by the coronavirus," it said.

Another CDC official told the panel that the agency asked to hold a briefing in April 2020 on a recommendation to wear cloth face coverings and present evidence of pediatric cases and deaths from Covid, but the Trump White House refused.

CDC officials also stated media requests to interview them were denied during that period, the subcommittee report said.

Documents obtained by the committee also show that Trump political appointees tried to pressure the Food and Drug Administration to authorize ineffective Covid treatments the president was pushing, like hydroxychloroquine and convalescent plasma, over the objections of career scientists, the report said.

In addition, Dr. Steven Hatfill, an adviser to former White House trade adviser Peter Navarro, “may have declined leads to purchase supplies like N95 masks in the spring 2020 solely because the products were not manufactured in the United States," the subcommittee said.

In a statement provided to NBC on Friday, Hatfill said that the administration began sourcing personal protective equipment in early 2020. He said "the most logical and efficient choice was to seek U.S.-based manufacturers' help."

"At the time, profiteers were peddling defective and fraudulent PPE at inflated prices directly to the public," he said. "Even states such as California and New Mexico fell prey to these schemes, but we had no time to waste at the federal level. Even the shortest delay could cost thousands of lives. That was a risk we were not willing to take. Our choice to buy American goods saved lives and the United States taxpayer's money."

Dr. Jay Butler, a senior CDC official who helped supervise the agency’s coronavirus response during the spring of 2020, told the subcommittee in an interview that the Trump administration published guidance for faith communities in May of last year that “softened some very important public health recommendations,” such as removing all references to face coverings, a suggestion to suspend choirs, and language related to virtual services. Butler told the panel that “the concerns he had about Americans getting sick and potentially dying because they relied on this watered-down guidance ‘will haunt me for some time,’” the report said.

The revelations in the panel's report come as Covid cases surge across the country as the U.S. battles the new omicron and the delta variants.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Now What Mr. Trump?
« Reply #34 on: June 29, 2023, 10:18:33 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Now What Mr. Trump?
« Reply #35 on: June 29, 2023, 10:58:28 PM »
LOL. You of all people as a propagandist should know that.
The only propagandist here is you. Your falsehoods are all debunked below.

There will be history books written just on the abuses. A few highlights: shutting down the entire country to destroy the booming economy,

Here's more disinformation from you.

The "entire country" was never shut down. Weak and feckless Donald Trump famously said "I take no responsibility" during the start of the pandemic and took no action shoving the responsibility to each Governor to handle. That's why United States had the worst COVID crisis in the world.         

States that did not issue stay-at-home orders in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, 2020

Seven states—Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming—did not issue orders directing residents to stay at home from nonessential activities in March and April 2020 in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The 43 other states all issued orders at the state level directing residents to stay at home except for essential activities and closing businesses that each state deemed nonessential,_2020

A few highlights: shutting down the entire country to destroy the booming economy,

Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis are not Democrats, they are far right wing Republicans. Even they closed business and schools during the deadly pandemic. So, it's not "Democrats shutting down the country" as you keep pushing your usual disinformation.

Gov. Abbott Declares Disaster, Closes Schools, Bars, Gyms Statewide, Restaurants “To Go” Only
March 19, 2020

Gov. DeSantis orders schools closed rest of academic year
April 19, 2020

And the economy was not "booming". Donald Trump plunged manufacturing into a recession in September of 2019 due to his incompetence and the United States was on the verge of a recession.

U.S. manufacturing is in a recession. What does that mean for the rest of the country?
September 6, 2019

Recession warning 2019: why everybody's worried yet again

using COVID as an excuse to change the voting laws in almost every state in a way that changed the outcome of the 2020 election,

Wow, now you're pushing Donald Trump's election conspiracy theories. :D

Even Trump's own appointed judges threw these bogus conspiracy theories out of court.

Trump-Appointed Judge In Wisconsin Shuts Down Campaign’s Legal Argument For Why Election Was Rigged
Dec 12, 2020

suppressing free speech to take the blame for COVID off China and place it all on Trump

Even more falsehoods.  :D :D :D

No "free speech" was suppressed.. Weak cowardly Donald Trump praised China 15 times for their disastrous response to the COVID pandemic because he was too afraid to call them out on it.

15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe
The president has lambasted the WHO for accepting Beijing’s assurances about the outbreak, but he repeated them, as well.
April 15, 2020

Twitter Admits in Court Filing: Elon Musk Is Simply Wrong About Government Interference At Twitter

"To date, not a single document revealed has shown what people now falsely believe: that the US government and Twitter were working together to “censor” people based on their political viewpoints. Literally none of that has been shown at all."

(e.g. lab leak was deemed a conspiracy theory on social media and discussion was banned), spreading massive disinformation.

The "lab leak" IS a conspiracy theory. Yes, you're spreading disinformation.

No direct proof Covid-19 stemmed from Wuhan lab leak, US intelligence says

Four-page declassified report said while ‘extensive work’ had been conducted, no evidence of an incident at the Wuhan lab was found

Fri 23 Jun 2023

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Now What Mr. Trump?
« Reply #36 on: June 30, 2023, 01:40:52 AM »
How can Democrats "shut down the entire country" when Trump was supposed to be "president"? :D

What voting laws were changed?

Are you claiming red states changed their voting laws?

Who's "free speech" was suppressed?

Why did Mr. Trump praise China 15 times about their handling of the pandemic?     

What "massive disinformation"?

Only the governors of each state had the power to shutdown that state.  Trump, as president, had limited ability to control those individual state decisions.  You still don't realize that at this point? The voting laws were changed in almost every state.  Both those controlled by Dems and Republicans.  Those changes made the difference in the 2020 election.  Those are just facts.  The Dems obviously took advantage of COVID to make those changes.  There were many corrupt establishment Republicans who hated Trump as much or more than Dems. Liz Cheney for example.  They also took advantage of COVID to change the laws.  It only took a few states to change the outcome.  The people wanted Trump.  He received a record number of votes on election day.  He would have won any other such election by a landslide but for the changes made in the months leading up to the election.  You tell me in an honest manner what your reaction would have been if the election laws had been changed just before the election in a way that led to Trump's reelection.  There would have been a real insurrection by the leftists and it would have been deemed necessary to save democracy. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Now What Mr. Trump?
« Reply #36 on: June 30, 2023, 01:40:52 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Now What Mr. Trump?
« Reply #37 on: June 30, 2023, 05:42:16 AM »
Only the governors of each state had the power to shutdown that state.  Trump, as president, had limited ability to control those individual state decisions.

A few highlights: shutting down the entire country to destroy the booming economy

You continue to falsely claim that "Democrats shut down the entire country to destroy our economy" and that is just pure disinformation.

Republican Governors like Abbott and DeSantis closed businesses and schools to prevent the spread of the virus and more deaths that were occurring in mass numbers. Are you going to blame them too for closing businesses to stop more deaths from occurring?             

And for your information, entire states were never completely "shut down". Grocery stores remained open and restaurants were open for take out. Non essential businesses were closed. People were advised to stay home to stop the spread of the virus. That's what you do in a pandemic. ALL major countries did the same exact thing, but you're trying to make it out to be controversial when it's not, and you're falsely accusing Democrats of "shutting down" the United States when that never happened.     

Gov. Abbott Declares Disaster, Closes Schools, Bars, Gyms Statewide, Restaurants “To Go” Only
March 19, 2020

Gov. DeSantis orders schools closed rest of academic year
April 19, 2020

You still don't realize that at this point? The voting laws were changed in almost every state.  Both those controlled by Dems and Republicans.  Those changes made the difference in the 2020 election.  Those are just facts.  The Dems obviously took advantage of COVID to make those changes.

Sorry, those are not the facts.

States that adopted "vote by mail" mailed a ballot to every single registered voter in the state. How is there an advantage for that? There was no "advantage" for Republicans or Democrats. Anyone who wanted to vote had an easy opportunity to vote. There was no "advantage" for any political party. 

Then that registered voter needed to fill out the ballot and mail it back before the deadline or drop it off at their voting location on election day.

In fact, if a person didn't want to vote by mail they simply could have voted in person at their voting location.     

Oregon and Colorado strictly vote by mail and there is no "advantage" for any political party in those states.

Those are the facts.

There were many corrupt establishment Republicans who hated Trump as much or more than Dems. Liz Cheney for example.

So what if they hated Trump? That's their own choice to hate him or like him.     

They also took advantage of COVID to change the laws.  It only took a few states to change the outcome. The people wanted Trump.  He received a record number of votes on election day.  He would have won any other such election by a landslide but for the changes made in the months leading up to the election.

Sorry, no "outcome was changed".

The fact is, Trump fans can't admit to losing the 2020 election, they falsely believe he's invincible, so they make up falsehoods like this to feel better about themselves. This same nonsense was argued in court by Trump's lawyers and even his own handpicked appointed judges threw these bogus claims out because they are ridiculous.   

The "people did not want Trump". If the people wanted Trump, then he would have won the election instead of losing in a blowout.

Trump never led in one national poll for the entire 2020 election campaign because he was massively unpopular.

In fact, the same states that went blue in 2020, also went blue in 2022 for Senate in the midterm election (except for Wisconsin) so no outcome was ever changed in 2020. The voting trends in 2022 were almost identical to 2020 and it will also be the same for 2024.   

And for the record, Republicans in every state voted absentee for years which is perfectly legal. 

President Biden received more votes than any presidential candidate in history which is why he is our president today.           

You tell me in an honest manner what your reaction would have been if the election laws had been changed just before the election in a way that led to Trump's reelection. There would have been a real insurrection by the leftists and it would have been deemed necessary to save democracy.

I have no problem with states making it easier for people to vote. More people need to be voting anyway. And if the candidate of my choice doesn't get enough votes to win, then that's how it goes. Mailing ballots to registered voters does not "change the outcome of an election" because it gives everybody an equal opportunity to vote regardless of their political preference.   

Trump tried to steal the election from the American people by using fake electors and trying to usurp the power from individual states after he lost the election. Then he incited an insurrection trying to stop the vote certification and the peaceful transfer of power, which is why he's going to be indicted for that along with his co-conspirators.

It was Donald Trump and his Republican co-conspirators who attempted to change the outcome of a national election against the will of the people and they failed.     

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Now What Mr. Trump?
« Reply #38 on: June 30, 2023, 12:36:25 PM »
You continue to falsely claim that "Democrats shut down the entire country to destroy our economy" and that is just pure disinformation.

Republican Governors like Abbott and DeSantis closed businesses and schools to prevent the spread of the virus and more deaths that were occurring in mass numbers. Are you going to blame them too for closing businesses to stop more deaths from occurring?             

And for your information, entire states were never completely "shut down". Grocery stores remained open and restaurants were open for take out. Non essential businesses were closed. People were advised to stay home to stop the spread of the virus. That's what you do in a pandemic. ALL major countries did the same exact thing, but you're trying to make it out to be controversial when it's not, and you're falsely accusing Democrats of "shutting down" the United States when that never happened.     

Gov. Abbott Declares Disaster, Closes Schools, Bars, Gyms Statewide, Restaurants “To Go” Only
March 19, 2020

Gov. DeSantis orders schools closed rest of academic year
April 19, 2020

Sorry, those are not the facts.

States that adopted "vote by mail" mailed a ballot to every single registered voter in the state. How is there an advantage for that? There was no "advantage" for Republicans or Democrats. Anyone who wanted to vote had an easy opportunity to vote. There was no "advantage" for any political party. 

Then that registered voter needed to fill out the ballot and mail it back before the deadline or drop it off at their voting location on election day.

In fact, if a person didn't want to vote by mail they simply could have voted in person at their voting location.     

Oregon and Colorado strictly vote by mail and there is no "advantage" for any political party in those states.

Those are the facts.

So what if they hated Trump? That's their own choice to hate him or like him.     

Sorry, no "outcome was changed".

The fact is, Trump fans can't admit to losing the 2020 election, they falsely believe he's invincible, so they make up falsehoods like this to feel better about themselves. This same nonsense was argued in court by Trump's lawyers and even his own handpicked appointed judges threw these bogus claims out because they are ridiculous.   

The "people did not want Trump". If the people wanted Trump, then he would have won the election instead of losing in a blowout.

Trump never led in one national poll for the entire 2020 election campaign because he was massively unpopular.

In fact, the same states that went blue in 2020, also went blue in 2022 for Senate in the midterm election (except for Wisconsin) so no outcome was ever changed in 2020. The voting trends in 2022 were almost identical to 2020 and it will also be the same for 2024.   

And for the record, Republicans in every state voted absentee for years which is perfectly legal. 

President Biden received more votes than any presidential candidate in history which is why he is our president today.           

I have no problem with states making it easier for people to vote. More people need to be voting anyway. And if the candidate of my choice doesn't get enough votes to win, then that's how it goes. Mailing ballots to registered voters does not "change the outcome of an election" because it gives everybody an equal opportunity to vote regardless of their political preference.   

Trump tried to steal the election from the American people by using fake electors and trying to usurp the power from individual states after he lost the election. Then he incited an insurrection trying to stop the vote certification and the peaceful transfer of power, which is why he's going to be indicted for that along with his co-conspirators.

It was Donald Trump and his Republican co-conspirators who attempted to change the outcome of a national election against the will of the people and they failed.     

So many words.  You are really going to quibble with the characterization that the country was shutdown during the pandemic?  LOL.   It doesn't mean absolutely every business was shut down.  The revisionist history and hypocrisy are astounding.  We were told for two years by Dems that masks, social distancing, and closing of most businesses and all other activities was absolutely necessary.  That destroyed the robust economy.  Then the clown show Biden compounded that disaster by pouring hundreds of billions into the hands of individuals who spent the money on goods and services for which he had ensured by his doomed policies that there were no workers to respond.   Leading to hyperinflation that has crushed America.  The 2020 election was decided in a handful of states by a very small margin of votes.  That is just a demonstrable fact.  The margin of difference in those states was the direct result of changes in the election laws in the months leading up to the election.  Republicans did change those laws in some states.  Many did so because Trump threatened the corrupt establishment.  It's not just a Republican and Democrat issue when it comes to Trump.  Trump is not controlled by the establishment like Romney and most others.  So they went along with those changes and that was the difference in the election.  This is not an opinion but is proven by the data.  Biden received the vast majority of the votes that were the result of new voting methods implementing just before the election.  That margin made the difference.  It was a statistical outlier because Biden received the most votes in history despite being a terrible candidate.   Trump overstates this outcome by claiming the election was stolen.  It was not stolen but the changes made the election questionable.  Biden and his clown show are too stupid to have stolen the election.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Now What Mr. Trump?
« Reply #38 on: June 30, 2023, 12:36:25 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Now What Mr. Trump?
« Reply #39 on: June 30, 2023, 01:01:36 PM »
So many words.  You are really going to quibble with the characterization that the country was shutdown during the pandemic?  LOL.   It doesn't mean absolutely every business was shut down.  The revisionist history and hypocrisy are astounding.

You falsely said "Democrats shut the down the entire country" and that is disinformation.   

We were told for two years by Dems that masks, social distancing, and closing of most businesses and all other activities was absolutely necessary.  That destroyed the robust economy.

You're posting falsehoods again.

Democrats followed the advice of scientists and medical experts on what to do in a pandemic which saved millions of lives.   

Republicans Governors closed businesses in their states. Why aren't you blaming them?

The economy was not "robust". Manufacturing was already in a recession and the U.S. economy was on the verge of one before the pandemic. You keep ignoring this fact.

U.S. manufacturing is in a recession. What does that mean for the rest of the country?
September 6, 2019

Recession warning 2019: why everybody's worried yet again

Then the clown show Biden compounded that disaster by pouring hundreds of billions into the hands of individuals who spent the money on goods and services for which he had ensured by his doomed policies that there were no workers to respond.   Leading to hyperinflation that has crushed America.

More disinformation. :D :D :D

You mean the clown show Trump Administration, because the billions of dollars in money occurred on his watch in March 2020 BEFORE President Biden was in office.   

"The program, established by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, aka CARES, began in March 2020 to help small businesses affected by COVID-19 cover payrolls and, in some cases, hire back employees who were laid off. Companies across the country received $787.2 billion in loans, the Small Business Administration said."

"The bulk of the potential losses are from the two SBA programs and another to provide unemployment benefits to workers suddenly unemployed by the economic upheaval caused by the pandemic. The three initiatives were begun during the Trump administration and inherited by President Joe Biden."

"Gene Sperling, a senior White House official overseeing pandemic relief spending, said in a interview Tuesday that 86% of the fraud, or potential fraud, in the emergency loan programs happened during the first nine months of the pandemic when President Donald Trump was in office."

The 2020 election was decided in a handful of states by a very small margin of votes.  That is just a demonstrable fact.  The margin of difference in those states was the direct result of changes in the election laws in the months leading up to the election.  Republicans did change those laws in some states.  Many did so because Trump threatened the corrupt establishment.  It's not just a Republican and Democrat issue when it comes to Trump.  Trump is not controlled by the establishment like Romney and most others.  So they went along with those changes and that was the difference in the election.  This is not an opinion but is proven by the data.  Biden received the vast majority of the votes that were the result of new voting methods implementing just before the election.  That margin made the difference.  It was a statistical outlier because Biden received the most votes in history despite being a terrible candidate. Trump overstates this outcome by claiming the election was stolen.  It was not stolen but the changes made the election questionable.  Biden and his clown show are too stupid to have stolen the election.

Keep telling yourself that. Trump was overwhelmingly unpopular and lost by 7 million votes.