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Author Topic: New Article by Steve Barber on the Dictabelt Tape  (Read 14677 times)

Online Royell Storing

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Re: New Article by Steve Barber on the Dictabelt Tape
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2020, 09:10:10 PM »

  The stuff about a shot coming from the picket fence is 1 thing, but I also find the dicta belt interesting due to the Time Line also applied to the DPD Cop/"open mic".

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: New Article by Steve Barber on the Dictabelt Tape
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2020, 09:10:10 PM »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: New Article by Steve Barber on the Dictabelt Tape
« Reply #17 on: November 15, 2023, 01:38:40 AM »
If I may, I refer all to this article published on Dale Myers' website, I put Don Thomas' theory to rest, and not only did Dale publish this article, Vincent Bugliosi published a piece I submitted to him (and broke the story) in Reclaiming History in 2007, in the End Notes, which are a part of the CD-Rom included in the book. The Chapter titled "Other Investigations" under "Acoustics".  Scroll up to find the beginning of the acoustics chapter to read(even though the entire section on the acoustics is not available within this link to Google Books) I am providing links to both the book and my piece.   I clearly point out that Thomas' claim that there is a segment of "crosstalk" just 3 seconds before the first BBN "gunshot" is false, and a desperate attempt to keep the acoustics experts' findings alive fails largely.
I also put the theory of there having been a "carillon bell" recorded on the Dictabelt recording to rest.
This appears to be the first proper mention of dictabelt stuff.

Offline Richard Smith

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Re: New Article by Steve Barber on the Dictabelt Tape
« Reply #18 on: November 15, 2023, 02:39:49 PM »
Well, it appears no CT is impressed with the Dictabelt acoustic evidence either. At least no one has made any posts claiming the acoustic evidence is anything but a ?dead horse?. Perhaps no CT wishes to debate Steve Barber on the issue.

The contrarian/CTer mind is a bizarre thing to behold.  They ask for the "evidence" but when given evidence they dismiss it as the product of bias while providing no substantive rebuttal.   An endless circle of lunacy.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: New Article by Steve Barber on the Dictabelt Tape
« Reply #18 on: November 15, 2023, 02:39:49 PM »

Offline Steve Barber

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Re: New Article by Steve Barber on the Dictabelt Tape
« Reply #19 on: November 16, 2023, 03:31:07 PM »
The contrarian/CTer mind is a bizarre thing to behold.  They ask for the "evidence" but when given evidence they dismiss it as the product of bias while providing no substantive rebuttal.   An endless circle of lunacy.

 Slowly-ever so slowly--people are discovering the truth in what you say, Richard.  When people start claiming this or that police officer isn't really a police officer, and that J.D. Tippit was a stand infor President Kennedy, that Jackie Kennedy, Bill Greer, or John Connally shot JFK, and so on, you know that insanity has reared its hideous head regarding this topic.  It's no wonder people like Vincent Bugliosi referred to conspiracy buffs as "Kooks".  Most of the people around the world caliming conspiracy have never read the Warren Report or the 26 volumes of evidence, yet they think they know everything they know based on this or that book, movie, video, etc.  It doesn't work that way, and they know it. 

Offline Richard Smith

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Re: New Article by Steve Barber on the Dictabelt Tape
« Reply #20 on: November 16, 2023, 07:53:27 PM »
Slowly-ever so slowly--people are discovering the truth in what you say, Richard.  When people start claiming this or that police officer isn't really a police officer, and that J.D. Tippit was a stand infor President Kennedy, that Jackie Kennedy, Bill Greer, or John Connally shot JFK, and so on, you know that insanity has reared its hideous head regarding this topic.  It's no wonder people like Vincent Bugliosi referred to conspiracy buffs as "Kooks".  Most of the people around the world caliming conspiracy have never read the Warren Report or the 26 volumes of evidence, yet they think they know everything they know based on this or that book, movie, video, etc.  It doesn't work that way, and they know it.

It's clear that some folks want or even need there to be a conspiracy.  That is as fascinating as the case itself.  Is it just more interesting to believe in a world with JFK conspirators, ghosts and UFOs than not?  Are some folks frightened to accept that many important events are just random acts beyond the control of even the most powerful people?  They need to believe someone is always in behind these events rather than accepting powerlessness.  Some here are plainly attention seekers who garner attention by taking positions contrary to the facts.  Ironically, not much different from Oswald himself.  I do wonder how many CTers are true believers and how many would be as surprised as anyone if it turned out that their theories had any validity. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: New Article by Steve Barber on the Dictabelt Tape
« Reply #20 on: November 16, 2023, 07:53:27 PM »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: New Article by Steve Barber on the Dictabelt Tape
« Reply #21 on: November 16, 2023, 09:27:21 PM »
It's clear that some folks want or even need there to be a conspiracy.  That is as fascinating as the case itself.  Is it just more interesting to believe in a world with JFK conspirators, ghosts and UFOs than not?  Are some folks frightened to accept that many important events are just random acts beyond the control of even the most powerful people?  They need to believe someone is always in behind these events rather than accepting powerlessness.  Some here are plainly attention seekers who garner attention by taking positions contrary to the facts.  Ironically, not much different from Oswald himself.  I do wonder how many CTers are true believers and how many would be as surprised as anyone if it turned out that their theories had any validity.
How many Christians Muslims Jews etc say they believe in a god? How many actually  do?
How many say they are CTers? How many actually are.
Or, worse, what about the LNers?

Ditto for atheists.
Atheists believe Hickey fired the headshot. About 27% of members a while back i did read. All have left now (dont blame them), xept for lil ol me.

A university should do a poll/questionaire about this stuff.
And we need some more words -- insanity duznt do the trick no more.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2023, 09:38:19 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: New Article by Steve Barber on the Dictabelt Tape
« Reply #22 on: November 18, 2023, 03:44:43 AM »
The dictabelt has zero shots, just some impulses, not shots.
And it was made at least one minute after the headshot at Z313.

Zapruder Film with Dictabelt Recording 1 Drew Techner 14.9K subscribers Share Clip Save 37,165 views  Oct 18, 2016
In this video, I combined the Zapruder film (restored with missing frames Z208 - Z212) and the dictabelt recording of Dallas Police Channel 1 as released on a flexi disc in the July 1979 issue of Gallery magazine that I transferred. In 1979, the Report of the Select Committee on Assassinations of the U.S. House of Representatives determined at least four rifle shots were fired in Dealey Plaza during the assassination. The Committee came up with two scenarios for these four shots as they related to the Zapruder film. In this version, President Kennedy's fatal head wound was from the FOURTH shot. The shots (or sound impulses on the dictabelt tape) correspond with Zapruder frames as follows:
1st shot = Z157 - Z161 TSBD
2nd shot = Z188 - Z191 TSBD
3rd shot = Z295 - Z296 Grassy Knoll
4th shot = Z312 TSBD

In each version, the Zapruder film is played twice; First with the sound of audible gunshots superimposed and then with no sound effects and only the impulses of gunshots on the dictabelt.

« Last Edit: November 18, 2023, 03:51:59 AM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: New Article by Steve Barber on the Dictabelt Tape
« Reply #23 on: November 20, 2023, 12:03:08 AM »
Assassination of John F. Kennedy -- Dictabelt Channel 1 Audio UVA Center for Politics    6.07K subscribers
 Share  Download Clip   25K views 10 years ago
Audio of Dallas Police Department's Dictabelt Channel 1 captured on Nov. 22, 1963, the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. For a transcript, you can follow time markers at this link (starting around 10 minute mark, page 16):
...more 197 Comments   Sort by

@traikman  6 years ago (edited)
How does one ID the motorcycle officer #38 (or is it 30?) at 11:40 calling in to warn HQ about the crowds walking along Stemmons Freeway "across from the Marriott Hotel", which was/still is across from the Trade Mart?
It seems pretty clear that it's HIS mic that is stuck open, as the jamming begins with his call and continues until after the shooting.

Why else would we hear the sounds of the sirens approaching as opposed to travelling with him? He's parked over by the Trade Mart and records the sound of the limo speeding past to Parkland. Do we know who this officer was?

Reply 6 replies   @dustyflair   6 years ago
Afterthat the recording becomeschannel 2 according to the op

Reply     @DarkLight753   6 years ago
38 was the callsign of Patrolman F. Woodrow.

Reply @traikman 6 years ago
Excellent, thank you. But from where does one get that information?

Reply @DarkLight753   6 years ago
No probs. I've got copies of the Dallas Police Department files and they contain the transcript of the broadcasts, along with names next to the callsign numbers. '1' was Chief Curry, 'Dallas 1' was Sheriff Bill Decker and '78' as you may know was J.D Tippit. I've got all the names and their callsigns. '300' was Captain J.W Fritz who did the interviews with Oswald.
Reply   @roya.cathcartjr.5042
4 years ago
Darklight 753, who was Unit Assignment #56? Unit #56 had transmitted prior to Unit #38 who had the microphone malfunction and Dispatch tried to reach Unit #56 and inquired in the units whereabouts with other units. As a former police officer I find it odd that an officer vanished and can't be reached prior to the shooting. A conspiracy theorist would suspect Unit #56 was involved whereas I would suspect that the Unit may have falsely called in a traffic or pedestrian stop to be a spectator of the motorcade.

Reply    @apointofinterest8574    1 month ago
 @roya.cathcartjr.5042  Those who labor under a pre-conceived conclusion (of conspiracy) tend to find a whole lot of things "odd" These alleged oddities help to justify the erroneous conclusion.

« Last Edit: November 20, 2023, 12:05:35 AM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: New Article by Steve Barber on the Dictabelt Tape
« Reply #23 on: November 20, 2023, 12:03:08 AM »