It’s apparently his middle name…. 
I doubt that was intend to be a .....a compliment, But I'll accept it as such. A person who can't CONCLUDE something that is obvious (like 2 + 2 ) is either mentally deficient, or a coward who is afraid to face the facts.
I your case Mr Collins I believe it's the former..... You simply don't understand how the carcano operates....but that's not totally your fault. There have been ignorant people who have posted erroneous information about the carcano and some innocently ignorant folks have accepted that inaccurate information and thus they don't know what they are talking about.
I'm referring to the ability to load a single round into the chamber of a carcano by merely dropping a round into the chamber and closing and latching the bolt.... I don't give a hoot if the guy who believes that is a "firearms expert" who is truly knowledgeable about hundreds of rifles.... and he bases his belief on several other bolt action rifles ...He doesn't truly know how the carcano operates.