So long Joe!

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Author Topic: So long Joe!  (Read 377 times)

Offline Jerry Organ

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Re: So long Joe!
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2024, 04:04:37 PM »
Yee, I'm sure Cacklin' Kamala and her team had nothing to do with the "memes."  The young people just love her.  Perhaps they are looking forward to going to the moon as she creepily told a bunch of child actors.

Some long-forgotten promotional event. As least, she didn't separate thousands of innocent children from their mothers and guardians. Trump portrayed migrants as "animals" and leprosy drug mules.

The memes just miraculously started showing up on the front page of the NY Times, Wash. Post, MSNBC and every leftist media outlet on the same day.  Similar to how all these same outlets use the same phrases and buzz words.  Just a coincidence.  LOL.

The young ones started making new Kamala memes after the debate. Some can make them in a few hours; are you that out of touch with the 40-million Gen-Zs eligible to vote this year? If you and your GOP youth-under-estimaters are, good.

You think some meme program (with a limited reach) was orchestrated by a group of media people to sway votes from people who don't look at them? That Trump supporters are so smart they "decoded" the operation because similar language was used? Wow. Right out of the JFKA critic playbook. You should see what Tucker Carlson is going on with CT-wise.

Our media works hand in hand with the Dems.   They are given talking points and buzz words to disseminate.  It is straight out of the USSR.  The hilarious thing about this is that it is the same gameplan they used to claim that there was nothing wrong with Old Joe.  Don't believe your own eyes.  Behing closed doors he is the sharpest guy in the world.

You been following the news on CNN and MSNBC since the debate? Of course not. For two years now, there was concern in reports about Biden running.

Then suddenly he is gone without explanation.

You been living under a rock for the last two years?

Nothing to see there.  On to the next big lie.

Why is the media not focusing on Trump's cognitive decline? Trump made Biden's age a core issue. Trump challenged Joe to a cognitive test; will he take one with Harris? Will Trump get a cold or claim exhaustion a few days before the debate and take a pass.

I like the way George Conway explained it. In 2016, Hillary became the issue. In 2020, Trump the incumbent was the issue. In 2024, Biden's age was the issue. Now, Trump is again the issue, helped along by Trump's narcissism. The 2022 "Red Tide" elections showed what happened when Trump was trying to be influential; the GOP narrowly won the House, but had a net lost of one Senate seat and failed to flip a single state legislature. The Democrats flipped the state legislatures in the swing states of Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Michigan.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: So long Joe!
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2024, 04:04:37 PM »

Offline Richard Smith

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Re: So long Joe!
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2024, 08:13:04 PM »
Some long-forgotten promotional event. As least, she didn't separate thousands of innocent children from their mothers and guardians. Trump portrayed migrants as "animals" and leprosy drug mules.

The young ones started making new Kamala memes after the debate. Some can make them in a few hours; are you that out of touch with the 40-million Gen-Zs eligible to vote this year? If you and your GOP youth-under-estimaters are, good.

You think some meme program (with a limited reach) was orchestrated by a group of media people to sway votes from people who don't look at them? That Trump supporters are so smart they "decoded" the operation because similar language was used? Wow. Right out of the JFKA critic playbook. You should see what Tucker Carlson is going on with CT-wise.

You been following the news on CNN and MSNBC since the debate? Of course not. For two years now, there was concern in reports about Biden running.

You been living under a rock for the last two years?

Why is the media not focusing on Trump's cognitive decline? Trump made Biden's age a core issue. Trump challenged Joe to a cognitive test; will he take one with Harris? Will Trump get a cold or claim exhaustion a few days before the debate and take a pass.

I like the way George Conway explained it. In 2016, Hillary became the issue. In 2020, Trump the incumbent was the issue. In 2024, Biden's age was the issue. Now, Trump is again the issue, helped along by Trump's narcissism. The 2022 "Red Tide" elections showed what happened when Trump was trying to be influential; the GOP narrowly won the House, but had a net lost of one Senate seat and failed to flip a single state legislature. The Democrats flipped the state legislatures in the swing states of Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Michigan.

That's music to my ears.  Exactly the mindset for a Trump landslide.  Doubling down on the same lies and misinformation that ended Old Joe's administration that didn't fool anyone.  Hopefully all Dems think that way.  Biden's age was never the issue.  It was his impaired cognitive functioning which Cacklin' Kamala was complicit in covering up for years with lies.  What I heard endlessly from MSNBC, CNN, Cacklin' Kamala was that behind closed doors Old Joe was the sharpest guy in the room.  Just a few weeks ago, they were telling us not to believe our own eyes when Biden was roaming aimlessly in a fugue-like state.  It was all a DEEP FAKE.  LOL. Remember that?  It was only a month or so ago they were explaining that it was just another right-wing conspiracy theory.  Old Joe was hunky dory!  Even today, no one will explain WHY he is dropping out of the race.  Just a couple weeks ago, he said that he would drop out only if God told him.  I guess he learned that the political establishment and big money donors are his deity.   In America, we are not like the serfs in Canada subservient to ruling autocrats who coronate kings and queens to govern us.   We usually have elections.  The establishment didn't like the outcome this year, so they staged an insurrection and disenfranchised millions of voters. 

Offline Richard Smith

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Re: So long Joe!
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2024, 04:37:46 PM »
The walls are already starting to crumble on Cacklin' Kamala.  She is denying that Old Joe ever put her in charge of the border.  Of course, he did so in front of the cameras but never let it be said that the Dems won't argue that you shouldn't believe your own eyes.  Remember that they told us Old Joe was fine.  Your eyes were deceived by DEEP FAKES.  Commie-la now suddenly has amnesia on her role at the border. Just another right-wing conspiracy.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: So long Joe!
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2024, 04:37:46 PM »

Offline Jerry Organ

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Re: So long Joe!
« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2024, 07:27:57 PM »
The walls are already starting to crumble on Cacklin' Kamala.  She is denying that Old Joe ever put her in charge of the border.  Of course, he did so in front of the cameras but never let it be said that the Dems won't argue that you shouldn't believe your own eyes.  Remember that they told us Old Joe was fine.  Your eyes were deceived by DEEP FAKES.  Commie-la now suddenly has amnesia on her role at the border. Just another right-wing conspiracy.

Folks should disbelieve your claim.
  • In March 2021, President Joe Biden tasked Vice President Kamala Harris with
    working alongside officials in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras to address the
    issues driving people to leave those countries and come to the United States.
  • The Biden-Harris administration said it would focus on five key issues: economic
    insecurity, corruption, human rights, criminal gang violence and gender-based violence.
  • Border security and management is the Homeland Security secretary’s responsibility.
Worth noting that Trump and his knee-benders killed the Senate's immigration bill. Trump also threw cold water on other attempts to address border issues because he needed it for his campaign.

    "I have been trying to warn every conservative man I know, these JD comments
     are activating women across all sides, including my most conservative Trump
     supporting friends. These comments have caused real pain and are just innately
     unchristian. This is not who we are."
          -- Meghan McCain

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: So long Joe!
« Reply #12 on: Today at 09:51:18 AM »
Barely started her campaign and Harris's numbers are looking pretty good. However they are being held down by the same problem that hurt Biden's poll numbers.

There are those who think that Harris is better than Trump and will vote for Harris if the choice is between Harris and Trump. But, they fear Harris is not the strongest candidate we can field. They think Newson or Sanders or whoever would have a better chance. But there is nothing they can do about, nothing they can do to influence this decision. Unless they get a call from a poll taken. Then they can say they don't know who they will vote for. To maybe, by some miracle, drive Harris's poll numbers down to the point she drops out.

But it is going to be Harris. And once this is formalized by the Democratic convention in August, they will have no more reason to lie and will start telling the pollsters the truth, that they will vote for the Democratic candidate, Harris.

Biden has been a great president and we should have stuck with him. In the last month my admiration for him has grown immensely. I have never felt this way about any other politician. And his unselfishly stepping aside only increases my feelings. But I am confident of victory. And six months from now, when Kamala and Joe are being driven together through the streets of Washington D. C., we will be honoring Harris, but our hearts will be ridin with Biden.
« Last Edit: Today at 09:54:32 AM by Joe Elliott »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: So long Joe!
« Reply #12 on: Today at 09:51:18 AM »