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Author Topic: ?  (Read 40579 times)

Offline Richard Smith

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Re: ?
« Reply #224 on: November 27, 2021, 03:07:31 AM »
So needy for my attention.

Says the entitled one, who does not understand that a reply to his own simplicity is nothing to do with seeking his attention.

Who would suspect that you have Daddy issues?   Did he not show up at your "European" school on parent's day?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: ?
« Reply #224 on: November 27, 2021, 03:07:31 AM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: ?
« Reply #225 on: November 27, 2021, 12:49:04 PM »
      Beck: Otto-matic clown
      Wait, no names?
      What, too soon?

      billchapman_hunter of trolls_you_are_next

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: ?
« Reply #226 on: November 27, 2021, 01:06:01 PM »
Who would suspect that you have Daddy issues?   Did he not show up at your "European" school on parent's day?

Trying a new, pathetic, line of attack by immature comments one would expect from a spoiled brat throwing a hissy fit?

And, I bet, at the same time, you're still whining about you being personally attacked by commentary as well, right, entitled one?

Btw what makes you think I went to a European school?
« Last Edit: November 27, 2021, 03:08:19 PM by Martin Weidmann »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: ?
« Reply #226 on: November 27, 2021, 01:06:01 PM »

Offline Richard Smith

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Re: ?
« Reply #227 on: November 28, 2021, 03:08:57 AM »
Trying a new, pathetic, line of attack by immature comments one would expect from a spoiled brat throwing a hissy fit?

And, I bet, at the same time, you're still whining about you being personally attacked by commentary as well, right, entitled one?

Btw what makes you think I went to a European school?

So much commentary.  Martin/Roger/Otto are desperately trying to take us down the rabbit hole yet again.  Notice no substantive response to the points made (i.e. why would their fantasy conspirators need to fake Oswald's presence on a bus that took him nowhere and advanced any conspiracy objective not one iota while requiring them to figure out which bus was in the area and incorporate an entire bus load of random passengers into the PLOT at great risk to themselves).  HA HA HA.  Poor Otto is particularly confused.  He has resorted to his typical personal insults.  Like a child who has been told by his Daddy that there is no Santa Claus. 

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: ?
« Reply #228 on: December 02, 2021, 05:09:41 PM »
Exemplary researchers @ Mr. Beck & Mr. Weidmann, thank goodness they are on the side of light, truth and justice in this case.

For those of us reading along we can always count on them to delineate facts from fiction. Something tells me their penchant for setting forth compelling evidence with accuracy and in detail is beyond the scope of comprehension for some still desperately clinging to a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure.

Brb gents

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: ?
« Reply #228 on: December 02, 2021, 05:09:41 PM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: ?
« Reply #229 on: December 02, 2021, 05:32:55 PM »
Exemplary researchers @ Mr. Beck & Mr. Weidmann, thank goodness they are on the side of light, truth and justice in this case.

For those of us reading along we can always count on them to delineate facts from fiction. Something tells me their penchant for setting forth compelling evidence with accuracy and in detail is beyond the scope of comprehension for some still desperately clinging to a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure.

Brb gents

'mired in the stench of horse manure'
_easily surpassed by 6 decades of CT landfill

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: ?
« Reply #230 on: December 02, 2021, 05:44:28 PM »
"Notice no substantive response to the points made (i.e. why would their fantasy conspirators need to fake Oswald's presence on a bus that took him nowhere and advanced any conspiracy objective not one iota" -- Mr. Smith

First things first, reread Mr. Beck's and Mr. Wiedmann's responses carefully. Then reread them again. IF you have any genuine evidence to refute the timeline challenge Mr. Beck mentions in post No. 247 then share it...if you care to cower away instead from his timeline challenge those of us reading along understand why (the truth is able to stand all alone on its own, whereas the hastily contrived script in this case needs manufactured "evidence" at every turn to even seem likely).

Now, a response to the italics above. The reason the hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure needed to put the wrongly-accused on that fake bus & cab ride is two fold: (A) to sell the bs about him being at 10th & Patton; and (B) and, to accommodate the bs about how "his" jacket was tossed while "fleeing" the scene at 10th & Patton. Glaring outright lies because he remained in Dealey Plaza beyond 1:02PM (Mr. Warnock's words, not mine), nowhere near 10th & Patton.  Now, what part of creating a bogus bus ride and planting that fake bus transfer don't you understand? Remove both of these pigeon droppings from their "evidence" to Frame the wrongly-accused and now...

all they have left is the "magic-bullet" exited Governor Connally's (RIP) thigh, scooped up the wrongly-accused before zigging and zagging all the way to 10th & Patton before magically returning to its final resting place on a stretcher at Parkland. Now, of the two lies, which would you choose? What would seem more plausible to an unsuspecting general public? In their haste and desperation to Frame the wrongly-accused they simply failed miserably to dot their 'i's" and cross their "t's". 

The wrongly-accused did Not shoot anybody. Anybody.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: ?
« Reply #230 on: December 02, 2021, 05:44:28 PM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: ?
« Reply #231 on: December 02, 2021, 06:38:10 PM »
Exemplary researchers @ Mr. Beck & Mr. Weidmann, thank goodness they are on the side of light, truth and justice in this case.

For those of us reading along we can always count on them to delineate facts from fiction. Something tells me their penchant for setting forth compelling evidence with accuracy and in detail is beyond the scope of comprehension for some still desperately clinging to a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure.

Brb gents

'Exemplary researchers @ Mr. Beck & Mr. Weidmann, thank goodness they are on the side of light, truth and justice in this case'.
_Oswald got what he deserved, Sparky

'For those of us reading along we can always count on them to delineate facts from fiction. Something tells me their penchant for setting forth compelling evidence with accuracy and in detail is beyond the scope of comprehension for some still desperately clinging to a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure.'
_The Gang of 12 caught Oswald with his pants down (and gun out) on Patton