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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 323471 times)

Offline Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4208 on: September 18, 2021, 06:06:44 PM »
Even by the low standards of the Biden administration, yesterday was a disasterous fiasco that exceeds anything in recent modern history dating back perhaps to the darkest days of the Carter administration.

1)  Mass murder of children in Afghanistan.  After weeks of lying and covering up the deaths of an aid worker and seven children, they were finally forced to acknowledge this mass murder after the media forced their hand.  The military lied about killing an ISIS terrorist after being pressured by the Biden administration to retaliate for the bombing at the airport.  They never dreamed anyone would compile the evidence to prove otherwise.  Lie and after lie unraveled.  Miley is now not only guilty of treason and incompetence but also mass murder of children.  Of course, no one will be held accountable because if incompetence is grounds for dismissal, no one would be left under the Biden administration.  A dangerous precedent for them.

2)  Vaccine booster fiasco.  Biden was again exposed for politicizing the virus by deeming boosters necessary before the scientists had ruled on the issue.  He was left to look like a fool whose hypocrisy was on full display after the FDA voted 16-2 not to recommend them.

3) Illegals flooding Texas.  Not dozens or hundreds or thousands, but tens of thousands illegals are pouring across the Texas border.  No one has a clue who they are.  They are not vaccinated or tested for the virus but distributed throughout the South where cases are surging as a result.  There are so many that there are no facilities to keep them anymore.  They are being kept in inhumane conditions under a bridge.  Like animals.  The FAA ordered the airspace above the area closed for political purposes to avoid negative publicity.  A gross violation of First Amendment and abuse of authority.  The film footage is like something from a horror film.

4) France recalls its ambassador!  Biden is friends with the Taliban but an enemy of France.  It would be impossible to describe the level of incompetence that resulted in this outcome.  No fiction writer could make this up.  Chaos, ruin, and incompetence is everywhere.  And where is Old Joe?  Bicycling in Delaware.  Where is Kamala?  No one has seen her in months.  She is distancing herself from these disasters.  The only smart thing that she has ever done.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4208 on: September 18, 2021, 06:06:44 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4209 on: September 20, 2021, 12:38:38 AM »
Even by the low standards of the Biden administration, yesterday was a disasterous fiasco that exceeds anything in recent modern history dating back perhaps to the darkest days of the Carter administration.

1)  Mass murder of children in Afghanistan.  After weeks of lying and covering up the deaths of an aid worker and seven children, they were finally forced to acknowledge this mass murder after the media forced their hand.  The military lied about killing an ISIS terrorist after being pressured by the Biden administration to retaliate for the bombing at the airport.  They never dreamed anyone would compile the evidence to prove otherwise.  Lie and after lie unraveled.  Miley is now not only guilty of treason and incompetence but also mass murder of children.  Of course, no one will be held accountable because if incompetence is grounds for dismissal, no one would be left under the Biden administration.  A dangerous precedent for them.

2)  Vaccine booster fiasco.  Biden was again exposed for politicizing the virus by deeming boosters necessary before the scientists had ruled on the issue.  He was left to look like a fool whose hypocrisy was on full display after the FDA voted 16-2 not to recommend them.

3) Illegals flooding Texas.  Not dozens or hundreds or thousands, but tens of thousands illegals are pouring across the Texas border.  No one has a clue who they are.  They are not vaccinated or tested for the virus but distributed throughout the South where cases are surging as a result.  There are so many that there are no facilities to keep them anymore.  They are being kept in inhumane conditions under a bridge.  Like animals.  The FAA ordered the airspace above the area closed for political purposes to avoid negative publicity.  A gross violation of First Amendment and abuse of authority.  The film footage is like something from a horror film.

4) France recalls its ambassador!  Biden is friends with the Taliban but an enemy of France.  It would be impossible to describe the level of incompetence that resulted in this outcome.  No fiction writer could make this up.  Chaos, ruin, and incompetence is everywhere.  And where is Old Joe?  Bicycling in Delaware.  Where is Kamala?  No one has seen her in months.  She is distancing herself from these disasters.  The only smart thing that she has ever done.


Funny how Richard didn't care that for 4 years that Donald Trump lied to him every single day including about a deadly virus that has killed nearly 700,000 Americans. And there is no "booster fiasco" or politicization of the vaccine. Just more right wing propaganda. And again, Criminal Donald claimed he would end all "illegal immigration" and only left President Biden a mess to clean up just like with the economy, COVID 19, and Afghanistan. Right wingers couldn't care less about children in Afghanistan, they are trying to score cheap political points, they don't even care about children in America who are dying from gun violence and COVID each day. This disaster was created by Trump who surrendered to the Taliban and let's remind Richard of Trump's African disaster where our troops were killed and the sick sob laughed about it.

President Trump caught cracking joke about terrorists while discussing Niger ambush where four U.S. soldiers died

September 10, 2018

President Trump drew laughs from some of his aides as he joked about what a “rough business” terrorism is while discussing an ambush in Niger that left four U.S. soldiers dead last year, according to the latest secret recording released Monday.

Trump made the comments during a closed-door meeting at the White House in the wake of the Oct. 4, 2017, attack on the U.S. Special Forces, who were advising local troops fighting Islamic extremists in the African nation.

Former White House communications aide Omarosa Manigault Newman secretly recorded the conversation and provided a tape of it to MSNBC on Monday afternoon.

The President can be heard on the tape telling his aides the U.S. and Nigerien troops “got attacked by 50 real fighters,” who he claimed were in Africa because the American military had chased them out of the Middle East.

"So it’s a rough business. I wouldn’t, I don’t think I’d want to be a terrorist right now,” Trump said, prompting guffaws from the staffers in the room. “It’s not a good life…The reason they’re there, is because we forced them out, and it’s not nearly as many, it’s not nearly as intense, but it’s pretty intense, you see that happening. So that’s that.”

In an interview with host Craig Melvin, Manigault Newman said Trump made the off-the-cuff comments during a communications team meeting attended by several people who she said didn’t have proper security clearances for such a conversation.

Manigault Newman, who has been on a media blitz since the release last month of her tell-all book about the Trump administration, said she interpreted the President’s lighthearted comments, and the subsequent laughter from aides, as “kind of mocking the death of these soldiers.”

“It’s not a laughing matter,” Manigault Newman told Melvin. “We lost four American soldiers.”

The ambush, which also left four Nigerien soldiers dead, has been shrouded in controversy since U.S. Special Forces in Africa are only supposed to advise and assist local troops from behind the front lines. The Pentagon has blamed the bloody ambush on “individual, organizational, and institutional failures,” but has yet to fault any particular individual or strategic decision.

During the private White House chat, Trump shed some light on what his views are on U.S. military involvement in Africa.

“You know, it’s a rough business,” he can be heard saying in the recording. “They’re rough too, they want to kill us. We’ve let the military do what they have to do. And whether you call it rules of engagement or any way you want to say it, but we’ve let them do.”

Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who was present for the meeting, did not return a request for comment.

Trump infamously inflamed the ambush controversy further after he was accused of forgetting the name of one of the fallen soldiers while on a condolence call with his wife.

“I heard him stumbling on trying to remember my husband’s name, and that’s what hurt me the most, because if my husband is out here fighting for our country and he risked his life for our country, why can’t you remember his name?” Myeshia Johnson, the wife of late Army Sgt. La David Johnson, told ABC News weeks after his death.

Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Fla.), who represents Johnson’s district and listened in on the condolence call, also accused Trump of telling Johnson that her husband “knew what he was getting into.” Trump denies the allegation.

Wilson said Monday she wasn’t surprised Trump tried to “make light” of the Niger ambush.

“It is appalling, but this is the same man, after all, who told the widow of my constituent, Sgt. La David Johnson, during his so-called condolence call that her husband knew what he was signing up for,” Wilson told the Daily News. “The recording is yet another example of how unfit Mr. Trump is to serve as our nation’s commander-in-chief and how he cannot resist any opportunity to massage his insatiable ego by taking false credit.”

Bob Woodward, in his recent book, “Fear,” details the President’s struggle dealing with the families of fallen soldiers.

“Some in the Oval Office had copies of the service records. None of what Trump cited was there. He was just making it up,” Woodward writes. “He knew what the families wanted to hear.”

Afghanistan to release 400 'hard-core' Taliban prisoners in bid for peace
August 8, 2020 

KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan government agreed on Sunday to release 400 “hard-core” Taliban prisoners, paving the way for peace talks aimed at ending almost two decades of war.

The insurgent group welcomed the move and said it was ready to begin talks within 10 days of the release.

Under election-year pressure from U.S. President Donald Trump for a deal allowing him to bring home American troops, the country’s grand assembly, or Loya Jirga, on Sunday approved the release.

The Taliban militant had demanded the release of the 400, the last batch among 5,000 prisoners to be freed, as a condition to join peace talks.

“In order to remove an obstacle, allow the start of the peace process and an end of bloodshed, the Loya Jirga approves the release of 400 Taliban,” the assembly said in a resolution.

Minutes later, President Ashraf Ghani announced, “Today, I will sign the release order of these 400 prisoners.”

Last week Ghani invited the grand assembly, some 3,200 community leaders and politicians, to Kabul to advise the government on whether the prisoners should be freed.

Among the 400 are Taliban members accused of major attacks against civilians and foreigners, including a 2017 truck bombing near the German embassy in Kabul that killed more than 150 people - the deadliest attack in the 19-year insurgency.

Taliban and official sources have told Reuters the group includes members of the militant Haqqani network, which has ties to the Taliban.

With the release, the Afghan government will fulfil its pledge to release 5,000 Taliban prisoners.

Talks between the government and the Taliban will start in Doha this week, Western diplomats said. Ghani appealed to the hardline Islamist group to pledge to a complete ceasefire ahead of talks.

But while the Taliban agreed to start talks within 10 days of the release, it did not commit to an immediate ceasefire.

“Ceasefire is and will be an important part of the talks, which will be decided during talks (not before),” Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen told Reuters on the phone from Doha, where the group’s political office is based.

Sunday’s government decision capped more than five months of fitful talks after Washington and the Taliban agreed on the release of the Taliban prisoners as a condition for the talks with Kabul.


Deliberation over the release of last batch of Taliban prisoners had triggered outrage among civilians and rights groups.

It has also proved wrenching for the families of the more than 100,000 Afghan civilians thought to have been killed or injured in the past decade, more than 10,000 last year alone.

The Loya Jirga had urged the government to seek forgiveness from the families of those killed in attacks carried out by the Taliban prisoners being released, important under many interpretations of Islamic law.

U.S. officials had encouraged the Loya Jirga in recent days to support the prisoners’ release despite the drawbacks in order to get the peace process moving.

Neighbouring Pakistan, seen as key to helping pave the way to talks, welcomed Sunday’s decision.

“We hope that with implementation of this step relating to the prisoners’ release, as envisaged in the U.S.-Taliban Peace Agreement, the Intra-Afghan Negotiations will commence at the earliest,” Pakistan’s foreign office said in a statement.

Ahead of the Loya Jirga, Human Rights Watch cautioned that many of the prisoners had been jailed under “overly broad terrorism laws that provide for indefinite preventive detention”.

With the Nov. 3 presidential election looming, Trump is eager to fulfil a major campaign promise to end America’s longest war.

The drawdown will bring the number of U.S. troops to “a number less than 5,000” by the end of November, Defense Secretary Mark Esper said in an interview broadcast on Saturday, down from current levels of around 8,600.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4210 on: September 20, 2021, 12:40:25 AM »
'He thinks it was a great day': ABC reporter's new book reveals how Trump still celebrates Jan. 6

ABC correspondent Jonathan Karl revealed on Sunday that he is writing a new book that has left him "dumbfounded" at former President Donald Trump's affinity for the rally that incited a violent attack on the U.S. Capitol.

"I'm not sure his influence is waning," Karl said of Trump. "Trump also called [the rioters] protesters. And I can tell you from my interviews for Trump for my book that's going to be coming out, I was absolutely dumbfounded at how fondly he looks back Jan. 6."

"He thinks it was a great day," he noted. "He thinks it was one of the greatest days of his time in politics. Now, he doesn't necessarily say that because of the storming of the Capitol. He has this sense that this was like the biggest crowd he'd ever seen."

Karl added: "But, look, he sees that incredibly fondly and his hold on the Republican Party has been far more resilient than I thought it would be."

Watch the video below from ABC.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4210 on: September 20, 2021, 12:40:25 AM »

Offline Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4211 on: September 20, 2021, 01:12:16 AM »

Funny how Richard didn't care that for 4 years that Donald Trump lied to him every single day including about a deadly virus that has killed nearly 700,000 Americans. And there is no "booster fiasco" or politicization of the vaccine. Just more right wing propaganda. And again, Criminal Donald claimed he would end all "illegal immigration" and only left President Biden a mess to clean up just like with the economy, COVID 19, and Afghanistan. Right wingers couldn't care less about children in Afghanistan, they are trying to score cheap political points, they don't even care about children in America who are dying from gun violence and COVID each day. This disaster was created by Trump who surrendered to the Taliban and let's remind Richard of Trump's African disaster where our troops were killed and the sick sob laughed about it.

President Trump caught cracking joke about terrorists while discussing Niger ambush where four U.S. soldiers died

September 10, 2018

President Trump drew laughs from some of his aides as he joked about what a “rough business” terrorism is while discussing an ambush in Niger that left four U.S. soldiers dead last year, according to the latest secret recording released Monday.

Trump made the comments during a closed-door meeting at the White House in the wake of the Oct. 4, 2017, attack on the U.S. Special Forces, who were advising local troops fighting Islamic extremists in the African nation.

Former White House communications aide Omarosa Manigault Newman secretly recorded the conversation and provided a tape of it to MSNBC on Monday afternoon.

The President can be heard on the tape telling his aides the U.S. and Nigerien troops “got attacked by 50 real fighters,” who he claimed were in Africa because the American military had chased them out of the Middle East.

"So it’s a rough business. I wouldn’t, I don’t think I’d want to be a terrorist right now,” Trump said, prompting guffaws from the staffers in the room. “It’s not a good life…The reason they’re there, is because we forced them out, and it’s not nearly as many, it’s not nearly as intense, but it’s pretty intense, you see that happening. So that’s that.”

In an interview with host Craig Melvin, Manigault Newman said Trump made the off-the-cuff comments during a communications team meeting attended by several people who she said didn’t have proper security clearances for such a conversation.

Manigault Newman, who has been on a media blitz since the release last month of her tell-all book about the Trump administration, said she interpreted the President’s lighthearted comments, and the subsequent laughter from aides, as “kind of mocking the death of these soldiers.”

“It’s not a laughing matter,” Manigault Newman told Melvin. “We lost four American soldiers.”

The ambush, which also left four Nigerien soldiers dead, has been shrouded in controversy since U.S. Special Forces in Africa are only supposed to advise and assist local troops from behind the front lines. The Pentagon has blamed the bloody ambush on “individual, organizational, and institutional failures,” but has yet to fault any particular individual or strategic decision.

During the private White House chat, Trump shed some light on what his views are on U.S. military involvement in Africa.

“You know, it’s a rough business,” he can be heard saying in the recording. “They’re rough too, they want to kill us. We’ve let the military do what they have to do. And whether you call it rules of engagement or any way you want to say it, but we’ve let them do.”

Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who was present for the meeting, did not return a request for comment.

Trump infamously inflamed the ambush controversy further after he was accused of forgetting the name of one of the fallen soldiers while on a condolence call with his wife.

“I heard him stumbling on trying to remember my husband’s name, and that’s what hurt me the most, because if my husband is out here fighting for our country and he risked his life for our country, why can’t you remember his name?” Myeshia Johnson, the wife of late Army Sgt. La David Johnson, told ABC News weeks after his death.

Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Fla.), who represents Johnson’s district and listened in on the condolence call, also accused Trump of telling Johnson that her husband “knew what he was getting into.” Trump denies the allegation.

Wilson said Monday she wasn’t surprised Trump tried to “make light” of the Niger ambush.

“It is appalling, but this is the same man, after all, who told the widow of my constituent, Sgt. La David Johnson, during his so-called condolence call that her husband knew what he was signing up for,” Wilson told the Daily News. “The recording is yet another example of how unfit Mr. Trump is to serve as our nation’s commander-in-chief and how he cannot resist any opportunity to massage his insatiable ego by taking false credit.”

Bob Woodward, in his recent book, “Fear,” details the President’s struggle dealing with the families of fallen soldiers.

“Some in the Oval Office had copies of the service records. None of what Trump cited was there. He was just making it up,” Woodward writes. “He knew what the families wanted to hear.”

Afghanistan to release 400 'hard-core' Taliban prisoners in bid for peace
August 8, 2020 

KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan government agreed on Sunday to release 400 “hard-core” Taliban prisoners, paving the way for peace talks aimed at ending almost two decades of war.

The insurgent group welcomed the move and said it was ready to begin talks within 10 days of the release.

Under election-year pressure from U.S. President Donald Trump for a deal allowing him to bring home American troops, the country’s grand assembly, or Loya Jirga, on Sunday approved the release.

The Taliban militant had demanded the release of the 400, the last batch among 5,000 prisoners to be freed, as a condition to join peace talks.

“In order to remove an obstacle, allow the start of the peace process and an end of bloodshed, the Loya Jirga approves the release of 400 Taliban,” the assembly said in a resolution.

Minutes later, President Ashraf Ghani announced, “Today, I will sign the release order of these 400 prisoners.”

Last week Ghani invited the grand assembly, some 3,200 community leaders and politicians, to Kabul to advise the government on whether the prisoners should be freed.

Among the 400 are Taliban members accused of major attacks against civilians and foreigners, including a 2017 truck bombing near the German embassy in Kabul that killed more than 150 people - the deadliest attack in the 19-year insurgency.

Taliban and official sources have told Reuters the group includes members of the militant Haqqani network, which has ties to the Taliban.

With the release, the Afghan government will fulfil its pledge to release 5,000 Taliban prisoners.

Talks between the government and the Taliban will start in Doha this week, Western diplomats said. Ghani appealed to the hardline Islamist group to pledge to a complete ceasefire ahead of talks.

But while the Taliban agreed to start talks within 10 days of the release, it did not commit to an immediate ceasefire.

“Ceasefire is and will be an important part of the talks, which will be decided during talks (not before),” Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen told Reuters on the phone from Doha, where the group’s political office is based.

Sunday’s government decision capped more than five months of fitful talks after Washington and the Taliban agreed on the release of the Taliban prisoners as a condition for the talks with Kabul.


Deliberation over the release of last batch of Taliban prisoners had triggered outrage among civilians and rights groups.

It has also proved wrenching for the families of the more than 100,000 Afghan civilians thought to have been killed or injured in the past decade, more than 10,000 last year alone.

The Loya Jirga had urged the government to seek forgiveness from the families of those killed in attacks carried out by the Taliban prisoners being released, important under many interpretations of Islamic law.

U.S. officials had encouraged the Loya Jirga in recent days to support the prisoners’ release despite the drawbacks in order to get the peace process moving.

Neighbouring Pakistan, seen as key to helping pave the way to talks, welcomed Sunday’s decision.

“We hope that with implementation of this step relating to the prisoners’ release, as envisaged in the U.S.-Taliban Peace Agreement, the Intra-Afghan Negotiations will commence at the earliest,” Pakistan’s foreign office said in a statement.

Ahead of the Loya Jirga, Human Rights Watch cautioned that many of the prisoners had been jailed under “overly broad terrorism laws that provide for indefinite preventive detention”.

With the Nov. 3 presidential election looming, Trump is eager to fulfil a major campaign promise to end America’s longest war.

The drawdown will bring the number of U.S. troops to “a number less than 5,000” by the end of November, Defense Secretary Mark Esper said in an interview broadcast on Saturday, down from current levels of around 8,600.

On top of every other disaster this week, the "violent" insurrection hyped endlessly by the leftist media for months never happened this weekend.  They even put up a great, big beautiful wall around the Capitol because such walls apparently work to keep people out!  Imagine if someone thought to do that in Texas where tens of thousands of people are flooding across the border.  But no, they only do it to keep law abiding American citizens out.  People who prayed and sang songs.  So much disappointment among the Trump haters that there was no violence.  One person was arrested for carrying a gun.  An undercover cop.  LOL.  Fake hysteria and outrage to deflect from the numerous disasters unfolding under Biden.  And where is Kamala?

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4212 on: September 20, 2021, 05:25:33 AM »
The fact of the matter is, Afghanistan is Trump's disaster which all planned by him and Fat Mike Pompeo in 2020. They handed this failed Afghanistan withdrawal off to President Biden in 2021 to deal with and the right wing media appears to have amnesia once again with their false reporting. All the experts warned that Afghanistan was going to be a disaster and Trump set the whole thing up. This should come as no surprise because we knew what was going to happen.

Afghanistan: Former advisor to Mike Pence warned in 2020 that Trump was setting up another 'Benghazi'

A Trump administration advisor warned late last year that President Donald Trump's decision to leave just 2,500 troops in Afghanistan — and his telegraphed desire to get out whether or not the Taliban chose to abide by its agreement with the US — would leave American forces vulnerable to an attack.

"Perhaps by design, perhaps by incompetence, perhaps out of sheer spite or arrogance, Trump has created the circumstances for another Bay of Pigs, Black Hawk Down, or Benghazi," James Golby, who served as a special advisor to Vice President Mike Pence, wrote in a November article for The Atlantic. Those were all situations, he wrote, "where the United States inserted itself into overseas conflicts enough to draw lethal opposition but without sufficient strength to protect its people."

On Thursday, more than 160 Afghans were killed in suicide attacks outside Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, per reports, along with at least 13 US troops. The extremist group ISIS-K has claimed responsibility.

Golby, a US Army veteran who is a senior fellow at the Clements Center for National Security at the University of Texas at Austin, took issue with Trump's mid-November decision because, he wrote, he would be "leaving behind an unsustainable presence in Afghanistan, a crisis for the Afghan people, and a mess for the Biden-Harris administration."

More than 5,000 Afghan civilians were killed or injured in the first half of 2021 — the most since records started being kept in 2009, according to the United Nations, with anti-government forces accounting for 64% of the bloodshed. In May, a terrorist attack in Kabul outside a secondary killed more than 50 people, mostly young girls, the BBC reported.

President Joe Biden campaigned on ending the 20-year American presence in Afghanistan, a decision that enjoys broad public support in the US. Any decision to stay, Golby noted last year, even for a more limited counterterrorism mission, would have required deploying more US troops and could have triggered a new round of clashes between those forces and the Taliban.

Though Biden does not bear responsibility for the large backlog of Special Immigrant Visa applicants created by his predecessor, refugee advocates had pleaded in April — four months before the fall of Kabul — and again in May for the administration to begin mass airlifts of vulnerable Afghans, using his power to grant humanitarian "parole" to bypass the State Department bureaucracy.

Biden elected not to do that until after Kabul fell, though he did authorize a modest surge of US forces just before the collapse, approving the deployment of 5,000 troops. In part, The New York Times recently suggested, those calls were rejected because the government of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani requested that he hold off so as to not harm morale and to avoid deploying more troops ahead of the complete withdrawal — but also, per two US officials who spoke with Reuters, because he was wary of the "political impact" posed by a "large number of Afghan refugees flowing into the United States."

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4212 on: September 20, 2021, 05:25:33 AM »

Offline Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4213 on: September 20, 2021, 02:55:35 PM »
Someone watched Faux Propaganda to get their talking points.  :D   

There is no "leftist media" in America.

How would you know unless you watched Fox News?  LOL.  You must be so disappointed that there was no violence after all the endless leftist hype about this "event."  And how about that great, big beautiful wall they put up around the Capitol at tax payer expense to protect it from a few American citizens?  I guess the Dems finally understand that walls can keep people out.  Now where could we really use one? There will soon be nothing left to distract from the numerous disasters unfolding under Biden's weak and incompetent administration.  All he ever had was anti-Trump rhetoric about the pandemic and Jan. 6.  And the pandemic has blown up in his face with a 300% increase in case despite being gifted the vaccine by Trump from day one of his presidency.  And he still bungled it.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4214 on: September 20, 2021, 11:25:32 PM »
How would you know unless you watched Fox News?  LOL.  You must be so disappointed that there was no violence after all the endless leftist hype about this "event."  And how about that great, big beautiful wall they put up around the Capitol at tax payer expense to protect it from a few American citizens?  I guess the Dems finally understand that walls can keep people out.  Now where could we really use one? There will soon be nothing left to distract from the numerous disasters unfolding under Biden's weak and incompetent administration.  All he ever had was anti-Trump rhetoric about the pandemic and Jan. 6.  And the pandemic has blown up in his face with a 300% increase in case despite being gifted the vaccine by Trump from day one of his presidency.  And he still bungled it.

What this shows is Criminal Donald conrinues to lose support amongst his own rabid base. Maga was hyping this event and it turned out to be a total bust.

President Biden had this pandemic under control until right wingers refused to get vaccinated and now they are killing each other off.   

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4214 on: September 20, 2021, 11:25:32 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4215 on: September 20, 2021, 11:33:21 PM »
Former White House lawyer points out 30-year-old roadmap for investigating and indicting Trump

On Monday, writing for MSNBC, former George W. Bush White House Counsel Richard Painter called on the Justice Department to appoint a new special counsel to look into the misconduct of former President Donald Trump.

Trump and his allies, wrote Painter, need to face accountability for a broad range of allegations, including trying to sabotage the USPS to undermine the election and trying to weaponize the Justice Department to stage a coup. And there is already a roadmap to doing so, wrote Painter — laid out by none other than current President Joe Biden when he was a U.S. senator 30 years ago.

"More than 30 years ago, then-Sen. Joe Biden argued persuasively that special prosecutors are needed when high-ranking officials shatter the public's faith in the government's integrity," wrote Painter. "He's president now, and his attorney general, Merrick Garland, has the authority to appoint a special counsel to investigate and prosecute allegations of crimes by Trump and others, including violations of the political coercion statute. Garland not only has that authority, but he also has the obligation. If crimes were committed, even by the former president himself, then they should be prosecuted."

"Biden need only read his own law review article to figure out what to do about it," concluded Painter. "Garland should appoint a special counsel who can make decisions independent of political considerations, whether for or against Trump. That prosecutor should follow the facts and the law wherever they might lead, focused single-mindedly on that concept fundamental to representative democracy: No person is above the law."

Allen Weisselberg's lawyers 'strongly believe' more indictments are coming in Trump Org case: CNN

CNN reporter Kara Scannell revealed on Monday that the attorneys representing longtime Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg don't think he's the last person at the organization who will face criminal charges.

While talking about Weisselberg's Monday court appearance, Scannell broke down some surprising moments that had potential implications for former President Donald Trump.

"One of his lawyers spoke up and he said he strongly believes indictments are coming in this case," she explained. "He didn't say who, or how many, or why he believed it, but we have been reporting that the [Manhattan District Attorney's Office] has been investigating another top Trump Organization official -- Matthew Calamari, he's the chief operating officer."

Weisselberg was first indicted this past July on 15 charges that included four counts of criminal tax fraud and one count of grand larceny.

The longtime Trump Organization CFO has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

Watch the video below:

More than 3 million new docs found in co-conspirator's basement by Trump tax fraud investigators: report

An attorney for Allen Weisselberg, the chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, said in court Monday that he believes more indictments are coming in the case.

"We have strong reason to believe there could be other indictments coming," attorney Bryan Skarlatos said at a pre-trial hearing in New York State Supreme Court, according to a report from CNN.

Asked about the pending indictments, CNN's Kara Scannell said: "There was no further elaboration on that point, and we don't know exactly who could be charged or how many people."

Scannell added that Skarlatos asked the judge for more time to deal with discovery in the case, as he receives more evidence from prosecutors.

"He said he just received today a manilla envelope that he held up in court with a bulge in it," Scannell reported. "And he said within that, he was told there were 3 million documents. He said these documents were found in a co-conspirator's basement, and they were tax documents. So certainly a lot more information getting transferred from prosecutors to the defense."

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