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JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate / Re: Joe Biden's Legacy
« Last post by Andrew Mason on September 20, 2024, 04:54:56 PM »
The Dems fought the wall tooth and nail.  They used every resource to ensure it wasn't built.  They sued Trump.  They tried to defund the building of the wall.  They claimed he was racist.  A wall works.  How do we know this?  They put one up around the Dem convention to keep people out.
What is the point of putting up a wall if it is not patrolled? The wall is easy to climb as the many Youtube videos of people scaling the wall with and without ropes show.  The only way to stop crossings is with well staffed border patrols. And the deal to do that was thwarted by those who complained most about the border: ie. when the Trump sycophants, like Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz, refused to support the bi-partisan border bill. 

They have one around the WH to keep people out.  Do they stop 100% of the people who might want to cross?  No, but it is better than allowing them to run across a wide-open border. 

The Rio Grande River makes up 2000 km of the border.  No one is even suggesting a wall blocking the river.  Americans don't want to have to go over a wall to enjoy their river and I don't think the Mexicans would let the U.S. put it on the Mexican side.  Abbot's sick attempt at eviscerating migrants attempting to cross near El Paso didn't work.  Unless the river is monitored and patrolled - which takes people - you have 2000 km of open border even with a wall.

The Dems have deflected the real problems posed by an influx of millions of illegal aliens with nonsense like the pets.   The problems are real and much more serious.  To imply this all just a product of "neo-Nazis" is brainwashed MSNBC nonsense.   You can't drop ten of thousands of illegal aliens in a small community without any resources to deal with them without massive problems.  Medical care, schools, housing, jobs.  None of that was taken into consideration.
Springfield's Republican mayor and the Republican Governor of Ohio would seem to disagree with you.  They seem pretty happy with the Haitian emigrees who seem to have found jobs and accommodation, schools, etc.  Despite J.D. Vance's distopian view of the situation, things were going rather well in Springfield

They hadn't counted on the additional resources required by the police and law enforcement, however. But that is only recent - to deal with the bomb threats and other security threats created by Trump's baseless allegations. And the only reason he made them was because his campaign was apparently listening to the Neo-Nazi group headed by two ex-marines who made up the rumour.
Relevant Text transfer from Prayer man thread.

Steve Barber

When the 6th floor museum releases the entire Darnell film, you're in for a real surprise when you see how easy it is to identify Clyde Hatgood in the parking lot behind the knoll, and real surprised to see him walking to his motorcycle.  We tried to tell you, but you insit it's not Haygood.   Just saying!

Royell Storing

Just to be clear, are you saying there is clear Darnell footage of a DPD Motorcycle Cop, "in the parking lot behind the knoll"? Or do you mean the "Train Yard"? Also, when you say "walking to his motorcycle", are you referencing the segment showing that "No Glove Cop" walking toward/down the Elm St Ext toward the TSBD? If this Elm St. Ext/TSBD snippet is the film segment you are referring to, I believe that might have been filmed by Martin. He and Darnell musta been almost shoulder-to-shoulder back inside the train yard. I have examined film footage from back inside the Train Yard that was filmed at the same point in time, but from differing angles. Anyway, I look forward to the Sixth Floor Museum release of the remainder of the NBC Darnell Film. That's, If/When they do that.

Steve Barber

My apology I meant the railroad yard. No, I'm not referring to "One glove cop", even though Haygood had removed one glove, probably to easily access his gun if he captured anyone,
The officer I am referring to, Haygood, can be seen in the Darnell film walking toward a parked motorcycle which is parked in the railroad yard.  Darnell shuts his camera off just before Haygood reaches the motorcycle.  There is no footage of Haygood walking to the TSBD in the Darnell footage.  In the clear Darnell film, which I told you I have a copy of, Haygood''s face can easily-and clearly-be seen, therefore, he can easily be identified in the RR yard.  I, too, look forward to the original being released by NBC to the SFM.  Could you clarify who "Martin" is?  Is this John Martin who also filmed the motorcade turning from Houston onto Main Street?  His film is of very poor quality.

Royell Storing

There currently is No Darnell Footage showing Haygood, "walking toward a parked motorcycle which is parked in the train yard", in the public domain. And as everyone knows, Haygood initially parked/dumped his motorcycle at the (N) Elm St curb just (W) of The Steps. Even if you do have some sort of footage showing Haygood, "walking toward a parked motorcycle which is parked in the train yard", this would be happening well after Haygood's 5 minute window which began immediately after the Kill Shot. Per his WC Testimony, Haygood had not completed his turn onto Houston St when the kill shot was fired.
Yeah,John Martin. There are now better copies of his film. I get the feeling you are still eyeballing the old Groden Garbage.
The Cancellare Photo of Haygood standing atop the Triple Underpass shows him Wearing BOTH Gloves. When specifically did Haygood remove 1 of his gloves as you claim?

Steve Barber

So you finally admit that it's Haygood in the Darnell film in the RR yard, then?   The fact is, the footage is there, and Haygood is abouut 5 feet away from it-walking toward it- when Darnell turned the camera, and shut it off just before Haygood reached it.  Everyone also knows that Haygood was in the RR yard, because he was both filmed and photographed there.  Jay Skaggs took a specific photograph of Haygood in the RR yard, so we know he was there.

None of the copies of the Martin film are good quality.  I have seen the "better" copies than what is the DCA and Groden copies, of course.  None of them show Clyde Haygood, specifially, walking to the TSBD on Elm Street extension.  I know he went to help search in TSBD, but if there is an officer walkin on the extension, where is your poroof that this is Haygood.

You are the one who claims the officer walking around with a glove off isn't Haygood.  Where is your proof it isn't he?  He's filmed there, and once you see the original-if you do-or a 1st generation copy, such as is at the SFM, you will see it is, in fact Haygood, and your argument that Haygood can't be in the RR yard or captured by Darnell are bogus.

Royell Storing

I have Proven the "No Glove Cop" filmed by Darnell as he walks along the string of Passenger train cars, and then walks down/toward the Elm St Ext/TSBD is Not Officer Haygood based on these Facts: (1) The Cancellare Photo showing Officer Haygood standing atop the Triple Underpass Wearing Both Gloves, (2) There being only a 5 Minute Window between the Kill Shot and the 12:35 radio transmission Haygood made from his motorcycle parked at the (N) Elm Curb/(W) of The Steps, (3) Haygood NEVER testified or said that he walked along a string of Passenger Train Cars, helped with crowd control in the train yard, or walked toward/down the Elm St Ext/TSBD at any point during his 5 minute window, and (4) James Tague gave WC Testimony that he witnessed Officer Haygood being Back at his motorcycle at the (N) Elm St curb within 2-3 minutes after leaving it. Facts!

Whatever film footage you are looking at that allegedly shows Haygood to be walking toward a motorcycle in the train yard, has a timeline that is outside of Haygood's "5 Minute Window". Haygood made a documented radio transmission from his motorcycle parked at the (N) Elm St Curb/ (W) of The Steps at 12:35 PM. Fact!
Haygood with one black glove removed which he is holding in his left hand.

Darnell Frame ( Identification credit: Todd Vaughan )

Clyde Haygood

Skaggs Slide # 8 ( Credit: 6th Floor Museum )

This thread has been side tracked from "Prayer Woman" to "Haygood" ?
The Haygood "Car Park" discussion should be on a separate thread.
Continue the Haygood "Car Park" discussion on the thread at the link below.
All Relevant Text discussion from this thread has been transferred to the new thread.,4083.0.html
JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate / Re: U.S. Politics
« Last post by Royell Storing on September 19, 2024, 05:30:04 PM »

 Don't forget that both candidates could fall short of the minimum 270 Delegates needed to become POTUS. Trump wins Georgia and Pennsylvania, all he would need would be Nevada (6).  Trump needs to hang onto N. Carolina. Other than that, he is in good shape. The Teamster's rank-n-file now supporting Trump (60%) is a seismic shift. This bodes well in Michigan.
  It really ALL comes down to the tabulating. With computers being used, there is no reason it should be taking more than a week to count ballots and a winner declared inna state. To me, if people are going to be permitted to vote early in person or by mail-in ballot, these early votes should be counted Immediately. This would result in a Daily Rolling Total being released to the public.  If I have the right to vote early, I also have the right to know with confidence that my ballot is being counted Now! Having millions upon millions of legitimately cast but uncounted ballots stacked up across the USA, is just begging for Fraud.     
JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate / Re: U.S. Politics
« Last post by Richard Smith on September 19, 2024, 03:53:43 PM »
The electoral college decides the presidential race. Trump currently wins that and is pulling away. In baseball, you judge a pitcher based on the reaction of the hitter. The Dem's ever growing hysteria tells the tale.

I hope you are right and this is 2016 again.  The problem is that Trump has to win most every contested state to win the election.  AZ, NV, Georgia, NC and then one of the three of Michigan, Wisconsin, or PA.  If the media can keep the focus on idiotic topics like crowd size, pets, and other nonsense, it deflects from the disastrous Harris record.  Trump and Vance have gifted them these issues.  The spin is all about Trump and Kamala can continue to hide and run the clock out like Old Joe did in 2020.  This is Trump's election to lose.  He is running against the single dumbest and most incompetent candidate in US history.  She has a record of endless disasters.   But Trump is not closing the deal.
Thanks for posting the link to that well-written article. JD Tippit was a brave hero both in WWII and on 11/22/63.

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