JFK Assassination Forum

JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: Steve Taylor on May 29, 2018, 03:16:16 PM

Title: Privacy Window
Post by: Steve Taylor on May 29, 2018, 03:16:16 PM
As in most limos, there is a privacy window between the drivers and the passengers.  From the photo below it appears to to be able to slide back and forth in a channel so that the Grey Poupon can be passed back by Mr. Kellerman when needed.
I would like to know how bullet fragments ended up in the front seat with this window closed? Can someone help? Does this raise any questions from others?

Mr. Rankin:  Do you recall anyone saying anything else during the time of the shooting?
Mrs. Kennedy:  No, there weren't any words. There was just Governor Connally's.  And then I suppose Mrs. Connally was sort of crying and covering her husband.  But I don't remember any words.  And there was a big windshield between - you know -  I think.  Isn't there?
Mr. Rankin:  Between the seats?
Mrs. Kennedy:  So you know, those poor men in the front, you couldn't hear them.

Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Michael Chambers on May 29, 2018, 11:57:55 PM
I had always assumed it was open at the time.

If it was shut the idea of the throat exit trajectory going on to the shot hitting the windscreen place is probably shot down in flames.
But it was just an estimate, and I've only ever done the exact measurement theory of thet trajectory to just past the rear of the limo from JFK.  Thumb1:
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Steve Taylor on May 31, 2018, 11:08:26 AM
I had always assumed it was open at the time.

If it was shut the idea of the throat exit trajectory going on to the shot hitting the windscreen place is probably shot down in flames.
But it was just an estimate, and I've only ever done the exact measurement theory of thet trajectory to just past the rear of the limo from JFK.  Thumb1:

Thank you Michael.  I believe this new evidence will cause many to adjust their theories.  Jackie's final words to the WC that day may have been meant to be a vital clue in the case.
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Howard Gee on May 31, 2018, 01:40:34 PM
Excellent post.

Closed partition window certainly would raise questions.

We do know that a fragment cracked the interior of the windshield, and there's the dent in the chrome above the rearview mirror and I believe damage to a visor that's pretty conclusive evidence that fragments did indeed make it to the front of the limo.

Although I'm not sure that the photo posted definitively shows a completely closed partition window, it sure does appear to be closed in the area between Nellie and the driver.

Of course it's possible that the window might have been opened after the posted photo was taken.

I'm guessing additional photographic evidence of the status of the window immediately before the assassination might be found in film of the limo as it is on Houston approaching Elm, during the assassination in Zapruder, and post assassination in photos of the limo taken at Parkland.

Perhaps there's testimony about the window somewhere in the WCR ?

In any event, good post and something new to consider.
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Louis Earl on June 01, 2018, 02:32:47 AM
It's clear that the limo windshield was in Michigan (?)by Tuesday morning so that it could serve as a mold for the construction of a replacement windshield.  Both people at that plant as well as witnesses from Parkland described a "through and through" bullet hole in the windshield.  Does anyone know if the courtesy window was also replaced after the assassination?
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Steve Taylor on June 01, 2018, 04:40:30 AM
Excellent post.

Closed partition window certainly would raise questions.

We do know that a fragment cracked the interior of the windshield, and there's the dent in the chrome above the rearview mirror and I believe damage to a visor that's pretty conclusive evidence that fragments did indeed make it to the front of the limo.

Although I'm not sure that the photo posted definitively shows a completely closed partition window, it sure does appear to be closed in the area between Nellie and the driver.

Of course it's possible that the window might have been opened after the posted photo was taken.

I'm guessing additional photographic evidence of the status of the window immediately before the assassination might be found in film of the limo as it is on Houston approaching Elm, during the assassination in Zapruder, and post assassination in photos of the limo taken at Parkland.

Perhaps there's testimony about the window somewhere in the WCR ?

In any event, good post and something new to consider.

Thank you for the kind words Howard.  I spent a few hours searching for motorcade pictures.  I found 3 that may be pertinent.  However the last 2 contradict each other.  Could the partition window be easily removed at Parkland?

This one shows an opening of about 2 inches on the right:


This one shows the damage above the area of the rear view mirror, but also two possible holes in the upper left corner of the partition:

This one indicates extensive damage of the partition:

Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Steve Taylor on June 02, 2018, 05:55:34 AM
Thanks Mark.  Here's some more.  Compare picture 1 to 2.

Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Howard Gee on June 02, 2018, 10:50:02 AM
After viewing the assorted photos posted above, I'm of the opinion that we're seeing varying types of partitions with windows that open and close differently.

Some appear to move horizontally and can't be completely opened, while the partition employed in the limo used on 11/22/63 might have windows that open and close vertically.

Do we know with certainty how the partition windows in the assassination limo operated ?
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Ray Mitcham on June 02, 2018, 11:24:13 AM
After viewing the assorted photos posted above, I'm of the opinion that we're seeing varying types of partitions with windows that open and close differently.

Some appear to move horizontally and can't be completely opened, while the partition employed in the limo used on 11/22/63 might have windows that open and close vertically.

Do we know with certainty how the partition windows in the assassination limo operated ?

The photos appear to show that the window is in two parts, in which case they would open horizontally, as if the window  operated vertically, it would not have ben made in two  pieces.
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Howard Gee on June 02, 2018, 11:43:34 AM
If they moved horizontally, then it would be impossible for the partition to ever be more than half open.

I'm not sure of this, but my guess is the window(s) in the partition used on 11/22/63 opened and closed vertically.
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Royell Storing on June 02, 2018, 03:52:18 PM
          The pictured Top being placed on the JFK Limo is NOT the top that was installed on the Limo at Parkland Hospital. That Top was stored in pieces inside the trunk of the Limo. Said Top was extracted from the Limo trunk and assembled/installed as the car sat in that Parkland Emergency parking stall.
          Personally, based on All of the 11/22/63 images of the JFK Limo I have seen, I believe that the window that runs entirely across the JFK Limo, (from door-to-door), had been removed.  It could be that anytime they took the top off the the Limo they also removed the window. It could be a vibration issue without the support of the top? Also, if the top is on the Limo and that window is installed & closed, if shot(s) were fired how would a SS Agent such as Kellerman move from the front seat to the rear section of the Limo in order to protect/physically cover the POTUS? SA Youngblood physically did this with regard to LBJ.  SA Hill also did this with Jackie who he was specifically assigned to protect. This makes it obvious as to what is SS Protocol regarding shots fired and the duty of a SS Agent with regard to who they are assigned to protect.
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Louis Earl on June 03, 2018, 12:15:37 AM
There's an interesting photo on page 1 of this discussion.  It's a B&W photo taken from behind the limo, passenger side, looking diagonally across the limo. Jackie and JFK appear to be talking to each other.  What's odd IMO is that neither of the Connallys are visible at all.  Are they there (well, of course they are) but "where?".
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Mitch Todd on June 03, 2018, 04:03:54 AM
There's an interesting photo on page 1 of this discussion.  It's a B&W photo taken from behind the limo, passenger side, looking diagonally across the limo. Jackie and JFK appear to be talking to each other.  What's odd IMO is that neither of the Connallys are visible at all.  Are they there (well, of course they are) but "where?".

Then it's probably from one of the re-creations of the event and not the event itself
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: John Iacoletti on June 03, 2018, 04:53:30 AM
Then it's probably from one of the re-creations of the event and not the event itself

No, it's real.  Taken by Dallas photographer Duane Robinson of the limo on Cedar Creek.

Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Howard Gee on June 03, 2018, 06:22:05 AM
          The pictured Top being placed on the JFK Limo is NOT the top that was installed on the Limo at Parkland Hospital. That Top was stored in pieces inside the trunk of the Limo. Said Top was extracted from the Limo trunk and assembled/installed as the car sat in that Parkland Emergency parking stall.
          Personally, based on All of the 11/22/63 images of the JFK Limo I have seen, I believe that the window that runs entirely across the JFK Limo, (from door-to-door), had been removed.  It could be that anytime they took the top off the the Limo they also removed the window. It could be a vibration issue without the support of the top? Also, if the top is on the Limo and that window is installed & closed, if shot(s) were fired how would a SS Agent such as Kellerman move from the front seat to the rear section of the Limo in order to protect/physically cover the POTUS? SA Youngblood physically did this with regard to LBJ.  SA Hill also did this with Jackie who he was specifically assigned to protect. This makes it obvious as to what is SS Protocol regarding shots fired and the duty of a SS Agent with regard to who they are assigned to protect.

Interesting, and pretty convincing, Royell.

So I guess the first photo that seems to show glass between Nellie and Greer is being misinterpreted ?
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Bill Brown on June 03, 2018, 08:26:11 AM
Beginning at 1:07...

I don't see any glass between the Connally's and Greer & Kellerman in the front seats.

And again, freeze it at 4:17...

You can see the President's face.  It doesn't appear that there is glass between the camera's position and the President's face.

In both of the above instances, there doesn't appear to be this "line" going down the middle:

Blue arrow...
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Steve Taylor on June 03, 2018, 10:08:41 AM
          The pictured Top being placed on the JFK Limo is NOT the top that was installed on the Limo at Parkland Hospital. That Top was stored in pieces inside the trunk of the Limo. Said Top was extracted from the Limo trunk and assembled/installed as the car sat in that Parkland Emergency parking stall.
          Personally, based on All of the 11/22/63 images of the JFK Limo I have seen, I believe that the window that runs entirely across the JFK Limo, (from door-to-door), had been removed.  It could be that anytime they took the top off the the Limo they also removed the window. It could be a vibration issue without the support of the top? Also, if the top is on the Limo and that window is installed & closed, if shot(s) were fired how would a SS Agent such as Kellerman move from the front seat to the rear section of the Limo in order to protect/physically cover the POTUS? SA Youngblood physically did this with regard to LBJ.  SA Hill also did this with Jackie who he was specifically assigned to protect. This makes it obvious as to what is SS Protocol regarding shots fired and the duty of a SS Agent with regard to who they are assigned to protect.

Royall, from what I'm learning, the bubble top is placed on first, then a canvas covering was stretched over it, to correspond to what you are used to seeing.  I think this pic shows the SS installing the canvas.

Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Steve Taylor on June 03, 2018, 10:23:44 AM
Beginning at 1:07...

I don't see any glass between the Connally's and Greer & Kellerman in the front seats.

And again, freeze it at 4:17...

You can see the President's face.  It doesn't appear that there is glass between the camera's position and the President's face.

Bill, the preview image of your movie shows the sun reflected off of the partition.  I see it a few times again in the beginning of the motorcade but its fleeting.
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Michael Walton on June 03, 2018, 11:06:54 AM
This is an interesting post. IMO - it seems like there's no partition there for two reasons:

1. That day was full of light so you'd expect some kind of reflection off of that glass. I just watched the parade film and it's quite unusual that nothing really stands out.

2. Here's a photo that I found interesting:


Connolly has his hand resting on the seat back or what appears to be where the glass would be. And there is no glare or reflection at all in that photo off of that glass if it was there.

Here's another pretty good photo - appears that there's no glass there.


But of course Jackie Kennedy said it was there so who knows?

Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Steve Taylor on June 04, 2018, 07:52:32 AM
It looks like a vertical line extends near Connally's forehead, right where the edge of the partition should be. You might have to save this photo and zoom-in.

Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Tom Scully on June 04, 2018, 09:18:19 AM
Photographers capture lighting/lens/film interpretations reinterpreted by opinionated pairs of eyes.



Henry Ford Museum, permanent display (altered after 1963 for later use by LBJ).:
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Howard Gee on June 04, 2018, 02:59:14 PM
It looks like a vertical line extends near Connally's forehead, right where the edge of the partition should be. You might have to save this photo and zoom-in.


Steve, I think I see the vertical line you're referring to, but in my opinion it doesn't extend to the top of the partition and appears to be in front of where the glass would be. My guess is the line you're seeing is actually something closer to the dashboard above Greer's right hand area, but I'm not sure.
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Ray Mitcham on June 04, 2018, 04:55:56 PM
Steve, I think I see the vertical line you're referring to, but in my opinion it doesn't extend to the top of the partition and appears to be in front of where the glass would be. My guess is the line you're seeing is actually something closer to the dashboard above Greer's right hand area, but I'm not sure.

Howard, for some reason you seem to disbelieve that the privacy window was a two part sliding unit.
What do you think the vertical lines are in this  photo (yellow arrow.

(https://image.ibb.co/h7uBF8/JFKLBJlimo_Henry_Ford_Museum.jpg) (https://ibb.co/k4NL8T)
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Tom Scully on June 04, 2018, 06:32:51 PM
(Pamela Brown wrote that the glass privacy partition was removed three months after June, 1961. See text near bottom of this post.)

Anthony Marsh is credited with locating this 1961 photo.:


On her no longer resolving website, Pamela Brown wrote:

...From the halcyon days of June, 1961, when the newly-designed car was delivered to the White House, complete with a permanent privacy window in the center partition area, to September, 1961 when the Secret Service ordered numerous changes made to the limo, including the redesign of the center partition area and the removal of the privacy window, to the fateful motorcade in Dallas on November 22, 1963, this elegant vehicle was an integral part of the life of President Kennedy....

....PRIOR TO 11/22/63

This photo was taken in mid-1961 (http://ss100x.com/window.jpg). Notice the configuration of the metal frame, and the Continental logo in the side panel window. Compare it with the configuration of the frame in the motorcade photo at the top of this page. Look at the vertical line in the center of the metal frame area. It represents the privacy window. How does it compare with the color photo farther down the page of the limo as it is today. How does it compare with the black-and-white copy below?

The privacy window (http://ss100x.com/LIMO1961.jpg) looked like this in June, 1961. This photo, first located by Anthony Marsh, was part of the publicity package for the limo at the time of its delivery to the White House. It was included in the press release of the Ford Motor Company for the Presidential limo, verifies that the car that became SS-100-X, the primary crime scene of the assassination, was delivered to the White House with a privacy window.

Why was a privacy window installed in the Presidential limousine SS-100-X when it was delivered to the White House in June, 1961 and why was it removed three months later? In September, 1961, the entire center partition area was removed and redesigned, based, apparently, on the recommendations of the Secret Service. The privacy window was taken out, and a removable metal frame was designed with glass side panels to hold the rest of the bubbletop in place. On the day of the assassination, the metal frame was in place, but the bubbletop was in the limo's trunk. Apparently, this configuration was used in case a sudden downpour should start (the early morning had been rainy). Ironically, the bubbletop, though not bullet-proof (nothing on the car was at that time) might have deflected some of the shots, made focusing on the target harder, and contributed to saving the President's life. Vince Palamara has determined that JFK did not order the bubble top off, but that Sam Kinney took responsibility for that fatal mistake. Pamela -Brown brought the research on the second windshield to the community in 1997.
....The significant design flaw of SS-100-X -- the 'stretch' section including the center partition area, were well known to the Secret Service, even upon delivery of the car in June, 1961. Only three months later the limo was restructured and the privacy window removed. And yet, acknowledging the difficulties of communication between passengers and SS agents in a configuration with the top down must have been acknowledged by the SS. And yet, the car was still used as a parade vehicle while the SS knew it was unsafe in an open configuration....
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Royell Storing on June 04, 2018, 08:20:55 PM
Royall, from what I'm learning, the bubble top is placed on first, then a canvas covering was stretched over it, to correspond to what you are used to seeing.  I think this pic shows the SS installing the canvas.


         There is assorted film footage that contains intermittent stages of the top being assembled at Parkland Hospital. The very rear of the top needed a skeleton of rods/frame to be pre-assembled, and then placed over the rear seat area where JFK was seated. A rear window further complicates the assembly/installation of this section of the top. The assembly of this rear section of the top was done on the ground near the (L) rear tire of the JFK Limo. There is also a film snippet that shows the top section that covered the front seat area being installed. This section required Long rods to be installed that ran completely across the Limo from the driver side to the passenger side. It appears they were screwed down into the car on the upper edges of each side. The space limitations of the Limo trunk probably mandated the top mirroring an erector set. 
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Tom Scully on June 04, 2018, 11:55:05 PM
In the beginning ....


Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Michael Walton on June 05, 2018, 12:13:27 AM
The Pam Brown description above is very good.  It convinces me there's no glass there at all.  There's a photo I found when the car was in the shade during the motorcade - there's no reflection of JBC at all which means there's no glass.
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Steve Taylor on June 05, 2018, 05:13:11 AM
  The following is a quotation of the work done in September 1961 at Ford.  I tried to contact Pam Brown unsuccessfully, but I would have asked her about this work order.  I would contend that she was mistaken.  In my opinion the work order specifies removing the old center body pillar and replacing it with one that can be quickly taken apart and reassembled.  (I may be wrong but I remember a pic of the manufacturing of the limo where that area under consideration had a large metal frame, in the shape of a roll bar, which probably held the heavy class in place).
  Notice the document where it says "Provide new glass" and "Provide new glass frames". I am having trouble locating further pages of this document, but I have seen page 2 and if I remember correctly there is no further discussion on the issue.
  I will concede that most of the photos on that day show no partition.  However, Mrs. Kennedy brought the subject up and Mr. Rankin confirmed it.  So I personally will continue to take a look for the partition in photos that I look at in the future. 
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Tom Scully on June 05, 2018, 07:11:07 AM
Only my opinion, I think you are done (you'll likely disagree), considering the instructions in the entire document.:



After all traces of the partition glass and drive mechanism were to be removed, the area behind the front seats
was to be resurfaced, without the window slots, and new handrails were installed on that same surface.
Only references specifically to partition glass is accompanied by word, removal.
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Steve Taylor on June 05, 2018, 10:54:31 AM
  Good find Tom.  I think you make a good argument for it being removed.  But if you continue to the D2 section of the same document you will see numerous references to part numbers for a new partition.  The page I posted earlier had a handwritten reference to "D2 modification" next to "3. Limousine Partition Glass".  Here is a reference from the D2 section:
https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=149138&search=westbay#relPageId=8&tab=page (https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=149138&search=westbay#relPageId=8&tab=page)

 If you read the beginning (pg2), the writer requesting these documents, Thomas Canning, complained that these all reflected pre-assassination modifications and not post-assassination changes about the trunk area, as he requested.  All of this is about as clear as mud to me.
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Howard Gee on June 05, 2018, 11:30:05 AM
The Pam Brown description above is very good.  It convinces me there's no glass there at all.  There's a photo I found when the car was in the shade during the motorcade - there's no reflection of JBC at all which means there's no glass.

I agree.

Steve still deserves credit for raising the question, as does Tom for his find.

Nice work, guys.
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Steve Taylor on June 05, 2018, 11:54:23 AM
Thanks Howard.
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Royell Storing on June 05, 2018, 05:53:43 PM
  Good find Tom.  I think you make a good argument for it being removed.  But if you continue to the D2 section of the same document you will see numerous references to part numbers for a new partition.  The page I posted earlier had a handwritten reference to "D2 modification" next to "3. Limousine Partition Glass".  Here is a reference from the D2 section:
https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=149138&search=westbay#relPageId=8&tab=page (https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=149138&search=westbay#relPageId=8&tab=page)

 If you read the beginning (pg2), the writer requesting these documents, Thomas Canning, complained that these all reflected pre-assassination modifications and not post-assassination changes about the trunk area, as he requested.  All of this is about as clear as mud to me.

       With there being No Doubt regarding the Officer Chaney Lead Car Event having occurred, I believe at this same time the JFK Limo was also Stopped.  This stoppage being witnessed by Earl V. Brown of the DPD. With the SS having a locked and loaded AR-15 sitting at the ready on the floor board of the Queen Mary, I believe there was also weapon(s) inside the trunk of the JFK Limo. It would be foolish to believe that if the Queen Mary and the JFK Limo with the POTUS inside were separated for whatever reason, that the Only weapons inside the JFK Limo protecting the POTUS would be the 2 service revolvers carried by SA Kellerman & SA Greer. I believe when the JFK Limo stopped, the trunk was opened to retrieve whatever firepower was carried inside. With the assorted bric-a-brac connected to the Limo Top that was also piled into that trunk, retrieving weapon(s) amid extremely stressful conditions and time constraints made this a hazardous exercise to accomplish. I believe "changes" to the Limo trunk were a direct result of what transpired at some point between the Kill Shot and the JFK Limo arriving at Parkland Hospital. This is really what is behind the Thomas Canning question. There are Many Details concerning the assassination of JFK we still do Not know 54+ years later. 
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Ray Mitcham on June 08, 2018, 12:53:15 PM
This from the Ford Museum

" The 1961 Lincoln Continental Presidential Limousine used by John F. Kennedy did feature the glass privacy sliding door windows in the original construction. Here is some additional information in regards to vehicle on our site (https://www.thehenryford.org/collections-and-research/digital-resources/popular-topics/kennedy-limo/). I hope this information was helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions."
Title: Re: Privacy Window
Post by: Michael Walton on June 08, 2018, 09:25:02 PM
This from the Ford Museum

" The 1961 Lincoln Continental Presidential Limousine used by John F. Kennedy did feature the glass privacy sliding door windows in the original construction. Here is some additional information in regards to vehicle on our site (https://www.thehenryford.org/collections-and-research/digital-resources/popular-topics/kennedy-limo/). I hope this information was helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions."

Yes, Ray, but if you took the time to read the above documentation, we already know it was later removed.