JFK Assassination Forum

JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: Jerry Freeman on June 08, 2018, 09:27:05 PM

Title: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Jerry Freeman on June 08, 2018, 09:27:05 PM
Rob Caprio mentions this witness in his Statements That Sink series #123....
There were no replies to that thread, I wonder why?


Mr Simmons explicitly states that the first shot came from the fence/trees area on the grassy knoll and then he saw JFK start to slump over.

Other than that, I can find no other posts on him.

James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness

He said the FBI completely changed his statement.
This is what was published in the Warren Report. 

Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Barry Pollard on June 09, 2018, 01:31:25 PM
Since I don't have the evidence to hand you can dismiss this but still, fwiw,
no motorcycle cop went up the slope on his bike and the one cop that actually tried to, did not then head for the TSBD, that's a blantant alteration and it happens in at least two other similar statements and IIRC one was also taken by the same interviewer. So according to the feds three men atop the underpass saw the cop ride up and then {u] head for the TSBD[/u]  (Winborns's statement however is a rather accurate description of what Hargis did). Also note how they descibe where Simmons saw smoke.
Robert Jackson says the exact same thing about the bike cop in much later appearances, despite only getting out of his own vehicle to follow this same cop up the knoll and had no interest in going in the TSBD where he claimed he saw another one run into.

Now this is what I don't have the most, there is a stabilized gif of the Bell film showing the men on the OP and some of them(three at least) are "clearly" waving or clapping at the limo, one of them I suspect is Simmons, a tall suspect in perhaps dungerees.
Dillard's last photo in the plaza shows both Simmons and Holland still up there a minute later, the latter having moved to his right(and now stood next to Simmons) probably to get a better view up the street.

Bowers was another one who claimed to see the bike cop ride up the grass, despite it being impossible to see from his position, to me it seems obvious he's heard it from one of the others, that is they've all had time to sit around and listen and compare stories. All these men should have been seperated and questioned on the spot. "...Anything you don't say today and later rely on(for Oswald's defence)..."
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Denis Pointing on June 10, 2018, 12:32:00 AM
The fact that he can't be refuted easily Jerry is why the LNers ignored this topic. They only respond to things that they can easily obfuscate.

Thanks for reading my post.

Actually, the reason LNs and CTs don't reply is that we can't be bothered with you. Trying to discuss anything with you is akin to trying to hold a discussion with a Jeahover witness or a flat-earther.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Jerry Freeman on June 13, 2018, 04:21:23 AM
'Discussion' wouldn't be necessarily vital to any response.
On record is the workers statements along with several other spectators- lending credence- that a shot or shots came from behind the fence.
This revelation was completely ignored by the Warren Commission.
Absolutely criminal.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Matt Grantham on June 13, 2018, 05:26:46 AM
Since I don't have the evidence to hand you can dismiss this but still, fwiw,
no motorcycle cop went up the slope on his bike and the one cop that actually tried to, did not then head for the TSBD, that's a blantant alteration and it happens in at least two other similar statements and IIRC one was also taken by the same interviewer. So according to the feds three men atop the underpass saw the cop ride up and then {u] head for the TSBD[/u]  (Winborns's statement however is a rather accurate description of what Hargis did). Also note how they descibe where Simmons saw smoke.
Robert Jackson says the exact same thing about the bike cop in much later appearances, despite only getting out of his own vehicle to follow this same cop up the knoll and had no interest in going in the TSBD where he claimed he saw another one run into.

Now this is what I don't have the most, there is a stabilized gif of the Bell film showing the men on the OP and some of them(three at least) are "clearly" waving or clapping at the limo, one of them I suspect is Simmons, a tall suspect in perhaps dungerees.
Dillard's last photo in the plaza shows both Simmons and Holland still up there a minute later, the latter having moved to his right(and now stood next to Simmons) probably to get a better view up the street.

Bowers was another one who claimed to see the bike cop ride up the grass, despite it being impossible to see from his position, to me it seems obvious he's heard it from one of the others, that is they've all had time to sit around and listen and compare stories. All these men should have been seperated and questioned on the spot. "...Anything you don't say today and later rely on(for Oswald's defence)..."

 Is there some significance if he rode up the knoll or not? Is the proof he did not the Z film? What was blocking Bowers view Your idea that Bowers? lied about what he saw was because he talked to the others crosses the line of speculative entitlement imo
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Royell Storing on June 13, 2018, 03:10:02 PM
         The railroad employees standing atop the Triple Underpass held unique physical positions as they viewed the assassination of JFK: (1) They held a High Ground viewing position, (2) Anything traveling down Elm St was heading almost Directly toward them, (JFK Limo, DPD Motorcycle Cops, JFK Motorcade, etc), and (3) They were the very 1st people to enter the parking lot behind the picket fence immediately after the JFK Limo passed underneath the Triple Underpass. These guys had the optimum viewing position Before, During, and Immediately following the shots being fired. Based on their viewing position and the Fact they corroborate what each of them saw, their Eyewitness accounts of the JFK Assassination can Not be Understated.     
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Richard Rubio on June 13, 2018, 03:35:10 PM
'Discussion' wouldn't be necessarily vital to any response.
On record is the workers statements along with several other spectators- lending credence- that a shot or shots came from behind the fence.
This revelation was completely ignored by the Warren Commission.
Absolutely criminal.

HSCA came up with the same conclusions as the WC except stated that per the dictabelt, a shot came from the grassy knoll. Now, it is said the dictabelt evidence is flawed. Even if there was a shot from the grassy knoll per the HSCA, it did not hit anything. So, that's 2 investigations for your derision.  2 investigations, the second led by Democrats like Frank Church that say nothing affected JFK from the grassy knoll.  Shallow arguments and stating falsehoods and flawed logic. Absolutely criminal.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Jerry Freeman on June 25, 2018, 12:47:41 AM
So..the perspective of some men who weren't there and didn't see what happened.. surpasses the statements of some men who were there and did see what happened?
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Mitch Todd on June 25, 2018, 07:06:23 AM
         The railroad employees standing atop the Triple Underpass held unique physical positions as they viewed the assassination of JFK: (1) They held a High Ground viewing position, (2) Anything traveling down Elm St was heading almost Directly toward them, (JFK Limo, DPD Motorcycle Cops, JFK Motorcade, etc), and (3) They were the very 1st people to enter the parking lot behind the picket fence immediately after the JFK Limo passed underneath the Triple Underpass. These guys had the optimum viewing position Before, During, and Immediately following the shots being fired. Based on their viewing position and the Fact they corroborate what each of them saw, their Eyewitness accounts of the JFK Assassination can Not be Understated.     

The complicating factor being that, from the TP witness' perspective on the overpass, the SE corner of the TSBD is almost directly in line with the corner of the picket fence, where GK theorists like to put a shooter. For them, shots from the GK would come from the same direction as the TSBD, and vice versa.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Jerry Freeman on June 25, 2018, 11:45:59 PM
...where GK theorists like to put a shooter. For them, shots from the GK would come from the same direction as the TSBD, and vice versa.
Still asserting that the 3 OP witnesses' hearing and vision were not functioning properly?
OK..whatever...like you would know this.
The Committee further concluded that it was probable that:

    four shots were fired
    the ..fourth shot came from a second assassin located on the grassy knoll, but missed. The HSCA concluded the existence and location of this alleged fourth shot based on the later discredited Dallas Police Department Dictabelt recording analysis.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Mitch Todd on June 26, 2018, 12:07:45 AM
Still asserting that the 3 OP witnesses' hearing and vision were not functioning properly?

OK..whatever...like you would know this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_House_Select_Committee_on_Assassinations

You didn't read what I wrote. Let me quote the essential part: "For [the guys on the overpass], shots from the GK would come from the same direction as the TSBD, and vice versa." Think about it.

And, the HSCA's conclusion of the a shot from the GK is based on the Weiss/Aschkenasi study. Steve Barber's discovery of the Decker crosstalk invalidates the WA conclusion in two ways. First, the Decker transmission happened at least a minute after the assassination, and was a reaction to it. Second, the crosstalk kills a fundamental assumption underlying the WA calculation of the probability that the Ch 1 impulses were shots, and kills the rest of the WA study as well.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Barry Pollard on June 26, 2018, 02:51:32 AM

 Is there some significance if he rode up the knoll or not? Is the proof he did not the Z film? What was blocking Bowers view Your idea that Bowers? lied about what he saw was because he talked to the others crosses the line of speculative entitlement imo

I never said Bowers lied Matt, didn't even suggest it, it's not what I think at all. Witnesses swapping stories with others before giving statements is a very bad thing for us, for factfinding.

No Bowers could not see anyone ride up the knoll on a bike from that tower, I know because I've seen pictures taken from inside it, haven't you? His view is blocked by the fence on it's own even without the foilage, he couldn't even see Hargis with his little run to the grass and back, that view of the entire section of street was blocked by the pergola. The first time he saw the parade was before the shooting even started for two brief seconds, the next as it approached Stemmons, I know this because I've studied the images of the view from inisde the tower.

It wouldn't be in the Zfilm, it came later, Haygood comes in around the 30s mark, approaches the curb directly in the Atkins film soon after and around 10s later still, Couch shows the same cop on his feet a little further down the curb holding his bike up, cop then runs up the knoll on foot,
Did another cop attempt to do the same thing that Haygood failed to? That's what some have speculated in order to explain it but not this chap, there's no evidence for it.

So Bowers could not have known about any bike cop getting off and running anywhere or riding up the knoll unless others talked to him.
Some speculation ends when you have the right image, if you can't find one I'll try and find it for you, IIRC Groden took the best one, a very nice wide shot.

Witnesses sometimes take in what they hear and make it part of their own memories, this is common place and you must know it, it's best avoided and in good policing italways is when possible and the idea is far from contoversial.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Barry Pollard on June 26, 2018, 08:44:23 PM
One correction. Bowers could see this cop(ignore arrow);
he could ID him as a bike cop from that helmet and work out where he came from all on his own.
What he couldn't know or see is how the cop got there. For that he neded help.
And repeating something that he heard from others, that he partially witnessed himself is not lying.

Now picture the Croft photo on Elm. That's the area that Bowers could see from his tower, the only part of Elm visible to him, or anyone in that same tower.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Jim Brazell on June 29, 2018, 02:02:52 AM
I never said Bowers lied Matt, didn't even suggest it, it's not what I think at all. Witnesses swapping stories with others before giving statements is a very bad thing for us, for factfinding.

No Bowers could not see anyone ride up the knoll on a bike from that tower, I know because I've seen pictures taken from inside it, haven't you? His view is blocked by the fence on it's own even without the foilage, he couldn't even see Hargis with his little run to the grass and back, that view of the entire section of street was blocked by the pergola. The first time he saw the parade was before the shooting even started for two brief seconds, the next as it approached Stemmons, I know this because I've studied the images of the view from inisde the tower.

I know Sam Holland's VISION wasn't obstructed and he saw the SMOKE come out from the trees....that's the same smoke that Ralph Yarborough smelled at street level. You've seen the "smoke " picture with the limo still in the picture, right ?

It wouldn't be in the Zfilm, it came later, Haygood comes in around the 30s mark, approaches the curb directly in the Atkins film soon after and around 10s later still, Couch shows the same cop on his feet a little further down the curb holding his bike up, cop then runs up the knoll on foot,
Did another cop attempt to do the same thing that Haygood failed to? That's what some have speculated in order to explain it but not this chap, there's no evidence for it.

So Bowers could not have known about any bike cop getting off and running anywhere or riding up the knoll unless others talked to him.
Some speculation ends when you have the right image, if you can't find one I'll try and find it for you, IIRC Groden took the best one, a very nice wide shot.

Witnesses sometimes take in what they hear and make it part of their own memories, this is common place and you must know it, it's best avoided and in good policing italways is when possible and the idea is far from contoversial.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Jim Brazell on June 29, 2018, 02:17:35 AM

Smoke from Grassy Knoll as described by Railroad workers. Rear of limo in foreground. Same smoke Ralph Yarborough who was very gun savy smelled at "street level"...8:15 mark.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 13, 2018, 08:59:37 PM
The complicating factor being that, from the TP witness' perspective on the overpass, the SE corner of the TSBD is almost directly in line with the corner of the picket fence, where GK theorists like to put a shooter. For them, shots from the GK would come from the same direction as the TSBD, and vice versa.

What have you been smokin', Mitch?

Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 13, 2018, 09:01:45 PM
Witnesses sometimes take in what they hear and make it part of their own memories, this is common place and you must know it, it's best avoided and in good policing italways is when possible and the idea is far from contoversial.

Yep.  For example, the 10th and Patton witnesses and the cops in the Texas Theater.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Barry Pollard on July 14, 2018, 02:47:44 AM

I know Sam Holland's vision wasn't obstructed and he saw smoke... you've seen the smoke picture with the limo... right?

I know Holland moved south in the first minute, I think he wanted to see where Hargis/Weigman were going or what was behind the Stemmons sign that this cop ran toward(from Sam's POV), I'm almost positive that three of his fellow spectators up there were clapping/waving as the limo approached them, completely unaware of what happened up the street and within feet of Holland, I know what he said, pretty much, yes I've seen what others believe is smoke in a couple extreemly poor low rez Wiegman stills but I don't trust it and sorry, I don't trust Holland, I barely know him, but I understand why others want to.

If there was one piece of evidence that showed Holland behind that fence within a couple minutes, you'd have me but having said that, I've seen Brennan within two minutes looking up to the upper floors of the TSBD as he's stood right next to two or more unmovable cops, it changed nothing, I believe he, like Holland, reacted to the immeadiate aftermath and not the shooting itself, Brennan looked up because a whole motorcade car full of press did before him, Holland looked toward the fence because of Hargis, Haygood and the folks that followed him.

Those sounds were ignored by most and that's why Weigman ran right into the kill zone and gets mistaken for IDK, something, by Hargis.
Wiegman ran right in there with no thought for his safety just for some pictures is this what most believe? Completely ignoring the sound of gunfire. WTH was he thinking? Hargis almost shot him, or certaining pulled his piece out because of him, and ran directly toward him, until DW sees this and puts his own face to the concrete.
No, not me, motorcycle backfire, firecrackers, ignored, no one paniced, no one imeadiatly thought "that's gunfire", except one or two raher special individuals who's senses were far more tuned-in than everyone else, right?
Wiegman ran straight toward what?  He had no idea, he wasn't thinking and he certainly wasn't thinking "gunfire".

My opinion, Holland don't see nothing until someone reacts and there's people stood on Elm itself, much closer, who missed the whole thing because there attention just wasn't on the head as it exploded. That's what it took to wake people up, direct incontrovertable evidence, not firecracker sounds which people could think were part of the parade or belonging to the bikes, find the biggest smile in Altgens, that's probably the normal reaction to "gunfire" on that day, I have found no reaction by the public themselves, only from those that saw the FS and the after effects of those reactions.

tldr: No.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Mitch Todd on July 14, 2018, 06:16:31 AM
What have you been smokin', Mitch?


I and I ain't the ganjamon here, Tosh. Your own graphic proves what I said, namely, "from the TP witness' perspective on the overpass, the SE corner of the TSBD is almost directly in line with the corner of the picket fence, where GK theorists like to put a shooter."

I can't say I've ever seen anyone put a GK shooter very far from the corner of the fence. Have you?

Now, given the real world conditions of Dealey Plaza on Nov 11, 1963, how accurate do you think the TP witnesses audio localization capabilities were at the time, in terms of degrees?   
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 15, 2018, 08:50:20 PM
I and I ain't the ganjamon here, Tosh. Your own graphic proves what I said, namely, "from the TP witness' perspective on the overpass, the SE corner of the TSBD is almost directly in line with the corner of the picket fence, where GK theorists like to put a shooter."

Define "almost".

I can't say I've ever seen anyone put a GK shooter very far from the corner of the fence. Have you?

Yes.  But even the corner of the fence is not "almost" directly in line with the SE corner of the TSBD.  And certainly nowhere near the line of fire to the limo at Z313.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Mitch Todd on July 16, 2018, 11:30:25 PM
Define "almost".

Yes.  But even the corner of the fence is not "almost" directly in line with the SE corner of the TSBD.  And certainly nowhere near the line of fire to the limo at Z313.

You're confused. I didn't say anything about the line of fire. At all. I'm talking about the direction of the TSBD SN vs the direction of the usual assumed GK shooter(s) from the perspective of the Union Terminal guys standing on the TP.  From their perspective, a shot from the knoll would come from essentially the same direction as a shot from the SN...and vice versa.

As for "almost," I mean within a few degrees.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Bill Brown on July 17, 2018, 04:40:42 AM
I know Sam Holland's VISION wasn't obstructed and he saw the SMOKE come out from the trees....that's the same smoke that Ralph Yarborough smelled at street level. You've seen the "smoke " picture with the limo still in the picture, right ?


Unless of course, you can be bothered to show this "smoke picture with the limo still in the picture".

Can you?
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Mytton on July 17, 2018, 04:46:41 AM

Unless of course, you can be bothered to show this "smoke picture with the limo still in the picture".

Can you?

The Nix film a few seconds after the assassination pans along the grassy knoll fence and I don't see no smoke?

Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Bill Brown on July 17, 2018, 04:54:44 AM
The Nix film a few seconds after the assassination pans along the grassy knoll fence and I don't see no smoke?


There is no picture showing smoke, as claimed by forum member Jim Brazell.

I'm sure he is mistaking a still frame from the Weigman film for a "picture".

Regardless, there is no still frame from Weigman showing smoke, either.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Mytton on July 17, 2018, 05:45:15 AM
There is not picture showing smoke, as claimed by forum member Jim Brazell.

I'm sure he is mistaking a still frame from the Weigman film for a "picture".

Regardless, there is no still frame from Weigman showing smoke, either.

Oswald's type of rifle the Italian Carcano is typical of modern firearms in that they produce little smoke and that dissipates in a couple of seconds.




Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Jerry Organ on July 17, 2018, 02:11:08 PM

(I don't have the original graphic. The red lines were aded by someone else.)

The "puff of smoke" seen in the Weigman film is just a cluster of bright fall foliage.

(https://www.jfkassassinationgallery.com/albums/userpics/10001/normal_snapshot20111219191957.jpg)    (https://www.jfkassassinationgallery.com/albums/userpics/10001/normal_bond4_Annotated.jpg)    (https://www.jfkassassinationgallery.com/albums/Zapruder%20frames/normal_20160712-113449.JPG)
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Barry Pollard on July 17, 2018, 08:39:17 PM
I tend to agree,
Gary Mack's own observation that the shape is "moving toward the street" came from a very low quality gif and not the the SFM's copy of the film
which he could have studied if he wanted to... and I think he was mistaken.
The camera moves so much between the two frames where "the smoke" is seen, that nothing stays the same, or still.

Looks good in that one Wiegman "limo frame" but Willis6 looks better.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Bill Brown on July 17, 2018, 10:58:30 PM
The "puff of smoke" seen in the Weigman film is just a cluster of bright fall foliage.

Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 18, 2018, 10:47:49 PM
As for "almost," I mean within a few degrees.

Well that clears it up.   :D

Are you sure it wasn't actually a smidgen?
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 18, 2018, 10:52:23 PM
Oswald's type of rifle


the Italian Carcano is typical of modern firearms in that they produce little smoke and that dissipates in a couple of seconds.

Cool, that means the smoke on the knoll didn't come from a Carcano.

Also, what did Mrs. Cabell smell, and how many seconds later was that?
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 18, 2018, 10:55:45 PM
Somebody better tell Sam Holland, Lee Bowers, Richard Dodd, and James Simmons that what they saw and smelled was fall foliage.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Mitch Todd on July 19, 2018, 01:15:54 AM
Well that clears it up.   :D

Are you sure it wasn't actually a smidgen?

It's just small enough an indefinite value to keep the pointlessly obtuse pointless and obtuse, apparently.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Barry Pollard on July 19, 2018, 04:39:21 AM
Somebody better tell Sam Holland, Lee Bowers, Richard Dodd, and James Simmons that what they saw and smelled was fall foliage.

I'd tell Simmons that in Bell it looks like he was waving or clapping at a dead Kennedy and since he was stood 10' south of Holland I'd call him out too.
"Stop waving and duck you sucker". No?
Tall guy in dungerees in Altgens/Dillard and in same position in Bell.

I don't put Bowers in the same league, whether he saw something or not is much more vague, if he did it seems he was never sure what it was, that makes him more credible to me.
Perhaps something, perhaps nothing but no wild claims( except seeing the bike cop ride up).

Watch those interviews from Lane, Holland and Bowers come across okay but the others oh boy, Simmons cannot even take direction he got tranfixed with the camera lens(that was the best take) and what was Dodd on? "Can we have your full attention please Mr. Dodd?" Wheel tappers, not the brightest bulbs.
Anyone who think's think I'm being too harsh can ask me about Jackson, Couch and Brennan, I have theories about them also and how they're all full of it.

Mrs Cabell smelt gunpowder, of course she did, she said so so she must have, Dillard too, all of them, I really believe them, no honestly I do.
I also believe(no not that), that people looked at the knoll and thought " what a good place for an ambush" before the motorade arrived, then when the shooting happens, that's exactly where they came from(you know her?). Was it Allman who claimed that that all those open windows on the TSBD looked dodgy BEFORE the motorcade arrived, of course he did, I believe them all, wonderful intelligent people with no reason to get involved.

Find out what Darnell said/remembered, it's so refreshing, no wild claims and no added extras, just for a change.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Bill Brown on July 19, 2018, 09:05:29 AM
Somebody better tell Sam Holland, Lee Bowers, Richard Dodd, and James Simmons that what they saw and smelled was fall foliage.

Lee Bowers does not belong in that group.  Why include him?
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 19, 2018, 09:47:04 PM
It's just small enough an indefinite value to keep the pointlessly obtuse pointless and obtuse, apparently.

In other words, when you said "For them, shots from the GK would come from the same direction as the TSBD", you didn't really actually mean "same direction".
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Barry Pollard on July 20, 2018, 12:53:51 AM
I have real trouble seeing members of the public pinpointing those noises based only on the sound, don't care where they were stood, I have trouble with it, big smiles and still clapping and waving.
Ready had something though, reacted fast and when we see him, is looking at steet level, no coincidence he's looking back IMO, watch him on Houston, he looking around and up, alert and don't forget he also went to jump off and run to Kennedy but was stopped by Roberts.

Bowers never confirmed that "commotion" was behind the fence, not to Lane, not in that film, what happens in RTJ at that point is called "artistic liscence".
Watch the scene with Price and more or less the same thing happened. Lane hands Price what he calls on film "a map used by the WC".
But what we see after the edit, is a familiar photo and do we see a mark on it from Price(hard to make out especially compared to Bowers' big "X")?
Next two lines of dialogue were interesting.
Lane said "you put a mark behind the fence where it meets the overpass [around 80' feet from Bowers' "X"] then listen to what Price says next, it's like he's suddenly in court.
That "X" is not from Bowers at all btw, it's clearly generated by the filmmaker, why?
Note what Simmons marked also, that is genuinly  "a map used by the WC" but Price and Bowers own marking of that same map is not shown at all.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Mytton on July 20, 2018, 03:16:22 AM
Somebody better tell Sam Holland, Lee Bowers, Richard Dodd, and James Simmons that what they saw and smelled was fall foliage.

and smelled

That's interesting, at the time of the headshot the wind was blowing up Elm Street as seen by the billowing dresses of Mary and Jean.


Your witnesses minus Bowers were on the overpass.


Question: Where was your sniper?

Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Bill Chapman on July 20, 2018, 03:49:47 AM
This is from Love Field. Posted on Google groups/MacAdams. Someone might have Dealey Plaza conditions; I don't.

NCDC - National Climatic Data Center
US Department of Commerce - Weather Bureau
Surface Weather Observations
Dallas, Texas (Dallas Love Field) NOV 22 1963

Time    Temp    Direction               Knots   MPH

1055       57              SW                 10

1130                         WSW              12              14

1155       63              WSW              13              15

1230                            W                13              15

1255        67              WNW             17              20

1330                           WNW             17+25

1355        69              WNW             19+26

Posted on Google groups/mcadams
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Bill Chapman on July 20, 2018, 04:03:33 AM
Witnesses Who Smelled "Gunpowder" in Dealey Plaza

Conspiracy authors like to quote witnesses in Dealey Plaza who smelled "gunpowder" in the air at the time of the Kennedy assassination. Supposedly, they could not have smelled gunpowder from a snot from the Sniper's Nest in the Depository, so what they smelled must have been the result of a shot from the Grassy Knoll.
Yet Earle V. Brown was a Dallas cop who was stationed on the railroad overpass that crossed the Stemmons Freeway. By his own estimation he was about 100 yards from the Triple Underpass. The following testimony can be found in WC volume 6, pp. 233-234:

Mr. BALL. Did you hear the shots?
Mr. BROWN. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. How many?
Mr. BROWN. Three.
Mr. BALL. Where did they seem to come from?
Mr. BROWN. Well, they seemed high to me, actually; if you want, would you like me to tell you?
Mr. BALL Sure, tell it in your own words.
Mr. BROWN. Well, down in that river bottom there, there's a whole lot of pigeons this particular day, and they heard the shots before we did because I saw them flying up ? must have been 50, 75 of them.
Mr. BALL. Where was the river bottom?
Mr. BROWN. You know, actually off to the ? between us and the, this overpass you are talking about there's kind of a levee along there. It's really a grade of the railroad, is what it is; that's where they were and then I heard these shots and then I smelled this gun powder.
Mr. BALL. You did?
Mr. BROWN. It come on it would be maybe a couple minutes later so ? at least it smelled like it to me.
Mr. BALL. What direction did the sound seem to come from?
Mr. BROWN. It came it seemed the direction of that building, that Texas . . .
Mr. BALL. School Book Depository?
Mr. BROWN. School Book Depository.
The location of the Stemmons Freeway railroad overpass can be seen in the following photo:

Is it plausible that an officer could smell gunpowder from shots in Dealey Plaza from 100 yards past the Underpass in the opposite direction? And that any such smell would still be in the air two minutes after the shooting?

To make matters worse, the wind in Dealey Plaza at the time of the head shot was from the southwest. This can be clearly seen in a frame from the Muchmore film. The coats of Mary Moorman and Jean Hill show a brisk wind.

The wind would thus have carried any "gunpowder" smell away from Officer Brown, who was due west or perhaps west-northwest of the Plaza.

So it seems that these reports of "smelling gunpowder" have to be explained in psychological, rather than narrow olfactory, terms. As Gary Nivaggi has suggested:

I too do not believe that there was any gunpowder smell following the shooting, but a similar "combustion by-product" odor combined with the psychological effect may have caused the confusion. Those enormous, inefficient V-8 engines in the motorcade vehicles would, under the obvious rapid or full throttle acceleration, give off some very strong exhaust fumes. Upon passing through these fumes, especially after hearing the shots, those fumes could be mistaken for gunpowder smells.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Bill Brown on July 20, 2018, 05:09:59 AM
And this changes witnesses seeing smoke how?

Straw man.

Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Mitch Todd on July 20, 2018, 05:13:55 AM
In other words, when you said "For them, shots from the GK would come from the same direction as the TSBD", you didn't really actually mean "same direction".

Nope. Same direction. Human beings aren't terribly good protractors. I asked you a question earlier in the thread. It mysteriously vanished from your reply, and you didn't answer it. This is it:

"Now, given the real world conditions of Dealey Plaza on Nov 11, 1963, how accurate do you think the TP witnesses audio localization capabilities were at the time, in terms of degrees?"

You wanna take a stab at it? Or are you going to push it down the memory hole again?

All things considered, I think they might have been able to distinguish on the level of NW vs NNW, but no better. that's 22.5 degrees. I protractored the image that you kindly hoisted up on your own petard, and the difference in the big red line you drew between the TP and the TSBD and one from the TP to the fence corner is 3 degrees. +/-11 degrees  (ie, a 22 degree arc) from your red line comfortably contains every alleged GK assassin location that I'm aware of. If you can do better,  let's see it.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 20, 2018, 04:51:14 PM
You wanna take a stab at it? Or are you going to push it down the memory hole again?

Your question is moot.  Something is either the same direction or it is not.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Mitch Todd on July 20, 2018, 05:57:50 PM
Your question is moot.  Something is either the same direction or it is not.

You're simply being obtuse. Deliberately so, I think. Direction is a measurement, and any measurement has some level of precision to it. I'm pretty sure you're smart enough to already know that. The question I asked is about that: how precise are human beings with direction?
This question can be easily answered by noting that "human-measurable" scales regarding direction don't get any more precise than a 16 point compass rose. So direction in this case, is only accurate to within +/- 11 degrees. And that definitely puts any of the posited GK positions in the same direction as the TSBD, at least as far as the TP witnesses are concerned.

It's not that hard to understand, unless you simply refuse to. And you seem to be trying pretty hard to not understand.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 20, 2018, 08:57:18 PM
This question can be easily answered by noting that "human-measurable" scales regarding direction don't get any more precise than a 16 point compass rose. So direction in this case, is only accurate to within +/- 11 degrees.

You made that claim -- you didn't actually substantiate it.  But that's irrelevant anyway.  If something's not the same, then it's not the same.  Stop pretending that "close to some arbitrary measure of closeness" equals "the same".

If you had just said 3 degrees off or whatever, then we wouldn't be having this argument.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Bill Brown on July 20, 2018, 09:20:12 PM
If you had just said 3 degrees off or whatever, then we wouldn't be having this argument.

Further proof that your sole purpose here is to argue; nothing more.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 21, 2018, 12:06:25 AM
Further proof that your sole purpose here is to argue; nothing more.

Says the guy who spent weeks arguing over the difference between "Brennan saw the man with a gun" and Brennan saw a man with a gun".

Same direction does not mean 11 degrees off.  Especially when that figure is just pulled out of nowhere.  Same direction means same direction.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Bill Brown on July 21, 2018, 08:02:14 AM
Says the guy who spent weeks arguing over the difference between "Brennan saw the man with a gun" and Brennan saw a man with a gun".

And you believe you had no part in that argument?

You play devil's advocate, nothing more.  It serves a purpose some of the time but it's worthless most of the time.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 21, 2018, 04:11:19 PM
And you believe you had no part in that argument?

You play devil's advocate, nothing more.  It serves a purpose some of the time but it's worthless most of the time.

More worthless rhetoric to try to distract from the fact that you have a lousy case.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Bill Brown on July 21, 2018, 09:18:40 PM
More worthless rhetoric to try to distract from the fact that you have a lousy case.

Anyone who says that the case against Oswald for the assassination of President Kennedy is "lousy" simply is not familiar with all of the evidence in the case.  Oswald probably killed Kennedy and probably did it alone.

Anyone who says that the case against Oswald for the murder of J.D. Tippit is "lousy" is definitely not familiar with all of the evidence in the case.  Oswald definitely killed Tippit and he definitely did it alone.

Your problem; not mine.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Royell Storing on July 21, 2018, 09:59:53 PM
Witnesses Who Smelled "Gunpowder" in Dealey Plaza

Conspiracy authors like to quote witnesses in Dealey Plaza who smelled "gunpowder" in the air at the time of the Kennedy assassination. Supposedly, they could not have smelled gunpowder from a snot from the Sniper's Nest in the Depository, so what they smelled must have been the result of a shot from the Grassy Knoll.
Yet Earle V. Brown was a Dallas cop who was stationed on the railroad overpass that crossed the Stemmons Freeway. By his own estimation he was about 100 yards from the Triple Underpass. The following testimony can be found in WC volume 6, pp. 233-234:

Mr. BALL. Did you hear the shots?
Mr. BROWN. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. How many?
Mr. BROWN. Three.
Mr. BALL. Where did they seem to come from?
Mr. BROWN. Well, they seemed high to me, actually; if you want, would you like me to tell you?
Mr. BALL Sure, tell it in your own words.
Mr. BROWN. Well, down in that river bottom there, there's a whole lot of pigeons this particular day, and they heard the shots before we did because I saw them flying up ? must have been 50, 75 of them.
Mr. BALL. Where was the river bottom?
Mr. BROWN. You know, actually off to the ? between us and the, this overpass you are talking about there's kind of a levee along there. It's really a grade of the railroad, is what it is; that's where they were and then I heard these shots and then I smelled this gun powder.
Mr. BALL. You did?
Mr. BROWN. It come on it would be maybe a couple minutes later so ? at least it smelled like it to me.
Mr. BALL. What direction did the sound seem to come from?
Mr. BROWN. It came it seemed the direction of that building, that Texas . . .
Mr. BALL. School Book Depository?
Mr. BROWN. School Book Depository.
The location of the Stemmons Freeway railroad overpass can be seen in the following photo:

Is it plausible that an officer could smell gunpowder from shots in Dealey Plaza from 100 yards past the Underpass in the opposite direction? And that any such smell would still be in the air two minutes after the shooting?

To make matters worse, the wind in Dealey Plaza at the time of the head shot was from the southwest. This can be clearly seen in a frame from the Muchmore film. The coats of Mary Moorman and Jean Hill show a brisk wind.

The wind would thus have carried any "gunpowder" smell away from Officer Brown, who was due west or perhaps west-northwest of the Plaza.

So it seems that these reports of "smelling gunpowder" have to be explained in psychological, rather than narrow olfactory, terms. As Gary Nivaggi has suggested:

I too do not believe that there was any gunpowder smell following the shooting, but a similar "combustion by-product" odor combined with the psychological effect may have caused the confusion. Those enormous, inefficient V-8 engines in the motorcade vehicles would, under the obvious rapid or full throttle acceleration, give off some very strong exhaust fumes. Upon passing through these fumes, especially after hearing the shots, those fumes could be mistaken for gunpowder smells.

            Your posting the testimony of Officer Brown and his smelling of gun powder supports the firing of the AR-15 by SA Hickey.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Bill Chapman on July 21, 2018, 10:22:07 PM
More worthless rhetoric to try to distract from the fact that you have a lousy case.

More worthless rhetoric to try and distract from the fact that this case is a slam dunk and Oswald would have fried.

More worthless rhetoric from PaidToTrollHereJohnny, who tells us what witnesses saw or didn't see, LN posters what they meant or didn't mean, and that everyone who disagrees with him is a liar, lemming, and stupid. And throws his own kind under the bus in order to cover his own arse no matter what the cost. Sounds exactly like Trump, neither of whom I would ever go out on patrol with.


Face of the CTroll
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 22, 2018, 07:12:20 PM
Anyone who says that the case against Oswald for the assassination of President Kennedy is "lousy" simply is not familiar with all of the evidence in the case.  Oswald probably killed Kennedy and probably did it alone.

Anyone who says that the case against Oswald for the murder of J.D. Tippit is "lousy" is definitely not familiar with all of the evidence in the case.  Oswald definitely killed Tippit and he definitely did it alone.

Your problem; not mine.

Do you really think your rhetoric is at all compelling?  It's one thing to just declare that "Oswald probably killed Kennedy and probably did it alone."  Quite another to demonstrate that it's actually true.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 22, 2018, 07:15:58 PM
More worthless rhetoric to try and distract from the fact that this case is a slam dunk and Oswald would have fried.

Unfortunately, your wishful thinking means nothing.
More worthless rhetoric from PaidToTrollHereJohnny, who tells us what witnesses saw or didn't see, LN posters what they meant or didn't mean, and that everyone who disagrees with him is a liar, lemming, and stupid.

Projection much?  Who was it that said Buell Frazier lied to cover his ass?  Hint:  it wasn't me

And throws his own kind under the bus in order to cover his own arse no matter what the cost.

You give yourself away here.  Why would your "own kind" make any difference at all if you are actually seeking the truth?
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Bill Chapman on July 22, 2018, 10:46:20 PM
Says the guy who spent weeks arguing over the difference between "Brennan saw the man with a gun" and Brennan saw a man with a gun".

Same direction does not mean 11 degrees off.  Especially when that figure is just pulled out of nowhere.  Same direction means same direction.

Says the guy who argued ad nauseum about the 'difference' between Buell saying Oswald had the bag as he went in the door and not using 'saw'

That is nitpicking and hairsplitting taken to absurd depths.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Bill Brown on July 23, 2018, 07:14:28 AM
Do you really think your rhetoric is at all compelling?  It's one thing to just declare that "Oswald probably killed Kennedy and probably did it alone."  Quite another to demonstrate that it's actually true.

Do you really think your rhetoric is at all compelling?  It's one thing to just declare that "there is a problem with the chain of custody of the evidence".  Quite another to demonstrate that it's actually true.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 23, 2018, 06:30:22 PM
Says the guy who argued ad nauseum about the 'difference' between Buell saying Oswald had the bag as he went in the door and not using 'saw'

That is nitpicking and hairsplitting taken to absurd depths.

Tom Meros: And when he walked on ahead of you could you even see the package?
Buell Frazier:  No

What was that you were saying earlier about people who tell us what witnesses saw or didn't see?

Bloody hypocrite.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 23, 2018, 06:37:15 PM

Do you really think your rhetoric is at all compelling?  It's one thing to just declare that "there is a problem with the chain of custody of the evidence".  Quite another to demonstrate that it's actually true.

It's been demonstrated repeatedly.  Your response is to just bleat "there is no doubt of Oswald's guilt" over and over again as if your lack of doubt proves anything.

You'll never be able to show that the revolver Hill fished out of his pocket 2 hours later which was then and only then initialed by everybody at the police station (including by a guy who never supposedly even touched it to begin with) was ever at the Texas Theater in anybody's waistband.

You'll never be able to show that the partial palmprint that turned up on an index card in Washington a week later was ever on the barrel of CE 139.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Bill Brown on July 24, 2018, 08:23:26 AM
Tom Meros: And when he walked on ahead of you could you even see the package?
Buell Frazier:  No

"I saw him go in the back door at the loading dock of the building that we work in and he still had the package under his arm." - Buell Frazier, 11/22/63
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Bill Brown on July 24, 2018, 08:28:30 AM
It's been demonstrated repeatedly.  Your response is to just bleat "there is no doubt of Oswald's guilt" over and over again as if your lack of doubt proves anything.

You'll never be able to show that the revolver Hill fished out of his pocket 2 hours later which was then and only then initialed by everybody at the police station (including by a guy who never supposedly even touched it to begin with) was ever at the Texas Theater in anybody's waistband.

You'll never be able to show that the partial palmprint that turned up on an index card in Washington a week later was ever on the barrel of CE 139.

It's NOT been demonstrated repeatedly.  Your response is to just bleat "there is a problem with the chain of custody of much of the evidence" over and over again as if your lack of doubt in the validity of the evidence proves anything.

You'll never be able to show that the revolver in evidence was NOT the revolver taken from Oswald while inside the theater.  If you could, you would have by now.

You'll never be able to show that the partial palm print was not taken from the barrel of CE 139.  If you could, you would have by now.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Mytton on July 24, 2018, 08:37:00 AM
Your last graphic begs a question. Why didn't the motorcade simply come down Elm Street into DP?

No turns would have been needed then.

No turns would have been needed then.

So from Love Field to Elm Street was just one long straight road? WOW!

Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Mytton on July 24, 2018, 08:47:07 AM

You'll never be able to show that the partial palm print was not taken from the barrel of CE 139.  If you could, you would have by now.



Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Bill Chapman on July 24, 2018, 09:23:17 AM
Your last graphic begs a question. Why didn't the motorcade simply come down Elm Street into DP?

No turns would have been needed then.

You've been schooled on that.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 24, 2018, 05:16:16 PM
You'll never be able to show that the revolver in evidence was NOT the revolver taken from Oswald while inside the theater.  If you could, you would have by now.

You'll never be able to show that the partial palm print was not taken from the barrel of CE 139.  If you could, you would have by now.

Your claims, your burden of proof.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 24, 2018, 05:18:00 PM

Yeah, those black smudges look totally identical, Mr. yellow blob man.

Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 24, 2018, 09:38:54 PM
This is where you're flat out wrong, but I don't expect you to understand.

For anyone else who cares...

No surprise that you're moving the goal posts.  You made claims about the magic revolver and the magic palmprint and then somehow that morphs into a claim about what you think a court would admit as evidence.  Martin has explained that particular fallacy on multiple occasions.

At trial, the evidence, like the shell casing found by Barbara Davis (for example), would be offered into evidence.  George Doughty would be called upon to identify the shell given to him by Barbara Davis as well as to identify his initials on this shell.  This would surely get the shell casing admitted into evidence.

Is what you think would "surely" happen at a hypothetical trial supposed to be evidence of anything?

Oswald's defense lawyer, one John Iacoletti, would As I was walking a' alane, I heard twa corbies makin' a mane. The tane untae the tither did say, Whaur sail we gang and dine the day, O. Whaur sail we gang and dine the day?  It's in ahint yon auld fail dyke I wot there lies a new slain knight; And naebody kens that he lies there But his hawk and his hound, and his lady fair, O. But his hawk and his hound, and his lady fair.  His hound is to the hunting gane His hawk to fetch the wild-fowl hame, His lady ta'en anither mate, So we may mak' our dinner swate, O. So we may mak' our dinner swate.  Ye'll sit on his white hause-bane, And I'll pike oot his bonny blue e'en Wi' ae lock o' his gowden hair We'll theek oor nest when it grows bare, O. We'll theek oor nest when it grows bare.  There's mony a ane for him maks mane But nane sail ken whaur he is gane O'er his white banes when they are bare The wind sail blaw for evermair, O. The wind sail blaw for evermair.' and holler that there is no chain of custody for this shell casing. 

No, a defense lawyer would put Doughty on the stand and ask him if he recovered the shell from the crime scene or if it was handed to him.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Bill Brown on July 24, 2018, 09:48:43 PM
No surprise that you're moving the goal posts.  You made claims about the magic revolver and the magic palmprint and then somehow that morphs into a claim about what you think a court would admit as evidence.  Martin has explained that particular fallacy on multiple occasions.

Is what you think would "surely" happen at a hypothetical trial supposed to be evidence of anything?

No, a defense lawyer would put Doughty on the stand and ask him if he recovered the shell from the crime scene or if it was handed to him.

No surprise that you're moving the goal posts.

No moving of the goal posts required to show your mistakes.  You have claimed that there is no chain of custody for either of the two Davis shells.

You made claims about the magic revolver and the magic palmprint and then somehow that morphs into a claim about what you think a court would admit as evidence.

Are you saying that the two Davis shells would not be allowed into evidence?

Martin has explained that particular fallacy on multiple occasions.


Is what you think would "surely" happen at a hypothetical trial supposed to be evidence of anything?

I'm just telling you how it is.  In June of '64, the FBI went to George Doughty with the four shells found at the Tippit scene.  Doughty identified the Winchester-Western shell given to him by Barbara Davis and pointed out his initials on that shell.

George Doughty would be called upon to identify the shell given to him by Barbara Davis as well as to identify his initials on this shell.  This would surely get the shell casing admitted into evidence.

Do you have some sort of information which would prevent this shell casing from getting admitted into evidence?  Or, are you just As I was walking a' alane, I heard twa corbies makin' a mane. The tane untae the tither did say, Whaur sail we gang and dine the day, O. Whaur sail we gang and dine the day?  It's in ahint yon auld fail dyke I wot there lies a new slain knight; And naebody kens that he lies there But his hawk and his hound, and his lady fair, O. But his hawk and his hound, and his lady fair.  His hound is to the hunting gane His hawk to fetch the wild-fowl hame, His lady ta'en anither mate, So we may mak' our dinner swate, O. So we may mak' our dinner swate.  Ye'll sit on his white hause-bane, And I'll pike oot his bonny blue e'en Wi' ae lock o' his gowden hair We'll theek oor nest when it grows bare, O. We'll theek oor nest when it grows bare.  There's mony a ane for him maks mane But nane sail ken whaur he is gane O'er his white banes when they are bare The wind sail blaw for evermair, O. The wind sail blaw for evermair.'ing and hollering again?

No, a defense lawyer would put Doughty on the stand and ask him if he recovered the shell from the crime scene or if it was handed to him.

Correct.  So what?
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 24, 2018, 10:08:12 PM
No moving of the goal posts required to show your mistakes.  You have claimed that there is no chain of custody for either of the two Davis shells.

This was the post you were responding to.  No mention of any shells anywhere in there.  You moved the goalposts.

It's been demonstrated repeatedly.  Your response is to just bleat "there is no doubt of Oswald's guilt" over and over again as if your lack of doubt proves anything.

You'll never be able to show that the revolver Hill fished out of his pocket 2 hours later which was then and only then initialed by everybody at the police station (including by a guy who never supposedly even touched it to begin with) was ever at the Texas Theater in anybody's waistband.

You'll never be able to show that the partial palmprint that turned up on an index card in Washington a week later was ever on the barrel of CE 139.

Are you saying that the two Davis shells would not be allowed into evidence?

I have no idea.  But you don't just get to declare that they would be.  And even if they were that doesn't mean they are automatically authenticated.

I'm just telling you how it is.  In June of '64, the FBI went to George Doughty with the four shells found at the Tippit scene.  Doughty identified the Winchester-Western shell given to him by Barbara Davis and pointed out his initials on that shell.

Interesting.  And did those initials say "DO" or "GD"?

Correct.  So what?

So the obvious next question is, how do you know where that shell you supposedly initialed came from?
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Bill Brown on July 24, 2018, 11:05:05 PM
This was the post you were responding to.  No mention of any shells anywhere in there.  You moved the goalposts.

I have no idea.  But you don't just get to declare that they would be.  And even if they were that doesn't mean they are automatically authenticated.

Interesting.  And did those initials say "DO" or "GD"?

So the obvious next question is, how do you know where that shell you supposedly initialed came from?

This was the post you were responding to.  No mention of any shells anywhere in there.  You moved the goalposts.

That certainly is not moving the goal posts.  But, keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel smarter.

I have no idea.  But you don't just get to declare that they would be.  And even if they were that doesn't mean they are automatically authenticated.

That's right; you have no idea.

Doughty indeed authenticates the shell casing.

Interesting.  And did those initials say "DO" or "GD"?

Are you saying Doughty did not identify his initials on the casing?

So the obvious next question is, how do you know where that shell you supposedly initialed came from?

I understood this was the obvious next question.

The next obvious question is how is the answer to your obvious question supposed to show a broken chain for the shell?
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 24, 2018, 11:44:47 PM
That certainly is not moving the goal posts.  But, keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel smarter.

It's textbook moving the goalposts.  I mention the revolver and the partial palmprint, and you shift it to a discussion about the shells because you think you can make a better case for them (or at least one of them).

That's right; you have no idea.

At least I'm willing to admit it.  You make up a fantasy trial and come up with a fantasy claim about what would be admitted as if your fantasies have any bearing on reality.

Are you saying Doughty did not identify his initials on the casing?

How valid is the identification if he can't even read the letters correctly?

The next obvious question is how is the answer to your obvious question supposed to show a broken chain for the shell?

It's enough to show doubt that it actually came from the crime scene.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Mytton on July 24, 2018, 11:53:55 PM
More games. I meant Elm Street could have, and should have, been used instead of Main Street.

Thanks for pointing this out with your graphic. 👍

You're still not making sense, somewhere the Limo had to turn onto Elm Street therefore there was a turn.

Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Bill Brown on July 25, 2018, 08:51:09 AM
It's textbook moving the goalposts.  I mention the revolver and the partial palmprint, and you shift it to a discussion about the shells because you think you can make a better case for them (or at least one of them).

At least I'm willing to admit it.  You make up a fantasy trial and come up with a fantasy claim about what would be admitted as if your fantasies have any bearing on reality.

How valid is the identification if he can't even read the letters correctly?

It's enough to show doubt that it actually came from the crime scene.

You apparently have no idea what the definition of the word "doubt" is.  This is pathetic.

The shell was found at the scene by Barbara Davis.  She turned it over to George Doughty who initialed the shell casing and later positively identified it as the one given to him by Davis.

Just because the casing was turned over later that afternoon certainly is not enough to cast doubt on whether or not it came from the crime scene.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 25, 2018, 05:25:17 PM
You apparently have no idea what the definition of the word "doubt" is.  This is pathetic.

What's pathetic is how little it takes to convince you that a claim is true.  At least when it supports what you already believe on faith.

Just because the casing was turned over later that afternoon certainly is not enough to cast doubt on whether or not it came from the crime scene.

How could Doughty be certain that this shell that was handed to him actually came from the crime scene?  Or where?  Not that it particularly matters since the shell itself cannot be connected in any way to any bullet that entered Tippit.

But when did Doughty ever even say directly that he initialed this shell (and where and when), or that he identified his initials?  All I've seen is an unsigned FBI report that claims that Doughty said this to Bardwell Odum.  So it's at least third hand information.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Allan Fritzke on July 25, 2018, 06:36:02 PM

That's interesting, at the time of the headshot the wind was blowing up Elm Street as seen by the billowing dresses of Mary and Jean.


Your witnesses minus Bowers were on the overpass.


Question: Where was your sniper?

Unless you fire black powder guns, you would really be pushing it to see much smoke at all, regardless of positions.  Top that off with the strong wind blowing and you will be able to only smell smoke downwind.   Bowers smelled smoke?

Your pictures/embedded videos again are very enlightening.    In fact,  I would suggest that just as the President's head approaches "Jean Hill" "lady in red" and disappears behind her head,  I would say there was a very pronounced white spot just starting to appear on the President's head which coincided with the kill/skull shot at Z-329/330.   If you match your first video with the Z film, you will notice that Jacqueline's hand comes around behind his head at about Z-327.   If you suggest that the "spray associated" with your embedded video comes from around Z-313, your greatly mistaken.

Her hand movement behind the President's head is obviously not at Z-313.  If you suggest that the "cloud" around the President's head appeared coincidentally with Z-313 - it did not.   Which way do you want it?  In fact, the President slumped over at about Z-331.   Obviously, there was a doctored set of frames made up around Z-313 to imply that the shots came from TBSD and part of the necessary lone gunman narrative - the Z film and the one you have provided just prove that!   

Coordination between that film you have just posted and the Z film clearly show the difference.  People assume that the "cloud" formed on his head at about Z-327 is that of Z-313.   That is ludicrous and there is no synergy between the 2 films if you assume that.  You can't mistake Jacqueline's reaction and her wanting to leave the limousine thereafter.  Now, you could dismiss that cloud as being nothing but a film flaw.......

https://www.assassinationresearch.com/zfilm/z327.jpg (https://www.assassinationresearch.com/zfilm/z327.jpg)

Clearly, you can't miss what you see in Z330 and Z335 and Jacqueline's immediate reaction to that!  It has nothing to do with a frame Z-313/14.  That is a FRAME Job!

https://www.assassinationresearch.com/zfilm/z331.jpg (https://www.assassinationresearch.com/zfilm/z331.jpg)
https://www.assassinationresearch.com/zfilm/z335.jpg (https://www.assassinationresearch.com/zfilm/z335.jpg)

Compare that to the rather large plume at Z313 which you can't see in your embedded video!!  No Jacqueline arm present behind the President!
https://www.assassinationresearch.com/zfilm/z313.jpg (https://www.assassinationresearch.com/zfilm/z313.jpg)

You would have to be a fool not to see the obvious correlation between Z film and this film and what has been doctored and what was reality!

Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Mitch Todd on July 26, 2018, 12:09:22 AM
You made that claim -- you didn't actually substantiate it.  But that's irrelevant anyway.  If something's not the same, then it's not the same.  Stop pretending that "close to some arbitrary measure of closeness" equals "the same".

If you had just said 3 degrees off or whatever, then we wouldn't be having this argument.

As the graphic you've posted shows, the difference between the line from the overpass to the TSBD and one from the overpass to the fence corner is a very small angle, just by cursory inspection. The precise measurement of the angle is kinda beside the point; it doesn't affect the argument one way or the other. It just puts a particular number and unit to a small value. I didn't do so initially because I didn't figure that anyone would require Wopner-at-4:30-grade measurements. In fact, no one else but you seems to have needed them.

The degree of precision isn't arbitrary at all. It's based on the units that people actually use every day when determining and communicating direction where more precise mechanical means aren't available. It stands to reason that these units are determined by the minimum differences in direction that humans can easily discern on their own. One divides a circle into twelve equal sections, the other divides that circle into sixteen. If you wish to differ, that's OK, but you gotta do better than what you've managed so far.

And you still haven't answered my question, since you seem not to like what I use as a benchmark for precision. I'll ask again:

Now, given the real world conditions of Dealey Plaza on Nov 11, 1963, how accurate do you think the TP witnesses audio localization capabilities were at the time?


Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Mitch Todd on July 26, 2018, 12:15:57 AM
Says the guy who spent weeks arguing over the difference between "Brennan saw the man with a gun" and Brennan saw a man with a gun".

Same direction does not mean 11 degrees off.  Especially when that figure is just pulled out of nowhere.  Same direction means same direction.

"Same direction" is hostage to the precision of the instrument measuring that direction. In this case, the instrument is a human being. Humans are not generally renowned for the accuracy of their perception. If you have a better case, then make it. If you want to keep repeating "same direction, same direction" like a broken Tickle Me Elmo, you are free to do so. We are also free to, well, I think you know.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 26, 2018, 12:24:39 AM
It stands to reason that these units are determined by the minimum differences in direction that humans can easily discern on their own.

What is your source for what humans can easily discern on their own?  Particularly your 11 degrees claim.  You still haven't answered that.

And you still haven't answered my question, since you seem not to like what I use as a benchmark for precision. I'll ask again:

Now, given the real world conditions of Dealey Plaza on Nov 11, 1963, how accurate do you think the TP witnesses audio localization capabilities were at the time?

I don't care.  I'm merely pointing out that 11 degrees off is not the "same direction".  Nor is 3 degrees off.  Same direction means zero degrees.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Bill Brown on July 26, 2018, 03:08:53 AM
I don't care.  I'm merely pointing out that 11 degrees off is not the "same direction".  Nor is 3 degrees off.  Same direction means zero degrees.

"So now the word-game-du-jour is to quibble over the meaning of the letter "s"?" - John Iacoletti

So now the word-game-du-jour is to quibble over the meaning of "same direction"?
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Mitch Todd on July 26, 2018, 05:50:22 AM
What is your source for what humans can easily discern on their own?  Particularly your 11 degrees claim.  You still haven't answered that.

I answered that in reply #47 of this thread:

The question I asked is about that: how precise are human beings with direction? This question can be easily answered by noting that "human-measurable" scales regarding direction don't get any more precise than a 16 point compass rose. So direction in this case is only accurate to within +/- 11 degrees.

I really don't think it's exactly +/-11 degrees, but it's pretty close to that, otherwise we'd need (and have) more compass points than N, SW, ENE, etc.  To put it another way, if you and someone else were standing at the edge of a downtown, and there was a loud, unexpected shot, would you expect your companion to say, "Wow, that came from 49 degrees East of North"? Or would he just point in the general direction as best he could? 

In response to my question, "Now, given the real world conditions of Dealey Plaza on Nov 11, 1963, how accurate do you think the TP witnesses audio localization capabilities were at the time?" You said:

I don't care.  I'm merely pointing out that 11 degrees off is not the "same direction".  Nor is 3 degrees off.  Same direction means zero degrees.

Pity you don't care. The effect precision has on measurement is fundamental to the problem. "Same" is dependent on the ability to accurately distinguish quantity. Let's assume you have a measuring device that's accurate to +/-1 cm. You have some object, A, that your device says is 46cm and another object, B, that measures out to 47cm. Which is longer? Simple question, right? B should be, by one centimeter. But that's not true. There's a centimeter worth of uncertainty for each measurement. A could really be 46.7cm and B might be 46.4 cm, and still measure 46cm and 47cm respectively. For that matter, you can also have an object C that measures 55cm and an object D that measures 57cm, though both are in reality 56cm. The measuring device isn't accurate enough to reliably discriminate length differentials  less than 2cm. A and B then are properly considered to be the same length, since the measuring device can't discriminate finely enough between the lengths. This is a fundamental issue in science, and is one of the first things taught in science classes at the high school level. Maybe even their junior high level. Maybe you were out sick that day.

It comes down to how precise you think that someone could be about the direction of the origin of a shot in Dealey Plaza. I'd keep asking you about what you think that level of precision would be, but as you say, you don't care.  It's the most important underlying question to the whole kerfluffle...and you simply don't care. But you want to argue about it anyway.

Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Steve Howsley on July 26, 2018, 06:13:58 AM
I'd keep asking you about what you think that level of precision would be, but as you say, you don't care.  It's the most important underlying question to the whole kerfluffle...and you simply don't care. But you want to argue about it anyway.

Beautifully put.

Nailed it.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Bill Chapman on July 26, 2018, 08:04:08 AM
As the graphic you've posted shows, the difference between the line from the overpass to the TSBD and one from the overpass to the fence corner is a very small angle, just by cursory inspection. The precise measurement of the angle is kinda beside the point; it doesn't affect the argument one way or the other. It just puts a particular number and unit to a small value. I didn't do so initially because I didn't figure that anyone would require Wopner-at-4:30-grade measurements. In fact, no one else but you seems to have needed them.

The degree of precision isn't arbitrary at all. It's based on the units that people actually use every day when determining and communicating direction where more precise mechanical means aren't available. It stands to reason that these units are determined by the minimum differences in direction that humans can easily discern on their own. One divides a circle into twelve equal sections, the other divides that circle into sixteen. If you wish to differ, that's OK, but you gotta do better than what you've managed so far.

And you still haven't answered my question, since you seem not to like what I use as a benchmark for precision. I'll ask again:

Now, given the real world conditions of Dealey Plaza on Nov 11, 1963, how accurate do you think the TP witnesses audio localization capabilities were at the time?

"In fact, no one else but you seems to have needed them"

GeeItsFunToTrollHereJohnny is way out in left field* as usual. He's crackers, Jack. Take hm out to the ballgame and don't forget his peanuts and popcorn. But really, we don't care if he ever gets back.

In that vein, one can point to anywhere in left field and it's still gonna be left field

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Thanks to Jack Norworth for the 1908 version, which is out of copyright.
My little tale is inspired by his lyrics.

A Modern Tale of How to Strike Out the Side
by Bill Chapman with a great big shout-out to Jack Norworth

   Before the start of the game (an away game played in Texas against the "Dallas Usual Suspects') the  manager of the Little League 'Stepford Sheep Dippers' tells pipsqueak 9 yo left fielder Little Johnny I: "Little Johnny I, notice that the wind is blowing out toward left field today. That includes all of left field, not just the exact spots I'll be pointing at to shift you to"

"But Mr. Chapman", pleads little Johnny I, "my daddy told me that the earth is flat so there can't be any wind.. and that means wind is a hoax and the the government is just pretending."

Manager Chapman replies "Little Johnny I, you're weird."


* From the Way Out In Left Field Society: "The phrase "way out in left field" has evolved to mean an eccentric, odd, misguided or peculiar statement or act. Although the origin of the phrase has been challenged and debated over the years, the most logical and realistic explanation comes from an extinct baseball park called West Side Grounds that the Chicago Cubs called home from 1893 to 1915. As legend has it, a mental hospital called the Neuropsychiatric Institute was located directly behind the left field wall. The Institute housed mental patients who could be heard making strange and bizarre comments within listening distance of players and fans. Thus, if someone said that you were "way out in left field," the person was questioning your sanity and comparing you with a mental patient"[16][17]

Take Me Out to the Ball Game_1908
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 26, 2018, 05:21:05 PM
I answered that in reply #47 of this thread:

The question I asked is about that: how precise are human beings with direction? This question can be easily answered by noting that "human-measurable" scales regarding direction don't get any more precise than a 16 point compass rose. So direction in this case is only accurate to within +/- 11 degrees.

I really don't think it's exactly +/-11 degrees, but it's pretty close to that, otherwise we'd need (and have) more compass points than N, SW, ENE, etc.  To put it another way, if you and someone else were standing at the edge of a downtown, and there was a loud, unexpected shot, would you expect your companion to say, "Wow, that came from 49 degrees East of North"? Or would he just point in the general direction as best he could? 

You're just restating the claim.  Is there any research that shows that humans can only distinguish 11 degrees or did you just pull that out of your rear orifice?

It comes down to how precise you think that someone could be about the direction of the origin of a shot in Dealey Plaza. I'd keep asking you about what you think that level of precision would be, but as you say, you don't care.  It's the most important underlying question to the whole kerfluffle...and you simply don't care. But you want to argue about it anyway.

This is really pointless.  Would it have changed your point in any way to use the more accurate phrase "nearly the same direction"?  "Same" is a binary proposition.  Something is either the same or it is not the same.  You're exaggerating the language in order to try to make your argument more compelling.  Just like you're equating the entire grassy knoll area with one corner of the retaining wall in order to make your "same" difference as small as possible.  Yes, it matters.

It's impossible to have a meaningful conversation about the evidence if people won't even be honest and accurate about what the evidence is.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 26, 2018, 05:23:31 PM
A Modern Tale of How to Strike Out the Side
by Bill Chapman with a great big shout-out to Jack Norworth

Nice story Bill.  You're well on your way to replacing Walt as chief fabricator and thread hijacker.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Mitch Todd on July 28, 2018, 12:41:31 AM
You're just restating the claim.  Is there any research that shows that humans can only distinguish 11 degrees or did you just pull that out of your rear orifice?

This is really pointless.  Would it have changed your point in any way to use the more accurate phrase "nearly the same direction"?  "Same" is a binary proposition.  Something is either the same or it is not the same.  You're exaggerating the language in order to try to make your argument more compelling.  Just like you're equating the entire grassy knoll area with one corner of the retaining wall in order to make your "same" difference as small as possible.  Yes, it matters.

It's impossible to have a meaningful conversation about the evidence if people won't even be honest and accurate about what the evidence is.

It's pointless because you "don't care" about the question that's fundamental to the problem. And you haven't really even thought through what the word "same" means. I used it in the the sense of "indistinguishable", or, as M-W says: "corresponding so closely as to be indistinguishable." The trick is, "same" becomes  dependent on what can be distinguished. That is why I wasted a lot of words giving you example of a measuring device accurate to +/-1 cm, and you wasted a lot of time ignoring them. It can't really distinguish between objects that differ less than 2cm in length no matter what number you think you get. In short, "Same" has fuzzy, indistinct edges. The question in this case is how fuzzy those edges are. To wit (and I'll word it a bit differently this time): given the environment of Dealey Plaza 12:30 PM on Nov 22, 1963, how accurate would anyone be at locating a sound like a gunshot? That's the question you "don't care" about, and it's central to the discussion at hand. But you still want to argue about it.

Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Bill Chapman on July 28, 2018, 08:31:57 PM
Nice story Bill.  You're well on your way to replacing Walt as chief fabricator and thread hijacker.

'chief fabricator'
Nah, just artistic license

'thread hijacker'
Your failure to comprehend my 'left field' analogy is your burden

And it's one, two, three strikes, yer out!
You're benched, Little Johnny I
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Bill Chapman on July 28, 2018, 09:06:57 PM
What is your source for what humans can easily discern on their own?  Particularly your 11 degrees claim.  You still haven't answered that.

I don't care.  I'm merely pointing out that 11 degrees off is not the "same direction".  Nor is 3 degrees off.  Same direction means zero degrees.

There's that bar of yours again. To fully satisfy your claim, an earwitness downrange from the TSBD would have to point directly at the SN window. Got it.

In the meantime, may a thousand camels f*rt in your general direction

Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 30, 2018, 08:27:08 PM
It's pointless because you "don't care" about the question that's fundamental to the problem. And you haven't really even thought through what the word "same" means. I used it in the the sense of "indistinguishable", or, as M-W says: "corresponding so closely as to be indistinguishable." The trick is, "same" becomes  dependent on what can be distinguished. That is why I wasted a lot of words giving you example of a measuring device accurate to +/-1 cm, and you wasted a lot of time ignoring them. It can't really distinguish between objects that differ less than 2cm in length no matter what number you think you get. In short, "Same" has fuzzy, indistinct edges. The question in this case is how fuzzy those edges are. To wit (and I'll word it a bit differently this time): given the environment of Dealey Plaza 12:30 PM on Nov 22, 1963, how accurate would anyone be at locating a sound like a gunshot? That's the question you "don't care" about, and it's central to the discussion at hand. But you still want to argue about it.

I just disagree with you.  Two things are either the same or they are not the same.  What I don't care about is your convoluted justification for using the word "same" anyway.

It's pointless because we're never going to change each other's minds about that, so let it go.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 30, 2018, 08:27:54 PM
'chief fabricator'
Nah, just artistic license

'thread hijacker'
Your failure to comprehend my 'left field' analogy is your burden

And it's one, two, three strikes, yer out!
You're benched, Little Johnny I

Wake me up if you ever decide to post anything relevant.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Mitch Todd on July 31, 2018, 03:17:29 AM
I just disagree with you.  Two things are either the same or they are not the same.  What I don't care about is your convoluted justification for using the word "same" anyway.

It's pointless because we're never going to change each other's minds about that, so let it go.

Every time I see you write "they are the same or not the same," I get this feeling that you're a programmer. They tend to argue that way, because so much of their world is built out of Boolean logic itself running on a carefully constructed landscape of FET transistors burning away in hysteresis. But that's an artificial world; the real one is much messier. Figuring out what is the same and what isn't is limited by the level of our ability to differentiate between things. If I look at a parking lot across the street, I can easily distinguish the Camrys, the Accords, the Corvettes, etc, from each other and from the other cars in the lot. Someone whose eyesight isn't as good might be able to figure out cars from trucks, but nothing more. And Stevie Wonder is simply out of luck. 
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Richard Rubio on July 31, 2018, 04:09:32 AM
Boy, I know insults fly both ways but it really does seem like someone has derided, browbeat about anyone offering discussion. And that's the point, it is a discussion forum.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Jerry Freeman on August 08, 2018, 09:59:56 PM
Why not finally go with the reports that have been ignored because they did not conform to the official story?

Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Doug Easterly on August 18, 2018, 05:31:07 PM
I remember reading somewhere someone writing that DP is "an echo chamber from hell"...I guess that is an accurate statement as if there were a shot or shots from the GK area why were the three men at the base of the steps then running back up them TO danger and why were the SS agents in the Queen Mary looking back after the shots? I mean everyone can make a case for anything in that environment that day.
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Doug Easterly on August 18, 2018, 07:33:39 PM
Main was chosen I submit as that was the "main" street in the downtown Dallas business district with more high rises that office workers could use to view the presidential motorcade
Title: Re: James Leon Simmons.... Overpass Witness
Post by: Barry Pollard on August 20, 2018, 12:04:19 AM
I remember reading somewhere someone writing that DP is "an echo chamber from hell"...I guess that is an accurate statement as if there were a shot or shots from the GK area why were the three men at the base of the steps then running back up them TO danger and why were the SS agents in the Queen Mary looking back after the shots? I mean everyone can make a case for anything in that environment that day.

During the HSCA test shots in DP(according to either Gary Mack or Robert Groden) one witness to the event said you just could not tell where they were coming from.
Slightly better than that is Lee Bowers, he told Mark Lane(1966) that during refurbishment work on the TSBD itself some months prior to the assassination, noise from that work often sounded like it came from the GK area(and I think vice versa).
Having watched Buell Frazier a lot recently I know he is also fond of saying "echo chamber" but IMO that's something he has read of in the intervening years and this has helped him explain how he changed his story from the original where said he thought the shots came from the west, to now, "above me" and not just that but "directly above my position". Apparently this is the only time he noticed it...

Not to nitpick on your second point but, one man on the steps doesn't move, the second one only runs as far as the first then stops and the third may have just ran to the wall where most likely a woman stood, who he knew and perhaps was concerned for.

Those agents, all three of them where looking back to somewhere at ground level.  That in itself is interesting in that they could not tell it was coming from above and the gun had to have been aimed almost directly at that spot we now see them at in Altgens.
I think it's Ready who was the most alert(keep an eye on him in Hughes and Muchmore on Houston), the agent behind him on the running board may have partly reacted to him since he's not looking in exactly the same direction, the third in the back seat has spun right around and probably also reacted exclusively to a loud noise.

Perhaps those further back in the parade who claimed they could tell it was coming from above just had more time/opportunity to work that out, or simply, saw someone else near the intersection looking up IDK but I always have trouble believeing folks who say they could tell exactly/immeadiatly and there's a few of them :)