She arrives at 10th and Patton approx. 2 minutes or so later. Stands watches Police cruiser and ensuing events,
Bowley after exiting car checks watch at 1.10pm.
But Mrs Markham specified that the time was about 1:06......
Yeah "at 1.06 was standing at corner" so reached the corner 2 minutes from washeteria clock 1.04 claimed time.
So in the approximate accepted timed 2 minutes time to walk that. (even the FBI only tried to stretch it to 2.45 )
"waiting for traffic to pass" - so Tippit is the traffic, so the shooting in that time line happens at 1.07.30 -1.08
After this Benavides takes 50 seconds to get to Tippit . So 1.08.20 - 1.08.50.
Bowley is arriving after shooting is past. All the time he is driving towards the scene Tippit is dead on the ground and Unsub has fled and
Benavides has already reached body.
1.08.20-1.08.50 Benavides starts to head to poice radio and try to use it.
Is trying to use it when Bowley pulls up. So Bowley pulls up 1.09-1.09.30.
By the time Bowley stops car, tells kids to stay put, has a look round, gets out of car,
stands, looks at watch because a crime involved = 1.10.
IMO Him checking watch as 1.10 after exiting car is totally consistent with Markham's 1.06 at corner time AND in all the time aspects involved.
He goes to Tippit and then to Benavides who is struggling to be able to use police radio but Bowley knows how to and does.
IMO Totally consistent with 1.11 - 1.11.30 to call shooting in.