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Author Topic: Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald  (Read 18581 times)

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald
« Reply #128 on: July 27, 2021, 12:04:39 PM »
That was quick, so what was the grade6 BS all about?

And then you kept stating he picked the #2 guy, need quotes?

Wow, that needed A LOT of explaining considering your academic superiority!

Nothing like Chapman getting inside Oswalds head: Knowing he WILL be captured, drops shells to make sure he WILL be tied to the gun, awesome!

"Oswald's" cross-over was prior to any hollering, DOH.

Keep the fails coming, genius.

RE academic capability, see above.

Still choking on that bait, sweet!

More like struggling to keep up.

I'm not aware of professional writers who continuously publish drafts.

And then you kept stating he picked the #2 guy, need quotes?
> Whaley stated Oswald was the guy he hauled from the bus station. Need quotes?

Wow, that needed A LOT of explaining considering your academic superiority!
> Exactly: You obviously have special needs and as such, a deeper heads-up is required. And yes, a high-school diploma is academically superior to Grade8.

Nothing like Chapman getting inside Oswalds head: Knowing he WILL be captured, drops shells to make sure he WILL be tied to the gun, awesome!
> Where did I say he dropped shells in order to be tied to the gun? And I was right: He was captured. Awesome!

"Oswald's" cross-over was prior to any hollering, DOH.
> Not that you’re cherrypicking. Bottom line: He didn’t want a close encounter with Callaway. Especially after being  hollered at, across the street or not.

Keep the fails coming, genius.
> Says the scholar who has but Grade8 on his record.

RE academic capability, see above.
We already know you have but Grade8 on your record

Still choking on that bait, sweet!
> We all know why you’re here, troll.

More like struggling to keep up.
> More like waiting for you lot to catch up

I'm not aware of professional writers who continuously publish drafts.
> Some writer-wannabes stay in 'preview' mode all their lives and don’t get past Grade8

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald
« Reply #128 on: July 27, 2021, 12:04:39 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald
« Reply #129 on: July 27, 2021, 04:23:29 PM »
Interesting, so in other words what's motivating Ct's has never been about the evidence but instead is some deeply ingrained paranoia of the Government. Got it!


Paranoia??    Where the hell do you live??..... It is a FACT the government has lied to us over and over and got us involved in foreign wars while lying to us about why we need to allow them to spend our tax dollars  ( while siphoning some of those dollars into their bank accounts) and   sacrificing our brave young warriors while they pay lip service to the grieving families.

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald
« Reply #130 on: July 27, 2021, 11:51:51 PM »
This is getting very tedious, what this tells me is that;
Certainly must be tedious having your bluff called again and again.

It's another example where evidence wasn't altered by the FBI/WC.
OK, I can guess what's coming...

That Callaway and Guinyard didn't fraudulently collaborate on their observations.

Or, some collaboration was clearly lacking...

That 5 months later Guinyard was a little confused about what side of the road, big deal!

There was no sign of confusion in his testimony, you made that up as usual. No person in their right mind, even grade 6, would misjudge a person parsing them by 45 feet. That's LN Lunacy right there in print.

That the totality of the eyewitnesses all essentially agree with each other.
So, if evidence NOT lining up is proof of evidence not being altered by FBI/WC then the totality of evidence essentially agreeing must mean that the evidence essentially is altered.

That's LN stupidity right there, folks!

What unbelievable embarrassing naivety, so months later one eyewitness out of nearly a dozen doesn't have a precise photographic memory but he still essentially told the same sequence of events as ALL the other eyewitnesses and for some reason known only to you, this is ground-breaking evidence that there was a massive conspiracy and by extension this lunacy means that all the other eyewitnesses that were there were, must somehow ALL be involved.
So, if evidence NOT lining up is proof of evidence not being altered by FBI/WC then the totality of evidence essentially agreeing must mean that the evidence essentially is altered.

WTF? It's quite obvious that the only criminal case you have studied in close detail is this one, you clearly have no real world experience besides your fantasy belief that an insignificant minor contradiction by one eyewitness out of nearly a dozen is grounds for acquittal. You can't be serious?

Mr. BENAVIDES - ...and then he turned to the left there and went on down Patton Street.

Mr. BALL. He was walking towards what street?
Mrs. V DAVIS. He was going down Patton.

Mr. BELIN. Away from Patton or towards Patton?
Mrs. B DAVIS. Towards Patton.

Mr. BALL. Toward Patton?
Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir; towards Patton.

Mr. SCOGGINS. .... and I looked up and seen him going south on Patton and then when I jumped back in my cab I called my dispatcher.

Mr. REYNOLDS OK; our office is up high where I can have a pretty good view of what was going on. I heard the shots and, when I heard the shots, I went out on this front porch which is, like I say, high, and I saw this man coming down the street with the gun in his hand, swinging it just like he was running. He turned the corner of Patton and Jefferson, going west, and put the gun in his pants and took off, walking.

HAROLD RUSSELL "observed a young white man running south on Patton Avenue carrying a pistol or revolver"

B. M. PATTERSON "advised that at approximately 1:30 PM,...  a white male approximately 30 years of age, running south on Patton Avenue, carrying what appeared to be a revolver in his hand"

L. J. LEWIS... "he observed a white male, approximately thirty years of age, running south on Patton Avenue, carrying either an automatic pistol or a revolver in his hands"


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald
« Reply #130 on: July 27, 2021, 11:51:51 PM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald
« Reply #131 on: July 28, 2021, 02:38:28 AM »
No, since I know the case, but you're in need of a reminder, evidently:

Diploma-boy, clueless when it comes to the evidence, priceless.

Anyway, whoever Whaley picked doesn't really matter because his trip sheet totally sinks the WC cabbie fantasy.

You really should have paid attention to Mytton being DESTROYED on this very topic.

So why pick Grade8 on the fly?

You didn't, following the Nutter template: Oswald was smart enough to do "X", then he did "Y" because he was a nut.

Worth considering if that "diploma" is fake...

Wow, talk about bottom line, diploma-boy on his face again: When he was hollered at, he had no other option than simply continue. Again, since Oswald cross the street even before Callaway had a reason to holler (btw, unsupported claim) your argument has totally collapsed.

That's for reminding me, why Grade8?

See above.

Trolling not required to lay out bait. Exposing Lone Nutter morons is a valid purpose.

Your record of failures shows differently.

Obviously where you should have stayed also.

No, since I know the case, but you're in need of a reminder, evidently
> Check again: Whaley ID’d Oswald. Period.

Diploma-boy, clueless when it comes to the evidence, priceless.
> Non-diploma boy: Clueless, period.

Anyway, whoever Whaley picked doesn't really matter because his trip sheet totally sinks the WC cabbie fantasy.
> In your trolling opinion

You really should have paid attention to Mytton being DESTROYED on this very topic.
> In your trolling opinion

So why pick Grade8 on the fly?
> You tell me: You’re the one who brought up grade 8 in the first place

You didn't, following the Nutter template: Oswald was smart enough to do "X", then he did "Y" because he was a nut.
> I must have missed that template

Worth considering if that "diploma" is fake...
> Worth considering if you even went to school at all

Wow, talk about bottom line, diploma-boy on his face again: When he was hollered at, he had no other option than simply continue. Again, since Oswald cross the street even before Callaway had a reason to holler (btw, unsupported claim) your argument has totally collapsed
> LOL. He had a reason to holler: He wanted to know what the hell was going on!

Unsupported claim
> There you go again: Everybody must be lying. And no support needed if the jury believes Callaway.

Trolling not required to lay out bait. Exposing Lone Nutter morons is a valid purpose.
> You lot keep hooking yourselves

Your record of failures shows differently
> CTer 58 years of trolling shows differently. And my high school diploma shows differently than a Grade8 drop-out.

Obviously where you should have stayed also
>ObviousTroll#OB fails, and flails, yet again
« Last Edit: July 28, 2021, 05:31:05 AM by Bill Chapman »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald
« Reply #132 on: July 28, 2021, 01:59:39 PM »
We've obviously entered the 'broken record' stage of deflection:

Whaley ID'd Oswald.....crack.....Whaley ID'd Oswald.....crack.....Whaley ID'd Oswald.....crack.....Whaley ID'd Oswald.....crack.....

If true, let's pause for a second and explore why someone holding a diploma would post this if Oswald was the #3 guy:


We've obviously entered the 'broken record' stage of deflection: Whaley ID'd Oswald.....crack.....Whaley ID'd Oswald.....crack.....Whaley ID'd Oswald.....crack.....Whaley ID'd Oswald.....crack.....
> Crackpot

If true, let's pause for a second and explore why someone holding a diploma would post this if Oswald was the #3 guy:
> Whaley said Lee Harvey Oswald was the guy he hauled from the bus depot

Quote from: Bill Chapman on June 05, 2021, 06:35:50 AM
No need to worry about being in bad shape given that Whaley ID'd Oswald. Third from his (Whaley's) right; second from his (Whaley's) left. Handcuffed together. You can look it up. Meantime, sounds like y'all need a big hug: Keep circling those wagons, whistling in the dark, and backslapping your fellow Oswald-lovers.

> Whaley said Lee Harvey Oswald was the guy he hauled from the bus depot

> Whaley

> Change 'crack'
to 'crackle, crackle'
« Last Edit: July 28, 2021, 02:35:01 PM by Bill Chapman »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald
« Reply #132 on: July 28, 2021, 01:59:39 PM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald
« Reply #133 on: July 28, 2021, 04:38:24 PM »
OK, on to side B of Chapman's Loony Tunes hit single:

Whaley said Lee Harvey Oswald was the guy he hauled from the bus depot.....crackle, crackle.....Whaley said Lee Harvey Oswald was the guy he hauled from the bus depot.....crackle, crackle.....Whaley said Lee Harvey Oswald was the guy he hauled from the bus depot.....crackle, crackle.....

Time to definitively sink the Whaley cab ride. This FBI report shows that the 12:45 time in Whaley's trip sheet was set by watch. Allowing for a slow watch, Oswald enters the cab 12:37 at the earliest. That's before he has even reached the bus, the WC sunk by their own evidence.

In your trolling opinion

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald
« Reply #134 on: July 28, 2021, 06:40:26 PM »
OK, on to side B of Chapman's Loony Tunes hit single:

Whaley said Lee Harvey Oswald was the guy he hauled from the bus depot.....crackle, crackle.....Whaley said Lee Harvey Oswald was the guy he hauled from the bus depot.....crackle, crackle.....Whaley said Lee Harvey Oswald was the guy he hauled from the bus depot.....crackle, crackle.....

Time to definitively sink the Whaley cab ride. This FBI report shows that the 12:45 time in Whaley's trip sheet was set by watch. Allowing for a slow watch, Oswald enters the cab 12:37 at the earliest. That's before he has even reached the bus, the WC sunk by their own evidence.

Whaley said Lee Harvey Oswald was the guy he hauled from the bus depot.....crackle, crackle.....Whaley said Lee Harvey Oswald was the guy he hauled from the bus depot.....crackle, crackle.....Whaley said Lee Harvey Oswald was the guy he hauled from the bus depot....crackle.....

And furthermore Mr Whaley swore that his passenger was wearing BLUE workman's type clothing.....Which included a BLUE jacket that matched the BLUE trousers the man was wearing.  (It is a FACT that Lee Oswald was NOT wearing any BLUE workman's type clothing, because he didn't even own any clothing of that kind....and none was found in his boarding house room.  And Mr Whaley testified that the man who was wearing the BLUE clothing gave him a dollar bill when he left his cab.....  Lee Oswald told the interrogators hat he paid 85 cents to the driver of the taxi.....

If he had paid a dollar he would surely have told them that he had paid a dollar......And what's more 85 cents is the correct fare from the bus depot,  to the intersection of Beckley at Zangs..... Whereas the fare from the bus depot to Neely at Beckley was 95 cents.   Lee Oswald was NOT Whaley's passenger.   

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald
« Reply #134 on: July 28, 2021, 06:40:26 PM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald
« Reply #135 on: July 28, 2021, 10:34:30 PM »
There's no opinion involved.

It's logic, the WC timeline is bust.

Time to return your diploma.

There's no opinion involved
> Just the burnt remains of your trolling

It's logic, the WC timeline is bust.
> Your watch is broken

Time to return your diploma.
> Time for you to get one



> Changed address:
> Changed 'Just your trolling'
to 'Just the burnt remains of
your trolling'
« Last Edit: July 29, 2021, 05:40:08 AM by Bill Chapman »