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Author Topic: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?  (Read 35561 times)

Offline Jack Nessan

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Re: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?
« Reply #136 on: September 09, 2018, 03:56:00 PM »
So because Arnold didn't "react" in the "expected" manner post shots - according to your criteria of not looking at the TSBD - you are now calling into question that he even saw a gunman at the SW corner.

Why then didnt the WC simply reject his testimony outright?

Why do you believe it was necessary to look at the TSBD if both him and Barbara thought the shots came from the rail yard?

Mr. BELIN. Did you particularly watch the sixth floor because of the fact that you had seen or your husband had seen a person on the sixth floor?
Mrs. BOWLAND. We looked at it for a few minutes, but we didn't look back, and when we heard the shots, we didn't look back up there. I grabbed his hand and started running toward the car.

Arnold saw the gunman once for 15 seconds at 12.15 pm.

Rowland could not even give the same answer twice to the question "did he look back at the window?" You are saying you would not have looked back to where you had seen a man with a rifle to determine the location of the gunshots.

Rowland could not give the same description of the person twice. He states a man bent over leaning out the window is tall and slender. If it is to be believed then time altered his memory and it is a description of Jarman, Norman, and BRW when they were leaning out of the window while on the fifth floor not the sixth floor.

The question of whether he actually had seen a gunman in the SW corner was called into question by Specter when his description of the gunman in the window didn't make sense.

Rowland's whole testimony was contradicted by his own statement.

Roger Craig placing the second person in the SW and that person being white tells you that never happened. Craig would have known the importance of the SW vs SE corner.

If you are going to make a case for a conspiracy you need someone besides Rowland. It would be easier to believe the Cuban Military Band was there than what Rowland stated.

You are a thinking man do you really believe a testimony that is so contradicted by himself and others?

The WC did not reject any ones testimony. They just recorded it.

Barbara never seen the gunman, Arnold claimed he did, and he could have glanced up there but did not.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?
« Reply #136 on: September 09, 2018, 03:56:00 PM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?
« Reply #137 on: September 09, 2018, 06:20:38 PM »
Except, Rowland did not know the president had been shot. Rowland had no idea where the shots were coming from or who they were directed towards. Arnold stated the man in the SW corner of the 6th floor of the TSBD was specifically there to protect the president. Rowland was not aware of who was shooting at who. He did not even briefly scan the window or the building to see if the place where he stated a man was positioned with a rifle, specifically placed there to guard the president, was firing the rifle to protect the president. This very thought obviously crossed the minds of the panel and the attorneys. They asked him three times and each time he gave a different answer. Yes, No , and maybe he looked at the window

Rowland's answer to Specter confirms he never seen a gunman to begin with or he would have known why he never looked.

Mr. BELIN. Mrs. Rowland, did you have any idea where the shots came from or the sound?
Mrs. ROWLAND. Well, the people generally ran towards the railroad tracks behind the School Book Depository Building, and so I naturally assumed they came from there, because that is where all the policemen and everyone was going, and I couldn't tell where the sounds came from.

Mr. SPECTER. After the shots occurred, did you ever look back at the Texas School Book Depository Building?
Mr. ROWLAND. No; I did not. In fact, I went over toward the scene of the railroad yards myself.
Mr. SPECTER. Why did you not look back at the Texas School Book Depository Building in view of the fact that you had seen a man with a rifle up there earlier in the day?
Mr. ROWLAND. I don't remember. It was mostly due to the confusion, and then the fact that it sounded like it came from this area "C," and that all the officers, enforcement officers, were converging on that area, and I just didn't pay any attention to it at that time.

The whole idea that he would not look if he really had seen a man with a gun calls into question his whole story .

'It was mostly due to the confusion'

Sounds reasonable to me.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2018, 06:40:41 PM by Bill Chapman »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?
« Reply #138 on: September 09, 2018, 10:06:42 PM »
Mr. SPECTER. How many officers were converging on that area, to the best of your ability to recollect and estimate?
Mr. ROWLAND. I think it would be a very good estimation of 50, maybe more.
'50' cops huh? Came out of the woodwork. Where were they when the shooting started?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?
« Reply #138 on: September 09, 2018, 10:06:42 PM »

Offline Colin Crow

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Re: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?
« Reply #139 on: September 10, 2018, 01:22:19 AM »
How about someone on the anti-Rowland bandwagon post a believeable narrative in the context of what he knew at the time and what we know now. did he know Williams was on the 6th floor at that time?
Was he just guessing and got lucky? What do you think Rowland?s motivation was?

As stated previously he essentially got the basics correct. Still waiting for a LN response to the repeated lies by Jarman and Norman prior to their testifying regarding Williams movements.

As expected......suddenly nothing happened.

Offline Jack Nessan

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Re: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?
« Reply #140 on: September 10, 2018, 03:27:45 AM »
Arnold's observation of seeing the African-American male at 12.15 pm at the SE corner had nothing to do with a conspiracy. It was the WC who thought that it implied that the gunman observed by Arnold had an accomplice.

No one was on the fifth floor at the SE corner until ~12.25 pm.

The WC knew that there was an African-American male on the 6th floor after 12 noon. They were also confident that there was no "elderly Negro" in the SE corner. Arnold's observation could therefore be easily discredited.

However from Arnold's vantage point, it would be difficult to determine someone's age. He provided additional and conflicting detail in his testimony that ultimately was used to discredit him.

Despite that, it didn't mean that he was wrong in seeing the African-American male in the SE corner at 12.15 pm on the 6th floor. He was after all the only witness who saw the gunman at the SW corner.

He had no corroboration for either observation. So why did the WC partially believe his testimony?

What part did the WC believe? The line of questioning indicated they did not believe any of what he was saying including the man with a rifle.  BRW could see all the way to the west wall and there was nobody there. Ford sums it up best at the end.

The CHAIRMAN - Anything further, Congressman Ford?
Representative FORD - Mr. Rowland, have you ever had occasion to go back to the scene and reconstruct it? Have you ever gone back--
The CHAIRMAN - Supposing we take a few minutes recess.
Mr. ROWLAND - The answer to that question is yes; I do all the time. I pass that area very frequently.

Rowland obviously possess an overactive imagination and it shows throughout his testimony.

When the shooting started BRW was hanging out of the 5th floor window trying to see who was shooting. Not the actions of some one who had been interacting with LHO moments before.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?
« Reply #140 on: September 10, 2018, 03:27:45 AM »

Offline Colin Crow

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Re: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?
« Reply #141 on: September 10, 2018, 03:35:19 AM »
What part did the WC believe? The line of questioning indicated they did not believe any of what he was saying including the man with a rifle.  BRW could see all the way to the west wall and there was nobody there. Ford sums it up best at the end.

The CHAIRMAN - Anything further, Congressman Ford?
Representative FORD - Mr. Rowland, have you ever had occasion to go back to the scene and reconstruct it? Have you ever gone back--
The CHAIRMAN - Supposing we take a few minutes recess.
Mr. ROWLAND - The answer to that question is yes; I do all the time. I pass that area very frequently.

Rowland obviously possess an overactive imagination and it shows throughout his testimony.

When the shooting started BRW was hanging out of the 5th floor window trying to see who was shooting. Not the actions of some one who had been interacting with LHO moments before.
So you believe that Rowland fabricated the whole thing. He just got lucky in imagining the right building and floor for the shots. His wife lied too in her confirming aspects. He never told her anything about a security guard about 12.15.

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?
« Reply #142 on: September 10, 2018, 04:37:53 AM »
As expected......suddenly nothing happened.

You lot and your expectations of immediate responses assumes that people are spending all their time sitting on every post that pops up.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?
« Reply #142 on: September 10, 2018, 04:37:53 AM »

Offline Jack Nessan

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Re: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?
« Reply #143 on: September 10, 2018, 04:51:11 AM »
So you believe that Rowland fabricated the whole thing. He just got lucky in imagining the right building and floor for the shots. His wife lied too in her confirming aspects. He never told her anything about a security guard about 12.15.

Basically yes. He did tell her about a gunman but only after discussing the Stevens incident, what are the odds. He should have been playing the lottery.

His description of the shooter in the window does not work. She never seen anybody and neither did anyone else, which is a common theme to his statement. Even Roger Craig gets it wrong and basically shoots Rowland down by giving a conflicting testimony of what Rowland supposedly stated. BRW could see all the way to the west wall and was actually on the 6th floor and never seen a soul.

Read his testimony, how is it you can't see what a giant BS artist he really was? He could tell the rifle was a 30 "odd" six rifle, something that doesn't even exist, from a distance? The only way to know the caliber of a rifle is read it off the barrel. A foreign rifle? Really? What does he say that actually is the truth?

The only way you can believe his story is you need and want to believe it. The WC obviously had major doubts, it shows in the questions and answers.