Thank you very much David. That second interview (the one on radio) seems to answer my question about whether or not on 11/22/63 Brehm was saying there were two shots or three. He definitely said three in the radio interview. Do we know the circumstances of the radio interview? The time and place it was conducted, etc?
That radio interview with Brehm was taken (I think) from some of the network radio coverage I have in my collection. But since nobody else can be heard during the interview except Brehm himself, I can't pinpoint the network or station where it originated. I just don't remember.
Side note.....
One thing that has always had me scratching my head concerning Charles Brehm is.....
He claims to have grabbed his son and run away from the scene of the shooting by the time the third shot was fired, and yet we know from the photographic record that Brehm & Son are still standing in just about the same spot on Elm Street several minutes after the shooting (see photo below). So if he "grabbed the boy and ran" (as he claimed in some of his interviews), then it would have to mean he returned just a few minutes later to virtually the same spot on Elm Street where he had witnessed the assassination. Very curious.