Agent Hosty is recording the suspect's key claims: his whereabouts at & around the time of the shooting. The absence of any further clarifying note------along the lines of "Then went outside to watch P. Parade, but heard three loud bangs just before doing so" or "Then went outside to watch P. Parade but it had already passed"-------renders your interpretation quite bizarre.
Hosty wrote:
He went to 2nd
floor to get Coca Cola to eat with
lunch and returned to 1st floor to
eat lunch. Then went outside to watch
P. ParadeMy interpretation of this is:
"The most obvious interpretation of this being [IMO] that after Oswald had been up to the second floor for a Coke, he went down to the first floor, finished his lunch then went outside to watch the parade."Please explain what is bizarre about this interpretation and provide your own "sensible" interpretation.
SAW THE PARADE" - that is not part of an interpretation, it's a fact. This is confirmed by Kelley reporting that Oswald said he did not see the parade.
No less bizarre is your belief that Mr Oswald claimed he had a gun stuck in his gut by a cop and was told by a female employee the Pres. had just been shot, and then went downstairs to finish his lunch, before going outside in the belief that what he would be seeing there was... a P. Parade!
Unlike you, I don't believe Oswald is some kind of falsely accused, innocent bystander.
He is deeply involved in the events of that day and his reported comments/behaviour should be seen in that light.
The recessed front entrance steps are in the building. Only when you step out on to the sidewalk can you be said to have left the building
I can't believe you've actually gone there.

Not if I believe that Messrs Lovelady & Shelley noticed Mr Oswald there. After all, we are agreed that they were egregious liars. So it's wildly inconsistent for you to now cite them as reliable witnesses
Nowhere have I cited them as reliable witnesses.
Tell us who he would have had to pass to get out of the front door? And then tell us which way everyone on those steps was looking as the motorcade turned onto Dealey Plaza 
Lewis, Frazier, Shelley and Molina.
Saunders and Stanton were also on the top landing.
Everyone would most likely have been watching the motorcade as it passed by. Nowhere have I suggested otherwise.
Not one employee reports seeing Mr Roy Edward Lewis on the steps. Not a single one. So what?
Now you're being silly.
How many employees were asked if they saw Lewis around the time of the assassination? [None]
How many employees were asked if they saw Oswald around the time of the assassination? [All of them]
What a stupid point to make.
You evidently still cannot explain why there is a naturalistically impossible shadow down Mr Lovelady in the Wiegman film. And yet you carry on insisting that there's nothing to see in the entranceway. Pure reality-denial!
Neither can you.