Great point Mr. Ford and one that's rarely brought up.
Thanking you kindly, Mr Plant!

Mr Piper's claimed vantage point for the P. Parade--------------one of the 'windows' at the front of the first floor--------------would have been credible if the assassination had happened the previous year:

I believe Mr Piper watched the P. Parade from
inside the building vestibule.
Here's what he told the Sheriff's Dept.:

Here's what he told the FBI:

Notice the use here of "standing" (not sitting). There was but one set of south-facing windows worthy of the name on the first floor. And to see out of there, especially with a crowd of people on the steps, one had to be standing up.

Mr Piper was, in short, in the perfect place to see Officer Baker and Mr Truly come running in and go up the FRONT stairs. And the perfect place to see Mr Oswald step outside to watch the P. Parade.
His witnessing of these things was disastrous to the official story. Hence his need to pretend to have watched the motorcade from somewhere else. Unfortunately, he chose for that somewhere else----------a blind spot!