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Author Topic: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Invokes The Emergencies Act  (Read 39042 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Invokes The Emergencies Act
« Reply #136 on: August 23, 2022, 07:22:25 AM »
Chrystia Freeland @cafreeland

Whether it’s supporting Ukraine, working together on energy security, or standing up for the rules-based international order, Canada has a steadfast friend and ally in Germany.

Great to meet with @Bundeskanzler Scholz and our German partners today!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Invokes The Emergencies Act
« Reply #136 on: August 23, 2022, 07:22:25 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Invokes The Emergencies Act
« Reply #137 on: August 24, 2022, 05:21:37 AM »
Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

From signing agreements with leading German automakers, to announcing the Canada-Germany Hydrogen Alliance,
@Bundeskanzler Scholz and I have been busy this week. Glad you could come to Canada, my friend – let’s keep delivering results for Canadian workers.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Invokes The Emergencies Act
« Reply #138 on: August 25, 2022, 06:48:59 AM »
Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

Great to have you back in Canada, @JensStoltenberg. Over the next two days, I look forward to discussing international security, Russia’s illegal invasion, climate change – and to meeting with the Canadians who make our contributions to
@NATO possible.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Invokes The Emergencies Act
« Reply #138 on: August 25, 2022, 06:48:59 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Invokes The Emergencies Act
« Reply #139 on: August 26, 2022, 06:12:52 AM »
Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

Canada’s North is warming at three times the global average. The researchers at the Canadian High Arctic Research Station are doing groundbreaking work to understand the effects of climate change and lead the way in innovation in Arctic science and technology.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Invokes The Emergencies Act
« Reply #140 on: August 27, 2022, 05:52:42 AM »
Justin Trudeau @ JustinTrudeau

In both Cambridge Bay and Cold Lake, @JensStoltenberg and I made progress on shared priorities and discussed threats to transatlantic security. Jens, it's been great to spend time with you this week – let’s continue to work together to keep people safe.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Invokes The Emergencies Act
« Reply #140 on: August 27, 2022, 05:52:42 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Invokes The Emergencies Act
« Reply #141 on: August 29, 2022, 05:16:25 AM »
The ‘Freedom Convoy’ is Turning Into a Christian Nationalist Revival Movement

Convoy-related groups are looking more and more like a Christian Evangelical 'revival' movement

Several months after the end of the convoy occupation of Ottawa, a number of far-right convoy-linked groups are increasingly looking more and more like Christian Evangelical “revival” movements.

Many evangelical Christians and pastors were key participants in the Ottawa convoy occupation, with many promoting extreme Christian nationalist rhetoric, combining Christian identity, Canadian nationalism and right-wing political beliefs.

“This group is small, but it’s there. And they should not be dismissed as being merely religious,” theology professor Dr. Christine Mitchell wrote in The Conversation back in February.

Mitchell suggests that Christian nationalist truckers’ “divinely-mandated mission is the overthrow of the Canadian government,” and that they likely believe “Parliament is the temple that will be destroyed unless people turn from their sin.”

In Ottawa, a convoy-adjacent group calling itself “The United People of Canada,” took over a deconsecrated church last month

TUPOC has said it wants to run the church as a “social enterprise” and transform it into a community centre, although the group was recently served an eviction notice for failing to pay their $10,000 lease.

While TUPOC doesn’t explicitly describe itself in religious terms, key individuals at TUPOC have cited religious convictions as motivation for occupying the church.

“There is kind of a war going on. It feels like a war doesn’t it?” Diane Nolan, a TUPOC board director, said in a Facebook video last week. “It’s not just a convoy, it’s an uprising.”

“I’m gonna die in this place knowing that I’ve served God first,” Nolan said in another video that has since been deleted.

Nolan’s religious beliefs are intertwined with far-right politics, urging supporters not to vote Liberal or NDP.

“‘I’ve had so many dreams and visions. If this next election, if anybody is voting red or orange, we’re in trouble. If they come into power, I’m telling you…that red and orange, we need to be very careful. If we see them get in power then you better get back into position and you better know how to stand,” Nolan said in a Facebook video.

“In the Bible, it talks about the Armour of God, and we’re equipped with the Armour of God,” Nolan added.

TUPOC is one of many groups across the country who are incorporating the rhetoric of the ‘freedom’ convoy into Evangelical theology and preaching.

In Saskatchewan, convoy participants and organizers recently spoke at the three day Faith Fire Freedom Festival in Moose Jaw organized by the Christian nationalist group Revival Reformation Alliance on August 11-14. The festival took place in a large outdoor “revival” tent and featured worship services, street preaching, river baptisms, speaking in “tongues” and even a woman who danced on stage claiming God had healed her from a knee injury.

The Revival Reformation Alliance describes itself as “a coalition of ministries, ministers, intercessors and saints contending for the move of God in this nation.” The RRA has previously been criticized for promoting homophobic and anti-abortion messaging through their “Battle for Canada” events hosted in cities across the country.

RRA and Battle for Canada are associated with the New Apostalic Reformation movement. Art Lucier, an RRA preacher who spoke at the Faith Fire Freedom Festival, recently denied that the NAR is a “cult.”

“We’ve been accused that we are part of a cult called NAR, the New Apostalic Reformation. Now this is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard,” Lucier said in a Facebook video.

According to Lucier, the New Apostalic Reformation advocates for the resurgence of apostles and prophets to function as non-denominational “movement leaders” to “tear down demonic strongholds and plant and establish the Kingdom of God on earth.” Lucier says these movements should involve not only prophets, teachers, pastors and prayer leaders but “concerned Christian business people” and politicians.

However, other Christian leaders have called NAR “a cancer within Christianity” and “a formula for mass manipulation, the creation of cult leaders, and people who are absolutely unaccountable.”

Convoy organizer and former PPC candidate Mark Friesen was listed as a speaker at the RRA’s Faith Fire Freedom Festival. Friesen was involved in the far-right Yellow Vest movement and United We Roll convoy before organizing “Freedom Rallies” in Saskatoon at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Friesen later caught COVID-19 and was hospitalized for months and transferred to Ontario. After being released from the hospital, Friesen credited the “power of prayer” for saving him, noting in a livestream he had previously rejected religion.

Nadine Ness, president of the far-right organization Unified Grassroots, also spoke at the RRA’s festival on Saturday night. Ness also organized a separate “We Are Free” worship concert and film screening the following day hosted by Unified Grassroots.

“We’re ready to see a big move across Saskatchewan and I think it’s gonna start here, this awakening, this revival of some sort,” said Ness in a private Facebook video.

Ness founded Unified Grassroots to oppose all COVID-19 restrictions and mandates in 2021, saying she felt “called” by God and that the group was led by “Christian values.” Other prominent Unified Grassroots members have promoted religious conspiracy theories linking the COVID-19 vaccine to the Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast.

Last year, Ness had an hour-long phone call with Saskatchewan premier Scott Moe pressuring him to drop all COVID-19 restrictions. Ness has since started her own provincial party.

Unified Grassroots premiered a documentary at the “We Are Free” concert called Fringe Preachers which highlighted the many preachers who travelled to Ottawa during the convoy occupations. The documentary was produced by Toronto-based street preacher Solomon Ikhuiwu. Ikhuiwu claims to have predicted the Ottawa convoy by burying — or “planting” — a Bible in Ottawa on Canada Day 2021, over six months prior to the convoy occupation in January 2022.

Other preachers who speak or make appearances in the documentary include American televangelist Sid Roth from the It’s Supernatural Network; Pastor Henry Hildebrandt of Aylmer, Ontario’s Church of God; Whitby, Ontario preacher Curtis Hartshorn from church planting organization E3 Canada; Toronto-area street preacher Paul Kovacs of Worldwide Revival Ministries; Hamilton street preacher Peter Townsend of Because of Christ Ministries; and Rob and Melissa McKee of Ottawa’s Biker’s Church.

The documentary also included a clip from The Fifth Estate where top convoy organizer James Bauder said that God had called on him to start the convoy:

“God, where do I fit into this? How do I put unity out there? And he said ‘Convoy for Freedoms.’”

The documentary also featured another key convoy organizer: Pat King.

“God has given us the opportunity to be able to take part in something like this, to stand for what we stand for – peacefully, not aggressively – and we’re making a huge impact,” King said in the documentary. “As you hear the train horns on the trucks right now, that’s the horns of heaven telling you, ‘You’re on the right path, Pat’.”

King had suggested in other videos the only way the convoy to Ottawa would be “solved is with bullets.”

The Fringe Preachers documentary was sponsored by Frances Wai-Chi Tong of Blessed Homes Real Estate at Landpower Real Estate Ltd, Brokerage.

The documentary did not include members of a separate network of preachers that participated in convoy occupations in Ottawa and blocked US-Canada borders, Liberty Coalition Canada.



Watch Video in Link Below:

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Invokes The Emergencies Act
« Reply #142 on: August 30, 2022, 03:31:18 AM »
Trudeau sees lowest approval rating, new poll finds
About 34 per cent of Canadians approve of the Trudeau government's performance, with a 51 per cent disapproval rate, a national poll from Abacus Data found.

This is the highest number recorded since Trudeau was elected in 2015, and since the SNC-Lavalin controversy in 2019.

In addition, Justin Trudeau's approval rating is the lowest number ever recorded, with a 31 per cent positive impression of the prime minister.

Compared to his Conservative counterparts, Trudeau (-21 net score) has a low approval score: Pierre Poilievre (-7) and Jean Charest (-5).

Unsurprisingly, 65 per cent of Conservative Canadians have a very negative view of the prime minister, which is nearly double the national average of 34 per cent.

The poll findings also show that among former Liberal voters in 2021, only 39 per cent of Canadians held negative views of Pierre Poilievre.

Justin Trudeau is sure addressing Canada's most pressing problems huh?

The federal government unveiled what it described as a historic first on Sunday as it announced a five-year, $100-million plan to support 2SLGBT communities across the country.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau unveiled the strategy, dubbed "Canada's first Federal 2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan," at a news conference on Sunday ahead of the Pride parade in Ottawa — the first in-person march after a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19.

Trudeau touted the plan as the first such federal initiative of its kind, and said it demonstrates the government's commitment to fighting discrimination and supporting diversity.

"This will guide our ongoing work to fight discrimination, break down barriers, to advance rights and to build a future where everyone in Canada is truly free to be who they are and love whom they love," Trudeau said on Sunday.

Qanon might be on to something with this guy.
All a dude has to do is put on a skirt and voilà ...go anywhere and do everything that girls do.
What is a 2slgbtqi+ anyway? Sounds complicated.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Invokes The Emergencies Act
« Reply #142 on: August 30, 2022, 03:31:18 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Invokes The Emergencies Act
« Reply #143 on: August 30, 2022, 05:46:54 AM »
America’s Inflation Reduction Act just gave Canada’s economy a shot in the arm