LHO's shirt

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Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #256 on: October 24, 2021, 02:15:42 AM »
Does this detailed statement from Mrs. Bledsoe sound like someone who's terribly confused and suffering from Alzheimers? She sounds sharp as a tack. If she had Alzheimers she wouldn't be able to clearly recount what she witnessed. She would be pausing and struggling to remember where, who, or what she even saw. She clearly knew it was Oswald because she knew what he looked like.
"Last Friday, November 22, 1963, I went downtown to see the President. I stood on Main Street just across the street from Titche's until the parade passed by. Then I walked over to Elm Street and caught a bus to go home. The bus traveled West on Elm Street to about Murphy Street and made a stop and that is when I saw Lee Oswald get on the bus. The traffic was heavy and it took quite sometime [sic] to travel two or three blocks. During that time someone made the statement that the President had been shot and while the bus was stopped due to the heavy traffic, Oswald got off the bus and I didn't see him again. I know this man was Lee Oswald because he lived in my home from October 7, 1963 to October 14, 1963." - Mrs. Mary E. Bledsoe

You're overlooking one thing, Rick

An affidavit is not verbatim. You tell the notary what you want to tell him/her and he/she summarizes what he/she feels is important and then offers you a document to sign. The problem is that it does not necessarily reflect what you actually said, yet the document will have a life of it's own. The same applies to statements made to the police. That's why lawyers always tell their clients not to talk to the police and make voluntary statements, regardless of the best intentions you may have to make that statement.

Bledsoe's testimony clearly demonstrates she was no way as concise as the affidavit suggests.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #256 on: October 24, 2021, 02:15:42 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #257 on: October 26, 2021, 10:04:57 AM »
JFK assassination artifacts to get first public viewing

Feb. 17, 2013

WASHINGTON — An off-white jacket. A casual long-sleeve shirt. A turquoise- and-orange wool blanket. A wallet that contains a Social Security card and family snapshots.

Lee Harvey Oswald was wearing this shirt, seen in this Nov. 22, 1963 photo, when he was arrested and charged in the death of President John F. Kennedy     

While these relics from the early '60s sound like everyday items, they are priceless pieces of history tied to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Beginning April 12, visitors to the Newseum in the nation's capital will have the rare chance to view these never-before-displayed artifacts belonging to Lee Harvey Oswald, the presumed gunman, as part of an exhibit marking the 50th anniversary of JFK's death. Oswald, who wore the shirt and carried the wallet when he was arrested on Nov. 22, 1963, in Dallas, was himself shot and killed two days later by Dallas nightclub owner Jack Ruby, a crime that was caught live on TV.

The jacket was found at a gas station near the Texas Theater, where Oswald was captured. Oswald's rifle, which was kept wrapped in the blanket in a friend's garage, was found at the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas shortly after JFK was shot.

"This is a pretty incredible opportunity to work with the National Archives and be able to display these pieces," says Carrie Christoffersen, Newseum curator and director of collections.

Christoffersen says the purpose of "Three Shots Were Fired," an exhibit of more than 100 artifacts, including the first UPI report about the attack on the presidential motorcade, "is to tell the story of how news media responded and how it fulfilled its responsibility to the public. It was a unique time in American and journalism history. The shooting led to unprecedented TV coverage over four days on the networks commercial-free. This was at a time when nightly newscasts had only just expanded from 15 minutes to a half-hour."

A collection of photos, "Creating Camelot: The Kennedy Photography of Jacques Lowe," as well as a Newseum-produced film, A Thousand Days, will bring to life the youthful glamour that the first family brought to the White House, as well as newsworthy moments of JFK's short presidency.

The exhibit, which runs through Jan. 5, 2014, will include an interactive feature that allows visitors of all ages to share the defining "JFK moment'' in their life, whether it was the bombing at Pearl Harbor or memories of 9/11.


Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #258 on: October 26, 2021, 06:21:20 PM »
"Oswald's rifle, which was kept wrapped in the blanket in a friend's garage"


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: LHO's shirt
« Reply #258 on: October 26, 2021, 06:21:20 PM »