It's hard to believe that the US has fallen so far under Ukraine Joe. He has only been President for two years. It seems much longer. His clown show administration has effectively destroyed America. A smoldering ruin of weakness. Disaster after disaster is unfolding both domestically and aboard. Even "Europe" is laughing at Old Joe paying billions for the war in Ukraine while they pay nothing. It's unreal. Putin, Iran, and China must fall down laughing at him. Has anyone seen or heard from Fetterman? He has been in the mental asylum longer than he has represented the citizens of PA. Incompetence and weakness at every turn.
Oh the dramatics of such a display of massive ignorance....
Even "Europe" is laughing at Old Joe paying billions for the war in Ukraine while they pay nothing.You really should not believe Fox news.... They lie, don't you know that? They even admitted it in court!
Actually, the E.U. is sending two battalions of Leopard tanks to Ukraine and have just decided to send 2 Billion Euro's worth of ammunition, which for the largest part is purchased in the US. The weapons to fire that ammunition are also being made - and sold to gundealers - by US companies, such as Adams Arms in Florida who make a healty profit from the sale.