The lapel flip is a red herring created by Gerald Posner. It is a meaningless event, if not a bogus one. David Wimp makes a strong case that the lapel flip is an optical illusion caused by reflected light:
If we assume the lapel flip is real, we should first and foremost recognize that it is nowhere near Connally's exit wound. The hole in Connally's jacket is nearly 1 foot from the lapel flip.
The lapel flip occurs in just 1/18th/second. Really? Since when can lapels flip up and down with such amazing speed?
If Connally's lapel ever did flip up and down, it would have done so because of the strong breeze that was intermittently gusting in Dealey Plaza during the shooting. But, again, how can a lapel flip up and down with such incredible speed? And even if it somehow managed to do so, the flip occurs nearly 12 inches from Connally's exit wound.
I found a copy of Lattimer's 1994 report re tests re Connally's lapel bulge flap flip at Z224.
Lattimer's tests show that the flip goes from say 20% at his Frame-06 to say 90% at Frame-07.
His frames are 30 fps. The Zapruder frames are 18.3 fps.
I said that reactions show that Oswald's shot-2 was at i reckoned Z218. However, the Zapruder footage shows that the lapel flip happened (ie attained 100% flip or nearly) between Z223 & Z224.
Therefore i need to change my estimate for Oswald's shot-2 being at Z218, it was at Z219, or a fraction later than Z219.
At Z219 & Z220 Connally was hidden by the road signage hence the Zapruder footage missed showing the cloud of debris that caused the bulge & the flip.
Lattimer said that his tests confirmed that the shot was at Z224.
His sequence clearly shows that his lapel flip happened at his Frame-07 (ie just before Frame-07), not at his Frame-00.
His first photo is Frame-minus-01 if u like it merely shows his "Connally" test dummy etc before the shot.
His first frame of his shot sequence is what i call Frame-00 it shows that the shot & the debris cloud have already happened. What i call Frame-07 is the 8th frame of his shot sequence.

Here are my latest estimates (done today) off Lattimer's 18 frames (actually 18 photos)(it was not a film)(camera took 30 pix/sec)(Lattimer's test dunn in 1994).
Its difficult to see what is what in Lattimer's 1994 frames (pix) its partly guesswork.
The flap on the jacket on the 1994 dummy was much longer than the 1963 jacket, so i have divided the 1994 flap into the lower flap & the upper flap.
In the 1963 Zapruder frames the 1963 flap is in effect the upper flap in the 1994 frames.
I assumed that the 1963 slug hit Connally at Z220.0. This accords with the max flip at Lattimer 07 (1994) happening at the same time as the flip in Z224 (1963).
We dont see any debris cloud in the 1963 Zapruder frames the exit outshoot on the 1963 jacket is hidden below the level of the 1963 limo door.
Time s
Bulge %
Lower/Upper [Flap Flip %]
Debris Cloud %
Zapruder Frame
Connally 1963 Flap.
. 00
. 0.0000
. 000
.. 010
. 000
.. 075
. Z220.0
. hidden by sign..
. 01
. 0.0333
. 040
. 000
.. 100
... Z220.6
.. hidden by sign..
. 02
. 0.0667
. 070
.. 060
. 010
. 050
. Z221.2
half hidden by sign..
. 03
. 0.1000
. 100
.. 100
. 010
. 040
. Z221.8
half hidden by sign..
. 04
. 0.1333
. 100
.... 100
. 010
. 030
. Z222.4
.... no flip ..
. 05
. 0.1667
. 090
. 100
. 020
... 010
. Z223.0
.... no flip ..
. 06
. 0.2000
. 080
.... 100
. 050
. 005
.. Z223.7
.... no flip ..
. 07
. 0.2333
. 070
.. 100
. 100
. 000
.. Z224.3
.. flipped ..
. 08
. 0.2667
. 060
.. 100
. 100
. 000
.. Z224.9
.. flipped ..
. 09
. 0.3000
. 050
... 100
. 100
.. 000
. Z225.4
.. flipped ..
. 10
. 0.3333
. 040
... 100
. 080
.. 000
. Z225.9
.. flipped ..
. 11
. 0.3667
. 030
. 100
. 050
.. 000
... Z226.8
.. flipped ..
. 12
. 0.4000
. 020
. 100
. 030
. 000
... Z227.3
.. blurred frame ..
. 13
. 0.4333
. 020
... 080
. 020
... 000
.. Z227.9
.. blurred frame..
. 14
. 0.4667
. 010
... 050
. 010
... 000
. Z228.4
.. hidden ..
. 15
. 0.5000
. 010
... 030
. 005
.. 000
. Z229.2
.. hidden ..
. 16
. 0.5333
. 000
. 020
. 000
. 000
. Z229.8
.. hidden ..
. 17
. 0.5667
. 000
... 010
. 000
. 000
. Z2230.3
.. hidden ..
. 0.6000
. .....
. Z231.0
.. hidden ..