Hi Marjan,
I'm not really sure what scene (Z frames) you are wanting, but I'm using the frames where JFK was hidden by the Stemmons sign (as above animations). For testing I put the camera at the midpoint of the Queen Mary model and may need to refine the height above pavement per your suggestion. It is obvious my QM model is little more than a box with a cutout for the cab. If a windshield is important to you I can't add one at this time.

Good stuff. The Z frame is not important (but Z312 is of course the frame of most interest), a critical thing is that QM is 6ft clear behind the jfklimo, & directly behind (ie in line).
Actually, the Z frame is important. Koz, Hickey's first shot of his 4 shots was at say Z304, & u will see that the alignment shows that this went to near Tague at the TUP.
The alignment of Hickey's shot-1 duz not have to be in accord with the center to center line of the 2 limos, the AR15 was free to aim anywhere it liked within reason, ie it aimed at a point just left of Tague (even if the center to center of the 2 limos aimed well right of Tague).
Hickey's 4th shot was the headshot at Z312.
And if its less of a problem for u, i reckon that u kan use your existing model for the jfklimo for the QM, & the existing model for the jfklimo already has a windshield.
The windshield of QM was i think 1 inch higher than the windshield of the jfklimo (ie if on level ground).
The upturned vizors on the jfklimo & QM are missing but are not needed, Hickey shot between or over the upturned vizors.
And the backseat of QM was (on that day) i think a few inches higher than the back seat of the jfklimo (ie if on level ground).
Re the camera representing Hickey's eyeball view, it is ok to have this on the centerline (tho i think that Hickey was a little left of center).
But re having the camera at midpoint, i think it would be better to have it more truly back near Hickey's pozzy in the back seat, ie Hickey was sitting hi up (on 2 cases) about one head height higher (say 10 inches) than when sitting low down.
Plus u could raise Hickey's head (in the jfklimo) koz az i said earlier the seat in QM would have been say 3 inches higher than in the jfklimo (alltho i have seen it said that it was i think 8 inches higher).
And jfk (ie his head) was near centerline in the jfklimo, & the top of his head was say 6 inches below the level of the windshield of his limo (ie if on level ground).
So, in this case, i suspect that Hickey would have been able to see say a half of jfk's head (ie above the windshield of QM).
In which case the AR15 would have to be at a level a little below the camera to see say 1 inch of jfk's head above the windshield of QM.
Which would mean that the barrel of the AR15 would have to be at about chin height on Hickey. Which as i have said is possible koz Hickey would have been raising & swinging the AR15 up & over O'Donnell's head.
Plus, the Bronson footage shows that Hickey at one stage raised up briefly a half head above his already high sitting pozzy, in which case he might have raised the AR15 higher (at least briefly)(before he stumbled forward)(& then he stumbled back down onto his hi-seat pozzy).