The only person who mentions blood on Tague's cheek is Tague.
Although blood isn't mentioned, a cut is:
Mr. Belin: You talked to any other witnesses there?
Mr. HAYGOOD: Yes. There was another one came up who was located, at the time he stated, on the south side of Elm Street back toward the triple underpass. Back, well, it would be north of the underpass there, and said he had gotten hit by a piece of concrete or something, and he did have a slight cut on his right cheek, upper portion of his cheek just to the right of his nose.
"If you have ever seen the texture of the cement of the overpass structure, there is another alternative explanation because by Tague's own account he pressed himself up against it."
This seems a bit made up and is nothing to do with what Tague immediately reported to both Haygood and Walthers.
On the flip side. If the story was true and based on other discussions on this board, the chain of custody of this supposed bullet would be an issue.
Considering the bullet seemed to go missing with the Secret Service/FBI agent that nobody from the Secret Service or the FBI could identify, there's not much of a chain of custody.
The story of the reporter is what seems far fetched.
There are two separate, independent reports from two journalists that the discovery of a bullet was made by the men searching the area photographed by Allen and Murray who appear to actually capture the moment Walthers picks something off the ground.
Both Dodson and Gun are completely credible witnesses.
There is absolutely nothing far-fetched about what either of them reports.
Obviously, the discovery of a bullet near the manhole cover blows the two shot theory completely out of the water so I understand why you're not a fan of these credible reports accompanied by photos.
What do you think Tague was doing "duck behind the post?"
Tague claims he was hit on the second shot, but his statement is he turned his head away from the motorcade for the second shot.
He hides behind the abuttment and does not see the motorcade leave except for the rear of the SS car.
Mr. Tague.
Well, I was standing there watching, and really I was watching to try to distinguish the President and his car. About this time I heard what sounded like a firecracker. Well, a very loud firecracker. It certainly didn't sound like a rifleshot. It was more of a loud cannon-type sound. I looked around to see who was throwing firecrackers or what was going on and I turned my head away from the motorcade and, of course, two more shots.
And I ducked behind the post when I realized somebody was shooting after the third shot. After the third shot, I ducked behind the bridge abutment and was there for a second, and I glanced out and Just as I looked out, the car following the President's car, the one with the Secret Service men, was just flying past at that time.
Mr. Walthers is adamant he never found a bullet.
No; me and Allan Sweatt 2 or 3 days after the assassination did go back down there and make a pretty diligent search in there all up where that bullet might have hit, thinking that maybe the bullet hit the cement and laid down on some of them beams but we looked all up there and everywhere and I never did find one. I never did in all of my life tell anybody I found a bullet other than where it hit.
This is the sum total of what you believe proves a third shot? This is just hearsay and supposition.
This appears to be nothing more than two extreme conspiracy reporters. 4 and 5 bullets recovered?
Dudman--- thinks a "fifth bullet" was found. alters is never mentioned so it is only a guess the inspector is Walters.
Gun--- has Walters finding a "fourth bullet" the day of the assassination.
Buddy Walters said he searched the area with Allan Sweat two days later and did not find anything.
These reporters in no way prove there was ever any more than two shots fired. In fact, it seems to be a little on the crazy side. The evidence that is important as to how many shots were fired is the shell themselves.