Euins said on the day of the assassination:
"I watched the car [go] on down the street and about the time the car got near the black and white sign I heard a shot."
This as likely means the Thornton Freeway sign, not the sign cluster that Holland tried to make people think Euins was referring to.

 "JFK: The Lost Bullet" (Limo positioned approx. at Z133) | |  |
As he clarified the issue to Max Holland in
The Lost Bullet, Euins was referring to the smallish signs (plural) clustered together on the pole on the "island".
Holland even asked a follow-up question to make sure there would be no misunderstanding by LNers or, especially, CTers, alike.
You seem to forget that witness Patricia Ann Lawrence (nee Donaldson, or is it the other way around?) corroborated to Holland what Euins had told him regarding the position of the limo when the first shot rang out.
Nice try, though.
-- MWT