Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2

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Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #5688 on: August 11, 2022, 09:46:06 AM »
Far-Right Extremists Are Violently Threatening the Trump Search-Warrant Judge

Here's the 'near-identical script' Republicans are using to reframe Trump investigation as a war on America

On Wednesday, People Magazine published an analysis of the "near-identical scripts" of talking points Republicans are using in the wake of the FBI search warrant at former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago country club in Palm Beach, Florida — and how it is all designed to deflect any possibility the investigation is legitimate and frame it as tyranny or a war on America.

"A number of talking points are being echoed in far-right groups following news that Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago home was visited by FBI agents executing a federal search warrant on Monday," said the report. "Some Republican officials, as well as conservative outlets like Fox News, are offering up near-identical descriptions of the search."

Among the phrases commonly used are "banana republic," used by politicians like Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) and Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO); "civil war," used by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and a flood of Trump supporters on social media; "Department of Injustice," also used by Boebert; the idea that the FBI search warrant was a "raid," used by Greene and in fundraising emails by the Republican National Committee; and the idea that the FBI is President Joe Biden's "Gestapo," used by Boebert, Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), and Steve Bannon.

In reality, the warrant — part of an investigation into classified documents that were improperly removed as Trump and his allies departed the White House — was independently approved by a federal magistrate judge, and there is no evidence Biden even had knowledge of it.

Trump himself has lashed out at the probe, calling it "political targeting at the highest level" and a "Witch Hunt" — identical language that he used to disparage the Mueller investigation and both impeachment investigations.

Notably, Trump and his officials are also refusing to release a copy of the FBI's warrant, which — while it likely wouldn't reveal all the details of why the FBI is investigating him — would at least give more insight into what the FBI was searching for.

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Trump 'has a snitch in his midst' who led the FBI to the documents: Watergate prosecutor

On Wednesday's edition of MSNBC's "The ReidOut," Watergate prosecutor Nick Akerman analyzed the fear among allies of former President Donald Trump that a "snitch" might be cooperating with the FBI.

This comes amid an FBI search warrant being executed at Trump's Mar-a-Lago country club in Palm Beach, Florida — which has led to an explosion of fury from Republican lawmakers and pundits, and has rank and file Trump supporters calling for civil war.

"Nick, one of the things that you're hearing from Trump world is that somebody ratted us out, right? There's a leak," said anchor Jason Johnson. "It means that somebody there is incentivized to tell the FBI hey, look, it's in the kitchen behind the knife, behind, you know, the statue, etcetera, etcetera. do you think the FBI's ability to go in and out fairly quickly and obtain these boxes was because they had a pretty good idea where they were to begin with because they had to get documentation before, or do you really think that somebody in Trump world perhaps under investigation for some other reason gave them this information and said, hey, if you turn left when you go to the second bathroom, I think you'll be interested in what you find under the cover?"

"Oh, I think somebody in Trump's world did give them information," said Akerman. "I mean, not only do you need probable cause that a crime was committed, you need probable cause that the evidence of the crime exists in Mar-a-Lago, and it has to be recent ... you know, this whole business with classified documents, we don't really know if that's what this was all about because the source on all of this are the Donald Trump people who were at Mar-a-Lago. I mean, this is not government sources."

"Certainly there had to be somebody who was an insider that basically directed the FBI agents as to where this was in order for this information not to be stated," continued Akerman. "It's got to be in the last 30 days, so Donald Trump probably does have a snitch in hits midst, and what we really don't know is what exactly they were looking for and what it is they seized. Now, Donald Trump has the ability to clear this up pretty quickly by turning over to the public the search warrant. That would give us the details of what they were looking for and where they were looking for it because where they were looking for it, if they knew it was in the safe. You don't put classified documents you're trying to steal, necessarily, in a safe. There are all kinds of things he could be using, and putting in the safe, and he also has the inventory of everything that was taken."

"If we had that information, we'd have a much better idea of what is going on, what was taken, why the search was done and what the purpose of it was," said Akerman. "I mean, all of this other stuff is exactly what the Trump people have been doing over the last year about claiming that the elect was stolen. It's the same nonsense that we've been listening to for the last four years."


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #5688 on: August 11, 2022, 09:46:06 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #5689 on: August 11, 2022, 05:21:03 PM »
Donald Trump once said "I have the best words" but when given the opportunity to use them yesterday, he pleaded the fifth more than four hundred times.

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #5690 on: August 11, 2022, 09:13:34 PM »
Merrick Garland announces DOJ will seek to unseal search warrant of Trump's Mar-a-Lago — and he personally approved it

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Attorney General Merrick Garland delivered remarks on Thursday afternoon days after the FBI conducted a search warrant at President Donald Trump's Florida home at Mar-a-Lago.

"Since I became attorney general, I have made clear that the Department of Justice will speak through its court filings and its work," Garland began. "Just now the justice Department has filed a motion in the southern district of florida to unseal a search warrant and property receipt relating to a court-approved search that the FBI conducted earlier this week. that search was a premises located in Florida belonging to the former president. The department did not make any public statements on the day of the search. The former president publicly confirmed the search that evening, as is his right."

The motion to unseal the search warrant doesn't give any details, however.

President Donald Trump and his lawyers were given the search warrant, but he said that he wouldn't make it public. The judge who signed off on it, however, asked the Justice Department to consider it.

"Where possible, it is standard practice to seek less intrusive means as an alternative to a search and to narrowly scope any search that is undertaken," Garland also said. This is a confirmation that the DOJ had been working with Trump to obtain the documents through other means prior to the search warrant. The New York Times reported Thursday morning that they had subpoenaed the information from Trump earlier this spring.

Garland revealed that he personally signed off on the act and went on to emphatically chastise those attacking the Justice Department and the FBI implying improper behavior.

"Let me address recent unfounded attacks on the professionalism of the FBI and Justice Department agents and prosecutors. I will not stand by silently when their integrity is unfairly attacked," he said. "The men and women of the FBI and the Justice Department are dedicated, patriotic public servants. Every day they protect the American people from violent crime, terrorism, and other threats to their safety while safeguarding our civil rights. They do so at great personal sacrifice and risk to themselves. I am honored to work alongside them."


Merrick Garland called Donald Trump’s bluff: legal expert

Attorney General Merrick Garland held a press conference on Thursday revealing the Department of Justice has moved to unseal the Mar-a-Lago search warrant and redacted property receipt listing the items seized.

Following the press conference, former federal prosecutor Elie Honig offered his analysis during a CNN interview.

"We essentially saw Merrick Garland call Donald Trump's bluff," Honig said. "So essentially Merrick garland said, 'Okay, Donald Trump, you're not going to release them, we're going to do it, we're going to put those documents in front of the American public.'"

Honig also explained what he's looking for if the documents are unsealed.

"The warrant typically will list logistical information, place to be searched, usually a general description of items to be searched for, the name of the judge, a deadline by which DOJ has to execute the search," Honig said.

"But it also sometimes has what we call an attachment," he explained. "That attachment typically will list the statutes, the laws that DOJ believes it has probable cause to believe were violated. So that's going to be the first thing I look for. I'm going to look right at that attachment and say do they list the statutes, that's going to tell us what laws could be at play here."

The motion to unseal the documents asks the judge to unseal the search warrant "including Attachments A and B."


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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #5690 on: August 11, 2022, 09:13:34 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #5691 on: August 12, 2022, 02:58:10 AM »
FBI searched Mar-a-Lago for classified ‘nuclear weapons’ documents: report

Explosive new information is coming out about the focus of the FBI search warrant executed at Mar-a-Lago on Monday.

"Classified documents relating to nuclear weapons were among the items FBI agents sought in a search of former president Donald Trump’s Florida residence on Monday," The Washington Post reported, citing "people familiar with the investigation."

"Experts in classified information said the unusual search underscores deep concern among government officials about the types of information they thought could be located at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club and potentially in danger of falling into the wrong hands," the newspaper reported. "Material about nuclear weapons is especially sensitive and usually restricted to a small number of government officials, experts said. Publicizing details about U.S. weapons could provide an intelligence road map to adversaries seeking to build ways of countering those systems. And other countries might view exposing their nuclear secrets as a threat, experts said."

David Laufman, the former head of the Justice Department’s counterintelligence section, explained the significance if the report is true.

"If that is true, it would suggest that material residing unlawfully at Mar-a-Lago may have been classified at the highest classification level,” Laufman said. “If the FBI and the Department of Justice believed there were top secret materials still at Mar-a-Lago, that would lend itself to greater ‘hair-on-fire’ motivation to recover that material as quickly as possible.”

Trumpland was reportedly "caught off guard" by Attorney General Merrick Garland's call to unseal the search warrant so the public would learn more details.

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #5692 on: August 12, 2022, 08:57:20 AM »
‘Signals intel’ at Mar-a-Lago makes Trump’s scandal look so much worse: experts

While the world was shocked after The Washington Post dropped the bombshell report that the FBI was searching Mar-a-Lago for nuclear weapons documents, some national security experts were also shocked that "signals intelligence" was recovered from Donald Trump's Florida home.

"Former senior intelligence officials said in interviews that during the Trump administration, highly classified intelligence about sensitive topics, including about intelligence-gathering on Iran, was routinely mishandled," the newspaper reported. "One former official said the most highly classified information often ended up in the hands of personnel who didn’t appear to have a need to possess it or weren’t authorized to read it. That former official also said signals intelligence — intercepted electronic communications like emails and phone calls of foreign leaders — was among the type of information that often ended up with unauthorized personnel. Such intercepts are among the most closely guarded secrets because of what they can reveal about how the United States has penetrated foreign governments."

That pattern may not have ended when Trump left the White House after losing the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden.

"A person familiar with the inventory of 15 boxes taken from Mar-a-Lago in January indicated that signals intelligence material was included in them," the newspaper reported. "The precise nature of the information was unclear."

Former acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal tweeted, "Signals intelligence (like electronic intercepts) are some of the most sensitive and secretive material in the US."

"There are a host of special markings and protections on every such document," Katyal noted.

The fact signals intelligence was reportedly recovered at Mar-a-Lago shocked national security professionals.

Retired USAF Gen. Michael Hayden, who served as director of the NSA and CIA, simply tweeted, "Jesus Christ."

Bill Kristol, who served as Vice President Dan Quayle's chief of staff, offered his analysis.

"It’s been a while since I was in government, but signals intelligence—man, you are really not supposed to mess around with that," he wrote.

He wondered if it might be connected to Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

"People ask why Trump would keep docs," he added. "Plenty of possible reasons. E.g.—and this example is pure speculation: Signals intel on MBS and [Jamal] Khashoggi, or on Saudi nukes, are the kind of docs you’d want in case you had to remind the Saudis to keep the $ coming."

Historian Claire Potter wrote, "If it was you or I who, and not Trump, who were in possession of top secret documents about nuclear weapons, or signals intel--well, you or I would be in handcuffs in a very bright room with glam rock playing in our ears. Yet he plays the victim."

Journalist Kurt Eichenwald wrote, "I never thought there was anything left that Trump could do that could shock me. But THIS? He took nuclear weapons and signals intel documents to his g*dd**n golf resort? Ok, I will finally say it. Lock him up."

Former Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes was asked about the reporting during an interview with MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell.

Rhodes said, "I keep coming back to the fact that — how unusual, how remarkably unusual it would be for anybody to be keeping this information, frankly even like while you are in the White House. It's not like you need to keep records of the stuff if you are the president of the United States."


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #5692 on: August 12, 2022, 08:57:20 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #5693 on: August 12, 2022, 09:02:45 AM »
Republicans told to quiet their attacks on the FBI because the info on Trump could be damaging: report​​​

After President Donald Trump's home on his golf club's property Mar-a-Lago was searched by the FBI, Republican allies took to social media and conservative news outlets to attack the FBI and question whether there was a conspiracy afoot to bring down the GOP leader. But now Republicans are being told to quiet those complaints.

According to the New York Times, GOP leaders have been warned by allies of Trump's to calm their aggressive attacks on Attorney General Merrick Garland, the Department of Justice and federal law enforcement. The Trump insiders say "it is possible that more damaging information about Mr. Trump related to the search will eventually become public."

Within hours of the news being announced, Trump took to his social media site to rant that he was the victim of a "witch hunt." His son, Eric Trump, however, told Fox's Sean Hannity that the FBI had been negotiating with Trump for months to get the documents back. There was a concern that the top-secret information wasn't in a secure location on the property.

The report said that the Justice Department was concerned that the documents were of such a dramatically sensitive nature that they were forced to act. The information backs up what Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg said two days ago when he explained to MSNBC that there was an urgency in the case.

"I think part of the urgency here is that Trump has very poor counterintelligence hygiene," he continued. "He blabs secrets all the time. He is not careful about this kind of information. We also know Mar-a-Lago has been a target for foreign governments trying to get access to information. There was a trespasser several years ago who was arrested there, who was believed to be linked to the Chinese intelligence service. So I think that they want to make sure that they get these out of an unsecure location and out of potential hands that shouldn't have it."

It was reported in 2019 that Chinese businesswoman Yujing Zhang was arrested at Mar-a-Lago with four mobile phones, a laptop computer, an external hard drive, and a thumb drive that “contained malicious software,” the court documents said. She'd made it through at least five Secret Service agents. She's not a sanctioned spy, however.

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #5694 on: August 12, 2022, 09:15:37 AM »
'I don't trust the guy': Former Florida Trump voters support FBI's search of Mar-a-Lago

On Thursday, Axios reported that a new focus group of Donald Trump supporters in Florida who had switched to Joe Biden in 2020 revealed the vast majority of them were turned off by the former president — and trusted the FBI in its search of Mar-a-Lago.

The FBI was looking for classified information that had been stolen when the former president and his associates left the White House — and new reporting this evening indicates some of the information the FBI was looking for were U.S. nuclear secrets.

"Eleven of 12 participants said it was appropriate for the FBI to execute a signed search warrant at the home of the former president — and that it would be a serious crime to take documents from the White House in an unauthorized fashion even if that person previously held the office," reported Alexi McCammond. "None said they would support Trump if he ran again."

"Engagious/Schlesinger conducted two online focus groups on Monday night with 12 Floridians who voted for Trump in 2016, then Joe Biden in 2020," said the report. "One is now registered as a Republican, four as independents and seven as Democrats. While a focus group is not a statistically significant sample like a poll, the responses show how some voters are thinking and talking about current events."

In contrast to the attitude of these voters, Trump's associates have spent several days attacking the FBI and accusing them of a political hit on the former president — and some of Trump's current supporters are calling for a civil war on social media. This anger culminated in a Trump supporter who was previously at the January 6 insurrection being killed by police after he tried to shoot his way into the FBI building in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Regardless of the outrage from Trump supporters, a recent poll showed that Americans as a whole support the FBI investigation.

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Dem congressman: Law enforcement officers are 'sitting ducks' for Trump extremists

On Thursday's edition of MSNBC's "The ReidOut," Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) tore into the GOP for violent rhetoric against the FBI's search warrant of former President Donald Trump's residence at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida.

This comes after an armed man who had advocated violence against the FBI for going after Trump was killed by police after trying to breach a federal building in Cincinnati, Ohio.

"From your perspective, when days like this happen, when you have a would-be terrorist attack the FBI office in Cincinnati after having a conversation with Marjorie Taylor Greene, how does it feel going back to work, how do you feel the next time you go back to Congress that you have colleagues who encourage violent terrorists?" asked anchor Jason Johnson.

"It's sickening where we have arrived, we is to say, somebody's going to get killed," said Swalwell. "Well, people died on January 6th. And today, when it's just most intolerable is in the last 48 hours since the FBI search Donald Trump's home, you can draw directly from what Kevin McCarthy, Steve Scalise, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lindsey Graham all said, threats against law enforcement, the lies that they told about law enforcement and what these individuals foisted online before he took up arms against the FBI. And it's a little personal for me because I have two brothers who are law enforcement officers."

All law enforcement officers could be targets, argued Swalwell, not just the FBI — they might even go after local city cops on the street.

"We know these guys are not geniuses, they are targeting law enforcement, so they have a lot of people wearing the uniform who are sitting ducks right now," said Swalwell. "Someone is fired up and being told by Kevin McCarthy that these folks are going rogue are these folks are not like they're going to look for FBI agents, they will go after any law enforcement officer they see. So they are at risk. This party, by the way, who has told us for so long that they back the blue and Democrats want to defund the police — when you talk like this, it doesn't sound like you are pro-cop. It sounds like you are pro-coup."

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #5694 on: August 12, 2022, 09:15:37 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #5695 on: August 12, 2022, 09:27:42 AM »
FBI Agents Association blasts Trump allies: 'Calls for violence against law enforcement are unacceptable'

A man with an AR-15 and a nail gun went after the FBI office in Cincinnati, Ohio Thursday morning leading to a chase and crisis negotiation with the individual. Supporters of President Donald Trump have filled message boards with attacks on federal law enforcement and attacked the judge who signed the search warrant for Mar-a-Lago. Republicans have attacked the FBI, going so far as to demand defunding the FBI and implying that they planted evidence.

By Thursday afternoon, the FBI Agents' Association released a statement saying that leaders should be supporting federal law enforcement not urging on attackers.

"FBI Special Agents are dedicated members of the law enforcement community who put their lives on the line every day to protect the public from criminals and terrorists," the statement said. "Special Agents and their families should never be threatened with violence, including for doing their jobs."

"The threats made recently contribute to an atmosphere where some have, or will accept violence against law enforcement as appropriate. It is not. This is not a partisan or political issue. It is a matter of public safety and basic decency. Calls for violence against law enforcement are unacceptable, and should be condemned by all leaders."

After the news broke about the search warrant, Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) called to destroy the FBI. The tweet was still online three days later.

Earlier on Thursday, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) was confronted by a Fox News host who asked what happened to "backing the blue," meaning why he was no longer supportive of law enforcement.

"The FBI, with 35,000 members, you know, now they apparently are receiving a lot of specific field agents are receiving specific death threats because there are a number of people online and elsewhere who are demonizing the FBI, and some Republicans," the Fox host explained to the Congressman.

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Ohio FBI gunman may have been at U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6: NYT

The man wearing body armor and armed with an assault-style rifle who allegedly attempted to breach the Cincinnati FBI building may have Jan. 6 ties, according to The New York Times.

"Investigators are looking into whether the man who tried to breach the F.B.I.’s field office in Cincinnati on Thursday had ties to extremist groups, including one that participated in the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, according to two law enforcement officials familiar with the matter," the newspaper reported. "The suspect, identified by the officials as Ricky Shiffer, 42, seems to have appeared in a video posted on Facebook on Jan. 5, 2021, showing him attending a pro-Trump rally at Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington the night before the Capitol was stormed."

The newspaper zeroed in on an unverified Twitter account that follows Donald Trump, Jr. and one other account. In a March 7 tweet, the account said, "I was there" in a discussion about Jan. 6.

That same day he responded to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) by apparently attempting to invoke America's Revolutionary War, but got his history wrong as to the year.

"Congresswoman Greene, they got away with fixing elections in plain sight. It's over. The next step is the one we used in 1775," the account wrote.

Later that night the account wrote, "Save ammunition, get in touch with the Proud Boys and learn how they did it in the Revolutionary War, because submitting to tyranny while lawfully protesting was never the American way. LEXINGTON."

The account told Trump, Jr. it was opened on April 26.

Authorities say the suspect was killed by police.

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