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Author Topic: Lame LN excuses  (Read 53736 times)

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Lame LN excuses
« Reply #136 on: April 12, 2022, 08:38:55 AM »
Two decades of "research"....

Yes thank you.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Lame LN excuses
« Reply #136 on: April 12, 2022, 08:38:55 AM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Lame LN excuses
« Reply #137 on: April 12, 2022, 08:54:52 AM »
I'd say Big Deal that your tan jacket Davis girl ran to the Patton side door when she was supposed to be at the front door with sis-in-law......

The first day affidavit's are very similar, are you suggesting that they couldn't get their stories straight?
Btw both women Positively Identified Lee Harvey Oswald as the man they saw! Thumb1:

BEFORE ME, Patsy Collins, a Notary Public in and for said County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Mrs. Virginia Davis, w/m/16 [sic], of 400 E. 10th WH-3-8120 who, after being by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says:

Today November 22, 1963 about 1:30 pm my sister-in-law and myself were lying down in our apartment. My sister-in-law is Jeanette Davis, we live in the same house in different apartments. We heard a shot and then another shot and ran to the side door at Patton Street. I saw the boy cutting across our yard and he was unloading his gun. We walked outside and a woman was hollering "he's dead, he's dead, he's shot". This woman told Jeanette to call the Police and she did [sic]. I saw the officer that had been shot lying on Tenth street after Jeanette had called the police. Jeanette found a empty shell [sic] that the man had unloaded and gave it to the police. After the Police had left I found a empty shell [sic] in our yard. This is the same shell I gave to Detective Dhority [sic]. The man that was unloading the gun was the same man I saw tonight as number 2 man in a line up.

/s/ Mrs. Virginia Davis


/s/ Patsy Collins
Notary Public, Dallas County, Texas


BEFORE ME, Mary Rattan, a Notary Public in and for said County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Barbara Jeanette Davis w/f/22, 400 E. 10th, WH3 8120. Bus: same who, after being by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says:

Today November 22, 1963 shortly after 1:00 pm, my sister-in-law, Virginia Davis, and I were lying on the bed with the kids. I heard a shot and jumped up and heard another shot. I put on my shoes and went to the door and I saw this man walking across my front yard unloading a gun. A woman was standing across the street screaming that "he shot him, he killed him" and pointed towards a police car. That is the first time I noticed a police car there. I ran back in the house and called the operator and reported this to the police. When the police arrived Ishowed [sic] one of them where I saw this man emptying his gun and we found a shell. After the police had left I went back into the yard and Virginia found another shell which I turned over to the police. About 8:00 pm the same day, the police came after me and took me downtown to the city hall where I saw this man in a lineup. The #2 man in a 4-man lineup was the same man I saw in my yard, also the one that was unloading the gun.

/s/ Barbara Jeanette Davis


/s/ Mary Rattan
Notary Public, Dallas County, Texas


Online Bill Brown

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Re: Lame LN excuses
« Reply #138 on: April 12, 2022, 09:07:12 AM »
So you don't consider WC testimony evidence?

In '63, Whaley described what his infamous passenger was wearing and he made no mention of any jacket.  He even described, in detail, Oswald's shirt.

Take it or leave it, them's the facts.

Who knows why Whaley described one thing in '63 and then something different in his testimony in '64, but at least now you'll hopefully stop stating as a fact that Oswald was wearing two jackets in the cab.

Lose your pissy attitude and read the FBI reports.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Lame LN excuses
« Reply #138 on: April 12, 2022, 09:07:12 AM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Lame LN excuses
« Reply #139 on: April 12, 2022, 09:14:46 AM »
And do keep us updated when you've learned counting, adding and subtracting.


Says the man who thinks 4-3="kind of ran out of ammo" -giggle-
Practice what you preach little man!


Offline John Mytton

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Re: Lame LN excuses
« Reply #140 on: April 12, 2022, 09:21:39 AM »
In '63, Whaley described what his infamous passenger was wearing and he made no mention of any jacket.  He even described, in detail, Oswald's shirt.

Take it or leave it, them's the facts.

Who knows why Whaley described one thing in '63 and then something different in his testimony in '64, but at least now you'll hopefully stop stating as a fact that Oswald was wearing two jackets in the cab.

Lose your pissy attitude and read the FBI reports.


Lose your pissy attitude...

He can't help himself, he has zero social skills and lives to be an internet Troll, he's a sad Fcuk!


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Lame LN excuses
« Reply #140 on: April 12, 2022, 09:21:39 AM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Lame LN excuses
« Reply #141 on: April 12, 2022, 11:21:47 AM »
So which door was it?

I wasn't there, so why are you asking me? But I do know there was a murder and two women who gave near identical accounts with the understandable difference here and there.

Scoggins said Oswald went along Tenth and then go south on Patton.

Mr. BELIN. Then what did you do or say or hear?
Mr. SCOGGINS. Then I saw the man falling, grab his stomach and fall.
Mr. BELIN. Which man did you see fall?
Mr. SCOGGINS. The policeman. I was excited when I heard them shots, and I started to get out-- since we went back over there the other day and reenacted that scene, I must have seen him fall as I was getting out of my cab, because I got out of the cab, and in the process of getting out of the cab I seen this guy coming around, so I got out of sight. I started to cross the street, but I seen I didn't have enough time to cross the street before he got down there, so I got back behind the cab, and as he cut across that yard I heard him running into some bushes, and I looked up and seen him going south on Patton and then when I jumped back in my cab I called my dispatcher.

Benavides has a similar recollection.

Mr. BELIN - Let me ask you now, I would like to have you relate again the action of the man with the gun as you saw him now.
Mr. BENAVIDES - As I saw him, I really---I mean really got a good view of the man after the bullets were fired, he had just tuned. He was just turning away.
In other words, he was pointing toward the officer, and he had just turned away to his left, and then he started. There was a big tree, and it seemed like he started back going to the curb of the street and into the sidewalk, and then he turned and went down the sidewalk to, well, until he got in front of the corner house, and then he turned to the left there and went on down Patton Street

And Markham.

Mr. BELIN. Heading toward what street?
Mrs. MARKHAM. Toward Jefferson; yes, sir.

Callaway saw Oswald on Patton.

I saw a white man running South on Patton with a pistol in hand.

Guinyard was a little confused later in his Testimony, with the which side of the road but his affidavit agreed Oswald went down Patton.

I ran out and looked. I saw a white man running south on Patton Street with a pistol in his hand. The last I saw of this man he was running west on Jefferson.

Harold Russell fills in more of Oswald's travels.

HAROLD RUSSELL, employee, Johnny Reynolds Used Car Lot, 500 Jefferson Street, Dallas, Texas, advised that on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, he was standing on the lot of Reynolds Used Cars together with L.J. LEWIS and PAT PATTERSON, at which time they heard shots come from the vicinity of Patton and Tenth Street, and a few seconds later they observed a young white man running south on Patton Avenue carrying a pistol or revolver which the individual was attempting to either reload or place in his belt line. Upon reaching the intersection of Patton Avenue and Jefferson Street, the individual stopped running and began walking at a fast pace, heading west on Jefferson.
RUSSELL positively identified a photograph of LEE HARVEY OSWALD, New Orleans Police Department # 112723, taken August 9, 1963, as being identical with the individual he had observed at the scene of the shooting of Dallas Police Officer J.D. TIPPIT on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, at Dallas, Texas.

Mrs Brock identified Oswald as the person who was headed towards where Oswald's jacket was found.

Mrs. BROCK was shown a photograph of LEE HARVEY OSWALD, New Orleans PD 9 112723, dated August 9, 1963, which she identified as being the same person she observed on November 22, 1963, at Ballew's Texaco Service Station.

And "Otto" seems to think endlessly asking silly insignificant questions like "which door" or "which side of the road" somehow over rules the above mountain of evidence and the following subsequent accurate tracking of Oswald's movements immediately after he kills Tippit?


Offline John Mytton

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Re: Lame LN excuses
« Reply #142 on: April 12, 2022, 11:39:25 AM »
your Oswald cab ride is totally bust.

Ok, contrary to what Oswald told the Interrogators, you claim the Oswald cab ride was totally bust, no worries!
But I gotta ask, how does the method of transport that Oswald used to get to the Rooming house in any way effect Oswald's guilt in the Kennedy and Tippit murders??

Mr. BALL. I don't want you to say he admitted the transfer. I want you to tell me what he said about the transfer.
Mr. FRITZ. He told he that was the transfer the busdriver had given him when he caught the bus to go home. But he had told me if you will remember in our previous conversation that he rode the bus or on North Beckley and had walked home but in the meantime, sometime had told me about him riding a cab.
So, when I asked him about a cab ride if he had ridden in a cab he said yes, he had, he told me wrong about the bus, he had rode a cab. He said the reason he changed, that he rode the bus for a short distance, and the crowd was so heavy and traffic was so bad that he got out and caught a cab, and I asked him some other questions about the cab and I asked him what happened there when he caught the cab and he said there was a lady trying to catch a cab and he told the busdriver, the busdriver told him to tell the lady to catch the cab behind him and he said he rode that cab over near his home, he rode home in a cab. I asked him how much the cabfare was, he said 85 cents.

Whaley's second day affidavit describes a similar encounter with a lady trying to get a cab as Oswald told Fritz.

« Last Edit: April 12, 2022, 11:50:06 AM by John Mytton »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Lame LN excuses
« Reply #142 on: April 12, 2022, 11:39:25 AM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Lame LN excuses
« Reply #143 on: April 12, 2022, 01:20:46 PM »
I wasn't there, so why are you asking me?

Because you can't deal with this massive slip-up by the Davis girl.

But I do know there was a murder and two women who gave near identical accounts with the understandable difference here and there.

"understandable " -- LOL

They lived in the house so there's no way they would mistake the 10th St. door and the Patton side door. Virginia Davis suffered an epic meltdown when she had to recall the events while questioned by Belin, solid evidence of a kooked up narrative.

Hilarious, your deductive reasoning skills are worthless!, If you were familiar with the layout of the Davis corner house you'd realize that from the Patton street door she has NO view of the yard. "I saw the boy cutting across our yard and he was unloading his gun" Oops!
And your conclusion from your biased insanely flawed analysis is that Virginia suffered an epic meltdown and that this simple misunderstanding is solid evidence that the narrative was Kooked up!? You can't make up stupidity this stupid! Classic! LOL!

I saw the boy cutting across our yard and he was unloading his gun.
Affidavit: Mrs. Virginia Davis, 22nd November 1963

Mr. BELIN. You say, "The man that was unloading the gun was the same man that I saw tonight as No. 2 man in a lineup." Is that right?
Mrs. DAVIS. Yes.
Mr. BELIN. Now, Mrs. Davis, on this statement, Virginia Davis Deposition Exhibit 2, it states that "We heard a shot and then another shot and ran to side door at Patton Street." You say that should have been the front door?
Mrs. DAVIS. That was supposed to be the front door.

Btw it's clear that you know your evidence is BS and that's why you talk in riddles and give the least amount of information as possible and you simply hope that no one investigates your lies, but guess what, I'm here for Truth and Justice and will keep you and your doppelgangers honest.

Mr Truth and Justice!
« Last Edit: April 12, 2022, 01:35:00 PM by John Mytton »