JFK Assassination Forum

JFK Assassination Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Discussion & Debate => Topic started by: Della Cross on December 18, 2023, 05:42:49 AM

Title: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Della Cross on December 18, 2023, 05:42:49 AM
"Displaced Aggression" means "Taking it out on the wrong person."  "A" is mad at "B," but takes it out on "C." Displaced aggression seems to be a regular part 
of forums or discussion groups that focus on the JFK assassination. Maybe it's part of every discussion group, I don't know. I was hoping this group would be different. However, that may not be a realistic hope.  For 60 years, government agencies and insiders have been lying or otherwise withholding the full truth about JFK, thereby doing immense harm to our nation. In fact, it's enough to infuriate anyone, perhaps causing them to displace their anger, even if it means taking it out on fellow researchers.   
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on December 18, 2023, 03:11:24 PM
"Displaced Aggression" means "Taking it out on the wrong person."  "A" is mad at "B," but takes it out on "C." Displaced aggression seems to be a regular part 
of forums or discussion groups that focus on the JFK assassination. Maybe it's part of every discussion group, I don't know. I was hoping this group would be different. However, that may not be a realistic hope.  For 60 years, government agencies and insiders have been lying or otherwise withholding the full truth about JFK, thereby doing immense harm to our nation. In fact, it's enough to infuriate anyone, perhaps causing them to displace their anger, even if it means taking it out on fellow researchers.   
What's the source of the anger? How can it be assuaged at this point? Okay, 30+ years ago one can say the investigations were incompetent, incomplete, poorly done. But now? I can't see anything that will address these feelings, not even lessen them.

This is the most investigated event in US history, one looked into by multiple generations of Americans in government, in the various branches, and multiple generations of Americans in the media and elsewhere. Insiders and outsiders, Democrats and Republicans (who can't or won't agree on anything have covered this up?), liberals, conservatives, people of various background have investigated this.

How much more needs to be done? There's nothing there; certainly nothing indicating some large "C" conspiracy. Unless you think all of these people have covered it up? For what reason? For what benefit?

What is the "full truth" that's been withheld? Who is withholding it? Everyone who would have been involved - ordering it, planning it, executing it - is long dead. Why would a generation of people TODAY cover up for something 60 years ago? What is the benefit?

If you told asked a conspiracy believer in 1964 that over the next 50+ years there would be all of these investigations - by the government, by the media (the same media that exposed the abuses by the CIA and FBI and presidents) - would you be satisfied with the results? They would say, "That's all we want." But here we are and it's not enough. Conspiracists stare at photos and find gunman; or another bullet; or something - anything - that supports their view. It's endless. The idea that "the government" and "the media" have conspired to do this is preposterous. It cannot be done. The government is made of people - real human beings - not things. It's a bureaucracy with different interests and goals often at odds with each other. The idea that this could be kept together is again preposterous. It's a fantasy world.

Is this anger going to end if these last documents are released? What more needs to be done? It's not going to end if you insist on a conspiracy; whatever doesn't show a conspiracy is going to be viewed as more of a conspiracy. And more anger will ensue? From what I've seen conspiracists are often more angry with each other than with lone assassin believers. The anger will not go away until "their" theory is proven.

I'll finish off with a story that Seymour Hersh tells about meeting Oliver Stone when the two worked together on Stone's movie on Noriega. It's the mindset of the conspiracy believer; everything that goes against their conspiracy has to be another conspiracy, another layer of intrigue and lies. In this mindset it's the only explanation.

(https://www.drivehq.com/file/DFPublishFile.aspx/FileID9946555071/Keyrqamd29v80uc/Hersh Stone.JPG)

Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Jerry Organ on December 18, 2023, 03:36:40 PM
Josiah Thompson called it The Disease. Even David Lifton thought many CTs behaved as if in a cult. When it becomes a belief-system, it's hard to accept things that challenge it (and every CT thinks they're the very embodiment of neutrality and fair-mindedness, just like the MAGA and QAnon devotees of Fox News and alt-right sites ... and whatever the equivalent is for Democrats).

As least Della Cross laid her cards on the table. Unlike the Lazy Contrarians who claim they aren't CTs.
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Royell Storing on December 18, 2023, 04:56:17 PM
Josiah Thompson called it The Disease. Even David Lifton thought many CTs behaved as if in a cult. When it becomes a belief-system, it's hard to accept things that challenge it (and every CT thinks they're the very embodiment of neutrality and fair-mindedness, just like the MAGA and QAnon devotees of Fox News and alt-right sites ... and whatever the equivalent is for Democrats).

As least Della Cross laid her cards on the table. Unlike the Lazy Contrarians who claim they aren't CTs.

   This  "Belief System" is evident with the SCIENCE DENIERS on this Forum and their continued attempts to discredit Knott Labs Laser 360 SCIENCE finding that the, "SBT IS IMPOSSIBLE". Instead, these same people continue clutching to a NOW SCIENTIFICALLY DIS-PROVEN THEORY that was dreamed up inna basement by an at that time political wannabe. What happened to that "FOLLOW THE SCIENCE" mantra we were hearing only a couple of years ago? Where did that go?   
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Charles Collins on December 18, 2023, 05:15:52 PM
The assassination of Abe Lincoln is still controversial with no apparent end in sight. There is no reason at all to believe that the controversies surrounding the JFK assassination will ever be resolved either. I think that it is basically a distrust of the authorities. Most of the nay sayers appear to have told themselves that they will never believe anything that the authorities say no matter what. Just ask them if they think that the WC, DPD, FBI, CIA, etc have ever uttered a single word of truth regarding the JFK assassination.
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Royell Storing on December 18, 2023, 05:36:08 PM
The assassination of Abe Lincoln is still controversial with no apparent end in sight. There is no reason at all to believe that the controversies surrounding the JFK assassination will ever be resolved either. I think that it is basically a distrust of the authorities. Most of the nay sayers appear to have told themselves that they will never believe anything that the authorities say no matter what. Just ask them if they think that the WC, DPD, FBI, CIA, etc have ever uttered a single word of truth regarding the JFK assassination.

           The Knott Labs Laser 360 Science finding that the, "SBT IS IMPOSSIBLE", means the "nay sayers" are Now the SCIENCE DENIERS. SCIENCE has Proven MORE than 1 Shooter. SCIENCE has Proven a Conspiracy was used in the JFK Assassination.
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Charles Collins on December 18, 2023, 07:10:19 PM
           The Knott Labs Laser 360 Science finding that the, "SBT IS IMPOSSIBLE", means the "nay sayers" are Now the SCIENCE DENIERS. SCIENCE has Proven MORE than 1 Shooter. SCIENCE has Proven a Conspiracy was used in the JFK Assassination.


Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Royell Storing on December 19, 2023, 03:21:11 PM

   I graciously accept your sword.
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Charles Collins on December 19, 2023, 04:02:19 PM
   I graciously accept your sword.

We haven’t heard from Andy, Otis, Gomer, Floyd, or Aunt B yet….  :-\
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on December 19, 2023, 04:30:23 PM
We haven’t heard from Andy, Otis, Gomer, Floyd, or Aunt B yet….  :-\
Gomer was a Marine who "they" sheep dipped so you need to toss him out. Whoever "they" is. What's the list? CIA, FBI, LBJ, rich Texas oilmen, SS, mob, anti-Castro Cubans, Wall Street financiers...who am I forgetting? Oh right, the Birchers. Mossad?

If it's just a game of "Who shot JFK" and that's all that's fine I guess. But some of these people think they are serious. Michael Griffith anyone? He's promoted every conspiracy claim there is even when they contradict one another. Shaw, Oswald and Ferrie? Really?
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Charles Collins on December 19, 2023, 05:02:32 PM
Gomer was a Marine who "they" sheep dipped so you need to toss him out. Whoever "they" is. What's the list? CIA, FBI, LBJ, rich Texas oilmen, SS, mob, anti-Castro Cubans, Wall Street financiers...who am I forgetting? Oh right, the Birchers. Mossad?

If it's just a game of "Who shot JFK" and that's all that's fine I guess. But some of these people think they are serious. Michael Griffith anyone? He's promoted every conspiracy claim there is even when they contradict one another. Shaw, Oswald and Ferrie? Really?

Okay, but we should probably substitute Goober for Gomer.    ;)

Yes, they have promoted anyone except the obvious culprit…
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Royell Storing on December 19, 2023, 05:52:08 PM
  How about we "Promote" SCIENCE? Knott Labs Laser 360 SCIENCE has determined the, "SBT IS IMPOSSIBLE". Many of You, (including the media), have hung your hat on a Theory. You then branded anyone not in Lock Step with this Theory as a Nut Job, Tin Hatter, Conspiracy Nut, etc, etc, etc.  "SBT IS IMPOSSIBLE" means Multiple Shooters = Conspiracy by definition. YOU guys are now blatant SCIENCE DENIERS. A handle that was freely being thrown around during the height of the pandemic. How's it feel to Now be hoisted on your own petard? The worm has turned. We ALL have SCIENCE to thank for this.     
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Jerry Organ on December 19, 2023, 05:55:34 PM
Okay, but we should probably substitute Goober for Gomer.    ;)

Yes, they have promoted anyone except the obvious culprit…

Didn't have The Andy Griffith Show going up, but discovered it on streaming. When he left Mayberry, Barney became a fingerprint expert ("that's where the action is") in another town. He would appear in a few future episodes. Just saw the one where Barney steps off the train in Mayberry and thinks the huge welcome (for a visiting movie star) is for him.

Some criticize the show, but, at my age, I like the warm characters, slow pace and harmless predicaments.
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Royell Storing on December 19, 2023, 07:21:48 PM
Didn't have The Andy Griffith Show going up, but discovered it on streaming. When he left Mayberry, Barney became a fingerprint expert ("that's where the action is") in another town. He would appear in a few future episodes. Just saw the one where Barney steps off the train in Mayberry and thinks the huge welcome (for a visiting movie star) is for him.

Some criticize the show, but, at my age, I like the warm characters, slow pace and harmless predicaments.

 "The Ghost And Mr Chicken" (1966) starring Don Knotts remains a classic to this day. That was why he departed the Andy Griffith show.
 That movie was a huge hit for Knotts and showed he could play Lead.
 "Chicken" led to several other movies he played Lead Role in. None were nearly as big a "Chicken", but still attracted a good size "family" friendly audience. 
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Charles Collins on December 19, 2023, 08:51:28 PM
Didn't have The Andy Griffith Show going up, but discovered it on streaming. When he left Mayberry, Barney became a fingerprint expert ("that's where the action is") in another town. He would appear in a few future episodes. Just saw the one where Barney steps off the train in Mayberry and thinks the huge welcome (for a visiting movie star) is for him.

Some criticize the show, but, at my age, I like the warm characters, slow pace and harmless predicaments.

Barney was typically “somewhere out in left field.” Hence the Knotts Lab “connection.”
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Royell Storing on December 19, 2023, 09:49:13 PM

Barney was typically “somewhere out in left field.” Hence the Knotts Lab “connection.”

     As I pointed out previously, you guys continue displaying your inability to devote an "attention to detail" in everything you touch. It is "Knott" Lab.
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Charles Collins on December 19, 2023, 10:10:10 PM
     As I pointed out previously, you guys continue displaying your inability to devote an "attention to detail" in everything you touch. It is "Knott" Lab.

Surprise! … Surprise! … Surprise! …
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on December 20, 2023, 02:25:50 PM
Okay, but we should probably substitute Goober for Gomer.    ;)

Yes, they have promoted anyone except the obvious culprit…
Why not two Pyles? Some conspiracy people (to be fair I think it's a small minority) believe in two Oswalds so we have two Pyles too.

As to the culprit: Maybe Oswald had help, or thought he would; maybe he was manipulated, used, encouraged by someone or some "thing." But the idea that he was just having lunch, he had no role, he was innocent is simply not believable. Then we have all of this followup nonsense about the faked films and x-rays and autopsies and witnesses silenced and multiple decades long coverups and on and on and on...it never ends. They can't stop with their need to find something. Yes, people in the government lied. Why? To coverup their failures, other abuses (e.g., mail opening program) but not because they had a role in the assassination.

Anyway, "it's me, it's me, it's Steven G!!!"

Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Richard Smith on December 20, 2023, 03:35:33 PM
CTers should make a "citizen's arrest" of culprits like Ruth Paine to "nip it in the bud."  Or they can just "go up an alley and holler fish." 
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Royell Storing on December 20, 2023, 04:58:29 PM

   Knott Labs Laser 360 SCIENCE has found the, "SBT IS IMPOSSIBLE". This means More than 1 shooter = CONSPIRACY.  Next up, SCIENCE will reveal the location(s) of other shooter(s). For the SCIENCE DENIERS, it only get worse from this point forward.  (Que Taps)
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Jerry Organ on December 20, 2023, 05:17:30 PM
There's the decades-long dispute over the trajectory of Opie's rock-skimming on the pond.
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Royell Storing on December 20, 2023, 05:35:37 PM
There's the decades-long dispute over the trajectory of Opie's rock-skimming on the pond.

    The very young Ron Howard was actually too small to successfully throw/skim a rock at/across that pond. That was faked. Also, neither Andy or Opie was actually whistling during that same filmed segment.
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Paul May on December 21, 2023, 01:39:05 AM
           The Knott Labs Laser 360 Science finding that the, "SBT IS IMPOSSIBLE", means the "nay sayers" are Now the SCIENCE DENIERS. SCIENCE has Proven MORE than 1 Shooter. SCIENCE has Proven a Conspiracy was used in the JFK Assassination.

Says Scotty Jakes!
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Fergus O'Brien on December 26, 2023, 12:19:30 PM
"Displaced Aggression" means "Taking it out on the wrong person."  "A" is mad at "B," but takes it out on "C." Displaced aggression seems to be a regular part 
of forums or discussion groups that focus on the JFK assassination. Maybe it's part of every discussion group, I don't know. I was hoping this group would be different. However, that may not be a realistic hope.  For 60 years, government agencies and insiders have been lying or otherwise withholding the full truth about JFK, thereby doing immense harm to our nation. In fact, it's enough to infuriate anyone, perhaps causing them to displace their anger, even if it means taking it out on fellow researchers.   

im my experience and ive seen  many discussions on the jfk assassination on forums and on youtube etc , some i have been involved in and others just as a reader . but a great many did go down a route of attacks and insults , ad hominem etc . both sides are guilty . but in my experience anyway i have to say LN are the more guilty . ok a person may post a comment , a belief or a thought and be wrong , they may be right . but we should all be able to address them , correct them or dispute them with out any need of attack or insult .ok some times we try and correct politely and we may get attacked for doing so .i have been attacked by both sides simply for correcting inaccurate claims .

on this forum i have been a member several years , and it is a great forum with very knowledgeable people . but my post count is small in comparison to most . i always try to be polite and civil .but of course when people have different views on any topic well i accept they may shall we say be combative , if that is a suitable word . i have no issue at all for example with a person saying to me i am wrong , in error etc and correcting me . we all should be honest enough to admit if wrong . but as i said many times i have been attacked (not here ) with savage ferocity at times . and one wonders why people resort to this behavior . people who take a stance , hold a strong belief  , have an agenda dont like to be contradicted , so in my experience they attack .even if they may be correct in what they claim they take shall we say a sarcastic position where upon they set out to at the least ridicule others .

only recently i posted on a few threads , in one all be it it was tongue in cheek (or atleast i took it that way ) i was labeled a stalker simply for replying to one poster a few times . this person has commented on this thread , i have no problem at all with them . and on another thread another LN demanded from me  respect ( i had been respectful , but sought to make my point ) when they them selves were very disrespectful in their attitude towards me .and in general to others on this forum .that person has not posted on this thread so far as i have seen .but some times one simply defends oneself against attack , and retaliates , as they say giving as good as they got . i dont do that , i never feel a need to do so .and i know from experience it is exactly what some LN want , for  CT to react and become aggressive , some times this LN plan works .personally no amount of abuse would make me react .

we should be angry when we find that we have been denied truth , deceived and lied to for more than half a century .

Royell makes a very very valid point on this thread here , and yet LN attack him , now as i said an attack can be ridicule . we constantly have LN telling us we must be guided by facts , the evidence AND THE SCIENCE . yet here is Royell saying BUT THIS IS SCIENCE , IT IS SCIENCE TELLING US CERTAIN THINGS . and he gets replies of ridicule for this . we all need if you will to practice what we preach . if as LN do they tell us that we should be guided by science well then that works both ways , they cant decide what science they choose to accept . if they can prove a science to be flawed or atleast create REASONABLE doubt fine . but they need to practice what they preach .
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Fergus O'Brien on December 26, 2023, 12:55:39 PM
Josiah Thompson called it The Disease. Even David Lifton thought many CTs behaved as if in a cult. When it becomes a belief-system, it's hard to accept things that challenge it (and every CT thinks they're the very embodiment of neutrality and fair-mindedness, just like the MAGA and QAnon devotees of Fox News and alt-right sites ... and whatever the equivalent is for Democrats).

As least Della Cross laid her cards on the table. Unlike the Lazy Contrarians who claim they aren't CTs.

would i be unfair in saying you probably class the two very people you cite to prove a point (re a disease ) of being afflicted by that very same disease ? .

and what ever you can say about CT similar applies to LN .ive seen and known many LN in  my time . ive seen the majority deny undeniable fact and truth . ive seen them dismiss evidence because it contradicts them . ive seen them label any witness that disputes the lone nut version of events as kooks , nuts , money grabbers , seeking fame , or just being down right liars .to believe LN every nut , con artist , liar and money grabber in texas must have gone down to dealy plaza that tragic day .ive had a guy tell me he was a history teacher no less in a college . he spoke about howard brennan and his seated position upon the white wall . i asked him why he said what he said , he replied WELL A PHOTO TAKEN AT THE TIME OF THE ASSASSINATION shows him sat and facing directly at the depository building .i asked him to show me this photo / still knowing he could not possibly show me such a photo / still showing that which he claimed .he posted a photo sure enough . i replied asking that was taken at 12.30 pm november 22 1963 on elm street ? . he replied YES . the photo was a 1964 warren commission recreation photo . remember now this was a man telling me he taught history in college and told me further that he (his words ) educates students on the facts of the jfk assassination  .when i informed him his photo was taken in i believe april of 1964 he went crazy . called me a liar and lots more . i posted a still from the day showing brennans correct seated position on the wall , and it of course had the limo and motorcade in it making the turn . he told me it was a FAKE , i had faked the photo lol . the scary part ? this guy is teaching students and he an LN and completely deluded . look at the late Mr bugliosi and how he spoke about the case and indeed CT .look at his mind set , he believed his opinion some how equaled FACT , his beliefs , his so called facts and his book have been thoroughly worked over by very good researchers . did he ever when alive come out and say OK MIGHT HAVE BEEN A TAD OFF ON THAT ONE , YES GOT THAT ONE WRONG , OH YES THAT TURNED OUT BE NOT TRUE AT ALL ?. not to my knowledge . i saw him do i think a one hour talk at the depository , not a CT in sight , that was clearly evident . he spent about 20 of the 60 bragging about his RESUME , atleast another 20 attacking CT with his usual rhetoric you know kooky CT etc . about 10 minutes were him taking questions . he spoke little about the actual case .he felt it more important to massage his own ego first , then he went down the route of attacking the messenger before the audience ever heard the message .

i once saw a movie with jon voight , he was NSA i believe . he said I WANT THEM TO BELIEVE THE MAN IS A LIAR BEFORE THEY EVER HEAR A WORD FROM HIS MOUTH .that was bugliosis logic . discredit the messenger , if they all be deluded kooks , nuts , or even liars who dont live in reality and who refuse to see any reason  before the audience hears any CT fact well they of course will be more inclined to not believe them . not that bugliosi told his audience any CT facts lol . it is very easy to talk about badgeman did it theory , jackie did it theory , the driver did it , hickey did it etc etc and ridicule stuff like that .but here is the thing do any top CT researchers claim these things to be fact ? .not that i am aware of . but here is the deal if you are CT or maybe come down more on the CT side as opposed to the LN side you are going to find that LN label you with believing all sorts of nonsense . i have had the whole elvis is alive , little green men and ufo stuff thrown at me , that i never spoke one word about any of that stuff means nothing lol .LN will place the craziest kook in the same box as the most intelligent and well researched CT out there .

what ever LN may say about CT well i am sorry but the same can be said of LN .
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Fergus O'Brien on December 26, 2023, 01:05:50 PM
   Knott Labs Laser 360 SCIENCE has found the, "SBT IS IMPOSSIBLE". This means More than 1 shooter = CONSPIRACY.  Next up, SCIENCE will reveal the location(s) of other shooter(s). For the SCIENCE DENIERS, it only get worse from this point forward.  (Que Taps)

LN have few options Royell , ignore that which contradicts their stance and argument , to dismiss it completely out of hand meaning not even to acknowledge it . or to acknowledge but provide valid verifiable proof it is not correct , or simply to acknowledge it as fact . i have yet to see any LN provide proof that the science you speak of is wrong , but i have not read every thread here . but clearly i have seen and seen it here that LN are both ignoring and completely dismissing what you said . certainly they will never acknowledge this science to be proven FACT .it simply is not within LN capability to make such an acknowledgement , because it would destroy their whole lone nut stance .
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Royell Storing on December 26, 2023, 01:39:16 PM
LN have few options Royell , ignore that which contradicts their stance and argument , to dismiss it completely out of hand meaning not even to acknowledge it . or to acknowledge but provide valid verifiable proof it is not correct , or simply to acknowledge it as fact . i have yet to see any LN provide proof that the science you speak of is wrong , but i have not read every thread here . but clearly i have seen and seen it here that LN are both ignoring and completely dismissing what you said . certainly they will never acknowledge this science to be proven FACT .it simply is not within LN capability to make such an acknowledgement , because it would destroy their whole lone nut stance .

     I agree with you that LN's, "...will Never acknowledge this SCIENCE to be proven fact". This is why I will continually remind them that their blatant refusal makes them "SCIENCE DENIERS". And SCIENCE also destroys their 60 yr attempt at imposing, "If you repeat a LIE often enough, people will believe it", with regard to the SBT. SCIENCE declaring that the, "SBT IS IMPOSSIBLE", leaves absolutely no wiggle room for word smithing or fudging at the corners. NONE! They are dead in the water and they know it.   
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Fergus O'Brien on December 26, 2023, 02:27:14 PM
if the SBT theory is shown by science to not only be invalid but impossible where would LN go then ? lol . if honest they then can no longer say Oswald was a nut who acted alone lol . it then follows that a second person atleast was firing . this also means the commission , Clark , HSCA , Bugliosi , Myers etc work was at best seriously flawed at the least in the sense of the SBT . not only is their lone nut stance completely under mined and destroyed , but their lone nut bibles and their lone nut gods would be discredited lol . as i said ive met many LN and not one that i have known (even the small few who were reasonably reasonable , which is not saying much ) had the capability or level of honesty to admit / acknowledge  what you are asking them to acknowledge lol .
Title: Re: Displaced Aggression and JFK Researchers
Post by: Royell Storing on December 26, 2023, 03:15:21 PM
if the SBT theory is shown by science to not only be invalid but impossible where would LN go then ? lol . if honest they then can no longer say Oswald was a nut who acted alone lol . it then follows that a second person atleast was firing . this also means the commission , Clark , HSCA , Bugliosi , Myers etc work was at best seriously flawed at the least in the sense of the SBT . not only is their lone nut stance completely under mined and destroyed , but their lone nut bibles and their lone nut gods would be discredited lol . as i said ive met many LN and not one that i have known (even the small few who were reasonably reasonable , which is not saying much ) had the capability or level of honesty to admit / acknowledge  what you are asking them to acknowledge lol .

    The consistent flogging of anyone claiming there were 2 shooters or more was a deflection to avoid what SCIENCE has now PROVED. The, "SBT IS IMPOSSIBLE"! LN's are going to have to live with this, and I will be front-n-center to remind them of such when required.