JFK Assassination Forum

Off Topic => News - Off Topic - Weird & Wacky => Topic started by: Jon Banks on May 16, 2023, 03:39:54 AM

Title: John Durham report on Trump-Russia stuff
Post by: Jon Banks on May 16, 2023, 03:39:54 AM
Special Prosecutor, John Durham concluded that the FBI shouldn’t have launched investigations into Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign based on uncorroborated information and Clinton campaign funded opposition research.

John Durham, a Trump-era special counsel assigned to review the investigation of the former president’s ties to Russia, concluded authorities didn’t have sufficient information to open the case.

While Durham does not recommend any new charges in his final 305-page report, he offers a scathing assessment of the FBI’s process in how it launched and carried out the investigation, which was known as “Crossfire Hurricane.”

“The objective facts show that the FBI’s handling of important aspects of the Crossfire Hurricane matter were seriously deficient,” Durham wrote, arguing that the bureau relied on “raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence.”

The report comes after a roughly four-year investigation into how the FBI launched a probe into the 2016 Trump campaign and possible contacts with Russia.

Durham was appointed in 2019 by then-Attorney General Bill Barr to investigate the origins of the FBI probe, a move that former President Trump celebrated. Trump himself repeatedly raised expectations for the Durham probe, suggesting it would unveil the “crime of the century.”
Among other items, the Durham report criticizes the FBI’s inability to corroborate any of the Steele Dossier, which contained a series of salacious allegations about Trump and his possible ties to Russia. He likewise criticizes the use of the dossier as a basis for securing a warrant to spy on then-Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.

He also criticized the bureau for failing to provide a defensive briefing to the Trump campaign before moving ahead with the investigation.

The FBI, whose actions were dissected by the report, noted in a letter to Congress that the episode happened “under prior leadership.”

“The conduct in 2016 and 2017 that Special Counsel Durham examined was the reason that current FBI leadership already implemented dozens of corrective actions, which have now been in place for some time. Had those reforms been in place in 2016, the missteps identified in the report could have been prevented,” the agency said in a statement Monday.

“This report reinforces the importance of ensuring the FBI continues to do its work with the rigor, objectivity, and professionalism the American people deserve and rightly expect. “


Title: Re: John Durham report on Trump-Russia stuff
Post by: Rick Plant on May 16, 2023, 05:05:36 AM
The Trump-Russia probe got criminal convictions against six people running Trump's 2016 campaign, including its chairman and vice chairman.

The Durham probe got zero criminal convictions against the people investigating the Trump-Russia scandal.

That's all anyone needs to know.

Durham has provided no evidence whatsoever to support his "finding" that the FBI should never have launched the Trump-Russia probe. If any reporter or media outlet is parroting Durham's baseless claim in a  headline, that's intentionally fake news. Let's just call it what it is.
Title: Re: John Durham report on Trump-Russia stuff
Post by: Jon Banks on May 16, 2023, 05:27:58 AM
The Trump-Russia probe got criminal convictions against six people running Trump's 2016 campaign, including its chairman and vice chairman.

None convicted for crimes related to the 2016 campaign.
Title: Re: John Durham report on Trump-Russia stuff
Post by: Rick Plant on May 16, 2023, 05:35:30 AM
Back in 2018, Criminal Donald admitted Junior met with a Russian informant.

Trump admits son met Russian for information on opponent

In 2020, the United States Senate Intelligence Committe released their report concluding there was Russian interference and Trump welcomed it.

Senate Intelligence Committee releases final report on 2016 Russian interference
August 18, 2020

Washington — A nearly 1,000-page report released by the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday documented a broad set of links and interactions between Russian government operatives and members of the 2016 Trump campaign, adding new details and dimensions to the account laid out last year by special counsel Robert Mueller and raising counterintelligence concerns about certain Russian efforts that may have persisted into the 2020 election season.

Tuesday's report was the committee's final, and long-awaited, chapter in its more than three-year investigation into Russia's 2016 election interference, marking the conclusion of what was held up as the last and arguably only bipartisan congressional investigation into the matter. Spanning 966 pages, it concluded, as have other assessments of Russia's efforts, that Moscow "engaged in an aggressive, multifaceted effort to influence, or attempt to influence, the outcome of the 2016 presidential election."

The report, redacted in parts, detailed extensive contacts between Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian national who worked closely with Manafort for years. The report labeled Kilimnik a "Russian intelligence officer," and said Manafort, for reasons the committee could not determine, sought on numerous occasions to "secretly share internal Campaign information with Kilimnik." It also said the committee obtained "some information" linking Kilimnik to Russian intelligence services' efforts to hack and leak information to damage Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party.

Overall, the report said, Manafort's proximity to then-candidate Trump "created opportunities for the Russian intelligence services to exert influence over, and acquire confidential information on, the Trump Campaign." Manafort's willingness to share information with Kilimnik and other Russian operatives, it said, "represented a grave counterintelligence threat."

Manafort was sentenced last March to a seven-year prison term for fraud charges that stemmed from the special counsel's investigation, though he was released to home confinement amid concerns over the coronavirus.

The report also documented, in intricate detail, interactions between Trump associate Roger Stone and WikLleaks — which was at the time still considered a "journalistic entity" by the U.S. government rather than a hostile organization, the report noted — as WikiLeaks released concertedly timed, hacked documents that were intended to be damaging to the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

"WikiLeaks actively sought, and played, a key role in the Russian influence campaign and very likely knew it was assisting a Russian intelligence influence effort," the report said. "Trump and senior Campaign officials sought to obtain advance information about WikiLeaks's planned releases through Roger Stone."

It said Mr. Trump "directed" campaign officials to stay in touch with Stone, who also made numerous phone calls to Mr. Trump personally throughout the spring of 2016, according to the report. Its authors described the Trump campaign as being "elated" by the news of WikiLeaks' planned releases, noting its senior officials appeared largely "indifferent to the significance of acquiring, promoting, or disseminating materials from a Russian intelligence services hack-and-leak campaign."

Stone was convicted in November of seven felony charges that stemmed from Mueller's investigation, and sentenced to 40 months in prison. Mr. Trump commuted Stone's sentence last month. In written answers provided to the special counsel, Mr. Trump denied having a recollection of conversations about WikiLeaks with Stone.

The report also offered new details on a series of other interactions it identified as raising counterintelligence concerns. It said the Russian operatives present at the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting, which was attended by Manafort, Donald Trump, Jr. and Jared Kushner, had "significant connections" to the Russian government and its intelligence services. It noted other, lower-level campaign aides like George Papadopoulos — while not determined to have been a "witting co-optee" of Russian intelligence — nonetheless presented a "prime intelligence target and potential vector for malign Russian influence." And, it said, Russia "took advantage" of the Trump transition team's relative inexperience and stated desire to deepen ties with Moscow in order to establish "unofficial channels" through which to conduct diplomacy.

"The existence of a cadre of informal advisors to the Transition Team with varying levels of access to the President-elect and varying awareness of foreign affairs presented attractive targets for foreign influence, creating notable counterintelligence vulnerabilities," the report said. 


Senate Intel report confirms Russia aimed to help Trump in 2016

US Senate report goes beyond Mueller to lay bare Trump campaign's Russia links
Bipartisan intelligence panel says that Russian who worked on Trump’s 2016 bid was career spy, amid a stunning range of contacts
Title: Re: John Durham report on Trump-Russia stuff
Post by: Rick Plant on May 16, 2023, 05:46:19 AM
None convicted for crimes related to the 2016 campaign.

A conviction is a conviction. And Papadopoulos admitted his guilt by pleading guilty.   

Paul Manafort sentenced to 47 months in prison, far short of expectations

George Papadopoulos: Ex-Trump adviser goes to prison

A federal judge has denied a request to delay the prison sentence of the ex-Trump adviser who sparked the US inquiry into Russian meddling.

Papadopoulos pleaded guilty last year to lying to the FBI about the timing of meetings with alleged go-betweens for Russia and was sentenced in September.

Title: Re: John Durham report on Trump-Russia stuff
Post by: Rick Plant on May 16, 2023, 06:07:33 AM
For 4 years, the right wing media was hyping this bogus "Durham probe" claiming "many people will be going to prison" as they were rubbing their hands with glee. And what came out if It? Absolutely nothing. Durham meekly claims "that the FBI should never have launched the Trump-Russia probe" even though Trump's henchmen were meeting and involved with Russians to interfere in the 2016 election. This only Durham's opinion, because he himself is a right winger. But he has zero evidence to convict anyone and this was a huge bust as we all knew it would be. But pathetically, the right wing media wants to play this up for ratings when they have nothing to show for it. Republicans keep losing and pushing more bogus conspiracy theories. Another fail!       

Durham's investigation was a complete 'bust' — however he tries to spin it: former prosecutor


Special counsel John Durham, the Trump administration-picked prosecutor investigating how the FBI handled the investigation of the Trump campaign's ties to Russia in 2016, issued a final report on Monday asserting that the investigation was improper — a conclusion totally at odds with the 2019 inspector general report on the subject.

But what's revealing, argued former federal prosecutor Elie Honig on CNN, is how little Durham has to show for his findings in the way of actual criminal charges from the investigation he claims was riddled with misconduct.

"There was ample ground to open an investigation," said Honig. "Right away, John Durham came out with a public statement and said, I disagree with that. That was three-and-change years ago. It doesn't mean Durham's findings are valid or invalid, but no surprise he's come out where he has."

"Durham's investigations, in terms of the pelts on his wall, is not very impressive," said anchor Jake Tapper. "One minor conviction, two losses at trial. Would any prosecutor consider that a success, in terms of finding criminality in the misdeeds here?"

"Absolutely not, Jake," said Honig. "In terms of criminal prosecutions, this case was an outright bust. It has been going on for four years. Here is the bottom line tally. Two people indicted, went to trial, found not guilty. Wrongly charged, acquitted and cleared by a jury. A third person pled guilty and was sentenced to probation. No time in jail."

"From a prosecutorial lens, it was a failure and suboptimal use, I'll say, of four years' worth of resources," Honig added.


Title: Re: John Durham report on Trump-Russia stuff
Post by: Jon Banks on May 16, 2023, 12:56:43 PM
Summary of the Durham report:

- All the FBI’s leads were garbage

- Some of the bad information came from the Clinton campaign

- The FBI shouldn’t have opened several investigations based on uncorroborated information
Title: Re: John Durham report on Trump-Russia stuff
Post by: Richard Smith on May 16, 2023, 01:06:05 PM
Summary of the Durham report:

- All the FBI’s leads were garbage

- Some of the bad information came from the Clinton campaign

- The FBI shouldn’t have opened several investigations based on uncorroborated information

It took seven years to prove the obvious.  What any child knew was going on.  Hillary Clinton was working in conjunction with a corrupt and biased FBI and DOJ to influence the election.  A Stasi-like effort that went on the entire four years of Trump's presidency dividing the country and doing irreparable harm to the country for political gain.  The Dems made up this hoax and used it for their own purposes.  It's difficult to remember now, but CNN and other state propaganda outlets ran this fake story almost continuously for years.  Adam Schiff claimed he had evidence to link Trump to Russia.  It was all a blatant lie.  But it served it's purpose from the radical leftist perspective.  Any means justifies the ends.  Like the suppression of Hunter's laptop.  Like the lies about the pipelien.  Like the many lies told about COVID.  A shameless campaign of conspiracy theories, outright lies, and hypocrisy solely for political gain. 
Title: Re: John Durham report on Trump-Russia stuff
Post by: Martin Weidmann on May 16, 2023, 01:22:28 PM
Summary of the Durham report:

- All the FBI’s leads were garbage

- Some of the bad information came from the Clinton campaign

- The FBI shouldn’t have opened several investigations based on uncorroborated information

Hindsight 20/20 and contradicting the Mueller report.
Title: Re: John Durham report on Trump-Russia stuff
Post by: Rick Plant on May 17, 2023, 03:21:11 AM
It took seven years to prove the obvious.  What any child knew was going on.  Hillary Clinton was working in conjunction with a corrupt and biased FBI and DOJ to influence the election.  A Stasi-like effort that went on the entire four years of Trump's presidency dividing the country and doing irreparable harm to the country for political gain.  The Dems made up this hoax and used it for their own purposes.  It's difficult to remember now, but CNN and other state propaganda outlets ran this fake story almost continuously for years.  Adam Schiff claimed he had evidence to link Trump to Russia.  It was all a blatant lie.  But it served it's purpose from the radical leftist perspective.  Any means justifies the ends.  Like the suppression of Hunter's laptop.  Like the lies about the pipelien.  Like the many lies told about COVID.  A shameless campaign of conspiracy theories, outright lies, and hypocrisy solely for political gain.

"A hoax" he says. :D :D :D

Criminal Donald admitted his son Junior met with a Russian informant. That's a red flag to investigators enough to warrant an investigation.

George Papadopoulos, a Trump official went to prison because he lied to the FBI about meeting with Russians. Papadopoulos then plead guilty to lying to the FBI. That's another red flag. That's enough to warrant an investigation to learn why he lied about meeting with Russians.

Paul Manafort, Trump's campaign chairman, went to prison as well. He was sharing Trump campaign information with Russians. Why would he be sharing campaign information with a foreign enemy? Again, that's a huge red flag enough to warrant an investigation.

So, we have Durham who wasted 4 years of his life coming up with nothing but comes up with his own personal opinion to save face that "no investigation should have happened" but he offers no evidence to make that claim.

The fact is Russia interfered with the 2016 election and Papadopoulos went to prison for lying to the FBI about it and the Senate Intelligence report confirmed Manafort giving campaign information to the Russians. Again, any real investigator would conduct an investigation based on this activity.

Trump admits son met Russian for information on opponent

Ex-Trump Aide Papadopoulos, 1st Charged In Russia Probe
George Papadopoulos, 31, pleaded guilty last year to lying to the FBI to conceal his contacts with Russians and Russian intermediaries during the presidential campaign

U.S. has new intel that Manafort friend Kilimnik gave Trump campaign data to Russia
Title: Re: John Durham report on Trump-Russia stuff
Post by: Jon Banks on May 17, 2023, 03:51:20 AM
In August 2016, Obama was briefed on Hillary’s plan to spread disinformation about Trump’s ties to Russia

Title: Re: John Durham report on Trump-Russia stuff
Post by: Rick Plant on May 17, 2023, 03:59:47 AM
In August 2016, Obama was briefed on Hillary’s plan to spread disinformation about Trump’s ties to Russia

"Hillary's plan". :D :D :D

And yet Durham has no evidence to charge anyone for any wrongdoing.

Just more of the same old right wing propaganda and conspiracies we've heard for 4 years that can go in the trash bin.   
Title: Re: John Durham report on Trump-Russia stuff
Post by: Richard Smith on May 18, 2023, 01:37:47 PM
It is amazing the radical leftists STILL won't admit this was a hoax.  It was baseless and laughable from beginning to end.  Any child knew that the media was acting as a state arm of propaganda.  Here is how it worked.  A Trump hating deep stater would leak a fake story to media outlet A who would report it.  Then every other leftist media outlet would report it as a fact citing the initial report as though that alone gave the story validity.  They didn't care whether it was true or not.  All that mattered to them was to get Trump.  The cover has been officially blown now.  It took seven years and won't do any good except for the history books that will look back upon this era the way we look at the McCarthy Red Scare.  A dark time of censorship, disinformation, and corrupt justice system to interfere in the US elections.  An actual insurrection attempt that finally paid off in 2020 election.
Title: Re: John Durham report on Trump-Russia stuff
Post by: Martin Weidmann on May 18, 2023, 08:07:16 PM
It is amazing the radical leftists STILL won't admit this was a hoax.  It was baseless and laughable from beginning to end.  Any child knew that the media was acting as a state arm of propaganda.  Here is how it worked.  A Trump hating deep stater would leak a fake story to media outlet A who would report it.  Then every other leftist media outlet would report it as a fact citing the initial report as though that alone gave the story validity.  They didn't care whether it was true or not.  All that mattered to them was to get Trump.  The cover has been officially blown now.  It took seven years and won't do any good except for the history books that will look back upon this era the way we look at the McCarthy Red Scare.  A dark time of censorship, disinformation, and corrupt justice system to interfere in the US elections.  An actual insurrection attempt that finally paid off in 2020 election.

They didn't care whether it was true or not.  All that mattered to them was to get Trump.

You mean, just like James Comer and his ilk, without a shred of evidence keep on claiming that Joe Biden is a criminal? Or like the utterly bogus Benghazi witchhunt against Hillary Clinton that went nowhere fast?

The right wing wrote the book about how to tell lies and make false claims about there opponents. Howard Hunt did it for Nixon and it has been done since to very left politician they considered a potential thread. To deny this is denying reality!
Title: Re: John Durham report on Trump-Russia stuff
Post by: Jon Banks on May 18, 2023, 08:11:31 PM
Devastating report for the FBI and the news media

As set forth in greater detail in Section IV, the record in this matter reflects that upon
receipt of unevaluated intelligence information from Australia, the FBI swiftly opened the
Crossfire Hurricane investigation. In particular, at the direction of Deputy Director Andrew
McCabe, Deputy Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Peter Strzok opened Crossfire
Hurricane immediately. 22 Strzok, at a minimum, had pronounced hostile feelings toward
Trump. 23 The matter was opened as a full investigation without ever having spoken to the
persons who provided the information. Further, the FBI did so without (i) any significant review
of its own intelligence databases, (ii) collection and examination of any relevant intelligence
from other U.S. intelligence entities, (iii) interviews of witnesses essential to understand the raw
information it had received or (iv) using any of the standard analytical tools typically employed
by the FBI in evaluating raw intelligence. Had it done so, again as set out in Sections IV.A.3.b
and c, the FBI would have learned that their own experienced Russia analysts had no information
about Trump being involved with Russian leadership officials, nor were others in sensitive
positions at the CIA, the NSA, and the Department of State aware of such evidence concerning
the subject
In addition, FBI records prepared by Strzok in February and March 2017 show that
at the time of the opening of Crossfire Hurricane, the FBI had no information in its holdings
indicating that at any time during the campaign anyone in the Trump campaign had been in
contact with any Russian intelligence officials. 24

The speed and manner in which the FBI opened and investigated Crossfire Hurricane
during the presidential election season based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated
intelligence also reflected a noticeable departure from how it approached prior matters involving
possible attempted foreign election interference plans aimed at the Clinton campaign. As
described in Section IV.B, in the eighteen months leading up to the 2016 election, the FBI was
required to deal with a number of proposed investigations that had the potential of affecting the
election. In each ofthose instances, the FBI moved with considerable caution. In one such
matter discussed in Section IV.B.l, FBI Headquarters and Department officials required
defensive briefings to be provided to Clinton and other officials or candidates who appeared to
be the targets of foreign interference. In another, the FBI elected to end an investigation after
one of its longtime and valuable CHSs went beyond what was authorized and made an improper
and possibly illegal financial contribution to the Clinton campaign on behalf of a foreign entity
as a precursor to a much larger donation being contemplated. And in a third, the Clinton
Foundation matter, both senior FBI and Department officials placed restrictions on how those
matters were to be handled such that essentially no investigative activities occurred for months
leading up to the election. These examples are also markedly different from the FBI' s actions
with respect to other highly significant intelligence it received from a trusted foreign source
pointing to a Clinton campaign plan to vilify Trump by tying him to Vladimir Putin so as to
divert attention from her own concerns relating to her use of a private email server. Unlike the
FBI's opening of a full investigation of unknown members of the Trump campaign based on raw,
uncorroborated information, in this separate matter involving a purported Clinton campaign plan,
the FBI never opened any type of inquiry, issued any taskings, employed any analytical
personnel, or produced any analytical products in connection with the information. This lack of
action was despite the fact that the significance of the Clinton plan intelligence was such as to
have prompted the Director ofthe CIA to brief the President, Vice President, Attorney General,
Director of the FBI, and other senior government officials about its content within days of its
receipt. It was also of enough importance for the CIA to send a formal written referral
memorandum to Director Corney and the Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI's
Counterintelligence Division, Peter Strzok, for their consideration and action. 25 The
investigative referral provided examples of information the Crossfire Hurricane fusion cell had
"gleaned to date."26


Durham concluded that they wouldn't have needed to open full investigations if they followed the normal preliminary investigative stuff the FBI does before opening investigations...
Title: Re: John Durham report on Trump-Russia stuff
Post by: Martin Weidmann on May 18, 2023, 08:21:25 PM
Devastating report for the FBI and the news media


Durham concluded that they wouldn't have needed to open full investigations if they followed the normal preliminary investigative stuff the FBI does before opening investigations...

Wow. Durham's opinion is that the FBI was to fast to open up a full investigation and that opinion is based on nothing but hot air.
It took him 4 years and that's all he could come up with.....  Hilarious!

Just because he wrote his opinion in a report doesn't mean it's of any significance.

It might have had some significance if it had resulted in consequences for those involved, but it didn't. A four year long "investigation" resulting in nothing! LOL
Title: Re: John Durham report on Trump-Russia stuff
Post by: Rick Plant on May 18, 2023, 09:07:30 PM
It is amazing the radical leftists STILL won't admit this was a hoax.  It was baseless and laughable from beginning to end.  Any child knew that the media was acting as a state arm of propaganda.  Here is how it worked.  A Trump hating deep stater would leak a fake story to media outlet A who would report it.  Then every other leftist media outlet would report it as a fact citing the initial report as though that alone gave the story validity.  They didn't care whether it was true or not.  All that mattered to them was to get Trump.  The cover has been officially blown now.  It took seven years and won't do any good except for the history books that will look back upon this era the way we look at the McCarthy Red Scare.  A dark time of censorship, disinformation, and corrupt justice system to interfere in the US elections.  An actual insurrection attempt that finally paid off in 2020 election.

The post above is what you call propaganda.
It's amazing right wingers still won't admit there was Russian collusion when Criminal Donald and his own people ADMITTED to it. 

Trump ADMITTED his son Junior met with a Russian for information on his opponent. That is Russian collusion.

George Papadopoulos, a Trump aide, went to prison for lying to the FBI about meeting with Russians. Papadopoulos then plead guilty to lying to the FBI about meeting with Russians. That is Russian collusion.   

Paul Manafort, Trump's campaign chairman, ADMITTED he gave confidential Trump campaign information to a Russian Intelligence officer which was used to interfere in the 2016 election. That is Russian collusion. And right wingers still want to falsely claim Russian collusion is a "hoax" just to protect Criminal Donald.       

Trump Junior, Papadopoulos, and Manafort all met with Russians during the 2016 campaign. That activity raises a red flag to US Intelligence which is more than enough to warrant an FBI investigation into his campaign activity. 

For 4 years, right wingers continued to hype Durham's phony probe that turned up nothing. No evidence was found to charge anyone by Durham in his joke of a probe. And right wingers still continue to hype this "probe" pretending there was something there.   

Trump's people met with the Russians during the 2016 campaign and they all ADMITTED to it. And yet, right wingers still cry "hoax" and Durham meekly says "no FBI investigation should have happened" even after Trump and his henchmen ADMITTED to Russian collusion. It's absolutely hilarious how far these right wingers go to cover up for an orange criminal.         

Trump admits son met Russian for information on opponent

Ex-Trump Aide Papadopoulos, 1st Charged In Russia Probe
George Papadopoulos, 31, pleaded guilty last year to lying to the FBI to conceal his contacts with Russians and Russian intermediaries during the presidential campaign

Ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort admits sharing info with Russians

U.S. has new intel that Manafort friend Kilimnik gave Trump campaign data to Russia
Title: Re: John Durham report on Trump-Russia stuff
Post by: Rick Plant on May 18, 2023, 09:54:54 PM
So Paul Manafort, Criminal Donald's 2016 campaign chairman ADMITTED that he shared campaign information with a Russian Intelligence officer and right wingers still want to falsely claim there was no Russian collusion and it was all a "hoax". LOL.

Manafort ADMITTED he gave Trump campaign information to a Russian intelligence officer. That's Russian collusion and enough to warrant an FBI investigation.

Durham is a joke, and his phony claim that "no FBI investigation should have happened" is pathetic when you have Trump's own head guy admitting to his crime after it happened.       

Ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort admits sharing info with Russians
08 August 2022

Paul Manafort the chairman of former president Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, has admitted sharing confidential campaign polling data with a suspected Russian intelligence officer at the same time Moscow was interfering in the 2016 election on Mr Trump’s behalf.

Title: Re: John Durham report on Trump-Russia stuff
Post by: Jon Banks on May 19, 2023, 01:50:09 AM
Wow. Durham's opinion is that the FBI was to fast to open up a full investigation and that opinion is based on nothing but hot air.
It took him 4 years and that's all he could come up with.....  Hilarious!

Just because he wrote his opinion in a report doesn't mean it's of any significance.

It might have had some significance if it had resulted in consequences for those involved, but it didn't. A four year long "investigation" resulting in nothing! LOL

Former FBI agent, Kevin Clinesmith plead Guilty to altering a document in order to mislead the FISA court. Everyone seems to forget about his case.


Aside from that prosecution, yeah, Durham didn’t get any major scalps. But was that his goal?

Durham strikes me as a guy who is trying to get the FBI to avoid making the same mistakes in the future. I don’t believe he intended to take on the “deep state” or burn down the FBI.

In a democracy, unelected bureaucrats shouldn’t be doing politicized investigations. That was supposed to have ended when J. Edgar Hoover died.

The most interesting revelation in the report in my opinion is that Clinton’s campaign was already planning to push the Trump-Russia collusion narrative before the FBI started their investigations into Trump’s campaign. And Obama was briefed on it by his CIA director.

Title: Re: John Durham report on Trump-Russia stuff
Post by: Richard Smith on May 19, 2023, 01:17:00 PM
The post above is what you call propaganda.
It's amazing right wingers still won't admit there was Russian collusion when Criminal Donald and his own people ADMITTED to it. 

Trump ADMITTED his son Junior met with a Russian for information on his opponent. That is Russian collusion.

George Papadopoulos, a Trump aide, went to prison for lying to the FBI about meeting with Russians. Papadopoulos then plead guilty to lying to the FBI about meeting with Russians. That is Russian collusion.   

Paul Manafort, Trump's campaign chairman, ADMITTED he gave confidential Trump campaign information to a Russian Intelligence officer which was used to interfere in the 2016 election. That is Russian collusion. And right wingers still want to falsely claim Russian collusion is a "hoax" just to protect Criminal Donald.       

Trump Junior, Papadopoulos, and Manafort all met with Russians during the 2016 campaign. That activity raises a red flag to US Intelligence which is more than enough to warrant an FBI investigation into his campaign activity. 

For 4 years, right wingers continued to hype Durham's phony probe that turned up nothing. No evidence was found to charge anyone by Durham in his joke of a probe. And right wingers still continue to hype this "probe" pretending there was something there.   

Trump's people met with the Russians during the 2016 campaign and they all ADMITTED to it. And yet, right wingers still cry "hoax" and Durham meekly says "no FBI investigation should have happened" even after Trump and his henchmen ADMITTED to Russian collusion. It's absolutely hilarious how far these right wingers go to cover up for an orange criminal.         

Trump admits son met Russian for information on opponent

Ex-Trump Aide Papadopoulos, 1st Charged In Russia Probe
George Papadopoulos, 31, pleaded guilty last year to lying to the FBI to conceal his contacts with Russians and Russian intermediaries during the presidential campaign

Ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort admits sharing info with Russians

U.S. has new intel that Manafort friend Kilimnik gave Trump campaign data to Russia

Plain and simple, This was a hoax.  Those behind it knew it was a hoax.  You know it is a hoax.  The most baseless and outlandish conspiracy theory in history.  You should be ashamed to be still be peddling this falsehood now that it officially debunked.  Why not for one single time put politics aside and admit this was wrong?  It was also wrong to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop as a product of Russian disinformation.  It was also wrong for social media outlets to censor any suggestion that COVID originated in the Wuhan lab. 
Title: Re: John Durham report on Trump-Russia stuff
Post by: Jon Banks on May 21, 2023, 10:28:51 PM
British intelligence found FBI Russia collusion probe so absurd it stopped helping
British intelligence expressed skepticism about the FBI's investigation into the Donald Trump campaign's alleged ties to Russia in 2016, and eventually became so concerned it stopped cooperating, according to evidence made public in Special Counsel John Durham's recent report.

Durham highlighted an exchange between an intelligence official and the FBI's legal attache office in London (ALAT) in which the latter relayed concerns about the flimsiness of the evidence, especially as it related to former Trump campaign aides George Papadopoulos and Carter Page.

"Dude, are we telling them [British Intelligence Service-1]  everything we know, or is there more to this?" he asked "Supervisory Special Agent-1." "That's all we have... not holding anything back," was the reply, prompting ALAT to retort "Damn that's thin."

The FBI legat in London "went on to tell the Inspection Division that in discussing the matter with a senior British Intelligence Service-I official, the official was openly skeptical, said the FBI's plan for an operation made no sense, and asked UK ALAT-1 why the FBI did not just go to  Papadopoulos and ask him what they wanted to know, a sentiment UK ALA T-I told investigators that he shared," he wrote.

The Brits' concern escalated throughout 2016 and 2017, eventually resulted in a UK intelligence officer refusing to aid the FBI any further, Durham's report revealed.

"Later in the Fall of 2016, UK ALAT-1 was at FBI Headquarters with some of his British Intelligence Service-I counterparts. While there, members of the Crossfire Hurricane team played the audio/visual recordings of CHS-1 's August 20, 2016 meeting with Carter Page," Durham wrote. "UK ALAT-1 said the effect on the British Intelligence Service-I personnel was not positive because of the lack of any evidence corning out of the conversation."

"UK ALAT-1 told the OIG that after watching the video one of his British colleagues said, 'For [expletive] sake, man. You went through a lot of trouble to get him to say nothing,'" the report said.

By the time Robert Mueller was named special counsel to take over the FBI investigation, British intelligence had had enough.

"At a later point in time, after the Mueller Special Counsel team was in place, UK ALAT-1 said that 'the Brits finally had enough,' and in response to a request for some assistance '[a British Intelligence Service-I person] basically said there was no [expletive] way in hell they were going to do it.'"

Retired FBI intelligence chief Kevin Brock told Just the News last week that Durham exposed just how much the discredited Russia collusion probe "disrupted the country and besmirched the good reputation of the FBI.

"The FBI essentially was hijacked by a handful of senior executives who had an agenda, who did not like Donald Trump, and who used the awesome powers of the FBI to launch an investigation against all policy, against all legal guidelines and restrictions that would prevent the misuse of the FBI," Brock said.
