JFK Assassination Forum

JFK Assassination Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Discussion & Debate => Topic started by: Gerry Down on August 05, 2020, 11:45:47 PM

Title: James Jenkins solves mystery 1500g JFK brain weight?
Post by: Gerry Down on August 05, 2020, 11:45:47 PM
At the brain autopsy, JFKs brain weighed 1500g. A big man like JFKs brain could have been expected to weight about that. However considering up to a third of JFKs brain was missing, then his brain should only have weighted 1200g at most. Here is a good analysis of this:

1500 g. This was the weight of President Kennedy’s brain during the pathological examination made at the Bethesda Naval Hospital on December 6, 1963 [1]. The brain weight figure allows to infer on the weight of President’s brain at the time of autopsy. Unfortunately, the Bethesda pathologists did not weigh President’s brain during the autopsy in spite of this procedure being a routine part of every autopsy [2].

A three week formalin fixation has been shown to increase the brain weight by 50 g on average [3]. More recent data suggest a variable percent increases in brain weights due to the formalin fixation with an average weight increase of 8.8% over the period of few weeks [4]. If we apply the swelling factor of 8.8%, the estimated weight of President Kennedy’s brain at the time of autopsy was 1373 g.

This figure appears to be too large relative to the amount of damage to the President Kennedy’s brain. The damage to the right hemisphere and the associated loss of brain tissue has been estimated by Mr. David Lifton to be as much as 70% in the right hemisphere [5]. If a normal brain would suffer such loss of tissue, it could not weigh 1373 g. To provide some approximation of the weight of intact and injured Kennedy’s brain, normative data obtained in large cohorts of people can be used. The study by Debakan et al. (1978) [6] analysed the post-mortem brain weights in 2773 males and 1963 females in 23 age categories. The mean weight of a male brain in the age range of 40-50 years was 1430 g (standard deviation 20 g). As President Kennedy was tall (72.5 inches, 184 cm), and since brain weight correlates with body height and weight [6], it is reasonable to estimate that the weight of Kennedy’s brain would be in the upper range of the normal distribution of brain weights in his age category. The upper weight value corresponding to the top 5% brain weights for males aged 40-50 years, estimated using the Z-scores method, would be 1496.2 g (rounded to 1496 g). If Kennedy’s brain sustained a loss of 70% of brain tissue in one hemisphere [5], his brain at the time of autopsy weighed only 972 g. However, even if we accept a smaller than 70% loss of brain tissue of 50% in one hemisphere, the brain weight at the time of autopsy would be only 1122 g. After correcting these brain weight estimates for swelling due to immersing the brain into a formalin solution, Kennedy’s brain during the pathological examination on December 6 was expected to weigh 1058 g or 1221 g for a 70% and 50% loss of tissue in one hemisphere, respectively.

SOURCE: https://thejfktruthmatters.wordpress.com/2016/03/04/1500-g/

HOWEVER James Jenkins (3rd class Corpman at Bethesda) says 1500g would be about right if JFKs brain didn't reach proper equilibrium during the fixation process. The following is taken from his book "On The Cold Shoulder Of History":


Mystery solved? Quiet possibly.
Title: Re: James Jenkins solves mystery 1500g JFK brain weight?
Post by: John Mytton on August 06, 2020, 01:16:00 AM

Title: Re: James Jenkins solves mystery 1500g JFK brain weight?
Post by: Gerry Down on August 06, 2020, 01:29:49 AM
Very interesting animation. It actually helps to understand the head wound much better.

I never noticed on that image before the way the bones on the right hand side of JFKs skull seem to be cracked open.
Title: Re: James Jenkins solves mystery 1500g JFK brain weight?
Post by: Ray Mitcham on August 06, 2020, 12:41:00 PM
How come the doctors in Parkland didn't see the above, massive wound in the top of the President's head?
Title: Re: James Jenkins solves mystery 1500g JFK brain weight?
Post by: Bill Chapman on August 06, 2020, 01:33:33 PM
Jackie had the best view.

'Top, behind the forehead' said she.
Title: Re: James Jenkins solves mystery 1500g JFK brain weight?
Post by: John Iacoletti on August 07, 2020, 12:16:28 AM
Jackie had the best view.

'Top, behind the forehead' said she.

Title: Re: James Jenkins solves mystery 1500g JFK brain weight?
Post by: John Mytton on August 07, 2020, 12:25:48 AM

“I tried to hold the top of his head down, maybe I could keep it in,” she said. “But I knew he was dead.”

"All the ride to the hospital I kept bending over him saying, 'Jack, Jack, can you hear me? I love you Jack.' I kept holding the top of his head down, trying to keep the brains in."

Title: Re: James Jenkins solves mystery 1500g JFK brain weight?
Post by: John Iacoletti on August 07, 2020, 12:47:54 AM

But when did she say what Chapman quoted?
Title: Re: James Jenkins solves mystery 1500g JFK brain weight?
Post by: Michael Walton on August 07, 2020, 02:48:01 AM
Here's a photo illustration showing how the wound looked when the scalp was reflected.

Title: Re: James Jenkins solves mystery 1500g JFK brain weight?
Post by: Michael T. Griffith on August 13, 2020, 06:39:53 PM


More goofiness. Another goofy GIF using doctored evidence. You realize that the mortician, Tom Robinson, the guy who watched the pre-autopsy surgery and who then reassembled the skull after the autopsy, said that when the body arrived to the morgue, there was no damage to the top of the head, and that the damage seen in the top-of-head photos was done by Humes when he sawed open the skull and began removing bullet fragments before the autopsy.

Now, there is no way that JFK's brain weighed anything close to 1500g. No way. Unless you simply wave aside virtually all of the accounts regarding missing brain tissue.
Title: Re: James Jenkins solves mystery 1500g JFK brain weight?
Post by: Gerry Down on September 16, 2020, 01:51:43 AM
Now, there is no way that JFK's brain weighed anything close to 1500g. No way. Unless you simply wave aside virtually all of the accounts regarding missing brain tissue.[/size]

Maybe the brain weighted 1200g and they misread the "2" as a "5" and put it down as 1500g.

That would seem to make more sense.
Title: Re: James Jenkins solves mystery 1500g JFK brain weight?
Post by: Jerry Freeman on December 23, 2021, 03:40:10 AM
Maybe the brain weighted 1200g and they misread the "2" as a "5" and put it down as 1500g. That would seem to make more sense.
When it comes to critical medical documentation that sounds pretty friggin stupid.
Matters not. Dr Cyril Wecht tried to obtain from the Archives... x-rays, slides, tissue sections and evidence of the remaining brain [what was left of it] and this was all missing with no explanation where it all went.

How come the doctors in Parkland didn't see the above, massive wound in the top of the President's head?

Witnesses who saw the head wound----