JFK Assassination Forum

JFK Assassination Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Discussion & Debate => Topic started by: Richard Rubio on June 17, 2020, 06:21:32 PM

Title: Maybe Stone's "JFK" could not be made in 2020...
Post by: Richard Rubio on June 17, 2020, 06:21:32 PM
Maybe Stone's "JFK" could not be made in 2020... as least made the same way as the 1991 release is.

And I am talking about political correctness, those guys, David Ferry and so on, were allegedly gay and portrayed in a very negative way.

But it's not just "JFK", a lot of tv shows couldn't  do the same as well.
Title: Re: Maybe Stone's "JFK" could not be made in 2020...
Post by: John Tonkovich on June 17, 2020, 07:05:56 PM
Maybe Stone's "JFK" could not be made in 2020... as least made the same way as the 1991 release is.

And I am talking about political correctness, those guys, David Ferry and so on, were allegedly gay and portrayed in a very negative way.

But it's not just "JFK", a lot of tv shows couldn't  do the same as well.
But what about abortion?
Title: Re: Maybe Stone's "JFK" could not be made in 2020...
Post by: Gerry Down on June 17, 2020, 08:24:00 PM
Maybe Stone's "JFK" could not be made in 2020... as least made the same way as the 1991 release is.

And I am talking about political correctness, those guys, David Ferry and so on, were allegedly gay and portrayed in a very negative way.

But it's not just "JFK", a lot of tv shows couldn't  do the same as well.

Perhaps Oliver Stones movie "JFK" should come with an advisory like "Gone With The Wind"?
Title: Re: Maybe Stone's "JFK" could not be made in 2020...
Post by: Thomas Graves on June 17, 2020, 09:26:22 PM

Maybe Stone's "JFK" could not be made in 2020... as least made the same way as the 1991 release is.

And I am talking about political correctness, those guys, David Ferry and so on, were allegedly gay and portrayed in a very negative way.

But it's not just "JFK", a lot of tv shows couldn't  do the same as well.

Dear Dick,

It shouldn't have been made in 1991, based, as it was, on how KGB disinformation in a pro-Communist Italian newspaper in 1967 ended up motivating Jim "Carnival Barker" Garrison into changing his virtual-screenplay-in-progress JFK Assassination Theory from "Homosexual Thrill-Kill Conspiracy" to "The Evil, Evil, Evil CIA And Rest Of The Evil, Evil, Evil  Military Industrial Intelligence Community Complex Murdered JFK!"

More on that later.

For now, read this excerpt from a 1995 New York Times Magazine article:

"... The newly opened files provide yet another insight into Garrison's personality and motivation. His view of who was in the conspiracy evolved radically, from a small group of homosexuals to members of the 'military-industrial complex.' A thick folder labeled with his name contained documents and handwritten notes to himself. It included a map of the United States titled 'Massive Retaliation Complex,' which names potential witnesses or suspects in cities and cross-links them to defense contractors. In a separate memo, Garrison listed people tangentially connected to Oswald (for example, the librarian from whom Oswald checked out books) and wrote their supposed connections to the military-industrial complex. But theories about the military-industrial complex did not impress the Shaw jury. They took only 45 minutes to return a not- guilty verdict. That meant little to Garrison, who viewed the jury's decision as an oversight in an otherwise solid case. He later charged Shaw with perjury, an action that an appeals court enjoined him from continuing when it concluded he had acted in bad faith. When I finished reviewing Garrison's files, I again met with District Attorney Connick. I asked whether Oliver Stone, whose movie 'J.F.K.' portrayed Garrison as a lone hero, had ever asked to see Garrison's files. 'Heavens no. They did not even ask about them. I don't think they were probing anymore. I had the impression that Oliver Stone knew what he was going to do, had his mind made up and wasn't going to be bothered by the facts. For history, that's a shame.' Did Stone ever ask for your opinion? 'Yes, he did,' Connick says. 'I said I thought it was one of the grossest, most extreme miscarriages of justice in the annals of American judicial history. And Stone said, 'Well, we are going to do the movie anyway,' as if I was suggesting he shouldn't do it. I said: 'Well, do whatever you want to do. I have nothing to say about that. You were asking and I was telling you that it was just a miscarriage of justice. An innocent man was plucked out of somebody's mind and made a defendant in a criminal case.'"
Title: Re: Maybe Stone's "JFK" could not be made in 2020...
Post by: Thomas Graves on June 17, 2020, 10:14:38 PM
As promised ...


--  MWT   Walk:
Title: Re: Maybe Stone's "JFK" could not be made in 2020...
Post by: Richard Rubio on June 18, 2020, 01:46:38 AM
Great info Thomas, thanks for all of the responses....
Title: Re: Maybe Stone's "JFK" could not be made in 2020...
Post by: Thomas Graves on June 18, 2020, 02:16:58 AM
Great info Thomas, thanks for all of the responses....

Dear Dick,

What did you get out of 1) the excerpt, and 2) the article?

Can you remember anything?

--  MWT  ;)
Title: Re: Maybe Stone's "JFK" could not be made in 2020...
Post by: Richard Rubio on June 18, 2020, 02:32:41 AM
Clay Bertrand, well, I'm glad the movie was made...Shaw was a pretty small player but I guess, was a CIA informant like probably many were, maybe he had a CIA background. .

That's all. As for Tonkovich's response, some of the responses in that other thread have too much vitriol really, I just make some statements. That's all.
Title: Re: Maybe Stone's "JFK" could not be made in 2020...
Post by: Thomas Graves on June 18, 2020, 02:57:08 AM
Clay Bertrand, well, I'm glad the movie was made...Shaw was a pretty small player but I guess, was a CIA informant like probably many were, maybe he had a CIA background. .

That's all. As for Tonkovich's response, some of the responses in that other thread have too much vitriol really, I just make some statements. That's all.

Dear Dick,

You didn't get that KGB disinformation caused Garrison and Stone to do what they did -- blame The Military Industrial Intelligence Community Complex, and specifically the CIA, for the murder of JFK?

You missed that part in the article?

Here, try it again.


Sad, very, very sad.

--  MWT  ;)
Title: Re: Maybe Stone's "JFK" could not be made in 2020...
Post by: Richard Rubio on June 18, 2020, 03:19:38 AM
I got that about the KGB.... sure.... I didn't need to state that. It's a bit complex. Good if you think that's a solid story, I'd lean towards it being so.
Title: Re: Maybe Stone's "JFK" could not be made in 2020...
Post by: John Tonkovich on June 19, 2020, 05:22:27 AM
Clay Bertrand, well, I'm glad the movie was made...Shaw was a pretty small player but I guess, was a CIA informant like probably many were, maybe he had a CIA background. .

That's all. As for Tonkovich's response, some of the responses in that other thread have too much vitriol really, I just make some statements. That's all.
Rubio. You have brought abortion into a discussion about an assassination. I can't understand the correlation.
Title: Re: Maybe Stone's "JFK" could not be made in 2020...
Post by: Joe Elliott on June 19, 2020, 07:04:55 AM

Perhaps Oliver Stones movie "JFK" should come with an advisory like "Gone With The Wind"?

Good point.

“Gone with the Wind” took advantage of people’s prejudices to portray blacks as ridiculous. To try to get people to accept, at least to a certain extent, the justice of the Confederate cause. Similarly, Oliver Stone took advantage of people’s prejudices to get people to form a negative opinion of Clay Shaw. If you can get people to despise Clay Shaw, you are half way to getting him convicted in the eyes of the public.

There is no testimony about Clay Shaw participating in outrageous gay orgies. Just that he was gay. Stone had no more right to portray Clay Shaw in a gay orgy than “Gone with the Wind” had to portray a black woman hysterically declaring that “i don't know nothin bout birthin no babies”. “Gone with the Wind” was the low point of Butterfly McQueen’s career and “JFK” was the low point of Tommy Lee Jones’s career. And there are some things you just can’t make up for.

If you want to make a movie about the JFK assassination? Fine. You want to portray a conspiracy? Fine. You want to portray a CIA conspiracy to assassinate the President? Fine. You want to portray Clay Shaw involved in a CIA conspiracy to assassinate the President? Fine. But leave out the gay orgies.

You could argue you could not make such a movie in 2020. But one would not think one could make such a movie in 1991, but they did. Maybe the Far Left is welling to overlook a lot if it pushes the overall leftist agenda.

Make a movie showing gay orgies to argue for building a wall along the Mexican border? Hollywood would never allow that. Not in 1991, not now. Make a movie showing gay orgies to sell a CIA conspiracy to assassinate a President? Look away, Look away, Look away, Dixieland.