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I have news for you, Jackass... IF Oswald wanted to get to Jefferson and Marsalis, he was walking pretty much the most direct line to that point from the rooming house and that most direct line included taking Tenth Street from Crawford to the area of Marsalis and Jefferson.  That was my point and it is not speculation, it is a fact.  Look at a damn map.

pretty much the most direct line? It's pretty amazing what you consider to be a fact.

First you claim to have stated as fact that Oswald was walking to the Marsalis bus stop on Jefferson only to follow it up with "If Oswald wanted to get to Jefferson and Marsalis"

Could you please make up your mind?

Is it really a fact that Oswald was walking to the Marsalis bus stop (and if so, what is your evidence for that?) or are you just speculating that he may have walked that way?

I have never stated as a fact that Oswald was walking with the Marsalis bus stop in mind.

Why do you continually misrepresent my position?
Goofy.  I didn't speculate.  I stated a fact.

Really? So, now it's suddenly a fact that Oswald was walking to the Marsalis line bus stop on Jefferson?

That isn't what I said, though.
The bus transfer ticket that Oswald was supposedly carrying is interesting as it feeds into the idea he was trying to make it to a point where he could get a transfer.
Everyone accepts that Oswald defected to Russia.
Why not accept he just visited the Cuban embassy in Mexico?
What's the problem?
JFK Assassination Discussion & Debate / Re: Ruby in Dealey Plaza?
« Last post by Dan O'meara on May 21, 2024, 10:46:02 PM »
LHO wrote the letter to the Russian Embassy saying he was there. But he lied to the investigators in DPD about it. This was just another one of LHO’s compulsive lies. His brother Robert said he despised LEOs and liked to try to show that he could “outsmart” them. I suspect LHO was just lying to mess with them, or at least to not cooperate with them.
The top Cuban counter intelligence officer Fabian Escalante reported in his book "The Cuban Files: The Untold Story of the Plot to Kill Kennedy" that Cuban intelligence investigated the assassination of JFK and specifically the allegations that Lee Oswald visited their Embassy and Consulate in Mexico City two months before the event. In the course of their investigation among other things they traced every person who was working at the Consulate at that time. They found two additional eyewitnesses, in addition to the three previously known (Duran, Azcue and Mirabal), who were at the Consulate and who said they saw Oswald during his visit. The Cuban government's conclusion? It was indeed Oswald who visited the consulate.

So we have the Cubans saying it was the real Oswald; the Soviets saying it was the real Oswald; and the Americans saying it was the real Oswald. And the conspiracy response to this is? They all lied? Or what?

From the Escalanate book:

"Where is your comparison of Meyers SBT and Knotts Lab SBT, but I guess we already saw it in the original post. Knotts Lab animation side mouth post was the exact opposite of the Meyers critique? They were both animations of the exact same event. Exactly what was the difference in your mind? "

oh dear still not grasping a very simple thing . do i really have to say it again ? , i do believe my dog would have grasped this by now . so here we are one more time

" i made zero comment about knotts lab either in favor or against it . neither pushing it as accurate nor questioning its accuracy . that is the beginning ,middle and end "

there are 27 words thee and over half of them are only 4 letters long or less . i dont know how i can make it much more simplified so that you can understand it .
JFK Assassination Discussion & Debate / Re: When Was JBC Hit?
« Last post by Dan O'meara on May 21, 2024, 07:44:12 PM »
What I should have said, just so you would not be confused, is that it is not just up to Connally to put that much time between the shots.

Connally is not consistent in his estimate of the time between shots. That’s not surprising. He was thinking about other things than counting the seconds.

 I have previously pointed out that JBC said the first two were 2 seconds apart and NOT literally a split second apart.  He also said on yet another occasion that all three took 10 to 12 seconds. He always said that heard the first shot and, after turning around to check on JFK, decided to turn back to the left.  How long does that take? 4 seconds. I don’t know. Maybe.

So we look at other witnesses who are consistent.

But your point, if I understand your theory correctly, is that there was no time between the shot he heard and the shot that hit him in the back ie. they were the same shot.  But JBC never said anything close to that. He always insisted they were separate shots.  You cannot use an argument to change his evidence to mean the opposite of what he meant.

just so you would not be confused

I'm not confused in any way.
I've highlighted your desperate attempts to twist the evidence to fit your "theory" with great clarity.
You were caught out being untruthful about Connally's evidence and are now back-tracking. Nothing confusing about that.
I have presented evidence that someone recalling a massively traumatic event suffers "temporal distortions" - time slowing down etc. - and have pointed out your refusal to acknowledge this evidence. Nothing confusing about that either.
I have pointed out the way you cherry-pick from Connally's statements to uphold your "theory", while ignoring the majority of what he said. Nothing confusing about that.

Charles has pointed out that Connally is fully aware of the difference between a bolt action rifle and an automatic rifle. An automatic rifle can fire multiple rounds per second. Connally is fully aware of this. His first impression is that the gap between what he thought were two shots is a fraction of a second. His first impression was that there were two or three shooters, this also indicates a gap of a fraction of a second. He actually describes it as a "split second". Your desperate attempts to suggest he is somehow describing a gap of more than four seconds is truly laughable.
The arguments I have put forward encompass this impression of a "split second" and the apparently contradictory lengths of time Connally attributes to these events. You simply think he was wrong to describe it as a "split second" as if you know better.

Another area of Connally's testimony that you know better than him is his choice of z234 as the frame he is hit. In his WC testimony Connally puts it within the range of z231 to z234. For the Life article he settles on z234. In the interview you posted he reiterates z234. This is 2 seconds before your own proposed hit. Yet another fail.
That said, it is about half a second after my proposed shot at z223. However, I can account for this discrepancy in a way that doesn't have me saying Connally doesn't know what he's talking about. Unlike you.
I believe I know why Connally chooses z234 as the frame when he was shot. In his various statements he is insistent that he felt the impact of the bullet as he was turning to his left:

"I was turning to look back over my left shoulder into the back seat, but I never got that far in my turn. I got about in the position I am in now facing you, looking a little bit to the left of center, and then I felt like someone had hit me in the back."

There are only two times in the Z-film when Connally turns to his left. One time is in the z160's and is caught in the Croft photo, the other is between z231 and z234 and :

JBC is clear as to when he is hit:

In this extreme close up we see JBC turning left until he is facing " a little bit to the left of center" : 

The reason he chooses the range of z231 to z234 is because this is the only time in the film he is looking " a little bit to the left of center"

The point is this - when he picks z231 - z234 he is picking the moment he BECOMES AWARE that he has been shot - "looking a little bit to the left of center, and then I felt like someone had hit me in the back."
The importance of this is that there is a small time gap between an event actually happening and a persons awareness of that event:

"Human thought takes time to form, and so the “right now” that we’re experiencing inside our skulls is always a little later than what’s going on in the outside world. It takes 500 milliseconds, or half a second, for sensory information from the outside world to be incorporated into conscious experience."

[,be%20incorporated%20into%20conscious%20experience. ]

500 milliseconds is the equivalent of 9 Z-frames, therefore Connally's range of z231 to z234 as to when he became aware of being shot, is the range of z222 - z225 as to when he was actually shot. Exactly encompassing the z222 to z223 I propose for when JBC was shot. The sound of the shots reached him about 100 milliseconds after he was actually shot, another 400 milliseconds later he actually becomes aware of being shot. This "split second" of 400 milliseconds is distorted and stretched in Connally's mind, separating the single event of hearing the shot and feeling the impact into two different shots. This is why he doesn't hear the second shot - because there was no second shot to hear, he heard the shot that hit him.

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