JFK Assassination Forum

JFK Assassination Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Discussion & Debate => Topic started by: Thomas Graves on May 24, 2020, 06:42:50 PM

Title: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Thomas Graves on May 24, 2020, 06:42:50 PM
Do you have an opinion?

--  MWT ;)

PS  Here's that book by my hero, Tennent H. "Pete" Bagley. https://archive.org/details/SpyWarsMolesMysteriesAndDeadlyGames/mode/2up
Title: Re: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Jerry Freeman on May 26, 2020, 03:24:27 PM
The War of the Moles: Oswald The Secret Agent An interview with Edward Jay Epstein by Susana Duncan ..Oswald's Russian diary was a fake. It was written in only two sittings, just before he returned to the United States in 1962..."
" ...Sullivan was sure Hoover knew of Oswald's threatening note; thus Hoover perjured himself before the Warren Commission..."

Title: Re: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Jerry Freeman on May 26, 2020, 03:27:42 PM
THE TAKING OF AMERICA, 1-2-3 by Richard E. Sprague---------------

Title: Re: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Mike Orr on May 26, 2020, 05:53:44 PM
              Cambridge English Dictionary

     The so called Deep State , made up of ruling elites from the Military , Judicial Branch , Business and Media ,
      has long wielded tremendous power behind the scenes .

      Black Ops -----Secret Military activities , especially illegal ones , that are ordered by a government or organization
       but that they will not admit admit to having ordered .

       President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned the nation with regard to the corrupting influence of what he describes as
        the " Military-Industrial Complex ".

     Out of Control and answers to no one would be an analogy of what goes on with these groups !
Title: Re: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Thomas Graves on May 26, 2020, 06:52:50 PM
Cambridge English Dictionary

The so-called Deep State, made up of ruling elites from the Military, Judicial Branch, Business and Medi [sic], has long wielded tremendous power behind the scenes.

If it included the words "Intelligence" and "Police," it would describe the USSR / Russia almost perfectly, wouldn't it?


--  MWT  ;)
Title: Re: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Tom Scully on May 26, 2020, 09:56:25 PM
The War of the Moles: Oswald The Secret Agent An interview with Edward Jay Epstein by Susana Duncan ..Oswald's Russian diary was a fake. It was written in only two sittings, just before he returned to the United States in 1962..."
" ...Sullivan was sure Hoover knew of Oswald's threatening note; thus Hoover perjured himself before the Warren Commission..."


Epstein was and is disinfo. Epstein and Henry Hurt were sponsored by Readers Digest.
See: http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Civil%20Actions/JFK%20Appeals%20FOIA%20Chrono/Folder%2041%2005-14-79/41-01.pdf
After reading Weissberg's letter at the link above, consider the close relationship between Readers Digest editor Fulton Oursler and his wife with Asst FBI director, "Louis Nichols".

Oursler's subordinate, Editor Ed Thompson, was the son of Luce protege, Ed Thompson, editor of Life Magazine. Ed Thompson the son oversaw Epstein and Hurt. During WWII, Thompson's father happened to be editor of the USAAF intelligence "magazine" and was the most authoritive USAAF intelligence officer on day to day affairs of the Luftwaffe. His asst., Maitland Eddy, also of Life magazine, just happened to be father of a yacht builder who employed defector to the USSR, Webster, in his final years.


...Fulton Oursler Jr. is an author and was the longtime managing and eventually executive editor of Reader's Digest, so the couple often hosted guests from his work. There were fundraisers for local causes, too — Noel Oursler was a founding member of Friends of the Nyacks — and weddings....

Fulton "Tony" Oursler, Jr, 84, of Nyack, NY, passed away September 18th, with his loving family at his bedside.

....He joined Reader's Digest in 1956. In 1964, he completed his father's unfinished auto-biography Behold This Dreamer. He retired from his position as executive editor in chief and vice president at Reader's Digest in 1986. In 1992, he joined Guideposts Magazine as editor-in-chief. Fulton was instrumental in the founding Angels on Earth, a magazine devoted to first person stories about encounters with angels. During his career, Fulton worked with many writers including James Mitchner, Cornelius Ryan, Charles Lindbergh, and Edward J. Epstein. He was especially proud of his extensive work on "Roots" with Alex Haley.....

Hurt tried to "muscle" Billy Joe Lord. Hurt was sponsored by Readers Digest after teaching in Kennebunkport and "falling under the influence" of Bush and his best friend, Bemiss, a cousin of Hurt's wife. Hurt's father-in-law happened to be the brother of Langbourne Williams, Jock Whitney's Freeport Sulphur front man.

Dec. 6 specially decorated Bush '41 Train engine, was Billy Joe Lord on board?
« on: December 06, 2018, 06:59:00 PM »

There is no "deep state", it is a refuge of those too lazy or inattentive to pursue and sift through detail and an excuse for right wing extremist nonsense.

What there is are ambitious, greedy capitalists who prioritize pursuit of money and the influence it buys, over patriotism and ethics. Consider the men who have "fronted" for the alleged "Deep State" since 1945.
Hat salesman, former U.S. senator, Harry Truman
non-political soldier, Dwight Eisenhower
youthful, wealthy, former U.S. senator, JFK
Senate Leader LBJ who crashed and burned in 1968
Dick Nixon, who Eisenhower never invited into the White House
Unelected POTUS and former House minority leader, Gerry Ford
Former nuclear engineer, Navy submariner, Georgia governor. Jimmy Carter
B grade film actor and former Cal. governor, Ronald "Dutch" Reagan
the clouded backgrounded, former House member and V.P., GHWB
The man from Hope, AR and former gov. of that state, Bill Clinton
Former Texas gov., son of GHWB, GWB
The muslim Kenyan, community organizer, former U.S. senator, B. Hussein Obama
Queens, NY grifter and bankrupted casino owner, Donald J Trump

Wouldn't a "Deep State" at least field a group of "fronts" who do not intensely resemble "darts in a board" thrown by a bar patron?
Title: Re: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Thomas Graves on May 26, 2020, 10:37:37 PM
Epstein was and is disinfo. Epstein and Henry Hurt were sponsored by Readers Digest.
See: http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Civil%20Actions/JFK%20Appeals%20FOIA%20Chrono/Folder%2041%2005-14-79/41-01.pdf
After reading Weissberg's letter at the link above, consider the close relationship between Readers Digest editor Fulton Oursler and his wife with Asst FBI director, "Louis Nichols".

Oursler's subordinate, Editor Ed Thompson, was the son of Luce protege, Ed Thompson, editor of Life Magazine. Ed Thompson the son oversaw Epstein and Hurt. During WWII, Thompson's father happened to be editor of the USAAF intelligence "magazine" and was the most authoritive USAAF intelligence officer on day to day affairs of the Luftwaffe. His asst., Maitland Eddy, also of Life magazine, just happened to be father of a yacht builder who employed defector to the USSR, Webster, in his final years.

Hurt tried to "muscle" Billy Joe Lord. Hurt was sponsored by Readers Digest after teaching in Kennebunkport and "falling under the influence" of Bush and his best friend, Bemiss, a cousin of Hurt's wife. Hurt's father-in-law happened to be the brother of Langbourne Williams, Jock Whitney's Freeport Sulphur front man.

There is no "deep state", it is a refuge of those too lazy or inattentive to pursue and sift through detail and an excuse for right wing extremist nonsense.

What there is are ambitious, greedy capitalists who prioritize pursuit of money and the influence it buys, over patriotism and ethics. Consider the men who have "fronted" for the alleged "Deep State" since 1945.
Hat salesman, former U.S. senator, Harry Truman
non-political soldier, Dwight Eisenhower
youthful, wealthy, former U.S. senator, JFK
Senate Leader LBJ who crashed and burned in 1968
Dick Nixon, who Eisenhower never invited into the White House
Unelected POTUS and former House minority leader, Gerry Ford
Former nuclear engineer, Navy submariner, Georgia governor. Jimmy Carter
B grade film actor and former Cal. governor, Ronald "Dutch" Reagan
the clouded backgrounded, former House member and V.P., GHWB
The man from Hope, AR and former gov. of that state, Bill Clinton
Former Texas gov., son of GHWB, GWB
The muslim Kenyan, community organizer, former U.S. senator, B. Hussein Obama
Queens, NY grifter and bankrupted casino owner, Donald J Trump

Wouldn't a "Deep State" at least field a group of "fronts" who do not intensely resemble "darts in a board" thrown by a bar patron?

Sorry, Tom, but you're full of beans.

Your proclivity to look for "connections" through 17 degrees of separation, or whatever, and your stubborn belief that the evil, evil, evil CIA (and the woebegone, duped-by-KGB FBI?) is the cause of most of the world's ills, tends to do that to you.

You've probably just read too much garbage by John L. Hart, Leonard V. McCoy, John L. Hart, Richards J. Heuer, Cleveland Cram, "Jumbo Duh," Jefferson Morley, David Wise, Tom Mangold, et al. ... ad nauseam.

Ever get around to actually reading "Spy Wars," Tom?

--  MWT  ;)
Title: Re: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Jerry Freeman on May 26, 2020, 10:57:36 PM
Epstein was and is disinfo.
Of course he is...  Oswald did it----Epstein's theory----

There is no "deep state", it is a refuge of those too lazy or inattentive to pursue and sift through detail and an excuse for right wing extremist nonsense  etc----
OK where did all that come from? Nixon was at the White House several times. [Perhaps not invited into the living quarters] So what?
The shallower the investigation...the deeper the state.
Was the Oswald diary fake?
Title: Re: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Tom Scully on May 26, 2020, 11:46:10 PM
Of course he is...  Oswald did it----Epstein's theory----
OK where did all that come from? Nixon was at the White House several times. [Perhaps not invited into the living quarters] So what?
The shallower the investigation...the deeper the state.
Was the Oswald diary fake?

My point is that Upton Sinclair had it right, one hundred years ago, in "The Brass Check". "Ownership of the Owners" is a treatise on how the advertisers control the messaging, to protect themselves from being criticized by the journalists who they pay a large portion of the salaries of. Journalists, even those employed by NPR and PBS because both are partially funded by foundations of wealthiest capitalists, are dissuaded from biting the hands that feed them. (See Gary Webb).

Webb was more a victim of "Access journalism" than he was by stepping on toes of advertisers.

Lieutenant General Joseph Francis Carroll (March 19, 1910 – January 20, 1991) was the founding director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the first commander of the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI or OSI).[1]
....He was instrumental in catching noted gangster Roger "Tough" Touhy, which brought him to the personal attention of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. In May 1944, he was transferred to the Washington headquarters of the FBI, where he held progressive positions as supervisor in charge of bank robbery and kidnapping matters, chief of the Criminal Section, and first assistant to the assistant director of the FBI in charge of the General Investigations and Accounting Division.[1]

At the end of World War II, the U.S. Government was faced with the problem of disposition of war surplus property throughout the world. Upon special request from the administrator of the Surplus Property Administration, Carroll was lent by the attorney general and the director of the FBI to the Surplus Property Administration (later the War Assets Administration). In this assignment he organized and directed the Compliance Enforcement Division, directing all investigative activity associated with surplus property disposal. In May 1947, he was recalled to his former position in the FBI as an administrative assistant to the director of the FBI.[1]....
On February 1, 1960, General Carroll was promoted to lieutenant general and became The Inspector General of the U.S. Air Force stationed at Headquarters, U.S. Air Force, in Washington, D.C. He remained in that position until October 1, 1961, when the secretary of defense, Robert S. McNamara, appointed him to his last assignment as the first director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, with the responsibility for controlling Department of Defense (DoD) intelligence resources assigned to DIA and reviewing the intelligence functions assigned the military departments in satisfying the intelligence requirements of the DoD. He retired September 15, 1969.[1]

This is written by a former RC priest, the son of Gen. Joseph Carroll. Gen Carroll happened to employ Declan Ford's brother, in the tiny post WWII Alien Property Dept.:

.....Upton Sinclair, for example, showed the rapaciousness of capitalism, the vampire-like appetite with which it feeds on the blood of human beings. Even with "reforms" ("The Jungle" led to the establishment of the Food and Drug Administration), the profit-worshipping economy to this day eludes controls that would protect majorities of citizens in this country and across the world. Sinclair Lewis, for his part, showed how the simultaneously banalizing methods of capitalist enterprise (false advertising, consumerism, pieties of affluence, amoral bureaucracy) are exactly what that enterprise created to keep from being criticized. ...

The two tortured political marriages of Richard Nixon
JUN 17, 2013 | 11:15 AM

....But the account also underscores that Eisenhower had early doubts about Nixon's maturity for the presidency and how in his fashion he tried to ease him off the Republican ticket in 1956. Nixon's gritty determination not to be pushed aside finally won out. Also related is the thin familial bond forged by the courtship and marriage of Ike's grandson David and Dick's younger daughter Julie that never quite solidified. Nixon later made known that in all those White House years he was never invited to the Eisenhower living quarters there.

You cited Epstein. I think his record indicates he protects the FBI and CIA. I don't disagree Oswald's "diary" is suspect.
Oswald was the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Weiss of his generation. The point being Huey, Carl, JFK, Oswald, and Ruby, all "hadda go"! Carl Weiss, in his time, "was introduced" by, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giuseppe_Zangara .

One thing in Tommy's favor is the "muscling" of Billy Joe Lord by Henry Hurt, at the direction of Bemiss, indicates there was enough concern about what was not known about Oswald among the elite of the mid 1970s political class, that they put themselves in position to be this exposed. The Church and HSCA investigations rattled them enough for Ford to not leave it at the farce "Commission" controlled by his unelected V.P., Rockefeller. Ford took the extra precaution of appointed the visibly unqualified Bush as DCI.




The China Diary of George H. W. Bush: The Making of a Global ...
Bemis, Lias and Devine had a meeting regarding my political future—very thoughtful of them.5 All I know now is to do the best job one can here. There is no ..

The details above reinforce Tommy's theory the Soviets used Oswald to hoist the U.S. conservative political elite on their own petard, maneuvering them into covering up for the KGB taking out a U.S. President and a Soviet Premier partnering in the direction of a lasting peace.

I try to bend in the direction indicated by the evidence, like it or not.
Title: Re: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Tom Scully on May 27, 2020, 12:22:19 AM
Sorry, Tom, but you're full of beans.

Your proclivity to look for "connections" through 17 degrees of separation, or whatever, and your stubborn belief that the evil, evil, evil CIA (and the woebegone, duped-by-KGB FBI?) is the cause of most of the world's ills, tends to do that to you.

You've probably just read too much garbage by John L. Hart, Leonard V. McCoy, John L. Hart, Richards J. Heuer, Cleveland Cram, "Jumbo Duh," Jefferson Morley, David Wise, Tom Mangold, et al. ... ad nauseam.

Ever get around to actually reading "Spy Wars," Tom?

--  MWT  ;)

Sometimes, things are as they seem. Not all that "Deep" :


John Skelton Williams: After the Jekyll Island meeting in 1910, first Comptroller of the Currency
Cyane Dandridge Williams Bemiss : Grandmother of Henry Hurt's "advisor", described in 1977 letter to Jimmy Carter.:

Langbourne Meade Williams : Chairman of Freeport Sulphur, after persuading Jock Whitney to finance the take over.

George Dandridge Williams : Father of Henry Hurt's wife.

The background of the creation of the Federal Reserve:

Prior to a particularly severe panic in 1907, there was a motivation for renewed demands for banking and currency reform.[4] The following year, Congress enacted the Aldrich-Vreeland Act which provided for an emergency currency and established the National Monetary Commission to study banking and currency reform.[5]

Fed Reserve.JPG
The chief of the bipartisan National Monetary Commission was financial expert and Senate Republican leader Nelson Aldrich. Aldrich set up two commissions – one to study the American monetary system in depth and the other, headed by Aldrich, to study the European central-banking systems and report on them.[5]

The grandson of Sen. Nelson Aldrich wrote a book. It helps to explain what we are witnessing in real-time... the second Federal Reserve bailout, (fool me once, shame on you,....) on the backs of adding to the debt burden on the shoulders of our grandchildren, to keep Trump-n-cult living in the style they are accustomed to. No "Deep State", merely the right wing control paid for by the wealthiest republican party donors......

Title: Re: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Thomas Graves on May 27, 2020, 12:40:21 AM
Sometimes, things are as they seem. Not all that "Deep" :


John Skelton Williams: One of the few Jekyll Island meeting attendees in 1913, first Comptroller of the Currency
Cyane Dandridge Williams Bemiss : Grandmother of Henry Hurt's "advisor", described in 1977 letter to Jimmy Carter.

Langbourne Meade Williams : Chairman of Freeport Sulphur, after persuading Jock Whitney to finance the take over.

George Dandridge Williams : Father of Henry Hurt's wife.


Should we be impressed by these strung-out gossamer "connections," not unlike the mess of strings and thumbtacks in that schizo, dreamlike scene in ... "A Beautiful Mind"?

Should we expect (or demand!) that all Americans who are strongly anti-Communist and/or anti-Fascistic-KGB-MAFIA intermarry, do business with, and rub elbows with rabble rousing Plebes like you and I?

Why do you carry-guilt-by association to such ridiculous extremes (if, indeed, it IS guilt ... hmm)?

Do you, like Lee Harvey Oswald, hanker for the day when we live in a Truly Classless Society?


--  MWT  ;)

Poor Tom's a-cold.

Title: Re: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Tom Scully on May 27, 2020, 01:23:22 AM
Sorry, Tommy.... you jumped the gun. I amended what you've quoted to the extent my point is lost, in what you've quoted.

People dismiss what they don't understand as "Deep State", because it's weedy. It's too much of a bother to exert the concentration and expend the time to get down into the weeds, examine the detail.

I was not finished. I presented a page from the book by the grandson of the Senator, Nelson W Aldrich, credited with drafting the legislation authorizing creation of the Federal Reserve.

The grandson came to my attention because of his several friends who were C.I.A. The C.I.A. is not "Deep". It plays by Trump's script, as described by Henry Breck, godfather of the son of DCI Bush's counsel, Tony Lapham, who also allegedly never served with CIA prior to Bush "bringing him on board".

None of this is un-self-conscious. Nelson W. Aldrich Jr., the book’s overseeing editor (and part of an 8-member team that questioned 374 interviewees), treats rampant Georgeness as a fair reflection of the hagiography that surrounded Mr. Plimpton during his long career as editor, writer and bon vivant.....

Ironically, George DeMohrenschildt also was an alleged roughneck....


The Odessa American from Odessa, Texas · Page 14

... In Pecos County, A1bert C. Bruce Jr. and Thomas J. Devine, Midland operators, will drill the No. 1 G. R.

The night before the wedding in the image above, best man Iglehart and his sister, Anne, described in the obit below, hosted a dinner for Jackie's best friend, bride to be, Leigh, and her fiance, A1bert Bruce.:

March 22, 1992

Anne I. Sommers

Worked at the CIA

A memorial service for Anne Iglehart Sommers, a Baltimore native and former CIA employee, will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at Christ Church of Georgetown in Washington.

Mrs. Sommers died Friday at her home in Chevy Chase of lung cancer. She was 63.

In the early 1950s, she was a CIA operations officer for East Germany for two years. In May 1953, she married Frank Feldher Sommers, a CIA officer. They lived in Frankfurt, Germany; Vienna, Austria; Bern, Switzerland; and Vientiane, Laos.

Mrs. Sommers served on embassy committees and school boards in each of these cities.

From 1981 to 1991, she was an administrative assistant at the International Management and Development Institute, a non-profit group in Washington that worked with Fortune 500 companies and major corporations abroad.

Mrs. Sommers attended the Calvert and Bryn Mawr schools in Baltimore and graduated from Bryn Mawr College in Bryn Mawr, Pa.

She is survived by her husband; two daughters, Wing Sommers Blake of Washington and ....

Not to be outdone, after her failed marriage to A1bert Bruce, Jackie's best friend Leigh married another CIA associate, ofParis Review:

Consider the links of John Macomber to William HG Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald's role as senior in the CIA heavy SMOM, and Fitzgerald's best man, Ernest Byfield Jr. who was a V.P. at Jesse "Tom" Ellington's advert agency, with longtime principle client, Celanese Corp., and there is little need to even bring up George Ohrstrom who was close to Matthiessen and Bush, and Cass Canfield and his stepson Blair Fuiller who was a Paris Review editor, or even Clement Biddle Wood, into the picture in order to have an impressive jigsaw puzzle in which some of the pieces match.

A Role In 'Tycoon For Mrs. Onassis?: Sought After A TV News Offer VIP

By Maxine Cheshire. The Washington Post 13 July 1975: 110.

Say.... Tommy, didn't Jackie work for Guinzburg at Viking, just after she wrapped things up with Ari, in Greece, and wasn't Plimpton with Bobby in the basement of the Ambassador Hotel, and isn't Train, Tom Devine's Wubriny partner? And wasn't Jackie's best friend, Leigh, all "spooked up"? Wasn't Jackie's sister married to Michael Canfield, adopted son of Evan Thomas's boss and Allen Dulles's autobiography editor, Cass Canfield, who paid for private security during Svetlana's "stay" at Kaintuck, with newly married Priscilla Macmillan?

And Tommy, didn't Charles Bartlett grow up on Jupiter Island, with Poppy and Pres? I don't think the CIA kill their own fair haired boys n girls, do you?

One man's long journey —From a one‐world crusade to the ‘department of dirty tricks’
By Merle Miller - Jan. 7, 1973
.....Charles Bartlett, the Washington columnist who was a classmate of Meyer's at Yale and is still a close friend and fellow tennis player, says, “Cord is really a very funny man. He has great humor, but it is not slapstick humor. It is very sophisticated; he draws on soft irony, you might say.”

Finks: How the C.I.A. Tricked the World's Best Writers
By Joel Whitney

Tom S. - March 23, 2016 at 1:56 am
….On edit, I notice now that Valentine writes in his book, “The strength of the wolf: the secret history of America’s war on drugs,” that Anthony Lapham was an assistant to David Acheson in 1966, and is listed as an Asst. U.S. Attorney at that time. Valentine writes (see- https://books.google.com/books?id=Bed0gQKn-ucC&pg=PA440&lpg=PA440&dq=lapham+Andrew+Tartaglino&source=bl&ots=kvZ3dpZmzi&sig=ueXgSOBp8eTTo1CKdc1gY4hba_s&hl=en&ei=pfeUTJrdL4O0lQfj5_GnCg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=6&ved=0CCYQ6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q&f=false)
that Anthony Lapham “directed FBN agent Andrew Tartaglino to shut down a second MKULTRA safehouse on (105 West) 13th Street in New York. Valentine writes that Lapham was then a covert CIA agent. Valentine is the only source I can find for this, but..

The Very Best Men: Four Who Dared: The Early Years of the CIA – Page 91
Evan Thomas – 1996 –

“The Brits were the most bloodthirsty of all,” said Henry Breck, Groton ’54, a CIA case officer in India in the 1960s. “Of course, if you’re in a real war you must fight hard — and the upper classes fight the hardest. They have the most to lose. …

Henry Breck s the godfather of bonesman Lewis Lapham’s grandson. Lapham’s son, Anthony was best man in Breck’s wedding. Anthony Lapham’s wife Burks’ father was bonesman Harry Payne Bingham.

Anthony A. Lapham was sponsored by bonesman David C. Acheson and then by bonesman George HW Bush.:

Complete Oral History Package (930 KB) – Dcchs.org
DAVID C. ACHESON. First Interview – January 27, 2010….

Tommy, is anyone taking your unique research details, and without attribution, publishing them? Maybe if you were a li'l nicer...

google.com/books.... (https://books.google.se/books?id=P9EoDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT406&lpg=PT406&dq=acheson+"tom+clark"+jenner&source=bl&ots=Bywhr_aXmu&sig=ACfU3U06cWMOXIVvaXB6L49bMPNZ75Yl2Q&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjIv9L74dLpAhXhg3IEHVNyAC8Q6AEwAHoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false)
Clash of Dynasties: Why Gov. Nelson Rockefeller Killed Jfk, Rfk, and Ordered ...
By Richard James DeSocio

http://books.google.com/books?cd=1&q=T...nG=Search+Books (https://books.google.com.ua/books?id=7n_sF3PSvSAC&pg=PA96&dq=Two+of+Jenner%27s+references+were+mentioned+by+name.+Tom+Clark+former+Attorney+General&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Two%20of%20Jenner's%20references%20were%20mentioned%20by%20name.%20Tom%20Clark%20former%20Attorney%20General&f=false)
The Kennedy assassination cover-up‎ - Page 96

Donald Gibson

...Warren then said that A1bert Jenner of Chicago had been suggested. Warrem did not identify the source of the suggestion. ...Warren said that he had checked on Jenner with a number of people and they all recommended him.

Two of Jenner's references were mentioned by name. Tom Clark former Attorney General of the U.S. and active supporter in the Truman years of J. Edgar Hoover's anti subversion efforts, knew Jenner through their common participation on the Judiciary Committee of the American Bar Association. The other named supporter of Jenner was Dean Acheson, who had worked with Jenner on Acheson's committee on civil rights. Jenner came to the Commission then with recommendations from and past connections to one of the people involved in creating the Commission and someone who was at one time at least, close to Hoover.

Unfortunately, there is very little additional information on the selection of Counsel and organization of the Commission in the Executive Session transcripts....
Title: Re: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Thomas Graves on May 27, 2020, 02:03:04 AM
Sorry, Tommy.... you jumped the gun. I amended what you've quoted to the extent my point is lost, in what you've quoted.

People dismiss what they don't understand as "Deep State", because it's weedy. It's too much of a bother to exert the concentration and expend the time to get down into the weeds, examine the detail.

I was not finished. I presented a page from the book by the grandson of the Senator, Nelson W Aldrich, credited with drafting the legislation authorizing creation of the Federal Reserve.

The grandson came to my attention because of his several friends who were C.I.A. The C.I.A. is not "Deep". It plays by Trump's script, as described by Henry Breck, godfather of the son of DCI Bush's counsel, Tony Lapham, who also allegedly never served with CIA prior to Bush "bringing him on board".

Say.... Tommy, didn't Jackie work for Guinzburg at Viking, just after she wrapped things up with Ari, in Greece, and wasn't Plimpton with Bobby in the basement of the Ambassador Hotel, and isn't Train, Tom Devine's Wubriny partner? And wasn't Jackie's best friend, Leigh, all "spooked up"?

Finks: How the C.I.A. Tricked the World's Best Writers
By Joel Whitney

Tommy, is anyone taking your unique research details, and without attribution, publishing them? Maybe if you were a li'l nicer...

google.com/books.... (https://books.google.se/books?id=P9EoDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT406&lpg=PT406&dq=acheson+"tom+clark"+jenner&source=bl&ots=Bywhr_aXmu&sig=ACfU3U06cWMOXIVvaXB6L49bMPNZ75Yl2Q&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjIv9L74dLpAhXhg3IEHVNyAC8Q6AEwAHoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false)
Clash of Dynasties: Why Gov. Nelson Rockefeller Killed Jfk, Rfk, and Ordered ...
By Richard James DeSocio

Dear Tom,

I couldn't care less what your opinions are on the "evil, evil, evil CIA", the Georgetown Set, Skull and Bones, The Dulles Brothers, Operation Gladio, Reader's Digest, the Rothschilds, the Bilderberg Club, The Trilateral Commission, The World Bank, The Council on Foreign Relations, Globalism, George Soros, Bohemian Grove, The Federal Reserve, The Rockefellers, John McCone, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.

In my humble opinion, you're not really "full of beans," you're simply ... well ... a rather ill man.

--  MWT  ;)
Title: Re: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Tom Scully on May 27, 2020, 02:16:29 AM
Dear Tom,

I couldn't care less what your opinions are on the "evil, evil, evil CIA", the Georgetown Set, Skull and Bones, The Dulles Brothers, Operation Gladio, Reader's Digest, the Rothschilds, the Bilderbast Group, Bohemian Grove, The Federal Reserve, etc, etc.

In my humble opinion, you're not really "full of beans," you're simply ... well ... a rather ill man.

--  MWT  ;)

Pot..... kettle. Tommy, if it isn't obvious to you by now, considering Jack surrounded himself with Bartlett and Bradlee and Bartlett allegedly introduced Jack and Jackie on the occasion of the wedding of his spooky brother, David, and Smathers was in Jack and Jackie's wedding party, (dare I say it?) Jack and Jackie were.... Deep State!

Title: Re: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Thomas Graves on May 27, 2020, 02:19:28 AM
Pot..... kettle. Tommy, if it isn't obvious to you by now, considering Jack surrounded himself with Bartlett and Bradlee and Bartlett allegedly introduced Jack and Jackie on the occasion of the wedding of his spooky brother, David, and Smathers was in Jack and Jackie's wedding party, (dare I say it?) Jack and Jackie were.... Deep State!


Once again -- do you, like Lee Harvey Oswald, hanker wistfully for the day when we live in a truly classless society?

--  MWT ;)
Title: Re: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Tom Scully on May 27, 2020, 02:36:59 AM

Once again -- do you, like Lee Harvey Oswald, hanker wistfully for the day when we live in a truly classless society?

--  MWT ;)

LOL ! Hal Korda is my hero, Tommy. Despite not even finishing high school, he climbed into a plane on a NY airport tarmac in 1962 and told the passengers, top executives of the major U.S. steel producers, to rescind their recent price hikes, and they did.
Oswald did not complete high school, either. Reindeer don't even attend school....
....You'll go down in history!
Title: Re: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Thomas Graves on May 27, 2020, 02:43:13 AM
LOL ! Hal Korda is my hero, Tommy. Despite not even finishing high school, he climbed into a plane on a NY airpost tarmac in 1962 and told the passengers, top executives of the major U.S. steel producers, to rescind their recent price hikes, and they did.
Oswald did not complete high school, either. Reindeer don't even attend school....

Sorry, Tom.

Uhh ... could you please connect the 17 dots for me?

Hal Korda ... was he married to the maid of a niece of a  second cousin twice-removed of David Rockefeller, or something?

--  MWT  ;)
Title: Re: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Tom Scully on May 27, 2020, 03:07:38 AM
Sorry, Tom.

Uhh ... could you please connect the 17 dots for me?

Hal Korda ... was he married to the maid of a niece of a  second cousin twice-removed of David Rockefeller, or something?

--  MWT  ;)

Tommy, I recently wrote to this guy,

globecub - Stanwood Piano Innovationswww.stanwoodpiano.com › globecub
Snare, who loved to play golf, also founded the Havana Country Club in 1911 and was its ... I just took the picture out and put it on the mantel,'' he smiles. ... The only thing missing was the portrait of Frederick Snare, which the Stanwoods ...

....because I assumed he was the grandson of:

Frederick Snare was the principle general construction contractor in Cuba from almost the sinking of the battle ship Maine, through the 1950s when
Snare & Merritt constructed the nickel mining infrastructure under US government contract. The spouse of Frederick Snare, Jr. was... (amusing that no one ever said they were related to Foster's brother, Allen....)

Publication: Bennington Banner i Location: Bennington, Vermont Issue Date: Thursday, April 11, 1985 Page: 20

EDITH D. SNARE DORSET - Edith Dulles Snare, 88, (First) cousin of the late John Foster Dulles, died Wednesday at her home in Dorset, where she had lived for the past 45 years. She had formerly resided in Englewood, N.J. Active in local affairs, Mrs. Snare was a founder of the Dorset Nursing Association, an early executive director of the Southern Vermont Artists Association of Manchester, and established Snare Associates Real Estate in the 1950s. She leaves two daughters, Dorothy Warner of Dorset and Naples, Fla....

....He wasn't, but he put me in touch with his cousin, who was. The grandson emailed, inviting me to call or email. I've been mulling over what to ask him, considering, this was in 1958, five years after BP got what it wanted....


I was planning to ask him why the obit doesn't mention cousin Allen....

BTW, I'm not that confident about my ability to determine who the "bad people" are. What's your secret?


.....Terror Girl Seized Again Harriet (Tiny) Fleming, 20, who received a three-year suspended sentence last year for terrorizing with a razor the 16-year-old daughter of an Iranian diplomat, was arrested last night on burglary charges. Tinv and a companion, James Berkeley. 19, of 13S4 Boston Road, Bronx, were seized as they left a ransacked apartment at 1372 Franklin Ave., Bronx, with suitcases containing clothing, jewelry and a camera. They will be arraigned today. Tiny, who lives at 851 Fox St., Bronx, attacked Farideh Abdoh, daughter of Dr. Djalal Abdah, Iran's UN ambassador, in Central Park on May 10, '1958....
Title: Re: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Thomas Graves on May 27, 2020, 03:17:22 AM
Tommy, I recently wrote to this guy,

....because I assumed he was the grandson of:

....He wasn't, but he put me in touch with his cousin, who was. The grandson emailed, inviting me to call or email. I've been mulling over what to ask him, considering, this was in 1958, five years after BP got what it wanted....


I was planning to ask him why the obit doesn't mention cousin Allen....


Please remind me once again -- are you a Marxist-Leninist?

--  MWT  ;)

PS  Maybe he was ashamed of him for having masterminded the assassinations of JFK, RFK, MLK and Malcolm X?

Oh, and Cock Robin, too.
Title: Re: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Tom Scully on May 27, 2020, 03:26:57 AM

Please remind me once again -- are you a Marxist-Leninist?

--  MWT  ;)

PS  Maybe he was ashamed of him for having masterminded the assassinations of JFK, RFK, MLK and Malcolm X?

Oh, and Cock Robin, too.

A Marxist-Leninist? Well, I'm not that partial to race mixin'. Wouldn't that disqualify me? I'd love to view an image of "Tiny", though!

Sept. 9 (P)-Police said today they had made a prize catch in their dragnet for teen-aged hoodlums. The youth, Louis Guzman, 14, is accused of hurling a gasoline bomb to light the scene while his companion opened fire on a group of people on the lower East Side Aug. 23. The shooting resulted in the death of Theresa Gee, 15. John Cruz, 17, now awaits trial for first-degree murder in the case. Aoother teen-ager was killed the same night in the lower East Side, and youthful crimes since then have taken throe other lives. Guzman, who weighs only 75 pounds, was described as one of the firebrands of Cruz's Forsyth Street gang. The tiny youth was arrested yesterday in hiding at his home, police said, and charged with juvenile delinquency. The continuing drive to round up young criminals has netted 387 youths under 21 since it began Friday night. Also picked up was Harriet (Tiny) Fleming, 20, a Negro girl accused last year of a razor attack on two young daughters of an Iranian diplomat. Police said this time she was caught burglarizing an apartment. The girl was freed on probation last year on the slashing charge. In the meantime, the district attorneys of the city's five bor oughs were called to an emergency meeting with Mayor Robert F. Wagner and Police Commissioner Stephen P. Kennedy to discuss the enforcement phase of their drive on juvenile!  ...
Title: Re: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Thomas Graves on May 27, 2020, 03:30:41 AM
A Marxist-Leninist? Well, I'm not the partial to race mixin'. Wouldn't that disqualify me? I'd love to view an image of "Tiny", though!

Well, a few months ago you admitted to being a Communist, or a Marxist, or a Fabian Socialist, or some-such thing, didn't you?


What was it?  A Bernie Sanders supporter?  Jill Stein?  OAC?

Oh, that's right!  YOU like Joachim Joesten, Mark Lane, The Jolly Green Giant, and Oliver Stone!

No?  Okay, then ... Angela Davis?  Herbert Marcuse? Jane Fonda?

Vladimir Putin, because THE COLD WAR IS OVER ?
Title: Re: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Tom Scully on May 27, 2020, 03:38:09 AM
Well, a few months ago you admitted to being a Communist, or a Marxist, or a Fabian Socialist, or some-such thing, didn't you?


What was it?  A Bernie Sanders supporter?  Jill Stein?  OAC?

Oh, that's right!  YOU like Joachim Joesten, Mark Lane, Jim Garrison and Oliver Stone!

You must be thinking of someone else. Klobutcher was my candidate....I can't resist chief prosecutors running for POTUS.
I've met Jane, nothing wrong with Jane. She apologized for Hanoi.... good example for our twitterer-in-chief!

Sure, I wrote to Stone to warn him about Lemann and J. Duh, doesn't mean I like him.

AGC Television Picks up Worldwide on Oliver Stone’s ‘JFK: Destiny Betrayed’
By John Hopewell

Tom Scully October 15, 2019 at 6:53 am
I like Jim DiEugenio personally, and I think he usually does good work,
but in this instance, Jim is actually protecting Nicholas B. Lemann,
author of the 1992 article published in GQ Magazine attacking, Garrison
and co-screenplay writers of “JFK the Movie, Oliver Stone and Zachary
Sklar. ......
Title: Re: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Thomas Graves on May 27, 2020, 03:44:21 AM
You must be thinking of someone else. Klobutcher was my candidate....I can't resist chief prosecutors running for POTUS.
I've met Jane, nothing wrong with Jane. She apologized for Hanoi.... good example for our twitterer-in-chief!

Sure, I wrote to Stone to warn him about Lemann and J. Duh, doesn't mean I like him.


Do you idolize Jim Garrison?

Pity that.

A "useful idiot" (or worse) if ever there was one.


--  MWT  ;)
Title: Re: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Mike Orr on May 31, 2020, 01:24:51 AM
 The old adage of you have to screw them before they screw you had to be in the thought process of LBJ !
Title: Re: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?
Post by: Thomas Graves on May 31, 2020, 07:28:23 AM
The old adage of you have to screw them before they screw you had to be in the thought process of LBJ !

Gasp ... you think he did it?

With or without duped-by-FEDORA-and-TOP HAT J. Edgar Hoover?

--  MWT  ;)