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Hany Farid - The Truth Of The Backyard Photographs

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Duncan MacRae:
Hany Farid - The Truth Of The Backyard Photographs


Bill Brown:
Good stuff, Duncan.  I'm going to post this in one of the JFKA Facebook discussion groups.

Fergus O'Brien:
LN do so love anything that appears to conform their stance , bias or agenda . i guess that is why we so often see threads in main with LN in full agreement patting each other on the backs for a job well done in agreeing with what each other believes . CT in my experience also agree on a lot of things but also they question each others thoughts , position , beliefs and research etc , and i think it is healthy to do so . it means in main that are CT agree and open to admission that they COULD be wrong and are willing to discuss , debate , be corrected and yes admit any error of belief , thought or logic .all be it not every CT is so open but most are .i cant say that in my experience that LN are so open .

there are many reasons to have doubts about these PHOTOS .
1/ marinas contradictory claims about them .
2/ when they were in the possession of authorities
3/ how many were in the possession of authorities
4/ Oswalds missing finger tips
5/ Oswald rings moving from one hand to the other
6/ Oswald himself questioned the legitimacy of these photos
7/ the handwriting " hunter of fascists " was neither matched to Lee or Marina .

Paul May:

--- Quote from: Fergus O'brien on April 27, 2024, 02:29:54 PM ---LN do so love anything that appears to conform their stance , bias or agenda . i guess that is why we so often see threads in main with LN in full agreement patting each other on the backs for a job well done in agreeing with what each other believes . CT in my experience also agree on a lot of things but also they question each others thoughts , position , beliefs and research etc , and i think it is healthy to do so . it means in main that are CT agree and open to admission that they COULD be wrong and are willing to discuss , debate , be corrected and yes admit any error of belief , thought or logic .all be it not every CT is so open but most are .i cant say that in my experience that LN are so open .

there are many reasons to have doubts about these PHOTOS .
1/ marinas contradictory claims about them .
2/ when they were in the possession of authorities
3/ how many were in the possession of authorities
4/ Oswalds missing finger tips
5/ Oswald rings moving from one hand to the other
6/ Oswald himself questioned the legitimacy of these photos
7/ the handwriting " hunter of fascists " was neither matched to Lee or Marina .

--- End quote ---

Has absolutely nothing to do with the op which once again trumps the 60 years of utter crap from the CT side.

Fergus O'Brien:
and you would not be at all biased MR MAY ?  , i think we both know differently dont we ? . i am quite long in the tooth in terms of studying this case and reading JFK threads on such forums as this  . and as such you are no stranger to me . as we might say where i come from I KNOW YOU OF OLD . i am not trying to BS you so if you wouldnt mind please dont try to BS me . but thank you for your reply , it is nothing less than i might expect from one such as you .


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