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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 322731 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6216 on: May 30, 2023, 09:19:17 AM »
"In a conversation with senior staff members, Trump said, 'Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.' In a separate conversation, Trump referred to the marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as 'suckers' for getting killed."

Trump Reportedly Referred To American War Dead As 'Losers' And 'Suckers'

The president's controversial remarks from 2018 were confirmed by multiple outlets, including Fox News.

Sep 3, 2020

President Donald Trump, who has been criticized in the past for making disparaging remarks about veterans and military families, reportedly referred to American service members who died in World War I as “losers” and “suckers” in conversations with his staff.

The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, citing multiple anonymous sources who had firsthand knowledge of the conversations, reported Thursday on the president’s comments.

According to Goldberg, Trump uttered the belittling remarks about the American war dead while in France in 2018.

During that trip, the president nixed a planned visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery ― a World War I cemetery in Belleau, France, near the site of the Battle of Belleau Wood. Trump blamed rain for the cancellation at the time.

Goldberg said, however, that Trump had actually “rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead.”

Goldberg added:

In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed.

Goldberg said later in the article that Trump had also referred separately to John McCain, the late senator and war veteran, as a “f****** loser.”

Trump has previously been criticized for denigrating McCain, who was held for 5˝ years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam.

“He’s not a war hero,” Trump said in 2015 of McCain. “I like people who weren’t captured.”

Associated Press reporter James LaPorta later corroborated Goldberg’s article, saying a senior Defense Department official had confirmed the information.

A senior Defense Department official I just spoke with confirmed this story by @JeffreyGoldberg in its entirety. Especially the grafs about the late Sen. John McCain and former Marine Gen. John Kelly, President @realDonaldTrump former chief of staff.

— James LaPorta (@JimLaPorta) September 3, 2020

The Washington Post also confirmed the story, with a former senior administration official telling the paper that the president “frequently made disparaging comments about veterans and soldiers missing in action, referring to them at times as ‘losers.’”

On Friday, Fox News too lent credence to the report, saying two former Trump administration officials had confirmed details in the story.

According to Jennifer Griffin, a national security correspondent for the network, one of the officials said Trump had also trivialized the Vietnam War.

“When the President spoke about the Vietnam War, he said, ‘It was a stupid war. Anyone who went was a sucker,’” Griffin said, quoting the official.

HuffPost’s S.V. Dáte reported earlier this week that Trump had refused for two years to go to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware to receive the bodies of U.S. soldiers ― despite his insistence that he has paid his respects to “many, many” U.S. soldiers killed in the line of duty.

A former White House aide told Dáte that Trump had stopped going to the base after Bill Owens, the father of a slain Navy SEAL, refused to shake the president’s hand at a 2017 meeting and lambasted Trump for his incompetence.

“He refused to go back for two years, he was so rattled,” the aide said of the president.

Trump never served in the military. He received five military deferments, including one for alleged bone spurs in his feet and four for education, during the Vietnam War.

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden responded to the report on Twitter, writing: “If I have the honor of serving as the next commander in chief, I will ensure that our American heroes know that I will have their back and honor their sacrifice. Always.”

Vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris backed up Biden’s comments. Biden “knows firsthand the sacrifices members of our military and their families make for our nation. As president, he will always have their backs—just as they’ve had ours,” she wrote on Twitter.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6216 on: May 30, 2023, 09:19:17 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6217 on: May 30, 2023, 09:47:33 AM »
Donald Trump looks like a senile zombie in latest public appearance

Over the past couple years Donald Trump has gradually looked worse and worse in his public appearances, but not everyone noticed, because his appearances were indeed occasional. But now that he’s been forced to appear in public more often in order to sell himself as a "2024 candidate" and distract everyone from the fact that he’s going to prison, it’s becoming more obvious just how badly he’s falling apart.

When a new photo of Criminal Donald looking like a senile zombie on the golf course went viral over the weekend, his supporters insisted it had to be a fake. But the actual video proves that it was indeed very real:

Jon Cooper @joncoopertweets

Sorry MAGA, but that viral photo showing Trump looking old and decrepit was NOT doctored — here’s the actual video!!

Watch Here:

There’s clearly not much left of Criminal Donald at this point. He talks like he’s 50% senile, and he knows he's headed to prison for his 34 felonies in New York and the upcoming DOJ and Fulton County, Georgia indictments.   

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6218 on: May 30, 2023, 10:37:10 PM »
Paranoia engulfs Trump legal team as lawyers fear one might be a 'snitch': report

A new report from The Daily Beast claims that former President Donald Trump's legal team has been beset by infighting and paranoia, with some attorneys fearing that others in the group have been snitching to the feds.

One of the biggest problems for the Trump legal team, according to the publication's sources, is that Trump's own actions have turned some of his own attorneys into potential witnesses against him, which has led to fears that they will save themselves by ratting out their client or fellow lawyers.

"The Department of Justice already has one Trump attorney’s professional notes, which could position him as a future witness against his own client, and the DOJ has another lawyer who said too much in an unrelated case and has positioned herself as yet another potential witness against her client," the report notes.

The Daily Beast also notes that longtime Trump ally Boris Epshteyn has been a source of chaos in legal proceedings, as he has apparently blocked more experienced attorneys' legal strategies in the federal Mar-a-Lago documents probe.

"Boris p***ed off all the Florida lawyers," one source tells The Daily Beast. "People are dropping like flies. Everybody hates him. He’s a toxic loser. He’s a complete psycho... He’s got daddy issues, and Trump is his daddy."

Trump has already been criminally indicted in New York for making allegedly illegal hush money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels, and he also faces criminal probes from both special counsel Jack Smith and Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.

Read More Here:

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6218 on: May 30, 2023, 10:37:10 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6219 on: May 30, 2023, 10:48:00 PM »
Turns out Trump and or his people specifically told Evan Corcoran not to search Trump’s *office* for classified documents and then tell the DOJ there weren’t any. That’s specific enough to be textbook felony obstruction of justice. But there’s a lot more to it than just that.

Keep in mind, while this is newly reported, it’s old news. This is the testimony that Jack Smith successfully fought to obtain from Corcoran months ago. It’s why the courts struck down attorney client privilege and ordered the testimony. So why is it coming out publicly now?

The media doesn’t obtain this information by magic. It comes from someone involved with the process who actually knows these details, and decides to give them to the media for some specific strategic reason. And only a very small handful of people would know this information.

Corcoran would know. He could be the media’s source. But cooperators like Corcoran don’t usually talk to the media, because they’re already on the prosecutor’s good side, and talking to the media could anger the prosecutors.

Whoever in Trump’s camp told Corcoran not to search the office could also theoretically be the source. But no one leaks to the media about how guilty they are. If this were coming from that person, the leak would be about how innocent they are.

Prosecutors, even quiet ones, often strategically leak certain details near the very end.

One reason is to let someone know they’re nailed and that they’d better cooperate – which this could easily be.

But even without knowing who’s now giving this to the media, keep in mind that Corcoran already gave this same testimony to the grand jury months ago. This case is over.

These kinds of leaks after the fact are a sign of last minute positioning before indictments happen.

Anything coming out right now about the classified documents probe, Jack Smith has already had it for months. This isn’t new information, it’s just newly public. What’s intriguing is that it’s now all starting to come out. Shows we’re at the end and indictments are forthcoming.

For instance today it was reported that the Trump team told attorney Evan Corcoran not to search Trump’s office, and to tell the DOJ it had been searched. This isn’t new, it’s just new to us. Corcoran surely told Jack Smith about this a very long time ago.

In fact the entire court battle over Corcoran’s testimony was all about this kind of thing. The DOJ was able to convince the courts to strike attorney client privilege and have Corcoran testify *because* it knew about this kind of criminal obstruction.

So none of this is new to Jack Smith and the grand jury. This is old news. Remember, the classified docs probe is done, and the grand jury reportedly hasn’t met in weeks. It’s all already happened. The indictments may have even happened already under seal.

There are other aspects of Jack Smith’s Trump probe that may still be ongoing. But even that stuff is *way* ahead of what the media has.

Everything we’re hearing about this probe is on a severe delay. And frankly, the media isn’t being transparent about that.

For instance, it was recently reported that Smith has subpoenaed Trump’s international financial records. But the original reporting didn’t admit until like paragraph ten that the subpoena happened a long time ago. And most other media outlets hyped it as if the subpoena was new.

The media doesn’t like to have to advertise that the “new” leaks it’s getting are actually about things that happened months ago, so it downplays that part, and lets you mistakenly assume these things are just now happening today, or were previously unknown to prosecutors.

The Guardian obtained the exclusive on Corcoran so read it in the link below.   

Trump lawyer said to have been waved off searching office for secret records

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6220 on: May 31, 2023, 10:47:08 AM »
Report: Trump’s Lawyer Revealed Some Unfortunate Things for Trump in Classified-Docs Case

Trump Lawyer Wasn’t Allowed to Search for Classified Documents in Mar-a-Lago Office

Evan Corcoran was stopped by someone from searching the exact place where many of Trump’s classified documents were kept.

Donald Trump’s lawyer says he was prevented from searching for classified documents in the former president’s office at Mar-a-Lago, where the FBI later found the most sensitive materials kept at the resort.

Evan Corcoran found 38 classified documents in the estate storage room last June following a Department of Justice subpoena, and he told the department that that was all there was to be found. The FBI raided Mar-a-Lago two months later and seized 101 additional classified documents, including from Trump’s office. The documents found in the office were some of the most highly classified of the entire batch.

Corcoran told associates that several Trump aides told him all materials brought from the White House after Trump left were kept in the storage room, so he only needed to search there, The Guardian reported Tuesday. Corcoran said he asked whether he should search the office too, but was sent away from the room and never allowed to search it.

Corcoran did not specify who steered him away from the office, whether it was Trump himself or an aide.

U.S. Judge Beryl Howell ordered Corcoran to comply with a grand jury subpoena for testimony on six different lines of inquiry. She also ordered him to hand over records of Trump’s alleged “criminal scheme,” including handwritten notes, invoices, and transcriptions of personal audio recordings.

Some of those notes revealed that Corcoran had warned Trump about needing to comply with the Justice Department’s subpoenas. The notes reveal that Trump and his valet, Walt Nauta, knew exactly where and when Corcoran was planning to search for the documents at Mar-a-Lago. Nauta had previously testified that Trump asked him to move boxes out of the storage room both before and after the subpoena was issued.

According to Corcoran’s notes, Nauta had offered to help him look through the boxes in the storage room, which Corcoran declined. But Corcoran took breaks during the multiday search, leaving the storage room unattended multiple times. The Guardian reported that it is possible prosecutors are investigating whether Nauta knew exactly what was in the boxes he was moving.

Bombshell reporting by the Guardian that revealed Donald Trump's former attorney, Evan Corcoran, was repeatedly "steered away" from classified documents by Trump's aides were at the center of discussion on MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace show Tuesday.

Guardian reporter Hugo Lowell revealed Corcoran was tasked with helping the former president find classified documents at Mar-a-Lago to comply with a Justice Department subpoena, but the aides diverted him away from Trump's office, saying the papers were in a storage room.

In the end, many classified documents were found in the office.

"[Corcoran] recounted that several Trump aides had told him to search the storage room because that was where all the materials that had been brought from the White House at the end of Trump’s presidency ended up being deposited," reported Lowell.

"Corcoran found 38 classified documents in the storage room. He then asked whether he should search anywhere else but was steered away, he told associates. Corcoran never searched Trump’s office and told prosecutors that the 38 papers were the extent of the material at Mar-a-Lago."

The mystery that Wallace's guests tried to get to the bottom of was, who was it who steered Corcoran away from them?

"It's like the game of Clue," she said, "where we are out of other characters. Who would have lied to Evan Corcoran?"

Wallace spoke with Washington Post reporter Carol Leonnig, who had previously been on the show to discuss Trump's "long history of mishandling classified documents."

"When you separate the things in the boxes, it's at the heart of the classified materials case, and the movement and relocation and obfuscation about the location of the boxes and their contents is at the heart of the obstruction case," Wallace said.

She read the Justice Department filing that specifically cited Corcoran being told the documents were in "one location, a storage room at the premises."

Wallace compared it to a game of Clue, with characters aiming to mislead Corcoran from finding the truth.

"There are a lot of lawyers in town who say they know how they would have done it if they had to search for classified records to comply with an FBI subpoena, and the way to do that was to ask their client where are all the possible places the materials could be?" said Leonnig.

"It's not clear if Corcoran had that direct conversation with Donald Trump, although it's possible. I think I'd like to flip this on its head a little bit and say it's been clear for many, many months that Jack Smith is working towards making some charging decisions and is likely going to bring charges."

She cited two things that Smith must establish: Firstly, if Trump worked indirectly or directly to keep the government from getting the records, and secondly that he knew what he was doing and knew classified materials were in the collection.

"The two things are critical to bringing the kind of charges that are being considered now and mentioned in government pleadings," Leonnig continued. "And Evan Corcoran — what is it Evan Corcoran was told? Sources have told to us over and over again he was consistently advised by all staff to Donald Trump that the only place records were kept that had been shipped from the White House, and the only place where records that might have classification markings could be, was the same place. That storage closet, inside a larger storage room, where other items like vodka and pastry dough were kept.

"But in that closet was where those documents could be. So, who told Evan Corcoran that? Most lawyers say I would have asked my client, 'where else do I look?' We don't know that Donald Trump directly told Evan Corcoran this, but Jack Smith is piecing together who told Evan Corcoran and who told those people. Many, many staff advised Corcoran that's the only place you need to look."

The Post also reported that Trump and his aides had a dress rehearsal for moving the boxes of documents in May 2022.

Wallace played clips of Trump telling Sean Hannity and Kaitlan Collins that he had the right to take documents from the White House so he could look through them and show them to whoever he wanted.

"There's no denial," Wallace said. "His defense is he had the right to do it."

Former federal prosecutor Harry Litman stepped into Wallace's debate and questioned, "Who could possibly issue the ultimate orders that would make (Trump's personal aide) Walt Nauta or Corcoran look in the storage room, I think there's only one person here when a subpoena has been received in response to who would take it on their shoulders."

Litman said that it's clear Corcoran was likely asked in the grand jury who told him that the documents were only in one place. He added he thinks the grand jury would still be sitting if that question hadn''t been answered.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6220 on: May 31, 2023, 10:47:08 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6221 on: May 31, 2023, 11:07:43 AM »
So, Donnie has now turned on his own former press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, who was best known for her nonstop lying to the media and now has a gig at Faux News where she continues to lie.

If you want proof that it’s all over for Donnie, look no further than the fact that so many of his most notorious sidekicks are now selfishly moving on from him. They know he's headed for prison. And if you want proof that Donnie knows it’s all over for himself, look at how angrily and bitterly he keeps attacking his former sidekicks.

But the real story here is that yet another of Donnie's former loyalists is now very disloyally moving on. And why would they stick around? Donnie is going to prison. Everyone knows it. If these folks thought there was any chance there would ever be another Trump administration, they’d be trying to stay on Trump’s good side. Instead they’re not concerned about dealing with him in the future at all, because they know he has no future.

Here's Donnie's rage "tweet" against Kayleigh on his failed social media site:

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6222 on: May 31, 2023, 09:52:41 PM »
Trump captured on tape talking about classified document involving potential attack on Iran: CNN

Federal prosecutors are in possession of an audio recording of Donald Trump in which the former president admits he kept a classified document describing a potential attack on Iran, CNN reports.

Trump is heard on the recording suggesting that, although he wishes to share the information, he’s aware that as a former president he can’t declassify them, multiple sources told the cable news channel, indicating he understood he was in possession of classified material.

CNN has not heard the audio.

The part of the recording in which Trump discusses the Iran document is about two minutes long and part of a larger conversation, according to the report.

Katelyn Polantz, Paula Reid, and Kaitlan Collins write for CNN that “Special counsel Jack Smith, who is leading the Justice Department investigation into Trump, has focused on the meeting as part of the criminal investigation into Trump’s handling of national security secrets. Sources describe the recording as an ‘important; piece of evidence in a possible case against Trump,' who has repeatedly asserted he could retain presidential records and ‘automatically’ declassify documents.”

According to the report, prosecutors have interviewed witnesses before a federal grand jury about the about the recording and the document, and Gen. Mark Milley, was also questioned.

Polantz, Reid, and Collins further write that, “The revelation that the former president and commander-in-chief has been captured on tape discussing a classified document could raise his legal exposure as he continues his third bid for the White House.”

Read Full Article Here:

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6222 on: May 31, 2023, 09:52:41 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #6223 on: June 01, 2023, 03:15:31 AM »
The mainstream media, legal and security experts are now finally saying what I've been saying all along, that Criminal Donald will be indicted for espionage and will be headed to prison. This new bombshell evidence that was reported today of Donnie bragging on tape that he held sensitive classified documents on Iran, makes it a lock for Donnie being indicted for espionage and rotting in prison for the rest of his life. 

Security expert Ryan Goodman has an excellent Twitter thread highlighting this latest bombshell evidence. Make sure to read it, but I will highlight two of his most important points below:

Ryan Goodman @rgoodlaw

Bombshell in MAL investigation.

I'll discuss 7pm ET @ErinBurnett @OutFrontCNN
"Audio recording" in which Trump "acknowledges he held onto a classified Pentagon document about a potential attack on Iran"

Scoop by @kpolantz @PaulaReidCNN @kaitlancollins

Read Twitter thread here:

Ryan Goodman @rgoodlaw

Audio recording is a meeting with several people who don't have security clearances.

If Trump discussed content of document it is even worse - and raises its own criminal exposure.

These individuals are all likely good witnesses, with disincentive to lie given their number.

Make no mistake. This is squarely an Espionage Act case. It is not simply an "obstruction" case.

There is now every reason to expect former President Trump will be charged under 18 USC 793(e) of the Espionage Act.

The law fits his reported conduct like a hand in glove.

'This is game over': Former FBI top lawyer predicts 'conviction' of Trump after classified doc tape

Former FBI general counsel Andrew Weissmann warned that the new tape recording of Donald Trump bragging that he had classified documents that he wanted to show people, if verified, could be the final straw leading to Trump's conviction.

"If this reporting is true, and I'm trying not to use hyperbole, this is game over," said Weissmann. "There is no way that he will not be charged. One, it is a tape recording. Even though the reporting is there are also witnesses, so there could be a tape recording with witnesses, it involves not just possession of classified information, but the dissemination of classified information. That puts it into a completely different ballpark when you are at the Department of Justice examining the seriousness of the violation and whether to bring charges."

He explained that it also adds another crime, whereas before, it was simply the possession of the documents, refusal to give them over, and obstruction of an investigation. Now, a separate crime would be to disseminate.

"And it differentiates Joe Biden an Mike Pence," he continued. Both men were found to have documents, including some classified information. They responded by immediately handing it over. Trump did not. "So from a political perspective, it is huge because there is no evidence this happened with respect to President Biden or former Vice President Pence. The information is not just classified information. It is one of the most sensitive types of classified information, which is war plans involving a potential attack on Iran. So, from every single aspect of this, if this reporting is accurate and there is this tape recording, there will be an indictment and it is hard to see how given all the evidence that we've been talking about that there will not be a conviction here. I mean, this is a tape recording."

Weissmann went on to list all of the crimes that are involved based on the federal statutes, espionage charges, or a violation of the Espionage Act. Another is that it is a crime to possess national defense information and it is a crime to disseminate it.

"And here it apparently is shared with people who don't have clearance to get this information," he explained. "And again this — this is not like a foot fault. These are war plans given to people who have no clearance to get it. It is hard to imagine — this is their worst nightmare as to what they were thinking would happen with this information which is that Donald Trump was at the very least lax in how he was handling it and it is going to have huge repercussions within the intelligence community in terms of making sure that this is not the only thing that was disseminated."
