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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 322255 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4464 on: December 09, 2021, 11:56:41 PM »
Court rules Trump cannot block release of documents to Capitol attack panel

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4464 on: December 09, 2021, 11:56:41 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4465 on: December 10, 2021, 12:03:14 AM »
These anti American seditious traitors are now openly talking about overthrowing the US Government

'Get them ready now': Matt Gaetz and Steve Bannon discuss plan to take over government with 'shock troops'

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) on Thursday talked with conservative broadcaster Steve Bannon about a plan to use "4,000 shock troops" to take over the jobs of federal government employees.

Bannon has previously said that the so-called "shock troops" need to be prepared prior to Republican control of the executive branch.

"People didn't like that Donald Trump raised his voice but sometimes you've got to raise your voice to raise a ruckus and to raise an army of patriots who love this country and will fight for her," Gaetz said on Bannon's War Room program. "We're going to operationalize the performance to go right after the people who are imposing the vaccine mandates, who are enriching themselves and who are selling out the country."

"Understand, this is a theory of governing," Bannon agreed. "It's fresh and it's new. This is Trumpism in power. That's when we went to the 4,000 shock troops we have to have that's going to man the government. Get them ready now. Right? We're going to hit the beach with the landing teams and the beachhead teams and all that nomenclature they use when President Trump wins in 2024 -- or before."

"You're going to have those as the 4,000 political appointees," he continued. "No more powderpuff derby. This is going to be hardcore accountability at every committee [in Congress]."

"Yes," Gaetz replied. "And we're going to go after this administrative state and we're going to start at the Department of Justice and the FBI. That's the job I want. You know, send me over to the Judiciary Committee and their sphincters will tighten because they have been doing a lot of corrupt things over there."

Gaetz went on to say that he is pushing to be named as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.

"I don't need a new committee, I just need a gavel," he said.

Watch the video below from Real America's Voice.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4466 on: December 10, 2021, 12:10:21 AM »
Only a guilty man would be fighting this hard to keep documents secret. An innocent man would have no trouble turning over documents because there would be nothing to see.

Appeals court: 'There is a direct linkage' between Trump and Capitol riots

The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit has delivered a unanimous ruling rejecting former President Donald Trump's efforts to keep archived White House records away from the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th Capitol riots.

One particularly notable part of the ruling comes in the three-judge panel's explanation for why Congress is fully justified in seeking Trump's White House records, as the judges argue that Congress has a direct interest in investigating an attack launched against it.

"The January 6th Committee has also demonstrated a sound factual predicate for requesting these presidential documents specifically," the court writes. "There is a direct linkage between the former President and the events of the day."

The judges then explain how Trump's rhetoric incited supporters to commit acts of violence.

"Then-President Trump called for his supporters to gather in Washington, D.C. for a 'wild' response to what he had been alleging for months was a stolen election," the court argues. "On January 6th, President Trump directed his followers to go to the Capitol and 'fight' for their Country with the aim of preventing Congress’s certification of the electoral vote."

The court also argues that congressional investigators need information about what the White House knew about potential threat assessments leading up to the riot, as the White House serves as "the hub for intelligence about threats of violent action against the government, and the Executive Branch is in charge of federal law enforcement and mobilizing the National Guard to defend the Capitol."

Read the whole ruling here (PDF).

'No basis': Appeals court unanimously rejects Trump effort to keep Jan. 6 documents secret

A federal appeals court has rejected former President Donald Trump's effort to block a House committee from obtaining his White House records related to Jan. 6.

"On the record before us, former President Trump has provided no basis for this court to override President Biden’s judgment and the agreement and accommodations worked out between the Political Branches over these documents," a three-judge panel of the appeals court wrote in a unanimous 68-page decision issued Thursday afternoon.

“Both Branches agree that there is a unique legislative need for these documents and that they are directly relevant to the Committee’s inquiry into an attack on the Legislative Branch and its constitutional role in the peaceful transfer of power," the panel wrote in an opinion drafted by Judge Patricia Millett.

Trump appealed a Nov. 9 decision by U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, who rejected his claim that the records are protected by executive privilege.

“Presidents are not kings, and Plaintiff is not President,” Chutkan wrote.

After the House Select Committee investigating the insurrection requested the documents, Trump sued, demanding that hundreds of pages of his White House call and visitor logs, emails, draft speeches, and notes be kept secret.

Trump is expected to appeal Thursday's decision to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Read the full 68-page decision from the U.S. District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia here.

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4466 on: December 10, 2021, 12:10:21 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4467 on: December 10, 2021, 12:14:21 AM »
More great news and another defeat for Criminal Donald.

Trump ordered to testify in New York fraud investigation

New York's attorney general wants Donald Trump to testify within weeks as part of her investigation into potential fraud in his family-owned business.

Attorney general Letitia James requested the twice-impeached one-term president give a deposition Jan. 7 at her office as part of a civil investigation of the Trump Organization's alleged practice of artificially manipulating property values to obtain financial advantages, reported the Washington Post.

"One of the people familiar with the investigation said James is examining whether widespread fraud 'permeated the Trump Organization,'" the newspaper reported.

The attorney general and the Manhattan district attorney are both looking into the Trump Organization's business practices, and James has said she is considering a lawsuit and prosecutors have convened a new grand jury to consider possible criminal charges against the company.

James could take Trump to court if he refuses to comply, and his former biographer said that carries risks for anyone -- but especially the ex-president.

“He can’t be scripted, and he’s injudicious, and he often doesn’t understand that the process is about events and facts, rather than being performance art,” said former biographer Tim O’Brien.

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4468 on: December 10, 2021, 12:18:31 AM »
REVEALED: Mark Meadows possessed 'insane' blueprint for military seizing ballots after Trump's 2020 defeat

Details of documents in the possession of former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows show that there was a blueprint for members of the National Guard and U.S. Marshals to take control of the U.S. election system following former President Donald Trump's defeat.

After Meadows decided to abruptly withdraw his cooperation with the House Jan. 6 Select Committee on Tuesday, Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) revealed that Meadows had provided the committee with an email containing a 38-page PowerPoint slideshow titled "Election Fraud, Foreign Interference & Options for 6 JAN."

Author Karen Piper reviewed portions of the slideshow and concluded that it was "nuts."

"It's the craziest thing I've ever seen," Piper wrote on Twitter. She also described the document as "insane."

One slide explains how National Guard in each state would be federalized to count only "legitimate" paper ballots. Meanwhile, U.S. Marshals would be tasked with providing a "protective perimeter around the locations."

"A Trusted Lead Counter will be appointed with authority from the POTUS to direct the actions of select federalized National Guard units and support from DOJ, DHS and other US government agencies as needed to complete a recount of the legal paper ballots for the federal elections in all 50 states," the document states.

Other recommendations include declaring a national security emergency. All electronic votes would be declared invalid under the plan and NASA astronaut Sid Gutierrez was slated to lead the task force.

The slideshow is dated Jan. 5, 2021, which was just one day before Trump incited a riot at the U.S. Capitol.

A copy of the slideshow is available at Read the document below.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4468 on: December 10, 2021, 12:18:31 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4469 on: December 10, 2021, 01:33:55 AM »
Biggest lying fraud con man in the history of America. Once again, his phony conspiracy is debunked but the right goes along with the "election fraud" lie so they can enact more voter restriction laws because they believe that will help them steal future elections when the unconstitutional laws are in their favor. Also this con man is constantly fundraising off this scam and his suckers give him their money which goes into his pockets. There is no "massive voter fraud" in our elections. This is just another attempt by this Russian stooge to undermine our democracy and question the legitimacy of free and fair elections. Trump is doing Putin's work because Putin's goal was always to make America weak and he found a willing orange traitor to help him do it.     

'No evidence of widespread voter fraud': Trump's conspiracies debunked by another conservative probe

The conservative Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty tried -- but failed -- to come up with evidence that Donald Trump won his election in the state.

The organization conducted a 10-month investigation parallel to one by Republican state legislators and found that certain election procedures might not have been adequately followed, but found nothing to support Trump's claims that he should have won Wisconsin's electors, reported the Washington Post.

“There was no evidence of widespread voter fraud,” the report states. “In all likelihood, more eligible voters cast ballots for Joe Biden than Donald Trump. We found little direct evidence of fraud, and for the most part, an analysis of the results and voting patterns does not give rise to an inference of fraud.”

The report found that more than 23,000 votes “did not comply with existing legal requirements,” which is indeed a total higher than the 20,608-vote margin Biden tallied over Trump, but the organization found no reason to conclude the result would have been different without those votes.

“There isn’t much, if any, evidence that these voters did anything intentionally wrong (in many instances, they seem to have relied on the advice of election officials) and one might conclude — whether as a matter of law, fairness, or political survival — that it would be unreasonable to throw out their ballots,” the report says.

The investigation also failed to turn up any evidence of a late-night "ballot dump" in Milwaukee, as Trump has claimed, but instead found the number of absentee ballots counted on Election Night in the city was consistent with what was reported to be outstanding.

“Put simply," the report concludes, "there was no unexplained ‘ballot dump.'"

These findings match the results of similar probes in Arizona, Georgia and Michigan, where Republican elected officials looked for evidence of fraud but found nothing to support those claims.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4470 on: December 10, 2021, 12:13:19 PM »
We all remember David Perdue. He's the former right wing Senator from Georgia who lost his Senate seat. This is the same inside trading crook who dumped a ton of stock right when the pandemic hit and he made millions in profits. So, while people were getting sick and dying, Perdue was counting his millions.

So now, Perdue got cozy once again with Criminal Donald and is running for Governor in Georgia. He is going to challenge current Republican Governor Brian Kemp because Criminal Donald is out to get him since he didn't steal the election for him in Georgia. Perdue has no integrity or morals so it's no surprise that he has made a deal with the devil to be his personal stooge.

Perdue appears he would do anything Criminal Donald asks him to which is why the devil himself is personally backing him as a candidate. One thing about Criminal Donald is that he gives his potential stooges a loyalty oath, meaning they must be always loyal to him. That's why you saw criminals like Paul Manafort going to prison for Criminal Donald.

So, with Perdue under his wing we heard the first example of just exactly how loyal he would be. Perdue just went on the record as stating that "if he was Governor in 2020 he wouldn’t have certified the Georgia 2020 election results".

Why would Perdue not have certified the Georgia election results? President Biden won the state of Georgia in every single recount. Perdue himself lost Georgia in the run-off election two months later. There would be no reason not to certify a clear election victory. Well, what's going on here is that Criminal Donald wants his own loyal stooges to be in position power to steal elections for him. So, he wants David Perdue to be the stooge to do his dirty work by refusing to certify an election that Criminal Donald lost and overturn the results to give him the victory instead.

Now that shows you how much of a loser Criminal Donald really is. He's despised by so many people that he loses a state and he needs his thugs to steal an election for him so he can be in power. So, Perdue admitted that he would partake in a coup to illegally steal an election from the will of the people all because he swore an oath to Criminal Donald to do whatever he asks of him. This amounts to treason but Perdue has no morals to care about that. That's why it's imperative that all these Trump backed thugs are soundly defeated in every single election. Kemp is a right winger himself who is taking away voting rights from Georgia citizens, but at least he had the integrity to not steal an election when Criminal Donald demanded it. Perdue will have no problem doing that which is why he is running for Governor. Perdue is just another anti American right winger who will do anything to have power, even steal an election for his boss Criminal Donald.             ​

Trump-backed Perdue says he wouldn’t have certified Georgia 2020 results

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4470 on: December 10, 2021, 12:13:19 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4471 on: December 10, 2021, 12:20:06 PM »
Trump ‘snitched on himself’ in NY fraud probe — which could 'ruin' him financially: MSNBC legal analyst

An ongoing fraud investigation in New York could "take an economic wrecking ball" to former president Donald Trump's company, according to one legal analyst.

Tristan Snell, a former assistant attorney general in New York, appeared on MSNBC on Thursday to discuss a report that the state AG's office is seeking a Jan. 7 deposition from the former president as part of its civil investigation into potential fraud inside the Trump Organization.

Snell said he believes the report suggests that someone from Trump's company is cooperating with the AG's office and testifying against him.

However, Snell added that he believes the backbone of the case is the evidence contained in documents. He pointed to a recent report from the Washington Post showing that the Trump Organization reported the value of one of its properties to lenders as $527 million, a few months before telling tax authorities it was worth only $16.7 million.

"That is a 3,300 percent disparity between what they reported to a lender and what they reported to the tax authorities," Snell said. "These numbers really speak for themselves. Donald Trump didn't need anyone to snitch on him. He snitched on himself with how broad of a disparity that was."

Snell went on to say that many people have been "sleeping" on the civil investigation because they want to see Trump go to prison on criminal charges.

"However, this could take an economic wrecking ball to the Trump Organization," he said. "This could mean hundreds of millions of dollars in back taxes, penalties, other fees that he could have to pay to the state as well as to the lenders that he defrauded, so this could be ruinous for him financially."

Snell said the New York AG's civil investigation — along with a separate criminal probe led by the Manhattan district attorney — could end up being a "one-two punch" for the former president. He added that the AG's request for a deposition suggests the civil case is "really far along."

"We wouldn't bring in somebody for this kind of testimony — 90 percent-plus of this case is already built," Snell said. "Trump's going to get it from both directions on this one."

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