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Author Topic: A straight line  (Read 130350 times)

Online Andrew Mason

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Re: A straight line
« Reply #128 on: February 22, 2018, 04:05:58 AM »
Your SketchUp model has been thoroughly discredited.
Who has discredited it? You? You have said nothing about the trajectory from the SN. The trajectory shows the bullet going to the left side of Connally. Unless his right armpit was on the left side of his seat the SBT can't work.

Went through those already. How many witnesses could see clearly the President's face or much of his right hand?

In your paper, you state:
    "At least 16 witnesses recalled that the President reacted
     to the first shot by leaning left and bringing his hands to
     his neck. (footnote) From frame 167 to frame 198 of the
     Zapruder film the President and First Lady turned to their
     right to smile and wave at the crowd. No one said that the
     smiling and waving occurred after the first shot."

From your footnote:
  • T.E. Moore (could not see the President's face and not much of his raided right hand;

    Moore's "slumping forward" could be head nod in the Z170s as seen from behind.)
  • Nellie Connally, whom you quote: "I turned over my right shoulder and looked back, and saw the President as he had both hands at his neck." How can Nellie be reacting to a first shot at Z192ish if she doesn't see the President until he has his hands at his neck area? That's nearly two full seconds before she sees Kennedy if she heard a shot at Z192.
  • David Powers (can't see the President's face and maybe not his right hand)
  • Gayle Newman
  • William Newman, whom you quote: "The President jumped up in his seat, and it looked like what I thought was a firecracker had went off and I thought he had realized it. It was just like an explosion and he was standing up." ("Jumped up in his seat" and "he had realized like it" seems like the President was startled, not wounded.)
  • John Chism (shot you referenced occurred before the last shot)
  • Faye Chism (shot you referenced occurred before the last shot)
  • James Altgens, whom you state: "He said his z255 shot was after first shot and before any other." (But his testimony shows he was really only sure of two shots, but when pressed, he placed a shot between the two shots he was sure of.)
  • Abraham Zapruder (from the quote you provide, he could be be talking about the Z223 shot)
  • Clint Hill (even you acknowledge he only recalled two shots; Hill's "slump" shot could have occurred before the last shot.)
  • Linda Willis (she wouldn't see the President "grab his throat" and her view to the President at Z223 was probably blocked; more likely she saw the President when she had a view of him earlier -- "kind of slumped forward" could be the Z170s head nod as seen from behind.)
  • George Hickey (can't see the President's face; Hickey claims 2 to 3 seconds passed before he saw the President "slump"; three seconds before Z223 is Z168.)
  • Sam Kinney (can't see the President's face; Kinney's statement "I saw the President lean toward the left and appeared to have grabbed his chest with his right hand" could be the Z170s head nod and subsequent right hand lowering as seen from behind.)
  • Paul Landis, whom you quote: "I saw him moving in a manner which I thought was to look in the direction of the sound." (Doesn't sound like a witness for leaning leftward nor bringing his hands to his neck. Also can't see the President's face.)
  • Cecil Ault, whom you describe with:
        "Viewing from court house on Houston. Reported to
          have seen JFK rise up in his seat after first shot."

    (But Ault's full comment "Following the first shot Mr. AULT noted that President KENNEDY appeared to raise up in his seat in the Presidential automobile and after the second shot the President slumped into his seat" has the President slumping on the second shot.)
  • Harold Norman ("slumped or something" could just well be the Z170s head nod or Kennedy brushing his hair in the Z150s.)
That's 16 ...
  • Malcolm Summers (shot you referenced occurred before the last shot)
  • Mary Moorman, whom you quote: "As I snapped the picture of President Kennedy, I heard a shot ring out. President Kennedy kind of slumped over." (Can't quite link her taking her picture as the first shot occurred.)
  • Jean Newman (shot you referencef occurred before the last shot)
  • Charles Brehm (shot you referenced occurred before the last shot)
  • Pierce Allman, whom you quote: "the President was ducking from the first shot." (Couldn't see the President's face nor much of the right hand; could be head nod in Z170s as seen from behind.)
BTW, several of your first-shot "slump" witnesses thought the first two shots were closer together than the last two.
Thank-you for showing us why that huge amount of consistent evidence must be all wrong in tbe same way for tbe SBT to work.
Betzner said he was winding his camera and looked up from doing that when he heard the first shot. He's still lowering his camera and had yet to look down when he goes out of the Zapruder film at Z207. Your Z197?? first shot has already occurred but a Z223 shot is near to occurring. Betzner said he could only recall two shots but thought he heard another, so his "first shot" is not literally the first shot.
So Betzner, Life, the HSCA, Trask and just about everyone except you missed the "fact" that Betzner forgot that he had heard an "ear-shattering" noise two seconds before he took his photo? That is your position?

Hughes says he stopped filming about five seconds before the shots were heard. Problem for your Z197?? first shot is that he quits filming at Z185.
Hughes estimated that delay at 5 seconds long after the events. So your position is that he not only over-estimated it but he also got it backward and in fact he was filming for 2 seconds after the first shot?  I guess if the evidence doesn't fit you shouldn't quit... change it a bit, to make it fit.

The SBT theory is as simple as it gets. Your theory is unbelievably complicated.
The SBT is the complicated theory. Just look at the contortions to the evidence you have shown you need for it to work..
« Last Edit: February 22, 2018, 04:08:53 AM by Andrew Mason »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: A straight line
« Reply #128 on: February 22, 2018, 04:05:58 AM »

Offline Jerry Organ

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Re: A straight line
« Reply #129 on: February 22, 2018, 04:43:00 AM »
Who has discredited it? You? You have said nothing about the trajectory from the SN. The trajectory shows the bullet going to the left side of Connally.


Unless his right armpit was on the left side of his seat the SBT can't work.

LOL! Get your eyes checked.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2023, 08:28:36 AM by Jerry Organ »

Offline Tim Nickerson

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Re: A straight line
« Reply #130 on: February 22, 2018, 04:44:41 AM »
Who has discredited it? You? You have said nothing about the trajectory from the SN. The trajectory shows the bullet going to the left side of Connally. Unless his right armpit was on the left side of his seat the SBT can't work.
 So Betzner, Life, the HSCA, Trask and just about everyone except you missed the "fact" that Betzner forgot that he had heard an "ear-shattering" noise two seconds before he took his photo? That is your position?
 Hughes estimated that delay at 5 seconds long after the events. So your position is that he not only over-estimated it but he also got it backward and in fact he was filming for 2 seconds after the first shot?  I guess if the evidence doesn't fit you shouldn't quit... change it a bit, to make it fit.
The SBT is the complicated theory. Just look at the contortions to the evidence you have shown you need for it to work..

Andrew, I'm quite sure that I can get the SBT to work. I've done it before.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: A straight line
« Reply #130 on: February 22, 2018, 04:44:41 AM »

Online Andrew Mason

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Re: A straight line
« Reply #131 on: February 22, 2018, 06:37:26 PM »

LOL! Get your eyes checked.
Your drawing is flawed. You have JBC too far left because the sight line from Zapruder goes to JBC's nose through the side window. He was farther right than that.  See this:

Here are the positions in 3D at z197:

Online Royell Storing

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Re: A straight line
« Reply #132 on: February 22, 2018, 07:28:44 PM »
Your drawing is flawed. You have JBC too far left because the sight line from Zapruder goes to JBC's nose through the side window. He was farther right than that.  See this:

Here are the positions in 3D at z197:

Again, the assumption in All of these visual aids is that JFK's throat wound was an Exit Wound. WHERE is there Any Proof that JFK's Back Wound connected/Exited at a point on his Throat?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: A straight line
« Reply #132 on: February 22, 2018, 07:28:44 PM »

Online Andrew Mason

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Re: A straight line
« Reply #133 on: February 22, 2018, 08:23:28 PM »
           Again, the assumption in All of these visual aids is that JFK's throat wound was an Exit Wound. WHERE is there Any Proof that JFK's Back Wound connected/Exited at a point on his Throat?
It is not an assumption.  It is an inference based on the available evidence. 

There was a 6 mm entry wound on the back just to the right of the spine near the neck. There was no bullet in the body.  There was a bullet hole in JFK's neck that was observed by the medical staff at Parkland. The hole was enlarged for a tracheostomy. There were holes in JFK's shirt under the tie and a nick on the tie consistent with a bullet exiting the throat at that location.  There was evidence that bullets were fired from the SN using the 6.5 mm rifle found on the sixth floor.  Ballistics and medical evidence indicates that JFK's neck would not have stopped such a bullet. 

From that evidence one can draw a reasonable inference (I would say the only conceivable inference that can be drawn from that evidence) that the throat wound was an exit wound from the bullet that struck JFK in the back.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2018, 08:32:56 PM by Andrew Mason »

Online Andrew Mason

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Re: A straight line
« Reply #134 on: February 22, 2018, 08:31:36 PM »
Andrew, I'm quite sure that I can get the SBT to work. I've done it before.
One can get it to work.  It is just that one cannot get it to work and fit the evidence. The angle at z225 is 9 degrees so the right to left travel is less.  But at z225 JBC had turned around to face forward.  With JBC facing forward it is even harder to get the right armpit over to the left so that it is 4 inches farther left than JFK's throat. Sightlines show that JBC is in the middle of his seat so his right armpit is to the right of the middle of the seat.  Also JBC's right wrist is not in a position to receive a bullet exiting below his right nipple.  And the path does not align with his left leg at all (even if his left leg was not pointing out to the left but was pointing straight forward, which is unlikely).

Online Royell Storing

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Re: A straight line
« Reply #135 on: February 22, 2018, 09:53:44 PM »
It is not an assumption.  It is an inference based on the available evidence. 

There was a 6 mm entry wound on the back just to the right of the spine near the neck. There was no bullet in the body.  There was a bullet hole in JFK's neck that was observed by the medical staff at Parkland. The hole was enlarged for a tracheostomy. There were holes in JFK's shirt under the tie and a nick on the tie consistent with a bullet exiting the throat at that location.  There was evidence that bullets were fired from the SN using the 6.5 mm rifle found on the sixth floor.  Ballistics and medical evidence indicates that JFK's neck would not have stopped such a bullet. 

From that evidence one can draw a reasonable inference (I would say the only conceivable inference that can be drawn from that evidence) that the throat wound was an exit wound from the bullet that struck JFK in the back.

(1) Dr. Humes stuck his Finger into the JFK Back Wound and his finger STOPPED at roughly his 1st knuckle. (1) There was a Pristine Bullet recovered at Parkland Hospital. 1+1 = 2  The Bullet that Entered JFK's throat was extracted when his body arrived at Bethesda at 18:35. The early/clandestine arrival of JFK's body is Proven per: (1) Sgt Boyajian's Official MD-236, and (2) Humes ARRB Testimony has him 1st seeing the body of JFK at 18:45. Jackie Kennedy and JFK's Empty coffin eventually Arrived at Bethesda at 19:00. The "Official" JFK Autopsy allegedly started at roughly 20:00.   
« Last Edit: February 22, 2018, 09:57:07 PM by Royell Storing »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: A straight line
« Reply #135 on: February 22, 2018, 09:53:44 PM »